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Everything posted by Jane_J

  1. Hi Cindy, my bougie was a 40 and I am glad my surgeon used this approximate size. He aims to leave you with a stomach capacity between 125-150cc. I can live with this easily and it stops me overeating perfectly.
  2. Hi Cindy, I am drug free now if that helps. I can't vouch for the pregnancy thing though as I am over 50 but I have read it is not only possible but more likely when your weight is more normal. I would imagine you would have to be structured in your eating during pregnancy but I don't think it would be a major problem. The doctors opinions are very positive on this. Cheers, Jane
  3. I was going to write something but Carolyn wrote it much better. I accept that I needed this help to break the curse of overeating and now I feel wonderful, I can walk, climb hills, dance and party. I don't have to be taken places and 'parked' in the corner anymore. I felt really disabled before with the weight, the bad back, the asthma etc. Now I feel healthy and fit. This surgery was the only way I could find to get my life back, I am glad I toughed it out, through the cancellation due to a cold which nearly broke my heart because I had psyched myself up for the op. I had to do that bit twice in the end, but I would go through it again in a heartbeat to get to the place I am now. So please hold your nerves. Load of love to you all, Jane
  4. Jane_J

    My Journey

    Used Google translater and got this result Arduous journey, but results Aktrmen wonderful Think we can get the jist of it.
  5. Jane_J

    My Journey

    Hi deedee, You look fab, brilliant pictures. A great inspiration to all. All the very best, Jane
  6. Yes you should cope fine.
  7. Jane_J

    Will I ever eat a reular meal again?

    Hey Bill, i take steak home and slice it thin and put it onto salad and drizzle with sweet chilli sauce for lunches. That seems to work well with those left-overs. Cheers, Jane
  8. Jane_J


    For some reason I had a mental image of a sex scene involving riding crops and a hunting horn when read this LOL! Excellent writing :confused1::thumbup:
  9. Hey LAN2k, mine was a 40 too. Gues that makes us almost related :thumbup1:
  10. Hi Dont drop it too far or you body will go into starvation mode. Sometimes more is less if you see what i mean.
  11. I am so sorry Soon I did not read it properly, why are all their names beginning with A, its so confusing for the hard of thinking :blushing: I just was scared for you after reading Stoongals terrible story. I haven't heard anything shonky about this guy, or the Aceves chap. VSG is brill and all the very best with it, Jane x
  12. Sorry Orou shoudl have read through to the end of the thread. I don't think you should view going back on the medication as a failure. In the same way you wouldn't view a diabetic as a failure for taking insulin. I firmly believe that some of us are cursed with naturally low seratonin levels, and we should view it medically. Are you on a standard low cholesterol diet because I have read that we actually need cholesterol for healthy brain function. Try a couple of eggs a day for a while? All the best to you. Jane x
  13. Hi orobourous, it may be the after effects of the anaesthetic, it takes ages to clear. I did not feel mentally OK for a month after. I was on Prozac for years before the op but I don't take it now at all. Hang on in there buddy. Jane x
  14. You might want to read this though. http://verticalsleevetalk.com/post-operation-vertical-sleeve-gastric-surgery-vsg-questions-answers/4737-speak-up-those-leaks-infections-9.html#post43352
  15. Jane_J


    Hi Goodlife, no I actually thought I would be dead by now, I felt so bad. Other people have told me I was courageous having the op but it wasn't really, it was a last attempt to regain some form of life. I did not expect it to go this well and now it has I am very enthusiastic for other people in a similar situation to do it too. This forum is an absolute lifeline. I think we should send links to it all the fatties we know on the off chance they may read it and be convinced. Good luck to you and all the other VSGers. Jane x
  16. I just looked at my old weight chart. I got to just after 3 weeks and then I stalled for a week and then it started moving again. Please don't get down hearted. It will come right. My op was on the 10/05/2009. Bear in mind we do dates as DD/MM/YYYY incase you find the dates confusing. Date Weight 16/03/2009 251 24/03/2009 246 31/03/2009 244 07/04/2009 240 14/04/2009 239 21/04/2009 238 28/04/2009 237 04/05/2009 234 10/05/2009 230 15/05/2009 229 18/05/2009 227 25/05/2009 221 01/06/2009 215 08/06/2009 212 15/06/2009 212 22/06/2009 209 29/06/2009 209 06/07/2009 207 07/07/2009 205 13/07/2009 203 20/07/2009 201 27/07/2009 198 03/08/2009 198 10/08/2009 196 17/08/2009 191 24/08/2009 191 31/08/2009 190 19/09/2009 186 28/09/2009 186 02/10/2009 183 08/10/2009 181 20/10/2009 180 21/10/2009 179 26/10/2009 178 31/10/2009 177 03/11/2009 176 04/11/2009 175 06/11/2009 174 21/11/2009 173 24/11/2009 172 26/11/2009 169 01/12/2009 168 08/12/2009 165 15/12/2009 164 22/12/2009 163 30/12/2009 163 06/01/2010 164 07/01/2010 163 12/01/2010 162 13/01/2010 161 19/01/2010 160 22/01/2010 159 27/01/2010 158 01/02/2010 157 04/02/2010 155 23/02/2010 154 24/02/2010 153 10/03/2010 151 06/04/2010 149 07/04/2010 147 17/05/2010 148 18/05/2010 147 19/05/2010 146 25/05/2010 144 28/05/2010 143 08/06/2010 141 10/06/2010 140
  17. Try soft scrambled eggs, they are perfect for this stage.
  18. Jane_J

    Self--pay bull****

    Mine was self pay, and all included. I would recommend the Brno team. Think the current rate is 6,200 GBP.
  19. Jane_J


    Hi Globie, I think if you really get to know each other before progressing to that stage and then telling him about your fears it will be OK. If its a one nighter you want just make sure the lights are low and booze has been consumed :scared0: I am going to look at a boob lift and tummy trim next year. My boobs have always been droopy so I would love small pert ones. And the tum never recovered from carrying twins. All the best, Jane
  20. Jane_J

    What are you looking forward to?

    Yes, yes and yes x 1000. We must not forget this.
  21. Jane_J

    What are you looking forward to?

    Hi Kathy, this is a brilliant list. And the best thing is it will happen. All the best, Jane
  22. Hi Robbie,

    You album is fantastic. I will look forward to seeing you dwindle over the coming months. I wish I had done picture like you have.

    All the best,


  23. Jane_J

    Tired of not being picked

    Hi Chancie, It made sense to me too. I think we are all feeling our way here. The initial attraction between man and woman is just that. If there is no understanding or commonality the relationship should not progress. Sometimes people force it because they are scared of being alone and they want the relationship succeed. The butterfly in the tummy attraction thing passes quite quckly and then you have to see what you are left with. Often absolutely nothing. I am weird maybe because I never find men attractive on looks, although nice looks are a bonus. It's the quality of mind, wit and kindness that floats my boat. I married one too :scared0: All the very best, Jane
  24. Jane_J


    I am at 13 months out from the op but I lost 21lbs of it in the pre-op time which for me was long as I had to postpone once cos I had a cold.:thumbup: So its been a slow and steady thing. I feel absolutely great these days. I remeber hitting a BMI of 25 and rushing around telling everyone I was normal!! Before that it was 30 and rushing around telling everyone I was now just overweight! Good luck with your journey. Tiffiykins did it much faster than me as she committed to a proper exercise program. She is awesome. I am only just discovering the joys of exercise. I just did walking which at the start was an achievement in itself. I am doing a Race for Life 5k on the 27th so wish me luck please.:scared0: Cheers, Jane

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