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Everything posted by Jane_J

  1. Hi Carrie, I am so glad you are feeling better. Hugs to you. Jane x
  2. Jane_J

    Common Difficult to Eat Foods?

    Hi Carrie, I can eat bread now, sometimes I have 2 slices of toast with thin melted cheddar cheese on. And I just tried corn on the cob, ate a whole one with butter, coming in at a whopping 250ish cals, which is the 1st time I tried it post surgery. It will get better, I promise. You just are satisfied with smaller amounts. Jane x
  3. Jane_J

    70# lost is there more to go?

    What Tiff said. Try logging your food too. Jane x
  4. Jane_J

    Bag it......

    Smelly Cat was a beautiful song, it had soul. jane x
  5. Jane_J


    I am of the opinion that cholesterol may be a bit of a scam. My Dad was on statins to lower his cholesterol for the last part of his life and I think that they did him more damage with muscle wastage and depression, so much so that he was happy to finally pop his dear old clogs. I notice that my doctors print out has a part entitled Secondary Prevention that recommend that my target should be less than 4.0 mmol/L or 25% reduction whichever is smaller, so already the medics are moving the goal posts downwards. I found this text online However, the Joint British Societies (a group of the main UK expert societies involved in cardiovascular disease) recommend different cholesterol limits for people who have, or are at risk of, coronary heart disease: Total cholesterol - less than 4.0mmol/l LDL cholesterol - less than 2.0mmol/l These guidelines match the more stringent recommendations used in Europe. So already I have been earmarked as being at risk of coronary heart disease!! The problem is that we need cholesterol and our livers actually manufacture it. Without it our nerves would not function. Statins are very effective at suppressing cholesterol , but at what cost to other areas of the body? In the UK 2.5 million people currently take them. The benefits are quantifiable re cardiovascular disease but people report other side effects and they are linked with liver cancer and depression, plus the muscle wastage issue which are not so easy to count. For me the jury is out on all of this still. Jane x
  6. Jane_J

    concerned by high fat

    Hi all, I have posted my cholesterol results as promised in this thread. http://verticalsleevetalk.com/food-nutrition/8728-cholesterol.html#post75334 Jane x
  7. Donna, no I was similar and it has worked perfectly for me. I am glad I can eat the amount I can get in, I would find less very difficult. I just fill with good quality food and rarely eat things like bread or pasta. Jane x
  8. Jane_J

    6 days out already Eating solids

    Hi Tinel, I really wouldn't put any strain on your newly stapled stomach if I were you. Stick to the plan the hospital gave you, as a leak would be no fun at all, and its better to be safe than sorry. Jane
  9. Jane_J

    concerned by high fat

    Hey lilmiss, I just got my bloods done after over a year on Atkins type diet. I will post the actual numbers after I have prised them from the cold dead fingers of the NHS white coats that have decided that I may not have my own blood test results!! Good news is that they did condescend to tell me all my bloods were OK! Give me bloody strength dealing with this crap!!! Jane xxx
  10. Jane_J

    concerned by high fat

    Hi Keys Lady, would love to dive with your outfit. I so totally agree with what you say here. Have just spent an agreeable evening eating lamb cutlets followed by strawberries and cream and cheese. These are all OK in Atkins world :001_smile: Jane x
  11. Jane_J

    UK Sleevers

    Its all good from here my sweet. I am so glad you are doing well. Jane x
  12. Hi I will talk to him one to one if you like. Jane x
  13. Jane_J

    Psych Evals

    Hi again, just thought I would mention that as well as a long interview with the psychologist I also had to do a Rorschach test, the ink blot thing (try this Online Rorschach Test). I was desperately trying to not say I could see blood or death in each one as we went through them. The more I tried to not do it the more I wanted to. I worry about my sense of humour sometimes, it was like not mentioning the war when with Germans!! Jane x
  14. Jane_J

    Psych Evals

    And the best thing about the psych eval is that you can tell people that you've had one and you were found to be sane! Not many people can boast that :thumbup1: Jane x
  15. Jane_J

    What did I do to myself?

    Hi Carrie, sorry you are feeling low. I think they incinerate stomach bits BTW so don't stress the rotting thing. Concentrate on the fact that you still have the good bit of your stomach there and you will be able to eat soon, it will get better but you will not be able to really pig out any more. Also at the moment you still have residual general anaesthetic drugs in your system which will make you depressed and weepy, so just roll with the punches and don't expect too much of yourself. Focus on the substantial health benefits you will get over the next few months for this transitory bit of misery now. I wish I could give you a big hug too. Jane x
  16. Thanks Karen, sounds like good advice to me. Jane x
  17. Good luck and get back to us as soon as you can. Jane x
  18. Jane_J

    Dear Protein,

    LOL I so agree. Maybe if the powder could be used to make a spicy thai style fish or chicken soup it might be better but the relentless synthetic sweet flavours just made my toes curl. Jane x
  19. Jane_J

    Is my mom jealous :(

    Tiff your mum is wrong, you look lovely. I was lucky like Globie with my mother but sadly she is no longer with us. I can only speak as a mother myself now and I would never action jealousy of my kids although to my shame sometimes I understand the feelings. Not very often I hasten to add but it is a normal thing for an older woman to feel some resentment of younger women, especially when the older woman feels fat and frumpy and the younger one is doing an ugly duckling into a swan deal! So the moral of this rambling prose is understand them but don't let it get to you. Jane x
  20. Jane_J

    New Guy On The Block

    Hi Dave, welcome and look forward to hearing how you get on. Jane x
  21. Maddie, good luck and I hope you feel better soon. I took my PPI for a year, so don't feel you have to stop at 3 months BTW. Some people stay on them forever. Sounds like your surgeon is determined to get you fixed which is a good thing. Jane x
  22. Jane_J

    UK Sleevers

    Bella, that is fantastic, and you should be really proud of yourself. Are you feeling better with walking and general mobility? I rememer when I suddenly found it did not hurt so much to walk any distance, so liberating! So well done you and we will need pics when you are ready :scared0: Jane x
  23. Jane_J

    "Suprise" VSG!

    Good luck tomorrow Geek. Jane x
  24. Jane_J

    Gaining Weight - HELP!!!

    PM me with your email address and I'll send you a collection of post VSG diets which covers absolutely everything. Jane x
  25. Hi Hailey, we are the same height and I was a similar weight to you at the beginning. VSG has solved all my weight problems and I can sincerely recommend it to you. Good luck with it all. Jane x

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