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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hsj

  1. Jason- Keep it up. Sounds like you are doing wonderful. It does help the weight loss to mix things up at the gym every now and then. Helps to work those different muscle groups. Take care and keep it up. Heather
  2. What about a trip...... somewhere warm! Take that special someone. I know that when (hopefully soon) I hit that ONEderland I am going to be on the TOP OF THE WORLD. Or maybe an IPOD? Something that can go with you to the gym or keep you moving????
  3. Kat- that is great that one way or another you are doing this journey. That is motivation. I sometimes think that the band to some people, even after all the pre op counseling think the "band" is going to solve their obesity. That is wrong! It is way more than that. It has to do so much with your mind set and how you approach your new lifestyle. Keep us posted on your journey. I was banded on 5-14-09 and prior to surgery lost about 12 lbs and am now down 30. Heather Jason- Sorry to us your space to write to Kat. I am and continues to be impressed with peoples motivation. It is interesting. Some people it's a vanity thing, some its health related, some do it to please others and some do it to please themselves. Some of use do it for a lot of reasons. ANd this is the site that keeps us grounded. TO know that ther are others who are taking the same journey as we are and to know their trials sometimes makes mine seem less difficult. Your story is very motivating though, in a different way. To see where you started and to read your progress is awesome. To read about how much you have lost pre banding. My doctor ordered weight loss pre surgery was 12lbs. And to hear that you have lost 60lbs. WOW. Sorry this was long. Anyways, KEEP IT UP! Heather
  4. Jason- How AWESOME to hear that kind of news. You deserved it, WOW! :ihih: You will need to keep us posted on how it all goes and when your surgery date is set. I had mine is almost a month ago and am down 29lbs. its the best thing I have ever done for myself and now my family. Keep up with the gym, that has been my svaing grace. I went from walking 1 mile a day on the treadmill for 30minutes, now I run/ walk 4-5 miles a day and then do 30- 45 minutes of weights. So worth it!!! Again, keep us posted, and keep on keepin on..... Good Work. Heather
  5. You are alone.... You will make it through this time. Think of ways to distract yourself, get out and move, be as creative with the liquids as possible. There is a wonderful pay off at the end. Keep us posted on how surgery goes. You have come a long way to get this far, try not to let your tastebuds get in the way! Good Luck. Heather:thumbup:
  6. WOW! That is a heavy question..... My advise would be, get out and get your groceries that are recommended. Try preop the different protein shakes. They will soon be your best friend (even though you may grow to dislike that friend). Find some real good soups for your liquid phase. Know that you may almost "mourn" the loss of what some of us would call the "real Foods" while you are in the midst of the clear and full liquid stages. You will never be so happen to egg slald when you graduate to soft foods. My Surgeon when I was one week post op asked me if I had the "Melt down yet". I knew exactly what he was talking about as I had that meltdown the day prior to that appt. THe "wht is the hell did I do" realization that you made it through the surgery. He was surprised it took me a week to have it??! Even with the best of preparation and counseling and teaching and time, know that you still may have ups and downs. Emotional and in lbs. BUt realize whata great trade off this will be. It will pull you through those tough times. And know that this site is hear to help you.... Good Luck. And when is your surgery date? Heather
  7. Good Work!!! Keep it up, and you'll see more milestones! Heather:thumbup:
  8. Sending you luck and encouragement...... Looks like you have done wonderful so far, you don't want to go backwards after all your hard work. Take Care, Heather
  9. Good work Jason. Keep it up. You are a motivator to all of us. You are getting closer with each step. Keep on moving. Heather
  10. Cyndi- Thank you for being as honest as you were...... I too have tried and cheated on a couple of occassions.... BUT, then I think after I have done it and feel awful. Now, in the past several days I have minded my diet. Like SpecialK stated so well in their response, you need to question yourself on why you cheated. For me it was mindless cheating, I cheated and then realized what I had just done. Like you, I feel 100% well- like I never had surgery 2 weeks ago. Accept when you seee the scars. WHat has worked for me is to keep myself busy, during down time when I would have sat down and watched TV with a plate of Nachos I now get up and move, go for a walk. I have 4 kids and each night I take a different one on a walk, good bonding time and it doen't cost anything. Replace a bad habit with a healthy one......... the food journal is a great idea as well, makes you have to be accountable. Stay focused Cyndi. We all did this for a wonderful reason....... OURSELVES!!! And you need to believe you are so worth it. Peace. Heather:thumbup:
  11. Hello. I have Hypothyroidism as well. Am on Synthroid 100mcg per day. People are correct when they post to take first thing in the am and on an empty stomach. You will also want to ensure that you are taking in adequate liquids. When I started on Synthroid 4 years agao, I could feel a big difference in my energy level. Prior to the Synthroid I was very tired all the time. It took about 3 months to feel the good effects of the Synthroid. Good luck on your Weight loss Journey. Heather
  12. Melissa- I have tried fat free sour cream, fat free cheeses on the mashed pot. and they are pretty good. Also cream of pot soup, pretty good. I was banded on the 14th too, and I hknow exactly what you mean about being hungry. I started off all gun-ho about the liquids and did really well, now that it is the pureed and soon to be mushy foods, I feel like "I just can not wait any longer"!!! DO remember the end is in site.... Heather
  13. Melissa- I have treied fat free sour cream, fat free cheeses on the mashed pot. and they are pretty good. Also cream of pot soup, pretty good. I was banded on the 14th too, and I hknow exactly what you mean about being hungry. I started off all gun-ho about the liquids and did really well, now that it is the pureed and soon to be mushy foods, I feel like "I just can not wait any longer"!!! DO remember the end is in site.... Heather
  14. hsj

    Well hellooooo...

    Angelo- I had my surgery on 5-14-09. Since my preop diet I am down 23lbs. You are able to start walking and moving around a couple hours after surgery, infact you are expected to. I am still on the full liquid diet and on Thursday (can not wait!) can start the pureed. I have dropped 9lbs since surgery. The weight from what I understand people to say, tends to be quicker right after surgery while you are on the liquids and pureeds and then tends to slow a bit after that, but is still 1-2 lbs per week. You do feel fuller on much less. I was a person who did not remember what full feels like, now I do and it feels great. Good luck, Heather
  15. hsj


    Hi. I had the surgery on the 14th. So am 8 days post op and am now on the full liquid diet. This has been tough. Went and saw the surgeon today, he asked if I had "the melt down yet". Funny thing is, I knew what he was talking about, that was last night..... The "What did I do to myself" melt down. I am so very glad that I was able to have the surgery don't get me wrong. But even with all the presurgery dieting and counseling, nothing prepared me for the Reality check I had when I left the hosp. I am on the up swing, and things are looking great, last night was just a bump in the road. Onward and upward. How are things going for you???? Sorry for the venting. Heather

  16. Thanks for the responses. I feel better just venting to those that know first hand what I am talking about. Somehow that just seems to help. Glad to know there is a site like this out there. Thanks, Heather :thumbup:
  17. Hello. I have not posted in a while. I was banded on the 14th. Made it through the one week of clear liquids and now am starting the full liquids today. Question: for those of you that have been banded, did you ever think "what in the world did I do this for?" Do not get me wrong, I am so very thankful I had the band placed, I do find myself at times feeling almost sorry for myself that I can not eat the meal I just prepared for my family. Or like yesterday, my kids had a program at school and after the program parents and teachers brought them to DQ to celebrate. I felt lost.... what is there that I could have? Really nothing, but I did sneak in a few bites of my sons ice cream, them became sick........ Does anyone understand???? Heather:unsure:
  18. Thanks for the advise about staying off the scale. I had myself all worried. Did you loose well immediatly post- op or did it take a while to see the changes? I realize all bodies are different. I was just curious. Thanks, Heather
  19. Hello all May BAndsters. I was banded on 5-14. All went well, did have a fainting spell wneh I was headed into Xray to check the band placement. Other than that I returned home last evening and have been doing well. Would have thought I would be starving by now, but am not. Did anyone go up 1 or 2lbs following surgery? I did and am wondering if it is normal. Thanks, Heather
  20. I am so excited. Surgery is tomorrow AT 9AM. Wow! I can not believe it. Trying to stay focused on my liquid diet today, and packing fot the Hosp stay. I have 4 kids as well, so have been trying to pack their bags for an overnight at my sisters. And I want to get to the Gym for one last session as it may be a bit before I can go again. Will post more once I am home from surgery!! Yah!!! Here we go. Heather
  21. Hello all May Bandsters... My surgery is scheduled for Thursday the 14th. Only a couple more days. Tuesday (tomorrow!) night will be the "last real supper " for a while. Wed I have to do a liquid diet, and Thursday surgery. I am excited and nervous both. I got up the nerve to tell a few coworkers about it and they gave me the "Are you sure? That seems so drastic" lines. I am so motivated about having this done. I have been struggling all of my life with weight. My father passed away at 52 from heart disease, I lost both of my Grandfathers when they were in their 60's from heart disease. And a Grandmother at 61 from heart disease. Not such great odds? It is up to me to break this cycle for me and for my family. And I need to do it with all my heart, and want everything on my side to be able to succeed. I am ready. Just wanted to share. Heather
  22. Hello May 2009 Bandsters!!! Just got my Surgery date, next Thursday (5/14)!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I was not expecting it to be so soon. So Happy!! Heather
  23. Jason- That is AWESOME! That has gotta make you feel so great. Keep it up. You are off to a wonderful start. DO you realize what 17lbs looks like? Go to the grosery store and pick up 17lbs of beef........ Amazing. Keep us posted. Good work. Heather:thumbup:
  24. Lisa, Hang in there. It WILL happen. I was prepared to have to wait the 4 to 6 weeks that I was told it might take. I even had the days pre-marked on my Calander with the BIG INSURANCE COUNTDOWN. And then was more than glad to have gotten the news so quick. Your insurance company just got it....... Again, It WILL happen. Hang on. Keep us posted. Heather
  25. Just wanted to say that I heard back from Insurance yesterday...... and am APPROVED!!! Hope you here very soon as well!! Prayers are still with you. Heather

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