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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momster0

  1. I am 409 lbs now, and getting banded on March 4th. I would like to get down to 160 lbs, but would settle for 200 lbs. My biggest hurdle is getting started with exercise. I hate to be a wimp, but the thought of going to a gym and having everyone stare at me just puts me off. The same with walking. I dread walking alongside a road with everyone in my town gawking. How are all of you folks with 60+ BMIs doing it?
  2. Hi everyone! Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. I am still struggling with the lap band and have fallen back on the Atkins diet to lose weight that way. I still feel no restriction, though my band has been in since March of '09. I've lost a total of 75 lbs so far...but none of that was due to the lap band. My doctor just keeps telling me that I'm doing great. I guess because I'm losing weight slowly (which he says is best) he isn't giving me any additional fills. I hate to say it, but I was scheduled to see him in December but skipped the appointment because I was caught up in the holiday rush and figured nothing would happen anyway. On a more positive note, I went to my local YMCA where I have a membership and said that I wanted to help them create a "morbidly obese-friendly" program. I am currently at 325 lbs and still can't do the dance and aerobic classes. They tell me that I can participate and only do as much as I can do...but that's SO discouraging when you have to stop after 10-15 mins into the class. They just didn't understand why the people who need exercise the most don't join...and they got an earful from me! I let them know that I even hesitate to use the weight and cardio equipment because I know that some pieces have weight limits that I exceed. Soo they're now working with me to build a separate program that will hopefully improve the "friendiness" of exercise and attract more people like me...and give me the right level of workout that pushes me but doesn't break me. I hope that this entry doesn't discourage the folks out there who are newly banded or contemplating banding. Right now, I admit that the band isn't helping me much, but just the act of having it done is forcing me to own my body. I'd love to hear from you!
  3. Hi Kenneth, Thanks for thinking of me. I'm sorry to say that, no, I've been disappointed in my progress so far. I'm not sure what I expected...I thought that the lap band would make a difference in my eating but I still can't feel any obstruction and I've been forced to fall back on pure diet and exercise. When I say "diet"...I could eat anything and as much of that anything as I want in one sitting. So I'm back to willpower. My doctor says that the band is "just a tool" that only helps to keep you on a diet but that it doesn't enforce it. I'm so confused and disappointed. I'm not sure why I went through the pain and expense of getting a band when I really can't feel difference and still relying on myself as before. I hate to be "downer" for those out there that this is working for. I could really use a pep talk or some enlightenment on what I'm doing wrong. However, I can't tell you how amazed I am that someone asked. Thank you.
  4. Sorry all for the double posting. The website had given me an error message the first time, and I thought it didn't take.
  5. Hi Angie, I did tell my extended family and some of my coworkers about my plans to get a lapband. It's hard not to, when you need to take time off for doctor appointments for tests, and for the surgery itself. I do get the sense that, now that I've been banded for almost two months, they are looking for visible signs of weight loss. That's tough, since I have so much to lose that I really have to lose alot for them to see a difference...and because I've only lost about 18 lbs so far. For those who ask, I explain to them a bit about how lapbands work, and that my band was wide open after surgery. I explain that I've had one fill, but that I don't feel much difference yet. I relate my hopes that my ring will eventually inflate to where I can really feel a restriction. In the meantime, I explain that I am following a typical diet and exercise plan and hoping to stay strong until the ring tool starts to help me. So far, they have expressed their understanding and support for me, and I know that they're really rooting for me. I am putting on a very positive face, despite some of my personal doubts that I'm trying to fight. I'm determined to give this ring a real chance to work. I have no choice!
  6. Hi Angie, I did the same thing. I told my extended family and a few people at work (like my boss and peer workers, who needed to know why I was going to the doctor so often, and why I was in the hospital) about my banding. They were so excited for me, and I was so happy for their support. Now that the banding is done, I get the feeling that they are watching me closely, expecting the weight to be melting off every time they see me. It's tough, because as I posted previously I'm not feeling much restriction so far and it's like every other diet that I've been on. I'm handling it by letting them know (at least, those who ask) how the band works, and that it was wide open after the operation and that fluid will be added slowly over time until I do see the weight loss that I'm hoping for. Again, I'm happy to say that they support me, and let me know that they're rooting for me. This, so far, has been the best part of this experience for me....I just pray that I don't let them (AND MYSELF!) down. It's funny, but I kind of feel like I'm cheating by staying on Atkins. It's like I'm fooling people into thinking that the weight I'm losing is because of the band, when it isn't (so far). It does funny things to my psyche. :thumbup: I've decided to focus less on this drama and more on increasing my exercise. Biggest Loser has really inspired me. I hope that I'll exercise my way to losing way until the band starts to really work, then I pray that the weight will really melt off. Good luck on your surgery! Keep in touch with your progress! I really am interested, and am praying for you!
  7. LapBandGirl4Life, I am sooo happy for you! You should be so proud of yourself and what you've accomplished. I can just imaging the difference that it's made in your life...and it will only get better! As for myself, I'm in a bit of a crisis right now. After a few weeks of getting my band the first week of May, I really couldn't feel any restriction. I just got my first fill two weeks ago (4ccs) and still can't feel difference. I am following Atkins diet and exercising, but I am sooo discouraged. It's just like dieting/exercising without the lap band. I was really counting on the band to keep me "honest" and to help keep me from gaining back any weight that I lost, as I've done time and time again. My doctor says that I'm doing great and not to be discouraged, but I can't help it. Did your band work from the start? Did it take awhile before you actually felt a difference in what/how much you could eat? I'd love to hear from you...and anyone else out there. Congratulations again! It's people like you that keep me hopeful.
  8. LapBandGirl4Life...I'm so inspired by you! I wish I had your drive to exercise. I'm really having a hard time making myself get started each day, and I'm skipping too many days just because I can't take that first step. What is your motivation? What REALLY get you moving, day in and day out, to exercise?
  9. (Sigh) It's just so hard to get started...and keep going. You guys are really helping me. When I get discouraged, I know that I'm not alone. Thanks!
  10. Hi Ann, You know, I read on a website that the hanging skin is mostly because people don't exercise, so their weight loss steals muscle as well as fat and they lose the "support" for their skin. The Biggest Loser shows that I've seen so far seem to support that...those folks lose A LOT of weight, but in the final episode I haven't seen alot of hanging skin. I'm wondering if that's because they work out like maniacs. I, too, am inspired by the women on the current show. I can't believe how tough Tara is. Although the last 2 shows are heartbreaking for her...with no weight lost last week and only 2 pounds lost this week. I just want to give her a hug! I will be watching for saggy skin on the final show too!
  11. My son is an inspiration to me, regarding dealing with stares. Here is a true story from last summer: My huband, two sons (15 and 8) went to Nigara Falls for vacation. We decided to take a tram from the hotel down to where the Falls are. Getting on the tram was no problem, but once we got to the bottom the tram stopped a little "off" where a pole was partially blocking the opening of the seat guards. I had to climb up on the seat and climb over the rails, with everyone watching me. Here's the heartbreaking part: my 8 year old defended me. He yelled out to the crowd, "BIG BUTT, SO WHAT?" It broke the ice and made everyone feel ashamed enough to turn away, but my heart broke a little, too. I did learn the lesson, tho, of "So What?? I'm trying!"
  12. Hi Ann! I actually feel really good right now...lots of energy. You're right, tho, that it took me a good week - week 1/2 before I could move freely. I still have trouble sleeping comfortably in certain positions, but it's getting better. I live close to a game refuge that has some nice flat trails. I'm starting to walk there, taking it slow. I'd like to swim, but I guess I still can't until my incisions heal up more. I am a Biggest Loser fan (dispite them referring disparagingly to surgery as a tool for weight control in one episode) and saw their add for a book on Fast Start exercises used in the Biggest Loser. I wonder if that has some good exercises for the "high BMI" folks to get started with.
  13. I am so impressed with your progress! I only had to do 10 days of a pre-op liquid diet (to shrink my liver), but lost 13 pounds. It's been two weeks now since my banding, and I've lost another 8 pounds. I haven't been exercising much thus far (the first week after surgery was pretty much a wash, since I could hardly stand straight, and though I'm now doing some walking, I'm just starting with 15 mins at a time). I am so impressed with your progress that I am going to buy the DVD that you've recommended. I'd be interested in learning more about your "modified jumping jacks" (I think I get the "modified push-up" part). How many did you start with, and how often? Thanks to everyone who is reponding for your inspiration. I'm just starting out, but I feel so much more energy now and am really feeling good!
  14. Hi Jason, The surgery went smoothly and I've been banded now for about three days. It feels, right now, like I've done about two thousand sit ups and I have a hard time standing up straight....so walking is hard but I'm doing what I can. Thanks for your support. It seems like we have alot in common and I'm so inspired by your weight loss to date. I do plan to join the YMCA and I really hope that, like you, I will earn the support of the folks there after they see that I'm serious. I just have to get through this post-op period. I think I'll be able to do some treadmill work maybe on Monday (two days from now) and will take it from there. Keep in touch!
  15. momster0

    No more favorite foods?

    Thanks everyone for your support. I got my band three days ago, and all went smoothly. I'm still on a liquid diet, but am really not craving anything else at this point. It feels like I've done two thousand situps!
  16. momster0

    No more favorite foods?

    To MissBS - once I am banded (tomorrow) I definately don't want to do anything to dilate my pouch. I know that I can resist most anything...but I do love my spaghetti (kind of like you with your chile). I would love to try the whole wheat pasta that you found to be "yummy". Can you tell me the brand?
  17. momster0

    No more favorite foods?

    kiz - no worries. I understand that everyone will be different. I'm hopeful, tho! Thanks again for the great tip!
  18. Gabi - I totally relate! My last memories of my grandparents was a summer visit when I hadn't seen them in about 3 years. I had gained alot of weight in that time, and when I first walked through the door my grandfather's eyes popped and he said "wow!". My grandmother (bless her heart) gave him a nasty look, but I was very uncomfortable for the rest of the visit. I never saw them again. I continued to gain weight and always came up with excuses to avoid seeing them again (I live in Connecticut and they lived in Arkansas) to avoid more embarrassment. I know that they loved me, and that they would have wanted to see me, regardless. At the same time, I know that my grandmother (at least) would have understood why I didn't return. So much pain caused by food....
  19. momster0

    No more favorite foods?

    kiz, Thanks for relieving some of my last nerves. It was just too depressing to think that I had to completely give up some of my old friends. The papaya/pineapple extract chewable tablet sounds like it should be added to my diet toolkit. When do you use it?
  20. momster0

    No more favorite foods?

    Hi all! I'm getting banded in two days, and am wondering if I will someday be able to eat my favorite foods. I understand that my definition of "favorite" may change, but I was wondering if anyone is able to eat... - pizza? - spaghetti? - popcorn? - steak (grilled)? - chili - Japanese rolls (like California roll) I don't plan to overdo any of the above, but would be very sad if I could NEVER have them again....
  21. Hi all, I've got two days to go before I'm banded (3/06/09) and am currently 409 lbs (although I think I've lost some during the pre-op diet, but weigh too much to know for sure...my scales don't go that high). Here's one from last summer that still makes me cry: - My huband, two sons (15 and 8) went to Nigara Falls for vacation. We decided to take a tram from the hotel down to where the Falls are. Getting on the tram was no problem, but once we got to the bottom the tram stopped a little "off" where a pole was partially blocking the opening of the seat guards. I had to climb up on the seat and climb over the rails, with everyone watching me. Here's the heartbreaking part: my 8 year old defended me. He yelled out to the crowd, "BIG BUTT, SO WHAT?" It broke the ice and made everyone feel ashamed enough to turn away, but my heart broke a little, too. Good incentive...
  22. Ann, I'm spending these last two days trying not to think too much about what's going to happen (I can't afford to chicken out). :thumbup: The YMCA that I plan to join has an aquarobics class that would be perfect. It's only taught twice a week, at popular times, but I'm just going to have to suck it up. I'm trying to get a feel for how often, for how long, people exercise. What's your routine?
  23. I am so glad to hear from all of you, to know that I'm not alone! My surgery is in two days (gulp!) but I'm getting my mind in the right place. You are all great inspiration, and I appreciate your company on this journey. Right now, after listening to all of your good input, I think this is my plan: 1) I'm buying a recombant bike (with a huge seat) 2) I'm going to try out a family membership at my local YMCA gym, and attempt to weather the stares, since I hope to inspire the rest of my family to join me. 3) I'm going to dust off my Dancing to the Oldies tapes and see if I can use them as a "back up plan" if I can't get to the gym (I live in CT, and am snowed in right now). What do you think?
  24. Yes, an earlier posting from kiz suggested recumbant cycling. I'll have to look into finding a recumbant cycle for home that can handle someone of my size (not just weight, but girth...I need an extra wide seat ...at least for now). I'm not sure when I'm going to be ready for cycling on a road. The thought of someone looking at me overflowing my bicycle seat is a bit daunting.

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