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LAP-BAND Patients
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About LapLady09

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 04/15/1977
  1. Happy 36th Birthday LapLady09!

  2. Happy 35th Birthday LapLady09!

  3. LapLady09

    March 16

    Thanks for the birthday wish, Silly Goose! Wow -just noticed your weight loss - CONGRATS!!!
  4. LapLady09

    Newby from Ohio

    Thanks for the birthday wish, Heather! Things are going great! Surgery went pretty well overall, and I got my first fill last Friday. I'm now on regular diet and just not sure what to do with myself LOL. Down somewhere between 26-28 pounds and trying to get motivated to do some real, regular exercise. I love watching the scale go down - its like a dream come true! How are you?
  5. LapLady09

    Newby from Ohio

    Hi, Jenni! My family is from Mt. Orab. The seminar is great - you'll get to see actual before/after pics of Dr.C's patients, learn of your surgical options, and hopefully meet Dr.C - he's wonderful! I didn't have to do the 6 month diet, but I did have a gestational diabetes restricted diet prior to pursuing the LB. Honestly, I think it was good for me because it gave me a jump start on the education side of nutrition, which I was really lacking. It will also allow you plenty of time to learn about the lifestyle changes you'll need to make with a LB. As for the attentiveness of Dr.C's staff - they are amazing! Lisa spent sooooo much time on the phone with me initially, answered all my questions, then the nutrition class was great, met others who I still keep in touch with that got the LB on or around the same time, afterward I had the whirlwind of appointments - psych, dietician, etc., and since have had my pre and post op appointments. Everyone there is sooooo nice and most have a LB, so they can share first hand experiences. Erin, the dietician, is one of my personal favs - she's been so patient and helpful every step of the way. I also really like Duane - great sense of humor and made surgery and the first fill so much better than it could have been. And last, but not least, Dr.C - I've had the opportunity for 1:1 discussions with him a few times, and he builds a strong sense of confidence and comfort in the process and his team. I'd highly recommend it! Let me know if you have any other questions. Oh - I also met Dr.C's wife on Friday - both she and he have LBs. She's beautiful with a great personality, and teaches classes there. It's like a big family.
  6. LapLady09

    March 16

    Hi, Everyone! Can you believe we're coming up on a month!?! I remember being warned about this timeframe when the weight loss plateaus and we get frustrated. As the others have reminded us, its a slow process and unfortunately we have to be patient...I'm not very good at that. I had my first fill on Friday - got 3ccs in the 10cc band. I was soooo nervous...like worse than surgery. Pathetic really LOL. Went in, backed up to the fluoro x-ray thing, moved around so we could see my band, then port on the screen, he put the numbing spray on, then inserted the needle (all standing up). Something about having a needle just hangin out of my stomach made me light headed...had to sit down. <like i said, pathetic>. :sad: Got back up, drank two gulps of what was described to me as thick cake mix - NOT!! Then, watched it go down and was done. It could have been finished in like 2 minutes, but instead because I had to sit down, it took 5. LOL! Moral of my story - its not a big deal. Next time I won't have the fluoro and will just lay down. I'm feeling great, although the past couple days have been hard cuz of the holiday and the sense of freedom with not being restricted with my diet. Friday was liquids, Saturday purees, Easter Sunday softs, then full diet started yesterday. I've longed for this week soooo much, because my birthday is tomorrow and I was looking forward to real foods. Oddly, I'm craving a salad REALLY BAD, cuz I haven't had one in over a month. I've been fluctuating between 26-28 pounds, which is really exciting. My struggles are still drinking 30 mins before/after and eating slowly. I don't feel a ton of restriction, but can tell its there. I'm hoping the nice weather is here to say, cuz I really want to start walking outside again...also trying to get motivated to do the Wii Fit. Despite the challenges, it is wonderful to go through this together with you all. Thanks, everyone, for keeping this post going, checking in with updates and especially the encouragement! Hugs, LapLady09
  7. Wow, Beedje - what a great testimony! I'm so excited and encouraged by your weight loss! What great advice do you have for us? I know...be patient...LOL. How many fats/carbs/protein do you target per day? What is your exercise routine? What was the timeline of your loss? Any suggestions or tips? BTW, I'm terrified of needles too! How long is the needle in there? I'm honestly more afraid of the fills than the surgery. LOL. KelleyMarie - Teacher with twins - sign of an amazing woman! :scared2: I'll PM you my contact info so we can keep in touch!
  8. LapLady09

    March 16

    NewBeginnings - A couple things that really helped with my shoulder pain were the heating pad and those heat things you can put on your shoulders directly. Might be worth a shot if you haven't already. Sorry you're still having pain. SillyGoose - I found Breyers Carb Smart, which are delicious and only 3 net carbs. The fats a tad high (7), so its not something I'd recommend every day, but it definitely helps with the cravings. Gregnlr - Thanks for the encouragement; much appreciated. So, in terms of an update - I'm now down 22 pounds as of this morning...thanks to MOM (milk of mag). Won't disgust you with the details, but per the doc, it was a necessity. Guess that's what happens on a low fiber diet - gag! LOL. As much as I've enjoyed the incremental introduction of foods, I have to say, I can't wait to get back to a variety of foods including raw fruits and veggies!
  9. LapLady09

    March 16

    Another week down - how's everyone doing? Overall, I'm doing great - incisions are healing nicely, down to hardly any scab left. Eating soft foods has been wonderful. Looking forward to my fill on 4/10. My only complaint right now is I'm stuck on weight loss - been tetering between 20-21 pounds for what feels like eternity...but I guess its normal. What's most frustrating to me is I'm eating so very little 1/4-1/2c servings, maintaining under 60 carbs a day, and starting to walk regularly...and still nothing. Anyone else experiencing this? I'm very curious how the band is going to help me eat less than I am. How does it work? Is it different because instead of our bodies being in starvation recovery mode, it recognizes the band pouch as the stomach and allows you to lose weight again? Just confused...any insights will be appreciated!
  10. LapLady09

    St. Patty's Day

    Glad all went well and you're doing good, Cate! How's everyone else doing?
  11. LapLady09

    March 16

    I think our messages crossed, Bernadette. :cursing: My fill is on April 10. The one Protein drink I've found that I really like is Isopure. Re: fiber...I had been eating high fiber oatmeal and was told by the dietetion today that my 1/2 pack is ok, but whole is not. Its so odd to restrict fiber (since as a norm, its a good thing), but given the circumstances, I'll do whatever they tell me.
  12. LapLady09

    March 16

    I agree re: connected, New Beginnings! Great name, btw! Every day is better and I'm generally feeling good. Finally back to sleepin in my bed, sometimes on my side, which is wonderful. Haven't had any shoulder pain since Sun/Mon, but a friend of mine who had a hernia repaired is still (same band bday as us). My weight loss is soooooo slow since surgery - was down 15 with one week on preop, and only 6 since then. I guess my body (and mind and taste buds) is loving the reintroduction of carbs and fat this week and hording it! Grrrr. I need/want to start walking soon...started wearing the pedometer, but haven't put forth enough effort yet. I'm just excited to feel good this week! Glad to hear everyone's continuing to improve!! Hard part's over...only up from here!!
  13. LapLady09

    March 16

    Bernadette - For what its worth, you're not alone. :frown: Hang in there! Re: liquids vs "real" foods - I probably failed to mention they are purees. While its not quite as exciting as it may have sounded, I will admit its nice to have the variety. The bad news is I'm not losing the pace I was on the liquid, preop diet. I'm sooo jealous of those who can sleep on their side or stomach! Ahhh, how I long for that. I'm still sleeping on our recliner because I simply cannot get comfortable in bed. I'm happy to report, tho, that every day it gets better. We're only a week post op and most are reporting they generally feel good - which is awesome! On the flip side, WE ARE A WEEK POST OP! How exciting is that! When's everyone's first fill scheduled?
  14. LapLady09

    St. Patty's Day

    Glad all of you St Pattys Bandsters are doing well. Cate - Hope all is well; how ya doin?
  15. LapLady09

    Starving Butterflys In My Belly

    Only 3 more days, Xgrl - how exciting!!! Your feelings of anxiety (and hunger) are totally normal! I too thought about my escape route when in preop before surgery...thank goodness for the Vercid (or however you spell it). You'll do great!

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