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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by marfar7

  1. marfar7

    Revision people help!

    I was the opposite. I could easily bring back up whatever I just ate with the band. Its probly why my band slipped. No pain. I easy stuck my finger down my throat when in pain and it would painlessly come up. Ive been revised for 16 mths and hage vomited 3x. It was a long drawn out process which provided little results. I now eat slower (never learned that little act while banded. I now know if I take 1 more bite after feeling full i then have to live with the pain for about an hr. So Im more careful eating now. The biggest difference for me is the bNd felt like there wS something in the way all the time. The sleeve feels more natural. I can eat anything, just mu h much less of it. Sorry bout all the typks. Still nkt used to my new phones virtuL keyboard. If u have any ? Feels free tk pm me Good luxk
  2. Is it 2 late to rsvp? I forgot about it till today. Last month I was out of state. If its 2 late and theres many people, thats fine. Just checking. I know that Sep there were alot if people. Marci
  3. marfar7

    Alcohol & the Sleeve

    Up until last wk ( after a signifixant gain) I drank a glass of red wine everynite. Im 16 mths out of a band to sleeve revision. I never had that "tipsy on less" thing that some people have. The problem I have with alcohol is tjat it makes me tgink that unlimoted snacking is a fantastic idea... So no difference for me. Never noticed a difference with my band (2009) either. Guess Im a freak
  4. Fyi: ive lost 2.5 lbs of the amt Ive gained. I stopped drinking alcohol and nightime snacking. I guess it makes a bigger difference than I once thought. I hafta force myself to "top off" with my dinner, eatong to the point of being full so Im not hungry again before bedtime. Probly not a great idea but once I have a snack (healthy or not) its over. I will eat all nite On my way back from the dark side...
  5. marfar7

    bad halloween candy

    So u get to go trick or treating with ur grandkidz? Very nice. Have loads of fun! Whe we were up in Wa a cpl wks ago visitng our grandson (only 3 mths. No trick or treating yet) I went to Walmart starving. Ended up buying 2 bags kf candy. Kit kats (which I luv) and Reeses (which I can pass on). I got 1 candy and my hubby and stepson finished off both bags b4 I saved and back for myself. Guess thTs just as well... Ha e fun! Im sure ull do fine. Ur anpro at this. 1 pack of Starbjrst (which I luv, btw) never kklled anyone. U got this...
  6. marfar7

    Thyroid Level Issues

    My thryroid has been in check (cept for a few off labs and a few tweaks with my dosage) for the last 10 yrs or so. Thought I'd hafta lower my dosage when I lost weight. Hasn't happened yt and I've lost 100 lbs. I take Levothyroxine. Good luck with ur surgery!
  7. Than I Did before wls. While I eat much healthier and much, much less, I think about food often. My frig is always stocked. God forbid I run out ofbsomething. I waste so much food Hubby thinks about food when hes hungry. What a concept. I plan/think ahead. He flies by the seat of his pants. I think about my next meal during my current meal As I said: I eat much better now and alot less. But I think about food too much. Anyone else hate their relationship with food?
  8. marfar7

    HOW many calories?!?!

    I coulda have written this post. But anytime I discuss my disdain for dieting, I get smart comments like "I didn't pay $$$ to continue eating like I ate pre sleeve". "Ur gunna gain back every oz you've lost" I never said I ate the same as pre sleeve. I said I don't diet. Meaning counting or measuring anything. If I wanted to do that, I coulda saved the $$ and continued on counting, measuring - nd gaining weight. For the fun of it, I count my calories about once a month. I rarely go over 1200. And I drink a glass of wine almost everynite, I et burgers (maybe 1/3 of 1 - haven't finished a burger since beingbanded in 2009), tacos (1 small), pizza ( 1 sm pc thin crust) and fries (maybe 4-6). While I understand the need for some people to keep constant track of what goes into their mouths, I would like people to understand that there r others out there that solely rely on their small stomachs to let them know when they've had enuf. Yep, some days I can eat more. Some days I eat less. When my sleeve ceases to let me know when I've had enuf (like when I can actually finish 1/2 a burger), maybe I will cave and count calories. Until then, however, I plan on eating the way that I do. It seems to be working I'm about 9 lbs from goal. Oh, and btw, I'm 15 mths out...
  9. marfar7

    HOW many calories?!?!

    I drink a (what I thought at the time) was a 5oz glass of red wine at nite (110 calories). For the heck of it 1 day I thought I'd measure my wine glass. It was 12oz. 250 calories. I'd been drinking that 12 oz glass of wine for months without knowing it. And ud think I'd at least get a buzz from 12 oz. But no. Guess becuz I THOUGHT I was getting less that affected my buzz? Anyway, that stopped right away. I now measure any glass I drink anything out of
  10. I was also a band to sleeve revision 14 mths ago. My band was easy peasy compared to my sleeve. I had a rough recovery. It took my dr an extra 30 mins to dig my band out of my stomach, leaving more sore than expected. Everyday for about 12 days I felt like I had been hit by a truck. The gas was bearable with walking and Gaviscon. I also had an allergic reaction to Reglan, ending me in the ER on day 5 with what I thought was a leak. While the first month was rough (I was literally starving, 4 weeks on liquids and I didn't cheat once), it's a bleep on my radar of life. I can hardly remember it now. I had buyers remorse those first couple weeks. But my hubby reminded me daily that the band had to come out anyway, why not just add the sleeve and have it be just a little more painful. It woulda hurt either way. So, so, so glad I did it. I'm now less than 15 lbs from goal and I don't regret it at all. not trying to scare u at all. Sorry if I did. Just telling u my experience... Good luck!
  11. I'm 5'5" and about 15 lbs from goal of 140. I currently wear an 8 (some of them a little snug, some r baggy). I guess a 6 would be good. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be in a 6. Sounds SKINNY to me. But I still have rolls....
  12. marfar7


    My hunger kicked in on day 10. Thought I was by myself, as I read that no one but me was experiencing hunger. They took the Ghrelin out, didn't they? I couldn't possibly be hungry. Must be acid. Nope. Some of us experience true hunger. Until I could eat real food (liquids 4 weeks), I thought I might eat my arm. I didn't cheat once, however. for fear of a leak. Plus I live with the Food Nazi and he woulda tattled on me to my dr (hubby). Ur husbands bringing in pizza this early out was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. While I don't think others should have to diet along with us, I also don't think there's anything wrong with him eating his pizza outside the house and outside ur realm of sight. U need to talk to him about his support and exactly what u need. Good luck! When u eat real food, u will be amazed at how little u can now eat. A few bites will fill you. At least for an hour or 90 mins! The first 6 mths, I was hungry every 90 mins. But only 3-4 bites did it for me.
  13. marfar7


    The hospital served me regular coffee with my first "meal" (Water, Protein shake, coffee) right after my leak test the day after surgery. While I'm a coffee fantatic, it didn't sound good for about 4 weeks. My dr says 1-2 cups of coffee a day is fine. He doesn't want to take away all of my vices. Good luck! There could be worse things ur craving!
  14. I like PF also. When I actually go, that is. It's all the gym I need also. Altho I'm bummed they don't offer classes. Thats the only drawback. Oh, and the no jacuzzi. When my back was killing me a couple months ago, I woulda loved a jacuzzi. It's all the gym I need also. Not into major body building. I have the black membership and have a yr contract. Didn't know u could even have a monthly membership. I like the black one ($20 a mth) cuz I can bring a friend every single day (hubby) and I still get the hydrobed! Luv that thing. So it's like we both have the $10 memberships but I also get the hydrobed! And tanning, but I would never use that. I keep saying I'd like to go on Tues cuz thats donut day at our PF. Not that I'm gunna eat one, I just want to actually see a gym that gives out donuts! But alas, we go MWF... Once a month they also do pizza nite. PF has it down. They keep u fat so u keep going back and giving them $$... Good luck!
  15. I had my revision to sleeve done 14 mths ago. I'm about 10 lbs from goal. I loved my band till it slipped and caused pain and nightime reflux. Lost almost to goal. Gained 40 lbs back during the 1 yr I was unfilled after my slip. Hafta have a tool to keep my weight off. Wish the sleeve had been offered to me in 2009. WHile it was out, I guess my dr didn't offer it yet. Any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck!
  16. marfar7

    Got a Fit Bit today - tips?

    This is exactly the one I have. Got mine at Best Buy. Got extra colored bands on ebay (much cheaper and u get only the colors u want). I luv mine. Had to take the 1st one back cuz it didn't track my sleep. 2nd 1 tracks it about 50% of the time. I must be doing something wrong. Last nite I was at the fair. As we're walking out to the car, I checked it on my phone (u can sync it to ur smartphone). I was 5 steps from my goal (which I've only gotten once in the last 3 weeks). So the 4 of us loudly counted my 5 steps and I got a prize - my fitbit vibrates and lites up. So cool! Good luck with it!
  17. marfar7

    Boobs & Butt

    Lost my butt but boobs r still there. Lost 100 lbs and ive only gone from a 44dd to a 40d Gone from a 22 jeans to a 7. Hafya buy junior pants cuz the womens makey butt look saggier. Good luck
  18. I was on full liquids for 4 weeks. After week 2, I emailed my nurse and asked if I could progress. She said no. I thought I would eat my arm. I didn't cheat once tho. So terrified of a leak. I planned my first soft meal for a week. I had refried Beans, sour cream, taco sauce, with a pinch of melted cheese. You'da thought I was eating steak and lobster. Best meal ever. If ur dr approves purees week 2, ur a lucky girl! had no pre op diet so my dr punished me afterwards instead! Just kidding. No punishment involved (at least thats what he would say)... Good luck!
  19. I started at 174 at my revision so I lost much slower. I lost 15 lbs at my 8 weeks post op appt. I know some lose much, much faster but when ur bmi is lower, u WILL lose slower. Good luck!
  20. For the first 2 weeks, I felt like a truck hit me. I worried there was something wrong when I'd come on here and see people with surgery the same day as me running a marathon! How do they do it? I now see more people with post op pain but at the time, I thought I was the only one. I'm a side-sleeper and I couldn't sleep on my side for about 10 days. They I had to put a pillow on my side so my belly wouldn't droop, pulling at my incisions. My bottle of liquid Vicodin was my buddy for about 12 days. After 2 weeks, I started feeling more human. And once I got to eat "real" food (4 weeks on full liquids), I felt even better. I thought I'd literally starve. Lots of people have post op pain lasting longer than a week. All I noticed was the I was the only one having a rough recovery. There's lots of us out there. U WILL wake up one of these days and the pain will be less. I promise... Good luck!
  21. marfar7

    Got a Fit Bit today - tips?

    Oh, and don't waste ur money on the 3 pack of extra color bands they have (3 for $27 at Best Buy). They have every color u can think of on ebay for like $3. I got a while gob of them.
  22. marfar7

    Got a Fit Bit today - tips?

    And whatever time u set it up, it counted the calories u burned from midnight. I've had mine for about 3 weeks and still getting used to it. Sounds like alot of calories it burns for just doing nothing. And my sleep setting doesn't work well. Had to take back the original one cuz it didn't count my sleep at all. Now it counts 14-18 hrs for 6 hrs of sleep. Not sure why. I konk out after taking a sleeping pill about 10 and forget to tap it to put it to sleep. Just came up with the idea last nite to set my alarm on my phone for 10:30 to tap it. It worked! Finally! Good luck!
  23. marfar7

    Band to Sleeve in One surgery

    Had mine at once also. Took my dr an extra 30 mins to dig my band out of my stomach so I had a rougher recovery. That bottle of liquid Vicodin was my buddy for about 12 days. I don't work (retired Army) and THANK GOD. I wouldn't have been up to going back to work for weeks. I played poker about 6 days out and I was miserable sitting in one spot for 3 hrs. Had to keep excusing myself so I could walk around the room. My band surgery was easy peasy compared. Not to disuade u. Most people have little pain afterwards. Not sure why mine was so much harder... Good luck!
  24. Mine 2. With my band in 2009, I had NO pre-op diet at all. Was told to eat a lite dinner the nite before. With my revision (same surgeon), I was told liquids for 24 hrs, and clears past 5 pm the nite before. Good luck!
  25. marfar7


    The lemonade at Chik-Fil-A is sposed to be sugar free. They have regular and sf. 2 gms of sugar and 20 calories in a med sf lemonade. I think 20 calories is a bit much for sf lemonade, IMO, but it's fine if it's not something regular...

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