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About texasnole

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/07/1987

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  1. Happy 26th Birthday texasnole!

  2. Happy 25th Birthday texasnole!

  3. texasnole

    I am failing miserably

    I'm going to be right up front with you about it. I'm a big believer that if you aren't doing everything you can, like eating right and exercising, than you're failing yourself and your band. I'm not sure what could be going on in your life that you can't walk for 15-20 minutes everyday. As for the eating? I do the low-carb diet and I've had great success. When I stop losing weight, it's because I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. You know if you're trying 100% of the time. It sounds like your portions are fine, but honestly it's better to have larger portions of Protein than small portions of bad stuff. Not getting enough calories is really bad for you and that is probably what's stopping your weight loss. I stick to about 1200 and I'll lose 5lbs a week. It's so hard to do this, I know it is and I've had so many problems, but you have to seriously just take it 1 day and 1 week at a time.
  4. Yeah welcome to bandsterhell. I had my surgery on a Friday, and by Sunday I was starving. Like insane hungry. I apparently didn't swell for very long. You have to make smart choices like you did before the surgery. Eat your protein and healthy foods. Don't worry so much right now on AMOUNTS of food, just make sure what you're putting into your body is healthy.
  5. texasnole

    I am miserable

    I'm 7months out and looking back I have a lot of trouble even remembering the pain. I know it's terrible right now, but things get better. I'm 100lbs lighter and I would go through that pain every weekend if I had to. You have to stick with it, and remember that the eating isn't forever. There will come a day when you can mix it up and have the things you love. But I promise in 6 months you'll look back and be able to laugh and see that this wasn't for nothing. Just keep looking forward to the new you As for the pain, take the gas-ex chewables ... i was chewing one about every hour and walking helps. I don't understand why walking helps but it is REALLY important.
  6. I don't know about most of the people here, but I didn't feel ANY restriction until my second fill. It's going to take time, but just keep going back and getting fills. Just because you don't feel full, doesn't mean you can over eat either. It's so easy to mess up everything that you've been working for, just because you're a little hungry. Just keep working with your doctor and it will all work out.
  7. showin H-town sum luv wit that hat i see...already.

  8. Doing good!!! Hope all is well with you!! First fill coming up!

  9. The whole point of the band, and the restriction, is to eat small amounts of food and then feel full for a long time. I've NEVER heard of a doctor telling someone to eat for an hour. It just isn't possible for every meal, and it isn't smart. You should eat either a portion size, until you're full, and for no longer than 15 minutes, which ever comes first.
  10. texasnole


    Ah I remember those days well. It's going to be bad for a while before it can get better. It's true what they say, walk walk walk. The pain is going to take a few days/ weeks to heal depending on how quickly you personally can get better. I know all you can think about right now is the pain, but in the future when you look back on all of it, it won't be so bad. The only reason I'd be alarmed is if I had a fever, that is a sign of infection, otherwise pain all over is normal. We've all been there and we know how ya feel, but believe me when I say it is so worth it!
  11. Hey sorry I haven't written you back, I just don't get on her as much anymore. But i'd love to trade stories and we can keep each other goin' !

  12. Hi! I too saw you have the same amount of weight to loose as me (maybe a little less cause you're taller by 2 inches) and thought it'd be fun to keep up with you!!! I was just banded yesterday (the 31st of March). My starting weight was 355, goal is about 180. . . I'm glad to hear it gets better! lol. Surgery hurts!

  13. Hi Texas - I saw that you wrote a post under "wanna cry". I've been looking for someone with a weight similiar to mind to pal up with and share war stories - Feel like I'm in kindergarten again but . . . will you be my friend?

  14. I got the Chewable Gas-X and it was AMAZING, and something to chew on It seriously worked well for me. I think all of us have been there, thinking "WHAT DID WE DO" but now that I'm over a month out, I feel like it was totally worth it. Just keep taking it a day at a time and it will get so much better.
  15. I just woke up from a very long nap. I was laying on my back and was trying to feel my port, and then I realized that I can't find it or feel it. It feels like it isn't there. I felt EVERYWHERE on my left side and I don't feel it. Normally I can feel it, kind of like something bottle cap sized under my skin. I don't know what I should do. Should I call my surgeon ?? I'm really freaking out here because the idea of some kind of port surgery scares me a lot. I hated the first surgery, and I really don't want another one. I just need your opinions. Could it still be there, but since I've been asleep on my stomach, it's just kinda hidden and I should wait and see what happens? thanks

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