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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sarabluebell

  1. sarabluebell

    4cc filled to 5cc

    I told my dr that i didnt think my fill wasnt tight enought and that she needed to do an aggresive fill she seamed to be annoyed and and then filled my 4cc band to 5cc. I couldnt even swallow my own spit. had to get an unfill....should she have filled it that full
  2. I went to my dr for a fill and she said the thought my esoghous (spelling) was streched, and that i didnt really need a fill. So she procedded to have me swallow a whole mouth full of barrium and then take exrays to see if the fulid went down. Im at 3.4 in a 4cc band. I took a huge drink and swallowed down in one big gulp. she started the xrays that showed the liquid going down and then bouncing back up cause it hit the band, she then proceeded to say "see its streched cause it bounced back up, it should go right down". I became upset...my mind raced oh no ive done something wrong. She suggested a complete unfill where then I panicked and ran out of the room to my car and left,( no way in hell was i being unfilled) Then I started thinking that test doesnt seam right. of couse its gonna bounce back up im fairly tight and isnt it like a funnel u add a lot of liquid it will go down just slowly. So the question is am I missing something? Do I not understand the test? Any information on if im right or wrong would be so appricated.
  3. Just a quick warning that this is an opinon piece, my opinon Is it just me, but why have people been telling me for years that just because you lose weight its not going to make you happy. Your still going to have the same problems weather you fat or thin, So i thought that makes sense. I prepared myself for this. It made sense. How could so many people be wrong. They were all wrong. I am so much happier and I don't have the same problems i had before. I can breath, I can play with my kids, my husband wants to sleep with me all time. I could go on and on about problems i had when I was fat that I dont now that i weight 165. Okay im by no means thin, but i am a lot healthier. So to all those people who say being thin isnt gonna make you happy are lying. I still have my share of problems, but not nearly as many. I dont want to mislead anyone and say your not going to have problems once you lose the weight, just dont let people discourage you.
  4. Im not sure how much I really eat. I eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full. Usually after about 4-5 bites. Anything I have not eaten within 20 minutes goes in the trash. I am no longer the garbage disposal. I find this works well for me.
  5. sarabluebell

    does it hurt when any1 hiccups?

    I usually get hicups when I;ve eaten too much. Sometimes they hurt, I'm mostly embarrased by how loud it is. Ive scared people by hicuping to loud. Thats one of the side effects no one warnded me about.
  6. sarabluebell

    What have you lost?

    Wow Ive lost a newborn giraffe. I'm taking my kids to the Kansas City Zoo next week, so I'll have to make sure we visit the giraffe I lost.
  7. I know we all need to eat, but my husband (12 years) is going overboard to the point where we are now fighting about how much I eat. I sometimes (at family meals) eat more then I should and end up just throwing it all up. Not PB. My husband then gets mad at me for it. It started at 318 and am now down to 229, so I have much more to lose. I try to eat a lot of brothy soups so it looks like I'm eating alot. How do I deal with this. Sometimes I go all day without eating until he gets home so he sees every bite I eat. Has anyone else had this problem? What can I say to him?
  8. So I have a regular Dr I go to for fills, however to get an appointment takes months of waiting and I drive 4 hrs to see him. I had an appointment for the end of Jan but I just couldn't wait. So I decided to go to another place for a fill that was closer but more expensive, but they could get me in the same week. Well the lady who did the fill used flouro but had a hard time fining my port (even though I can feel it with my fingers and light pressure) She moved the needle around and took about ten minutes to get it "stuck" in the right place. She took all the liquid out cause I didn't know how much was there. Well she then added .5 because I asked her to be aggressive, (I've gained weight.) Well its now a few days later and I have no restriction, could she have missed when she filled it back up, I don't think she took the needle out, so is that even possible. I have less tighness then before I went in. Is is appropiate to ask for a refill again, would I have to pay again. I'm just looking for personal opinions.:help:
  9. I had my surgery done in Mexico and have been going to Dr. Malley for fills. My last two appointments have been canceled because something came up with the Dr. Now I can get in until the end of January and thats only cause I made the appointment a few months ago. Now I find out that the Dr. will no longer be doing the fills but a nurse practioner will be in charge of it. When I asked if that would speed up my appointment they said yes, but she needed to be trained first. WHAT! Trained? This just seams like a red flag and I think I should run. My only hesitation is that because I had my surgery in Mexico it was hard to find a Dr. to do fills. I drive four hours each way to see him. What would you do? ANyone else in Kansas use a different dr for fills Help
  10. I have lost almost 100 ls since june of 06, I do not exercise at all. I eat whatever kind of food my body craves or wants, but do watch my protien to make sure I get enough. The best thing is to remember is to stop eating when your full, or in my case, when I get tired of eating. All that chewing and swallowing can take a while. Sometimes I just quit eating because everyone else is already done and I'm really just tired of chewing.
  11. sarabluebell


    My signal is hiccups also. its strange but true.
  12. sarabluebell

    Help My husband is forcing me to eat.

    :bounce:After reading what everyone has to say I thought maybe I should clear some misconceptions up. He worried I'm not eating enough and am being a bad example to my children at family dinner time. Hes worried that my daughter 6, who is considered overweight (barly) is going to pick up on what he sees as bad eating habits to lose weight. He wants me to eat more because he for some reason believes I'm starving. I tried to explain to him that I'm not but he concerned. I do have to say that I do agree that no one can force me to eat, but I just want to keep the peace at dinner and not fight about it. I guess it's a good time to talk to my hubby and lay the ground rules about who decides how much I eat. I do think some people were harsh, and others very nice. But thats whats great about this site, we sometimes have to hear things we don't want to. oh and for those wondering I was 140 when my husband and I met.
  13. I've been banded a year now and lost 82 lbs. Is this average below average or on target. I was really trying to loss 100, but I really feel like I failed. I know its a lot of weight, but when I see others posts, it seams like I'm behind. Please let me know how much you have lost in a year.
  14. sarabluebell

    Did your insurance cover your lap-band?

    I couldn't even get health insurance because I was so overweight. I was a selfpay. Put down a deposit and made monthly payments.
  15. sarabluebell

    What have you rewarded yourself with?

    I'm not sure you would call it a reward, but everytime I think about stopping at a store for a snack or a fast food rest. I take all the money I would of spent on food and put it in a jar for my fills. I was shocked to see how much I really spent on "bad" or "fast foods". I never worry about not having enough for a fill when I need it.
  16. how many calories do you think you consume?
  17. sarabluebell

    Low Iron Levels

    Does anyone else have lower iron levels then before the band?
  18. I had dr sanchez do my surgery in June of 06, I don't remember any nutritionalist named Sady sorry I cant help
  19. sarabluebell

    Lap band and volume eaters.

    I used to try to finish off a half gallon of ice cream because I didn't want to get freezer burn on it. Now I buy single serve portions and sometimes even that is too much. I had always thought if a little is good, more is better. Now I eat until I'm full, and then I'm satisfied.
  20. sarabluebell

    Pigging out between fills

    :hungry: After my first two fills I want very hungry for aobut 3 weeks. Then I'm just starving. By the time I can get another app. I just maintaing because I cant help but eat everything thats not in the trash can. I tied to get fills closer but my dr is so booked I ususally cant get one for 2 months. Any one have any idea on this.
  21. sarabluebell

    Cost of Fills

    my dr does them for 100.00 including flouro, but I do also pay 100.00 in gas to get there
  22. sarabluebell

    Any other LDS members here

  23. I often see challenges going on the most recent on I saw was the Valentine's day challenge 15 lb by then. Do you have to be invited to these challenges. how do I find out more. Thanks
  24. sarabluebell

    New Year's Resolutions

    to drink enough water but not right after eating. its a delicate balance
  25. sarabluebell

    Help-any Self Payers With Not So Great Credit

    I went through a dr in mexico and paid half up front and make 12 payments of 356. Had the surgery in june. they just take the payment out of my account every month, but of course i did have to pay 4500.00 up front. ps. they dont charge any finance charge for this. and no credit check

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
