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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GreyhoundGirl

  1. Yes I've been doing the liquid diet... My dietician suggested adding Tirani sugarfree syrups to my protein shakes... They taste AWESOME however the Splenda thats in the sugarfree stuff is NOT agreeing with me at all!!! :eek: I am lucky that my doc allows one chicken breast a day while on the pre-op diet. But with the protein shakes giving me such horrible diarrhea I haven't felt like eating! Glad to know someone else will be banded on Wednesday!
  2. GreyhoundGirl

    Rebanding on the 25th

    Sorry to hear you have to be re-banded! I'm sure everything will go fantastic! And NO more assaults at work! eek!
  3. I'm being banded on 3/30!!! My pre-op appointment is tomorrow to go over everything so I'm pretty excited and nervous to hear what my surgeon has to say! I know I have a hiatal hernia... so I'm wondering what he will say about that! YAY! Let's "band together"!!!
  4. GreyhoundGirl

    Tomorrow is the day!!

    YAY!!!! Congrats! I'm having my surgery on 3/30! :lunch:
  5. GreyhoundGirl

    Any March Bandsters...

    I will be banded March 30th in Phoenix AZ!!!! I'm so excited!
  6. GreyhoundGirl

    Weightloss Jan08 Mar09 med

    WOW!!!! You look awesome! Congrats on all your hard work!
  7. GreyhoundGirl

    After - 3/8/09

    WOW!!! You look great! What a transformation in under a year! When I look at this "after" photo of you I want to say... omg! Her younger sister is cuddling up to her man!!! hehe! You look fab!
  8. Hi! I'm in Arizona... Have been researching the band for quite a while now. Both my parents were banded in Michigan over the last several months! They are doing amazing... I guess you could say I got them on the "band wagon" My insurance changed in January and it now covers lapband surgery. I'm finally at the point where they will be submitting my paperwork for insurance approval tomorrow! A huge part of me a scared I wont get approved from some reason now that I am ready to take this step... And another part of me is scared of surgery and of FAILING yet again at getting control of my weight after the band. I sooooo hope the paperwork goes through! Also, I'm glad this site is here... Amanda
  9. OMG! Me too!!!!!! I told my Mom about this (I haven't been banded yet) and she thought I was CRAZY! She just doesn't get it. :hurray:
  10. GreyhoundGirl


    Both my parents were banded at Hurley! They both are doing awesome. I don't think my parents will be doing the support groups... Mainly because my mom is pretty shy and doesn't like groups. Also, they are now here in Arizona until April. My Mom traveled out here right after her 2 week post op check up. My parents also said the liquid diet DOES get better after a couple days where they didn't feel so hungry. Although they are retired and weren't out in the working world having to deal with people eating around them! I suspect once I get the date of my surgery and start the liquid diet that watching people eat at work will be killer!!! eek!
  11. GreyhoundGirl

    before 70 lb loss

    Wow! You can really see a difference in your before and after shots! You look great!
  12. GreyhoundGirl

    hurley bariatric center

    My dad was banded at Hurley 3 months ago. Counting his weight 2 weeks before surgery he has lost 47 pounds!!!! They just got to Arizona a couple days ago... he looks great!!! My mom was banded a lil over a month ago at Hurley. I'm not sure how much she has lost to date but she too is melting! They were both very happy with their experience with Hurley!
  13. GreyhoundGirl

    Family doing it together.

    Hi!!! My father was banded a couple months ago... My mom was banded 2 weeks ago. And now I am currently going through the process of being banded. It helped make my decision seeing how easily my father has adjusted.
  14. GreyhoundGirl

    Very sad update

    oh no! I'm so sorry! (((((hugs)))))
  15. GreyhoundGirl

    Holy crap...what size is that?

    WOW! I haven't been a size six since I was in Junior High!!!! That would be awesome. I can't wait until my surgery gets approved! I'd be over the moon to be a size 10!
  16. I too will own a pair of ridiculously expensive jeans... Take swing dance lessons... Finish the tattoo that's in a place I dare not say.
  17. I'd wait if I were you. What's the rush on ordering the dress now? You have plenty of time between now and the wedding (congrats btw) I'd wait until summer to try on your dress! :thumbdown:
  18. GreyhoundGirl

    Anyone else have pain on right side?

    My old roomate had dealt with pain on and off before her gallbladder had to be removed. Once it got to that point it was a constant pain.
  19. GreyhoundGirl

    fiber for consitipation

    Both my parents are banded now (my Dad 2 months, my Mom last week) I warned my Mom when she up'd her Protein with shakes and other things she had never done before that constipation would be an issue. So far my Dad eats 6 prunes a day and has one small glass of prune juice and is doing awesome. My Mom is still on liquids so she has a couple small glasses of prune juice a day. Both my folks swear by their prunes!! hehe! I'm a huge prune eater myself (oddly I hate prune juice!)
  20. GreyhoundGirl

    Need to get my act together

    Good for you for continuing your workouts! That's half the battle! I have no suggestions since I'm new to this lapband world... Haven't even gotten my band yet. But I applaud you for identifying you need to get back on track!! You go girl! 60+ pounds since August is AWESOME!
  21. GreyhoundGirl

    ~ Newbie ~

    Hi Teri! I'm starting my journey too. I've already gone through a year of monitored weightloss by a doctor... I have my meeting with my surgeon tomorrow. I'm excited and nervous. GOOD LUCK! - Amanda
  22. GreyhoundGirl


    Geez are you serious! :confused: Are you hoping for a flame here?
  23. GreyhoundGirl

    Did you tell co-workers?

    Hi! What a great topic to bring up! I'm glad to read the different responses. I have not had my procedure yet and am still in the beginning part of the journey working with the doctor and my insurance.... I have talked to my personal friends at work (the handful I go to breaks with.) and have asked them to keep it to themselves. They are very supportive and really want to know all about it. I have a new/temporary boss standing in for my old boss and don't feel comfortable telling him about it... I did tell him I was going to be asking for a weeks vacation in the next month or so... He has no problem with it. I work for a very large place and don't really need everyone in my business... They can think what they will months from now when I am much lighter... and should they want to approach me about it I'm sure I will be open and honest. I'm not ashamed of this surgery - however, it's also something I don't feel like advertising either!
  24. GreyhoundGirl

    Post LapBand Constipation problem

    My father has also added lots of natural Fiber to his diet too since the Protein is really binding him. He eats 6 prunes a day along with other fiber. Good luck! Constipation is never fun!

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