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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Tiffykins

  1. Thank you so very much. . . It means a lot to me. I know we'll get through this rough patch. I appreciate you keeping me in your thoughts.

  2. I never bothered with fat or sugar gram counting. I wasn't eating enough to worry about fat. For me, and what got me to goal was 60gr of protein, no more than 30gr of carbs, 600-800 calories per day. Hope that helps ! ! !

  3. Check out my blog here. I don't have the details on my Facebook, I'm open about my surgery on FB, but I don't put the research I've done on there just because most wouldn't read it. Plus, I direct everyone here that contacts me on FB.

  4. Check my blog on here for all the research links, dietary guidelines, and other miscellaneous information I have gathered over the last 20ish months.

  5. Walking was allowed immediately post-op. Anything involving weights, or ab/core workouts had to wait until 6-8 weeks post-op. No lifting anything over 10-15lbs for 6 weeks to allow the internal incision to heal properly. Hope this helps!


  6. Thank you so much for your kind words. The sleeve is absolutely wonderful, and has literally given me the life I always dreamed of having ! ! ! You're gonna do great, just one day at a time, one meal at a time, one walk at a time. Stay positive and you'll succeed.

  7. I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you, and pray you are doing well ! ! !

  8. Thank you. You'll love the sleeve, and there's been several that I've read about that revised with very close to or at goal that didn't lose a lot more weight, but were able to maintain easily after the sleeve. Best wishes, and keep me posted on your progress ! ! !

  9. 3oz of chicken is over 20 gr of protein, 1 egg is 7gr, and you can add 2 wedges of laughing cow cheese for another 6grams. Tuna, scallops, shrimp are all high protein foods.

  10. But, during my losing stage, I cut carbs to no more than 30gr a day, and mainly got my carbs from dairy. No snacking, 4 meals a day with a minimum of 15gr of protein per meal. 600-800 calories, 30gr of carbs or less, 60+ protein per day. That's how I got to goal, and that's what really worked for me. Now, I eat 1500-1800 calories per day, 100gr of protein, and 100gr of carbs, sometimes more carbs

  11. Honestly, I eat anything and everything now. This morning, I had 3/4 cup of chili with 1/4 of cheese, and 6 saltine crackers for breakfast. For lunch, I'll probably have 1/2 sandwich, more than likely pb&j, I might have some soup later this afternoon, and then for dinner, we're having chili (I made it last night in the crock pot, and just had to have some this morning).

  12. Thank you soooo very much ! ! !

  13. Thank you so much ! ! ! You look amazing as well.

  14. My album should still be there, I have no idea where it went. I have it open to all my friends and your on my list so I don't know where it is. I'll try to figure it out.

  15. I never made it out of the hospital before the leak was detected. I was 2 days post-band to sleeve revision. The leak was surgically repaired as soon as it was detected with heavy mattress suturing, and then I went those days without food or liquids. Once I could start "food", I did 17 days of clears, 1 week of full liquids then onto mushies.

  16. I did have a leak, and was completely NPO (nothing by mouth)for 22 days. I had a pic line in my arm that fed me 1800 calories a day for over 2 weeks. It is emotional, and very mentally/physically draining, but you will heal and recover. Trust your doctors, and once you are back on liquids, stick to the post-op guidelines. Hang in there, it'll get better each day.

  17. Hey there, you'll need to visit the Food forum on here and check out the protein topics to help find a protein that you can tolerate post-op, just order samples until you are post-op because your tastes might change. Also, as for post op diet, I stuck to 600-800 calories, 60gr of protein and no more than 30gr of carbs per day.

  18. Your tastes will change several times, and it will all take several weeks to figure out. You're not crazy, but your body thinks you are. It's been through a lot of changes, just keep sipping, concentrate on staying hydrated and keep your spirits up. Each week gets better and better.

  19. Lost 35lbs the first month, had surgery June 3rd, by Aug 21st had dropped 60lbs, and then the last week of September which put me super close to 4 months out I had dropped 80lbs. At that point, my surgeon was kind of freaking out because I had lost so fast, so he made me add more carbs, But I was too stubborn and still lost another 35lbs in 2.5 months.

  20. Hey chickee, I don't remember how much I lost each month, but I do remember that I dropped 80lbs the first 4 months, and a total of 115lbs at the 6.5 months post-op mark. The last 25-30lbs fell off sporadically over the next 5ish months. I'll go dig through my blog to find my stats, but I can't remember the exact numbers. . .

  21. I do have Facebook. You should be able to search me on there with the email of tifjb1@yahoo.com and if that doesn't work, shoot me an invite using that email address, and it'll tell me that you are from here.

  22. There is absolutely NO WAY on God's green earth that I'd let a surgeon use a 60fr on me, no way no how. . . and I'd never get a band that's just dangerous. Sorry, I just have a strong personal opinion on the band, and it's ridiculous to add on when he could just make the sleeve to the standardized size of a 32fr to 40fr. If he uses a 60fr, your fundus won't be fully dissected, and stretching and hunger are almost a guarantee for you.


    Personally, I'd get a new surgeon. You can really trust that he'll give you what you want once you are put under anesthesia. Putting the band around the sleeve is a completely outdated, and absurd practice that has been heavily advised against.


    Here's the link on the study on smaller bougies.



  23. Do you know what size of sleeve he is wanting to perform on you? Bougie size is a standard 32-40fr in size. Anything over 40 has shown a marked increase in regain stats. I'll add you to my friend's list, and you can find all the links in my blog on this forum at the top.


    There are random entries that are marked "Just bookmarking this information" it's a lot of band information as well, but a lot of vsg research links are included.


    I'll have to do some digging on pubmed.com and springerlink.com to find those articles. I've got a crazy schedule right now, but I will get back to you. Just give me a couple of days to find the articles.

  24. SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU ! ! ! You'll get that goal by Christmas, I just know it. . .


    Congrats on all of your victories, and cheers on the ones in the future.



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