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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maggi

  1. Hi All! Have a question I am hoping someone can help me with. I had my Lap Band surgery on November 19 with no complications. Every day gets better as far as less pain and soreness. Well, at least until yesterday. I have been following my liquid diet to the letter and have been very careful in everything I do so as not to risk injury. Anyway, yesterday I was sitting slightly slouched down in a chair which was uncomfortable for my stomach so I decided to sit up straighter. All I did to accomplish this was to take the palms of both hands and put one down on the edge of the seat on each side of me and push myself up. Didn't take much to do it but I felt what I thought maybe was an incision tear inside. Ouch! I just can't make up my mind if it was possibly the port or the band around the stomach. Since then I have been sorer inside in that place. Then today I was laughing at something my daughter had said and wow, it felt like something pulled in that same place! Kind of surprised me as well as hurt.:biggrin: My daughter and I were out shopping at the time and we had done nothing but walking and looking, no pushing, pulling, lifting or twisting. We had to put our shopping to a stop because the pain kept increasing to the point I was in tears. I was cooking dinner tonight and had to have my husband and one of my daughters finish it because I began hurting too bad. I started crying because of the pain as well as because I was frustrated to have this set back. It is frustrating me as now I feel sore almost like I did when I was only about two days out of surgery. And I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday. I have missed too much work over the past month already as I had my gallbladder removed only one month before I had my Lap Band surgery, so I have been off twice in a month's time. Has anyone had anything like this happen shortly after banding? I pray that I didn't damage anything that might cause complications. When I am sitting down or lying still it hardly hurts but when I am moving around then it gets painful. Especially when I am up walking around. My youngest daughter is all ready to send me to the doctor but I don't want to get in a panic and make a bother of myself if it's nothing to be worried about. I would feel pretty sheepish if I paniced and the doctor told me it was nothing. :thumbup: If anyone has experienced anything similar to this and can give me some advise, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!
  2. maggi

    Lump In Throat

    Thank you to all who shared the thoughts with me. I am still currently feeling the lump in the throat. As a matter of fact I have felt this way almost constantly all day today and yesterday. Just eating a couple of bites increases this feeling. I have no heartburn (YEA)! I have an appointment for another fill on Tuesday, January 12 and I will tell them how I am feeling. I feel like something is stuck and just not wanting to move through very well. I'm sure I'll actually get a little unfill unless things straighten before then. I am kind of surprised to have this feeling after only one fill but I'm positive that things are telling me to have some removed. It's getting uncomfortable, especially having to deal with it all day long.
  3. maggi

    Lump In Throat

    Had my first fill of 3 cc put in last Monday, Dec. 28. I get a feeling like I have a lump in my throat when eating. I am taking my time chewing and feel like I am chewing pretty well but get a lump in my throat before I am even half done with my 1/2 cup portion. Is this because I am eating too fast or not chewing as well as I think I am or is this telling me I am full and that I should stop? I want to do this right and don't want to do any damage by not using this tool in the right way. If anyone has any answers, I would appreciate all.
  4. maggi

    Incision from Surgery

    The port incision is usually the last to stop hurting. I am about six and a half weeks out and I still have a little soreness in that one. The surgeon told me that is normal and that it would improve as time goes on. She is right, it has. It's normal.
  5. I had that happen with two of my five stitches. I gently tugged on mine and they came out but that doesn't mean I recommend that you do that. I really don't think it's anything to worry about as long as it doesn't start looking infected. I would cover it up with a band-aid to keep it from snagging on your clothes then ask your surgeon about it at your post-op appointment.
  6. I truely feel for you as I recently went through that as well. I was starving by about three days postop. (My surgery was Nov. 19, 2009) During the 2 weeks on the liquid stage after surgery it was pretty tough as I felt so hungry constantly. My stomach was so loud with all the grumbling!! When the pureed stage came the hunger wasn't quite as bad and then was even better when I could eat solids. My surgeon does not put in any fill whatsoever when the band is put in so there is no restriction. I didn't get my first fill until about 6 weeks later. Hang in there. Thankfully it's a "not forever situation" and it will get better. You will feel it was so worth it once you get through this time in your journey and the pounds start coming off.
  7. maggi

    SV!! I weigh LESS than my DH!!

    It sure does feel great to weigh less than your hubby! I now weigh 5 pounds less than mine. This morning I tried on a new pair of pants that I bought and I'm now down another pant size!! I was wearing a size 26/28 and now am down to a size 18. Happy New Year to me!!! Seriously, I praise the Lord for my success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. When my surgeon puts the band in she does not put in any fluid, therefore there is no restriction. I was absolutely starving during the liquid portion of the post-op diet but it did improve a bit when I was able to eat pureed foods and a touch more when I could eat solids. I had to wait 6 weeks for my first fill so that my stomach could have time to heal after banding. Hang in there. It will get better.
  9. I had my first fill on Monday, December 28 with no numbing medication. I had absolutely no discomfort. Just felt like someone very lightly touched my skin. That's all. It was a breeze for me but just because it was for me that doesn't mean it is for everyone.
  10. maggi

    Newbie Question

    I had my band done on Nov. 19 and have no fill and no restriction. It's all willpower at this point. And yes, it is very possible to lose before the first fill. I have lost 15 pounds since my surgery. Good luck on your new adventure as a Banster! :smile2:
  11. So sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Hang in there. Take it easy. Work will wait even if you think it won't. It's time to baby yourself. You don't want to damage anything by doing too much too soon. As far as Jello, sugar free jello was one thing my surgeon and diatician said I could have at your stage. I just was sure to take my spoon and mush it up good. I never had any problems whatsoever. Take tiny bites at a time. Don't eat too fast and set your spoon down between bites. At first I thought suger free jello wasn't very tasty but you do get used to it and once you get hungry enough everything you get to have tastes like heaven. Take care of yourself!!! :willy_nilly:
  12. maggi


    I know I'm sure colder in the daytime and especially at night. I used to run around the house in a t-shirt during the winter but not any more. It's sweats, a sweatshirt, socks and slippers and I'm still a little chilly. At night I used to have my sheet and one blanket and usually ended up throwing them off after awhile because I would get too hot. Now I have my sheet, bedspread, a blanket, and a sleeping bag that is designed to keep a person warm in temperatures down to 50 degrees. I'm still a little chilly at the beginning of the night which does make it harder to fall asleep with even those, but eventually I warm up and am good and don't have to throw them off from getting too hot like I used to. Hopefully it will improve for us and our bodies will adjust as we lose weight. Time will tell! :eek:
  13. What's the name of the new liquid protein shots? I am really interested in trying them if I can find them. :eek:
  14. I don't think that it's at all abnormal to be hungry only three days out of surgery. I sure was! It's tough but try to hang in there and follow your surgeon's and diaticians directions no matter how hungry you get. You don't want to risk any damage to your stomach. It's been three weeks today since my surgery and the hunger does get less. I have no restriction at this point the surgeon told me only a few days ago. I don't know if you get a little used to the hunger to a degree or what. I'll admit it does get a little easier once you get past the all liquid stage and into the pureed foods. I am eating only one half cup a meal since I was banded. It's hard but hang tough! It'll be so worth it and remember this Banster Hell is only a very short time in your life and you'll reap so much as the weight comes off. :eek:
  15. maggi

    Nerves getting me!

    Hillmama is right. Do it for your child. You'll be able to be more active with your child which will be enjoyed by you both once you loose weight. You want to improve your health, not only for yourself but for your child. I did it not only for myself but so that I will be here for my two daughters by getting myself healthier. I have the responsibility to be there for them and don't want to risk them seeing me die of a heart attack, stroke or cancer caused by my obesity. Once it's done your child will be okay and I do understand that it is hard to see them scared. But in the long run she will recover and will have a much healthier mother to be there for her. Hang in there!!
  16. You'll both do great!! Wishing you the best!!
  17. I am also at that stage. I was just at my first checkup since my surgery only yesterday. The nutrisionist told me that I can blend tuna that has been packed in Water or canned chicken breast and mix it with a little light mayo. Also, she said that I could blend very well stew, potato Soup, bean with bacon soup or chili. Also mashed potatoes but not too stiff. You can have oatmeal (I use Quaker Weight Control oatmeal). Also, grits and cream of wheat. I like to put a packet of Equal in the cooked cereals. I know some don't recommend artificial sweetners but I have never felt that for me personally that they make me hungrier or crave sweets even more. If anything I'd say it satisfies my need for something sweet when on occasion I want something a little sweet. Hope this helped to give you some more ideas. :thumbup:
  18. Bunches of thanks for replying back to me. I am doing much better. I think hanging in there was the right choice instead of running to my surgeon right away. Maybe I paniced to easily. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!!!
  19. Hoping someone can help me with some advise. I had LAP-BAND®® surgery done November 19 and everything has gone well. I'm following the liquid diet to the tea and have taken it easy so as not to risk any injury. Here is where the problem starts and it has me worried. Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in a chair but was sitting slightly slouched. It was uncomfortable for my stomach so I put the palms of my hands down on each side of my chair to push myself up straighter. Didn't even have to put much effort into it and I felt something like a stitch tear inside. Don't know if it's the port or the band itself around the stomach. Just can't decided. That area has been more painful since. Sore inside. Then today I had barely started shopping at a pet store, all I had done is walk, no lifting, pushing, nothing. I was joking around with my daughter and a clerk at the store and started to laugh. Oh did that hurt! :cool2: The same place felt like it pulled in there some. It's been about two hours since that and if I am not sitting or lying still it is very painful. Had to call an end to the shopping because it was hurting enough that I was shedding a few tears. My daughter is all ready to have me call the doctor but I don't like to create a fuss if it's nothing to worry about. Too embarrassing. Has anyone had this happen? Is it anything to be concerned about? I feel sore inside almost like I was just a couple of days out of surgery. Any advise would be appreciated!! Since I wrote in this earlier I have been having hunger pangs and when I do it is causing sharp pain in that same place. Not so painful that I can't handle it but it is new.
  20. Thanks for your response. I feel a little silly asking you this...what is a binder? Is it kind of like a girdle or band to wear around the stomach. Where can I get one? I do not have any swelling or redness thankfully.
  21. maggi

    8 Days Since Surgery-New Pain-Worried

    Hoping someone can help me with some advise. I had LAP-BAND®® surgery done November 19 and everything has gone well. I'm following the liquid diet to the tea and have taken it easy so as not to risk any injury. Here is where the problem starts and it has me worried. Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in a chair but was sitting slightly slouched. It was uncomfortable for my stomach so I put the palms of my hands down on each side of my chair to push myself up straighter. Didn't even have to put much effort into it and I felt something like a stitch tear inside. Don't know if it's the port or the band itself around the stomach. Just can't decided. That area has been more painful since. Sore inside. Then today I had barely started shopping at a pet store, all I had done is walk, no lifting, pushing, nothing. I was joking around with my daughter and a clerk at the store and started to laugh. Oh did that hurt! :cursing: The same place felt like it pulled in there some. It's been about two hours since that and if I am not sitting or lying still it is very painful. Had to call an end to the shopping because it was hurting enough that I was shedding a few tears. My daughter is all ready to have me call the doctor but I don't like to create a fuss if it's nothing to worry about. Too embarrassing. Has anyone had this happen? Is it anything to be concerned about? I feel sore inside almost like I was just a couple of days out of surgery. Any advise would be appreciated!! Since I wrote in this earlier I have been having hunger pangs and when I do it is causing sharp pain in that same place. Not so painful that I can't handle it but it is new.
  22. maggi

    Stoma size -- very interesting

    Thanks for the information. That is so interesting and it also gives me some idea in how big I need to cut my bites when I start on solid foods. :thumbup: I am new at this and love all the info I can get. I want to do this right!
  23. maggi

    3 days out and FRUSTRATED!

    Hang in there. I am one week out since surgery and I still tire easier. I am sleeping more. I have to sit down between tasks around the house and rest awhile. Allow yourself to do this. No shame in it. You are doing some major healing right now.
  24. maggi

    turkey day is here

    Happy Thanksgiving To All !! I am one week out since being banded on Nov. 19 and will also be drinking my Thanksgiving dinner. Will admit the tranditional Thanksgiving dinner sounds much better but I don't regret my decision in having the band. It'll be so worth it. :thumbup:
  25. maggi

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    I have lost over 60 pounds by walking so I am a big believer in it. :ohmy: I walk for at least 30 min. but think it's better to do at least 45 to 60 min. when I can. I walk at least 6 days a week, sometimes 7. I love using my pedometer. It is worth the money to help keep track of the steps I take. The faster the walk, the better because it increases the heart rate. I cannot afford going to a gym and walking is always free. I use Z-Coil shoes to help with my planter fasceitis and ankles and have had them for about 18 months. I no longer have any pain because of them and continue to wear them, especially when I am walking for excercise. They are pricey but well worth it. I am not a professional when it comes to excercise, and with your knee problems, I would consult your doctor before starting any excercise program.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
