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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LapBandit

  1. Hi all...I just turned 34 in December. So far I think my 30's are better than my 20's because I'm getting my life back.

    This thread should be interesting. Any other 30-Somethings out there who are not married yet?? Or, am I the ONLY one who isn't and still has no kids???? Errrr.

  2. I think hunger is something we all have to accept as a part of life. But, there are ways to manage hunger and prevent it from getting out of control.

    How many times per day are you eating? I eat 6 times per day and I try to space them out every 3-4 hours. This prevents me from ever getting that out of control hunger feeling.

    Select high Protein foods and complex carbs (brown rice, whole potatoes etc.) because these foods burn slowly in us which helps us stay satisfied until the next meal. I don't worry about the amount I eat at each meal as long as the food is balanced and nutritionally responsible...not junk.

    I guess I'm trying to say that sometimes we just need to play around with what we're eating when we're having a lot of hunger issues. Usually, you'll notice that your diet includes too much sugar products and simple carbs (white bread, white rice etc.) and those items will keep your blood sugar going crazy thus making you hungry more often and more intensely. I hope this helps!

  3. So, how's it going everyone?? Sorry--I am already done with my little "experiment" so I figured I'd show some support and see how you're doing with it.

    I know it seems silly, but this really helped me. I got myself hydrated again and regained a respect for food again. I had gotten myself so off track over the holidays that I just wanted to "stop" and refocus on myself. So, hopefully you'll find it works for you too. Just promise you'll go back to eating real foods (healthy foods) again when you're finished...I'm not trying to endorse us living off of liquid diets because that's not a healthy lifestyle.

    PS--Peeing much?? HA HA!

  4. Yes, your port will most likely remain a sore spot for awhile. The port is sutured directly onto muscle and this takes a long time to heal. The "bulge" you describe is also common. It is swelling and it will also last for probably a few weeks. If it is really, really bothersome you should call your doc. Otherwise, give it time and soon you probably will forget it's there. Don't pick at it though...pushing on it will probably just prolong the soreness! It's not going anywhere so try to let it be and it will heal soon!

  5. THAT IS SO FUNNY!!! After I had lost some weight I noticed this bone too...I thought it was my band!!!!! I told my doctor I thought I could feel my band and he snickered and reminded me that my band was very deep inside me and that you could not feel the actual band from the outside. I'm glad I'm not alone!

  6. It is very frustrating, I know. These things will happen from time to time and the best way I've found to break it is to switch up something. Either don't exercise for a day or two or enjoy a nice meal with some extra calories. I'm not saying go off the deep end and eat an entire cake, I'm just saying that something "out of the ordinary" usually wakes my body up and sparks my weight loss again. Just something to consider.

  7. I would doubt that there will be any weights taken or anything because most of these seminars are designed to introduce you to their practice, explain the band and how it works then give you an overview of how they work with their patients.

    The seminar is designed to help you make an educated decision as to whether or not you truly feel the band is something you would like to seriously talk to a surgeon about. I found my seminar to be very informative and helpful.


  8. I do eat frozen meals like Lean Cuisine on occasion because you're right...they're fast and they are pre-portioned. My doctor never said we cannot eat them but he did say that he prefers we do not because if you really look at those labels many of them are very, very high in sodium and carbs and sometimes fat. So, use sparingly when you have time issues. That's what I do. I also try to find the ones that have the most protein...like Boston Market makes a turkey with mashed potatoes meal that is actually a little better balanced with more Protein than other "Diet" frozen dinners. So, just read the labels and try not to eat them every night and I think you'll be OK!

  9. Yep, that helps. I was the same...not hungry. But, you will serve yourself, your weightloss and your metabolism well if you go ahead and start eating during the day. I really know what I'm talking about here. I eat every 3-4 hours starting with breakfast within an hour of waking. Breakfast can be as simple as a Protein shake...even if you don't drink the whole thing at first.

    You can do it! It really sounds to me like you've got a little metabolism work to do and then you'll be on track in no time!

  10. That's not possible. I was almost 400 pounds and my surgeon could fill me. I had inches of fat that he had to push past to find my port but he did it. He did say that it was down very deep and he struggled but didn't give up. It took 30 minutes of me bearing down, lifting my legs, holding my breath and him pushing and pushing but we made it! So, do not take that as an excuse!

  11. The thing is, I only want and can get liquids in up till about 4pm. After that I have good restriction, but after 8 I have no restriction and that is my trouble time. I'm wide open and I need to feel restriction in the evenings. ....I'm not going to lose if I can't feel restriction in the evenings.

    OK, first question is why do you only want to be able to get liquids in after 4PM? You are not eating all day until then? On purpose or because you are too tight?

    If it's on purpose then that's really not a good idea. You need to eat multiple times per day. If it's because you're so tight you cannot eat then that's not a good idea either for the same reason.

    If you are eating at regular intervals throughout the day you will not end up so ravenously hungry in the evenings and will avoid such a struggle to behave yourself. Honestly. I am speaking from experience.

    I spent years of my life thinking that I was better off skipping Breakfast, lunch and any food until the evening. I figured I was "saving" calories. But what I was doing was messing up my metabolism so much that by the time evening came around I was so stinking hungry that I ate whatever crap I could find. Once I broke that cycle and ate 6 times per day I found that I actually lost weight by eating more and more frequently than when I only ate at night.

    I'm being honest here...you'll have to work out a plan that fits into your life but the key to losing weight is actually to "feed" your body. It will work wonders on your evening hunger pangs to have already fed yourself well with good, balanced nutrition multiple times before the sun goes down. I used to be a night time eater...now I don't even think about food after 7PM because I've fed my body and it's happy.

    I'd like to help but I think we just need a little more insight into your situation. I'm not sure I understand what's happening except to say that you might be too tight. You will need to eat during the day and if you cannot then you should get a slight unfill. Eating during the day will help you avoid starving and overeating at night.

  12. No, it is my belief from research and talking with my surgeon that you should not expect to have any fill missing ever.

    It should all be there and if it's not then you might have a leak. It cannot evaporate as a normal lap-band system is airtight so if fill is missing then you have a leak somewhere.

    Your doctor didn't seem concerned and want to investigate this when he noticed that so much was missing?? To have lost 1.4 cc is a HUGE amount. I am not trying to sound overly dramatic but if I were you I would definately talk to him about this. Don't worry that you'll get sick or anything from leaking saline, it's just the point that the darn thing shouldn't be doing it and you deserve a perfect band/port!

  13. What in the WORLD????????? I'd get dizzy if I had to bend over backwards over the table too. I just lay there...no pain, no sitting there with needles hanging out of me. I am so sorry that's how your doc does fills because there are simpler ways and I think he's making it be a much more dramatic experience than it needs to be for his patients.

  14. Thanks and hopefully you feel better afterwards too.

    Just for the record, I do think it's important for us to eat "real food" and I'm not saying doing a temporary liquid diet is something we should do often. I just did it to kind of get me back into our newbie days when we were so focused...you know...the good old days when this was all so new to us and we were little bandster angels!!

    It worked for me and brought me back into a really good place so I wanted to share it. After two days of Protein shakes and Water just like our pre-op days, I was very appreciative to be having some beef and steamed veggies for dinner again!! By the end of day two...forget Cookies...I was ready to appreciate some good, healthy food!!!!!!!!!

    PS-I tried those Ziploc steamer bags and put some zucchinni and yellow squash in there---came out perfect!!!!!! I didn't even add any fats like butter...just some "Molly McButter" flakes, substitute salt and pepper--wonderful! Those bags are expensive but it was so quick and easy that I think I'm going to buy more when I finish the box!

  15. I can say from experience that it is VERY difficult to have a real vomit post-band but that it can happen.

    We are supposed to take precautions to avoid vomitting like trying anti-naseau meds or getting an unfill if we get the flu or something but I got surprised one weekend with a stomach bug that hit me real quick and yes, I vomitted.

    It was difficult and violent because food does NOT like travelling backwards past the band. I forget what it was called but there was an anti-naseau med that my sister got me from the drug store, it was over the counter, and it helped.

    But no, I didn't damage anything. So, if it happens try not to panic and then take something to help settle your stomach and prevent it from happening again. Or, if time allows call your doc to see if they want to unfill you temporarily.

  16. No catheter for me. The surgery isn't long enough and they had me up and walking within an hour of waking up. They made me walk to the potty and go before I could leave the hospital.

    Just try your best with the Water because it is very important for all of us pre-op/post-op whatever. My doctor is OK with us using Crystal Light because it's calorie-free. Maybe that'll help spark an interest in drinking more?? Just an idea.

  17. You are probably tired from lack of nutrition in general. You don't have an option...you have to find some new ideas to get some food in, especially Protein.

    When I was early on like you I ate all the stuff Make33 mentioned. I don't like Protein Shakes either really so I had to experiment with several different brands and flavors until I found some I liked. I still don't "like" them but I need them therefore I suffer through it!

    Bariatric Protein Pack

    I've ordered from the site listed above. The link takes you to a Protein sample pack they sell. There's a bigger pack but if you scroll down there's a smaller pack which obviously costs less! I ordered the smaller pack and I got samples of like 12 different brand/flavors of protein shakes to try. Protein shakes are not cheap so I didn't want to waste money buying big containers of stuff I would never finish. This worked great for me and kept me "entertained" for awhile as I tried the different samples.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
