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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandit

  1. LapBandit

    some drinking questions.

    Yes, I can chug-a-lug Water as I like without problem. As for the waiting an hour after eating...I try my best, but if I'm really thirsty I wait at least 30 minutes. For me, drinking too quickly after a meal really does make me hungry faster but 30 minutes seems to be my "magic time"!
  2. LapBandit

    New Year's Resolutions

    I have resolved to lose 100 pounds in 2007. I hope I can do it. I'm determined to try my best. Good luck to everyone else w/ their resolutions!
  3. LapBandit

    A Lapbanster's Christmas Confessions

    It seems most of you faired better than myself. I am ashamed to say that I've gained a solid 9 pounds in the past month. But...a new year means a new chance to right my wrongs. You are definately not alone!!
  4. LapBandit


    I went through this too. In fact, I've seen lots of posts on this topic. I don't believe my issue was food related at all. I really think my body released extra hormones or something and I was extremely emotional for a few days. But, as the others have written...it should pass in a few days! Hang in there and good luck! It gets better--I promise!
  5. LapBandit

    New Year, new ME

    I can really relate to your post. Although I enjoyed spending time with friends and family this holiday season, I too, gained more weight than I imagined I would. But, you're right...the new year marks a fresh start to get back on track. We'll get there but it is apparent to me now that I must drive the band...it won't protect me against myself. This is something I thought I understood already but apparently not well enough! At any rate...I'm refocused and couldn't be happier to see life return to the normal humdrum for awhile so that I can finish what I started!! Good luck all and Happy New Year!
  6. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I think your goal is possible. So, it would mean you'd need to lose around 37 lbs by the end of March...I think you can do it! I also loved your story about the cakes. I did the same last night. I had my last "splurges" before midnight then when the new year hit that was the end of it! You'll be in Twoterville before you know it, and we'll all be here cheering you on!!
  7. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I have resolved to lose 100 pounds this year. If I can accomplish this goal then I will be at my goal weight!!! I did the math and found that losing 100 pounds in one year will mean 8.5 lbs every month. I gained way more over the holidays than I expected. I am up 9 lbs from my last doctor's appointment in the middle of December. But, I am determined to get back on track. The new year means a clean slate...a new year to make better choices. I don't know if it's a healthy idea or not, but...I feel gross. I've eaten so much junk food and messed up so badly that I am doing liquids for a day or two. It's almost as though I feel I need a "detox" or something. So, this is my plan to get past all the mistakes of the past month. Hopefully, my plan works and I get back into the flow of things. It's crazy, eating poorly really has made me feel badly. I have headaches again, I'm tired and lazy and just generally don't feel as well as I did when I was eating healthy. The biggest lesson I need to learn from this past month is...it's not worth it to "go off the wagon". It's OK to splurge and have a yummy dinner once in a while or a small cheat now and again but...slipping back into old habits is alot easier than I ever imagined. The weight comes pouring back on and you end up feeling gross. It's not worth it. Stay the course and use splurging as a special treat and not an everyday occurrence. OK...sorry! I needed to get that out in the open and off my chest. It's a fresh year...new start. Next Holiday Season I'll do better!
  8. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congratulations Lapbandster! Welcome to Twoterville! You're success has been great. It doesn't matter how fast we lose it, as long as it's coming off!! Besides, everyone seems to go in spurts when it comes off quickly then slows WAY down for awhile. You might end up sprinting ahead of the pack soon! Candy, I am so sorry about your sister's health problems. I can't imagine what I'd do if something like this was happening to my sister. I'm sure it's scary and frustrating all at the same time. I wish there was something I could do to help. I hope everything works out. Please let us know how things are going for you and your family.
  9. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Libra, I am so jealous...you lost over the holidays?! You must have some serious willpower. I'm really proud of you! Josette, 3 pounds is pretty good. You're right-if you get back on track it'll come off in a jiffy! You did well too! Me, on the other hand, have definately gained at least 8 pounds because they've been there for the past couple days. Urgh. Once I get past New Year's I will be super-focused and my 2007 goal will be to get into Onderland.
  10. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    You were so close that it still counts! Good job! Now...I'm sorry to report that although I hit my Christmas goal, I am now up about 8 pounds. So, I'm way over right now. UGH...I did a terrible, horrible, plain old stinkin' bad job at eating this past week. I had a really nice holiday, but enough is enough...I can't wait for New Years to be over so I can cross Holiday Season 2006 off my "to do" list!! How is everyone else making out?
  11. The thought of being under anesthesia is spooky to me too. But, if you're scared...let them know. They can give you some "happy juice". I snickered and giggled the whole way down the hallway into the OR! Try not to let yourself get too worked up about it. It was honestly not a big deal and everything went just fine for me. I'm sure you'll do great too! Just think...you'll wake up with your brand-new band!
  12. LapBandit

    1 month post -op and gaining

    SOME people may lose weight during this time, but I wasn't one! And, it did not adversely affect my progress. I definately agree with your doctor...eating is extremely important. My doctor always preaches how important it is to not "diet" during these times...stick with your plan and let your body take the lead. I know it's hard, but stay the course!
  13. LapBandit

    Diet Coke

    Yes, the general rule-of-thumb is no soda/pop. Water, water, water is the key...to better health and to weight loss.
  14. LapBandit

    Protein powders

    I don't have any idea why you would have been told this by your doctor?! I would venture to say the vast majority of us are instructed to use Protein powder and I've never heard one complaint about it getting stuck. You mix it with Water and it basically makes the same consistency as a pre-mixed shake. Strange! Slim Fast is not a very good long-term solution because it has way too much sodium. But, EAS Carb Advant Edge shakes are pre-mixed and taste OK.
  15. LapBandit

    Band Size

    I don't really feel there are any advantages/disadvantages because you get the size you need to fit your body, that's really the only different between them all. Whatever size band, you'll eventually reach a good fill spot. The only thing I could think that might be a disadvantage would be if someone were given the smallest band and it was too tight right from the start. But...if the surgeon knows what they're doing then they make sure that doesn't happen! You're question wasn't stupid and don't be afraid to ask any other questions you might have!
  16. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    That's great news Mariquita!! You can do it!
  17. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats, Julie!
  18. LapBandit

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Wow, success for Julie's everywhere! JulieNYC, you got it-you're as good as gold! Juliegeraci, that is such a big milestone. Under 250...it's great, isn't it! Libra, OMG...I am hating PMS right now! I feel disqusting and bloated. Ugh, I hope you're out of the woods soon and I feel your pain!!
  19. LapBandit

    need fill advice

    You're right...restriction does not equal PB's all the time. So, you'll just need to keep plunking away at tiny fills until you find a level that works for you. Plus, I like that you're talking to your nutritionist because perhaps there is some tweaking you can do to help you feel more satisfied so that your current level of fill works better. You seem to have a good game plan!
  20. LapBandit

    To Fill Or Not To Fill

    If you don't want a fill then DON'T get one. Being too tight will be miserable. All you need to say is that you feel OK with your restriction level right now and don't feel the need to tighten the band. That's all you need to say.
  21. LapBandit

    weird clicking feeling?

    I have recently noticed this too! It's just a clicking sound that happens during exercise...doesn't hurt but just sounds weird!
  22. LapBandit

    Constipation & Pain

    I know...I am just like you. I'm eating better than ever before. Veggies etc. but still end up "not regular". I can't explain why my body is this way now. Any way...after I got the first "episode" taken care of, I decided to add metamucil to my diet. It has helped. Benefiber should help too, but metamucil just seems to work better for me. However, if you have a severe problem then you may need to discuss it with your doc because it's not good to let this problem go for more than a few days...according to my doc, 3-4 days and you need to call them right away.
  23. I agree with all of you...luckily I can still chug so I pretty much try to get through it as quickly as possible, but 25g of protein make it worth it! I don't think they taste terrible, but I don't necessarily look forward to them either!
  24. LapBandit


    I agree...chewables or liquids are the way to go immediately post-op until you've experimented with your band and have an idea of how much you can swallow at a time. But, now I take a regular old "One-A-Day Weight Smart" and can swallow it just fine. My bloodwork looks good and the size of the pill doesn't cause me any grief.
  25. LapBandit

    New Hi pro foods found

    I've tried it too. Yes, it tastes pretty good and is pretty well-balanced. It's really helpful during the mushies stage.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
