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About workingsahm

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/18/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a married mother of two children ages 3 and 8. I work at a college health center.
  • Interests
    I don't really have any hobbies. My life mainly revolves around my family. I have a few friends that live far away.
  • Occupation
    Administrative Assistant
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  1. Happy 38th Birthday workingsahm!

  2. workingsahm

    Mean people

    That is true... I will say this, though...the younger students 25 and younger are very sweet and don't seem the least bit judgmental. I see it more in the grad students and the people who work at the university. Hopefully that is something to be encouraged by.
  3. workingsahm

    Mean people

    Heheheh...Jacqui, that's just what I plan to do! I want to come up with some way to document it so that I have something tangible to compare things to as I progress. Maybe I'll write a book! I'd at least like to have the opportunity to call some of my "enlightened" colleagues out on the carpet!:thumbup:
  4. workingsahm

    Mean people

    I posted the question for just this reason...I wasn't sure what I was noticing was real, and I guess there are so many different ways to look at it. At first it perplexed me because I have always been a very confident person. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but it seemed like over time I met with much more resistance than in the past. Then it just started becoming more clear that this all has happened gradually over time and there seems to be a correlation between the weight gain and the poor attitudes I am noticing.:thumbup:
  5. workingsahm

    Mean people

    Thank you for validating. It's really something that I'll have to admit I was oblivious to until the past couple of years. I've never been one of the "mean people" so I thought everyone pretty much accepted people as they were. I work at a very liberal university and I am STUNNED at the treatment I get from so-called educated and Enlightened people.
  6. workingsahm

    Mean people

    Hi, all... I'm still in the early stages and haven't even been approved by insurance for surgery yet. I have had most of my questions answered here and at a local support group, but I have one more...and I guess this is mostly directed at those who had had significant results post-surgery or have met their goal weight...or for those who are still in the same boat as me...I'd like to hear your opinion on this as well. This might sound petty and I'm sorry if it does. I've always been overweight, but became obese, then morbidly obese only after having my children. I don't know if the realization of the following is an observation that is in my mind only or if it is reality. Maybe I have just grown up and realized the world isn't what I believed it to be. Over the years, as my weight has gone up, I have noticed that peoples' attitudes toward me have changed. Of course, the people I have known all along still treat me the same but I have found that people I meet out in public or professionally have a different attitude toward me than the general population did ten years ago. Is this just a coincidence? Has anyone seen this in their lives as well? After meeting significant weight loss goals, have you noticed people's attitudes toward you improving? I'm doing this for myself, but I am SOOO frustrated that people don't take me seriously professionally anymore. I used to be on top of my game and now I am treated like a total peon. I hope that in addition to my personal goals for myself, I can improve my public image. It's not a deciding factor, I'm just wondering if this is a real observation or if I'm just being oversensitive because of my insecurity. Thanks, Julie
  7. Yes, it's OK to use my name. I don't think there are any rules against it. I'm new to this too, so I'm not really sure how to navigate it all either.

  8. Hey! Is it okay if I use your real name on here? LOL, I dont know the rules. So let me know.


    Tell me a little more. What are you waiting for? Insurance hang up? If I could figure out how to send you a private message I would send you my email. I need to spend some time playing around on here to figure out how to do things :)

  9. Hi there...I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your upcoming surgery!


    I read your blog and I guess we have a lot in common...I have always been the one who thought I was beautiful until I looked in the mirror (or stepped on the scale), then I was horrified.


    I HATE seeing pictures of myself. BUT...that's part of why I'm doing this...I have two kids and I'd like to be able to take pictures with them so that someday when I'm long gone they can look in the photo album and show their kids pictures of me. Right now, it's like I haven't existed for the past ten years!


    Anyway, you are SO LUCKY you're getting it done this week!!! I'm jealous! Best of luck!

  10. workingsahm

    Pre-surgery, need support

    I think I figured it out!!
  11. workingsahm

    Pre-surgery, need support

    Thanks again...this is giving me just what I had hoped for. I'm brand new at this...how do you get all the cool looking stuff that shows your starting weight and where you are now and other stats?
  12. Thanks! You CAN do it. It is a lifetime commitment. You HAVE to have a good relationship with your doc. It is NOT easy, but it is totally worth it.

  13. Great job! Now I know I can do it! Your pre-surg photo looks a lot like my current ones.

  14. workingsahm

    Pre-surgery, need support

    I'm really finding it reassuring that people have had so much success on here. Congratulations on your success, too! Those are all things I want. I don't want to be perfect but lugging around all this extra weight sure takes its toll! I'm excited and scared all at the same time. Now that I have decided to do this, I will be so disappointed if the insurance doesn't approve it...
  15. Hello, all...I am seeking support and guidance. I have decided to have the surgery, have had my initial consultation and my family doctor has written a letter on my behalf. I still have all the pre-surgery stuff to do...seeing a psychologist and nutritionist, getting insurance approval, etc. I decided to do this over a year ago and talked to my family and friends about it then. Didn't get much support. So I gave it another year, tried to lose weight on my own but of course gained instead. I think my husband is behind me...he's never been a very supportive type of person. But he's not telling me NOT to do it, so I guess that counts as supporting me. But I'm not talking to my family and friends about it this time. I already know they don't support it...they also don't know what it's like to be 100 pounds overweight. SO, since this is my health and my decision, I choose to seek support from some new friends...people who are going through or have been through the same thing. There is a support group in Ithaca, NY, which is where I work, but I live 25 miles in the opposite direction. My life is very busy with kids and work and everything else, I just think that my best bet is to get support online. I hope to hear from anyone, particularly people in my general area. I live between Ithaca and Binghamton, NY...but it doesn't really matter WHERE you are...I just need some new friends!

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