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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Makulafamy

  1. Oh I consider myself pretty fun...:) What is your name? (If you dont mind asking). Mine is Amy. If you dont want to tell me that's okay too....I'll just calling you DS36. Let me see if I can figure out how to add you as my friend. Next week can't get here fast enough!

  2. Makulafamy


    That's a brief intro for a big statement! Tell us more. Like how you lost the 200, why you think you regained 100. What your doc says, etc.
  3. Hi Heather. I am getting banded on the 27th. I dont know if you are on a full liquid diet or a clear liquid diet. I am on a CLEAR liquid diet + protein shakes. I prefer the Adkins protein shakes-strawberry is my fav in that. I bought some of each though. EAS, Adkins, and Slim Fast makes a Protein Drink now, so I bought vanilla in that kind. I tried to put that kind in a blender with strawberries...and it looked fine for about 60 seconds. Then it started changing consistency to some weird foam like stuff. YUCK. I had throw that away. I started eating sugar free popsicles last night. That was nice bc I could crunch on something. I also you Sugar Free Koolaid packets in my Water bottles, freeze those a little, and it's like a slushy. My fav so far is my chicken broth! Yum!!!! Good luck! May the force be with you.
  4. Makulafamy

    Pre-surgery, need support

    That really sucks about the lack of support. You will get it here for sure. This is a great Forum. It still doesn't make up for the people who care about you the most supporting you. Thank God boyfriend (all 153 lbs) of him is excited for me. My mom is still not so sure. She said "Why can't you just eat less"? I said...Well, why cant you! I reminded her that statistics show that of the people who lose weight with dieting...only about 5% keep it off. That's a very small number. Remember this is your life! You go girl! Hopefully this will be one of the best decisions of our lives.
  5. I was just thinking about you and hope you are doing well. I look forward to your first post after you return. If you post in a forum, let me know!

  6. I know. The other night I dreamt that I was a wedding reception and they had Long John Silvers chicken Planks. I ate them. Then...Long John Silvers were carrying baby back ribs. I ate them too. I woke up so relieved that I didnt actually cheat! woooo It looks like you are doing great! Congrats!
  7. Makulafamy

    I licked a spoon today.

    Mine is on Tuesday! You know, I havent been as hungry as I thought I would be. My mind thinks I am. I heard my stomach growl last night though...and I thought to myself..."Self...What's that noise?" I can't tell you the last time I heard my stomach growl from hunger. lol....fun times.
  8. It had Peanut Butter on it. I am supposed to be on a clear liquid diet for pre-op, and that was my one slip. Hi my name is Amy and I am a spoon licker. Hope everyone else is rocking their pre-op diet. Has anyone seen that commercial where HUNGER is a little orange monster that is hiding and waiting to trick you? Made me think of my spoon.:biggrin:
  9. Makulafamy

    I licked a spoon today.

    LOL...that's funny!
  10. Thanks for the pic comment! It's funny. I have been reading this site for about a month before I actually created an account and you are like a superstar on here:)


    You are an inspiration to everyone. (Although I know everyone tells you that!)


    Thanks again!

  11. Makulafamy


  12. HOLA! I am new also...and had the same questions earlier. If you go to the FAQs section, there is a good tutorial on how add the ticker. I havent done it yet but it looks pretty simple. Good luck!!!
  13. Yes, my liquid diet started yesterday. And I too have found that the Adkins are the best. I had a strawberry one for breakfast. I had an EAS just now...not so good. I would hate to actually say that the Adkins are good...but I think I kinda enjoyed it. I also bought the SlimFast Low Carb protein shakes. I put it in a blender last night with some strawberries...BAD IDEA. I dont know what happened....but after about 2 minutes in my cup, it started changing from a liquid to some sort of solid. haha...it was gross! I am exicted to get home and have dinner bc its Chicken broth...YUMMM...weee.....

  14. Self Pay! I have no will power when it comes to money...or food come to think of it...hahahah....anywhooo, that is super impressive! Rock on.

  15. My mom had a book. Every once in awhile I would sit on the carpet in our family room, and when no one was watching, I would pull it out and flip to my favorite page. I don’t remember what verbage my 8 year old mind used, but I remember thinking several things. Wow those people are fat. At least I’m not that fat. I will never be that fat. And *giggle* those people are naked. The book was written by one Richard Simmons, and it was called Never Say Diet. I couldn’t figure out why you weren’t supposed to say diet. I said it all the time. My mom had said it. People on people said it. So I asked my mom one day to explain it to me. And she said that "diet" was bad because you weren’t supposed to go on DIETS, you were supposed to change your way of life. Back to the naked people. Somewhere in the book their was a sketch of a man and a woman. They were naked, obese, and giving us a side profile shot. I remember their bellies hanging over…lapping over. I remember their fat roles. I remember the ladies breasts were sagging. I remember being horrified and fascinated. Unfortunately, when I look at myself in the mirror today…I have become that sketch. I wasn’t fat when I was little. I sure thought I was. The first memory I have of feeling fat probably happened when I was about 5. I used to lay in our living room, in front of the bay windows, and lather up in lotion (just regular moisturizer), and try to get a tan. I had a cute little bikini. As I was walking around, my brother and his friend were on the couch and he said something about me having a dimply butt. I didn’t know what he meant. My mom explained it to me. He was implying I had cellulite. I didn’t, but that was all it took. From then on, I believed I was fatter than all my friends. I look at pictures now and I was just an average size girl. It wasn’t until I started junior high that I was noticeable bigger than pretty much all my girlfriends. I danced. I love to dance, and I was on our dance team. I was a size 14/16 and they had to have my skirt specially made but putting two skirts together. I’ve always said there are two types of fat girls: the wallflowers who just want to blend in, and the loud funny ones who spend their lives trying to make people forget how fat they are. I am the second of the two. I was funny, (still like to think I am). I was popular, friends with everyone. On the outside, to the outside world…my weight didn’t bother me. In high school the boyfriends stopped. I still danced, still had tons of friends. And to be honest, I never let my weight prevent me from doing what I wanted. In high school the dance outfits changed. We had to wear one piece black leotards, cinched at the waste with the belt (even the size 4 girls didn’t look to flattering). We also had a spandex top and skirt. For some reason, the senior boys (not all of them, but a good handful), loved to pick on me. They would call me "two lunches"…implying I ate two lunches. One basketball game, we took the court. We were dancing to a James Brown song and our starting position was crouched on the floor, heads down. The music was taking forever to start…and guess where I was in the formation. Yes, it couldn’t be better if it was an after school special on ABC. I was crouched. They started chanting. "Two lunches, Two lunches"…everyone could hear. The music started. I danced. We walked off the court. I hid. I quite dancing. And that is one of my biggest regrets. I gave power to those boys…and let them take that away from me. I started cheerleading the next year. Didn’t keep me down for long. But still affects me 12 years later. I’ll skip college and make a long story…well still pretty long….I graduated from college. Moved to Florida. Met the love of my life. He is 42 and weighs 150 pounds. Never had a weight problem, and has never had a problem with my weight. I can talk more about that on my blog. This is just my intro. My history. I’ve always joked I have reverse body dysmorphic disorder. That instead of being a tiny person that sees themselves as fat, I am a fat person who always thinks they are a lot skinnier. I feel pretty hot until I see a picture. I still think I was pretty hot weight 220 and being a size 20. I weigh 327 now. And don’t feel that hot anymore. I knew I needed help. I am hoping that on January 27th, help will come in the form of a little intertube around my stomach. I look forward to chatting with you all! My blog is cheese & Sunkist I just started it today. There is nothing there yet that isn't here...but I promise there will be...with lots of pics too!
  16. Makulafamy

    Surgery January 26, 2009

    Deb, I have surgery on the 27th and start my liquid diet tomorrow! You made me laugh about licking the taco! This will be very exciting! Keep up the optimism!:thumbup:

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