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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Gus-Gus

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 06/12/1965

About Me

  • Biography
    Married, one son, two dogs
  • Interests
    Knitting and most general arts and crafts
  • Occupation
    Government worker
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  1. Happy 48th Birthday Gus-Gus!

  2. I had this problem for months. he finally unfilled me about 1 cc for several months. I got an upper GI (I'm at my 2 year mark) confirmed everything is okay and then is slowly filling me again. My weight loss has stopped, but there has been no gain, and I am okay with that for now. One of the things I have learned is that there is some swelling when you are throwing up and I read a suggestion once that maybe liquid Motrin to help the swelling? I haven't had any issues recently but I have it on hand just in case I do. Good luck, I remember how frustrating it is to keep getting filled and unfilled.
  3. Gus-Gus

    Very Fustrated!

    Oh sweetie, hang in there. Your not losing yet because your not eating yet. Once you have restriction, you will eat each meal, feel full and not snack in between meals. You'll then have more energy with less weight, exercise more and that helps weight loss. You'll get there. You are going through what we call "bandster hell" but it doesn't last. So keep your chin up. It does get better.
  4. Gus-Gus

    Soda Craving

    my doctor actually told me at my support group Christmas party that I could have diet pepsi again. He said I had to drink it very slow so as not to have the carbon hit be full blast. And to tell the truth, it has resolved my ongoing problems with constipation. I do find that I don't drink it as often as I used to but an occasional diet pepsi has worked out really well. What I love is Light Hawaiian Punch. It comes in a can and can be found in the soda section but it is non-carbonated and is only 10 calories per can. I drink it in a glass with crushed ice and it's like having a slushie and replaces my craving for a soda. Give it a try.
  5. I agree with the suggestions to have your iron checked. I have been fighting anemia for some time now as my doctor says my iron levels are very low. My doctor tells me I won't really know how tired I am right now until I get my iron levels up and feel the difference. I am taking two iron supplements a day but it's only been three days so far. But again, we need to all remember to take our vitamins as well as iron and extra calcium.
  6. I have had the same problems and I am 18 months out and of course not filled enough right now. Do the clear liquids and then start over. I find that if I regularly take a Prilosec everyday I have fewer problems. I have heard since my last unfill that I will try next time around that liquid Motrin when you have swelling as well. I haven't tried it yet but since Motrin is an anti-inflammatory it makes sense. Instead of coffee first think, try hot tea first and then drink your coffee later in the AM. When I first have my fill I rarely eat anything solid until lunch time.
  7. In addition to your multi-vitamins are you taking extra iron supplements? After surgery we sometimes end up being anemic. My regular physician said I am anemic which is why I am tired and pale. He has me taking two supplements tablets a day to get my iron levels up.
  8. You look so familiar. I know I've seen you around or maybe I remember you from HS.

  9. You are going to have varying restriction all the time. Alot has to do with Water retention etc. I have been filled and unfilled several times now and it has been a roller coaster of a ride. Be careful of "slider" foods. Soft foods that go down easy. You will have your best restriction with solid Proteins. As for getting hungry every 3-4 hours. I still do whether my band is too loose or too tight. I usually drink some tea between meals to tide me over. try a small snack in between meals like a 40 calorie bag of sliced apples or a small handfull of almonds, a Protein shake. It's all about making wise choices now, but you still have to have a quality of life too. Believe me, I've been unfilled several times and you do not want to have too much fill. It is very painful and miserable. I'd rather count calories.
  10. I am not a breakfast person but if I don't eat I am ready to gnaw my arm off by lunch (band or no band) I generally have a packet of Instant cream of wheat (I make it from scratch on non-work days) a little bit of half and half and a packet of equal. I make it a little thick. I also add a 100 caloie pack of almonds for some extra protein or a couple of slices of cheese. That usually keeps me content until lunch time.
  11. Gus-Gus

    What Is ur calorie Intake?

    I am 18 months out and my band is a little too loose right now. (I see my doc in Feb) I keep count and range from 1200 to 1400 calories a day. When I am too loose, I write everything down. When I have good restriction then I just self police. From what I've read, to maintain our wieght we need 2000 calories a day. Most research advises that you not go below 1200 calories (but that's for non-surgery people I'm sure). But they all say that anything between 1200 and 1500 calories a day will show a steady weight loss. With our surgery, we are probably good with anything between 900 and 1500 a day. Mix it up. Your band is gonna tell you what you can handle. There will be days it won't allow you more than 900 and days when it will.
  12. I'm with Juliansmom, I have tried several different journals and I like the Dietminder one the best. On-line I use Sparkpeople, but only to look up calories. I don't use my journal all the time. Only when my band loosens up or I hit a plateau or I feel like my eating is getting out of control. I use it for a while to "re-focus" and then I go back to just self policing. It helps to take a break from it now and again. Because remember, this is for life. There are going to be times you are strong and can do this without journaling and there are going to be times you need to keep track of every bite that goes in your mouth. I am 18 months out from surgery and 30 pounds to go. My band is a little too loose and the Holidays kinda did me in, but I am journaling right now and staying focused until my next doctor appointment the beginning of February. Stay strong, you'll figure out what works for you.
  13. Gus-Gus

    Calling All September Samurai

    I haven't logged in for some time now, but still here. Like Deb, I keep fluctuating between 179 and 182. I've had several fills and unfills and his a plateau. I get full at mealtimes, but still hungry two to three hours later and that's with a prescription for an appetite supperession. but still better than I was a year ago. So I am a not complaining.
  14. Gus-Gus

    Acid reflux after fill?

    PRILOSEC, every day. Just make it part of your new routine. I have been filled and unfilled three times now. If I had started the prilosec the first time, probably could have gone without the unfills and not wasted several months of stress. If you still have problems with the Prilosec then it may be that you are too tight, but try it first. Stay away from acidy foods as well. Good luck.
  15. Gus-Gus

    I tried on a "very small" size

    Awesome, In no time at all the smaller size is going to fit you perfect.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
