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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tpoth

  1. So, here I am 2 days post op. I had my surgery on 4/13/09. All went well. We got to the hospital at 7:30 am. First things first, a pregnancy test. Thankfully, not pregnant. (I have to pill babies already, so of course this subject always makes me nervous) We then met with the admitting lady. She could use a cup of coffee or a donut. She was def. not a morning person. Finally, we headed back to the pre-surgical area. They gave me my lovely gown. Very stylish. And then started my IV. All was going well. My husband was being his ever loving, ever playful self. Dr. O and Alli came to talk to me right before it was time to go to the or. As they were doing this, the mean nurse got me with a shot of heparin. That stung like a ----------! (you can fill in your own blanks here) Then one last smooch from hubby, and we were off! I remember going in the or and laying on the table. I remember the mask over my face, then next thing I knew, I was in recovery with a massive sore through, feeling like Mike Tyson had attacked my abs. Yikes! What did I get myself into! We went upstairs to my room shortly after. I was able to have some ice chips...yum! Then some broth...oh! Good Stuff! That night I went home, and am now resting comfortably. I have even managed to fold a load of laundry, and walk around the block a few times. What will tomorrow bring...Guess I'll just have to wait and see!
  2. Hello all. My name is Tara, and I have not been banded yet. I am still in the decision phase of things. I really want to get the band, but right now we are trying to work out the logistics. Payment, timing, all that! But, what a big step for me. What a big step for all of us. For years I have tried to say, "I'm not that big". I just need to lose a couple pounds. When did I get so fat? Why didn't I wake up and take action sooner? How did my life get to this point? None of these questions are easy to answer. All I know for certain is that now is the time for change. I will be 30 by the end of the year. It is time to grow up and leave my childhood problems behind me. I have been big for way to long. At 8, it was just baby fat. At 13, it was my hormones being out of control. By the time I was 20, it was my depression getting the better of me. Then it was the job, the kids, the stress... the list goes on and on. Well, now it is time for no more excuses. I need to do this. I have to do this. If not now, when? I already struggle to keep up with my kids. How much longer can I let this go on? I want so much to just be able to go to the beach and play soccer with my family, without having to sit down every few minutes. I want my legs and back to stop hurting. I want to feel like I am 29, not 50. So, here goes. I have the desire. I have the drive. I have the support. Now, I just wait to hear that I have the funding, and we are all set! I HATE WAITING!!!!! :laugh:
  3. tpoth

    The choices we make...

    Every day life is full of so many choices. Now I am about to make one of the biggest choices of my life. So many other big decisions came so much easier to me than this. To band, or not to band, that is my dilemma. So, I guess it is time for some background now. I am 29. I am a mother of 2 wonderful and beautiful little girls. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and the 1 true love of my life. Life is great. I should be so happy. Should! So what is bringing me down you may wonder? My weight. I am fat. I AM FAT! I have been my entire life. I often think and wonder how I let myself get to this point. There are many reasons I guess. An often unhappy childhood. Years of abuse. Poor food choices in the home growing up. I am part of the generation raised on boxed and canned meals. The only thing my mother ever made from scratch was deep fried. Vegetables, what were those? Why would I want to snack on an apple, when I had cookies and chips? But, as easy as it is to blame everyone else, I really need to do some Soul searching and take a good, long look in the mirror at myself. For then the answer will truly be in front of me. So what is so tough about the decision? Well, I really want to have the lap band. I have been researching it. Talking about it. Heck, I practically dream about it. I can't imagine going on 1 more diet that is not going to work. I have tried every one I can think of. And I have realized the cruel truth, DIETS DON'T WORK! But, am I really ready to spend that kind of money? Am I really ready to make the commitment? Do I have what it takes to stick with it? I have got to do something. If now is not the right time, when is?
  4. tpoth

    The choices we make...

    Every day life is full of so many choices. Now I am about to make one of the biggest choices of my life. So many other big decisions came so much easier to me than this. To band, or not to band, that is my dilemma. So, I guess it is time for some background now. I am 29. I am a mother of 2 wonderful and beautiful little girls. I am married to my high school sweetheart, and the 1 true love of my life. Life is great. I should be so happy. Should! So what is bringing me down you may wonder? My weight. I am fat. I AM FAT! I have been my entire life. I often think and wonder how I let myself get to this point. There are many reasons I guess. An often unhappy childhood. Years of abuse. Poor food choices in the home growing up. I am part of the generation raised on boxed and canned meals. The only thing my mother ever made from scratch was deep fried. Vegetables, what were those? Why would I want to snack on an apple, when I had cookies and chips? But, as easy as it is to blame everyone else, I really need to do some Soul searching and take a good, long look in the mirror at myself. For then the answer will truly be in front of me. So what is so tough about the decision? Well, I really want to have the lap band. I have been researching it. Talking about it. Heck, I practically dream about it. I can't imagine going on 1 more diet that is not going to work. I have tried every one I can think of. And I have realized the cruel truth, DIETS DON'T WORK! But, am I really ready to spend that kind of money? Am I really ready to make the commitment? Do I have what it takes to stick with it? I have got to do something. If now is not the right time, when is? :tounge_smile:

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