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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pepsiholic

  1. Hi all, I'm a 45 year old mother of 2 lovely girls ages 4 & 9. I'm considering getting the lapband surgery and have been doing some research on the procedure. I'm still in the considering stage and would like to get some feedback from those that have done it. Up until my first child was born at age 36 I never had a problem with weight. The largest clothing size I ever wore before my first was born was a size 7 and I usually wore a size 4. My weight never moved above 125. I was healthy and never spent a single night in the hospital. After my first was born I was a size 14 and though I did manage to diet back down to an 8 I could never keep it down. I was excerising 5 days a week 3 hours a day and doing the stictess version of the Atkins diet just to maintain. I've never considered myself a big eater but I've definately been slowly putting away more food then I ever did before and I've let my sweet tooth get out of control. I'm now a size 18 weigh between 195-205 depending on the mood of the scale that day and inching up. I now have hypertension, gallstones, hietia hernia (sp), sleep apnea (minor), occasional asthma, history of getstational diabetes and the doctors think I may have had 3 mini strokes (TIA's) before I got the BP under control. I quite excising and dieting after my second was born 4 years ago because frankly I was tired of it. I don't know how those of you that have battled this your whole live have managed. I know without surgery I'll just going to get heavier. I'm blessed at the moment to have really good insurance. I dont' know how much longer that will last though since my husband could be laided off at anytime. One more lay off will get him. I believe that my insurance will cover most of the procedure. I'm guessing based on my reseach that my out of pocket will be less than $250 the first year and that includes my co pay for doctors visits. However, my biggest concern is if it will work for me. I am a heavy diet pepsi drinker and I have a sweet tooth. I also believe that I eat most of the time not out of hunger but from boredom. Have any of you out there had simliar eating habits or problems? Did the surgery help you conquer it? I'd love to hear from you.
  2. pepsiholic

    Thinking about Lapband Surgery

    Another question...yeah I'm just full of them... The nurse (I guess that's what she was) at the doctor's office said my insurance usually requires 6 months of doctor supervised weight loss program. What exzactly is that? We've discussed weight loss and I've tried a few medications, even did some weighing in at the office for a while and did loose a few pounds but nothing permanent. The moment I came off the drugs or stopped the diet the weight came back. Does that count as medically supervised? It's nothing that I felt she was really serious about even if I was. Of course, then I was about 50 pounds less than I am now and didn't have any cormobilities (sp) so that might explain the cavalier attitude. Just curious if I do decide to have this done if I'm going to have to go through the motions of yet another diet before they'll okay it. If it sounds like I'm tired of dieting its because I am. :phanvan
  3. pepsiholic

    Thinking about Lapband Surgery

    Hi Kat, Thanks so much for the reply. That's just the type of information I was lookin for. <i>" I slowly began swapping out, drinking more Water and iced tea. Now I no longer even think about it. I drink bottle after bottle of water every day."</i> My diet pepsi addiction will be the hardest part for me I think. I've drank pepsi soda's for as long as I can remember. I use to drink regular but switched out for diet 15 years ago when I was diagnoised with borderline diabetes and had put on a few pounds. I lost 10 pounds in one week after the switch (which gives you an indication of how much I drank and I drink more now) and that was enough to get me back where I needed to be then. I thought about trying to slowly weed them out before I do any surgeries. That way I'll know if it is something I can do. I know I'm tired of being tired from all the extra weight. I'm tired of hating the way I look. I moved back here nearly 10 years ago and I haven't looked up any of my old friends because I didn't want them to see how fat I got. When I see people I use to know out in public I hide so they won't see me. I think its tougher on me because I use to be so slim. I thought I was fat when I was 140 and wearing a size 8. Now I'd love to be that small again. Heck, a size 12 sounds really great to me right now. At least I didn't feel like an alien in my own body then. I'm also really tired of knocking myself out dieting and excersing only to gain it all back (plus some) the moment I let down my guard for a moment. I just don't have the energy or the time to spend all day at the gym like I use to. I really have a newfound respect for those of you that have battled this your whole life. It isn't easy and it only gets tougher the older you get. I know I can do this if I see results, lasting results.
  4. pepsiholic

    Thinking about Lapband Surgery

    More questions...I talked to someone at the office of the doctor my insurance recommened today and I got a strong feeling that she was trying to push me toward the gastric by pass rather than the lap band. Did any of you get the same kind of treatment? Did any of you consider some of the other procedures? If so, why did you choose the lap band over the others? Do you wish you had made a different decision. Sorry for all the questions but I want to make sure I'm fully equipped when I make a decsion and I feel like the best advice comes from those that have been through it.
  5. pepsiholic

    Thinking about Lapband Surgery

    Thanks for all the replies. I've been doing some more research and I found this awesome video of the procedure. http://www.or-live.com/BrighamandWomens/1372/ It includes some of the most commonly asked questions and answers as well as a video of the fill. I think its a must see for anyone considering the surgery. If you're a bit squimish it may be tough to watch but you can still listen and get tons of great info.
  6. pepsiholic

    Are you taller, now?

    I don't know about the extra height, maybe she's standing taller, but I know as I put on the weight my shoe sizes expanded so it makes sense that it would reduce as you loose weight.

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