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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by olie1964

  1. olie1964

    Fill doctor

    I actually ended up going back to the doctor that did my lap-band surgery. He started doing the fills after JourneyLite left. So I went back to him but I'm in the same boat with having to pay $100 plus office visit whether i get a fill or not. And of course I'm having trouble with my band right now so I wasnt' able to get the fill but because they used the needle and everything I had to pay the full price. It definatley sucks.
  2. olie1964

    Fill doctor

    Hi everyone I am looking for a new fill doctor in Houston or College Station I live in Huntsville, Texas. I originally went to Journeylite but I tryed calling them today and the number has been disconnected. I had my surgery in 2008 and havent even been in a year so I had no idea or even what happened. Thanks in advance for you help.
  3. olie1964

    Fill doctor

    Wow that is terrible I only had fills free for a year so my time of free fills has already passed. I had called my doctor and they had told me the same thing about Journeylite. As a matter of fact the girl that I talked to had worked there and she said that they came in one morning and said they were closing get your things and leave. They had no clue that this was going to happen so she is referring everyone to the Journeylite in Cincinnati, but she said that they werent seeing any resolution throught that either. So it really sucks all around. I had looked online for another fill center and the other that I found want you to go on their plan and pay upfront for a year, soooo I am prolly just going to go back to my doctor, he is actually doing the fills in his office now since this happened.
  4. olie1964

    Possible Dilated Pouch?

    How long have you been dealing with this and why hasn't it gone back to normal? Was it from being to tight? I never hear about this before there was probabally some small print that I did not see! I have never heard of a sleeve being to tight either. Were you self pay or did insurance cover it?
  5. olie1964

    Possible Dilated Pouch?

    Hey there everyone i was wondering if you were back to normal after being on mushies for 2 weeks. I went to get a fill today and found out that i had a dialated pouch, i'm was told to go to liquids for a week and go back next wednesday to check it again. I'm so stressed about this:crying: i have not had any acid reflux, I was tight for awhile after my last fill but here lately I have been able to eat more that usual I just thought that I needed a fill. So much for that:confused:. I would really like to know how everyone recovered from this. Olie1964:tongue_smilie:
  6. Im pretty new to this i was banded on 12-31-08. I had my first fill Feb 25th i already had 1.5ccs in my band and she tried putting in a total of 2 ccs i did the barium swallow and so she ended up putting in 1.75ccs. Which doesnt seem like very much but i know that everyone is different. I can eat oatmeal in the morning with no problem but when it comes time for lunch i can only get a few bites down and it starts hurting in my shoulders and i have to walk around to make it go down. My shoulder usually hurts every time i eat except for in the morning. Im scheduled for another fill on Wednesday the 25th and i really don't know if I should or not. Any advice i could get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Olene
  7. olie1964

    Any recent Self Payers in Texas out there?

    I got a 6.35% interest rate with my payments at $400 a month. If your credit is not great then getting someone to cosign would probabally help.
  8. olie1964

    Any recent Self Payers in Texas out there?

    I went with journey lite of Houston, Dr. Collier. I liked him and his staff. They do accept Care Credit but the price was 12,500, but that includes the fills for a year, dietician, counselor, and doctor visits for a year. I ended up getting a personal loan because of the lower interest rate.
  9. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Hey Mary so did you get your fill yesterday? If so how did it go, how do you feel any different? Did it hurt or did they numb it? Hope all is well please let me know it you got it done or not im really curious. Sincerely, Olene
  10. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Well now im on a 1000 to 1200 calorie diet. And of course now all i can do is to think about food whereas before my visit to the dietician i was just going by the list that i got from the doc. It is more like a diet that i would have been on before my surgery and i know that it supposed to be a lifestyle change but it is very hard. She doesn't want me to drink anymore Protein Shakes unless absolutely necessary time wise. Of course some days are better than others. Hope all is well with you be sure to write me as soon as you can about your first fill. Sincerely, Olene
  11. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Hey princess how are you doing? Good I hope haven't heard anything from you just want to check and make sure you're doing ok. I was eating to fast today and some food got stuck it was awful. I haven't even had a fill yet. So it kindof scares me. I know that I need to slow down while I'm eating sometimes its just hard. Have you had any trouble like that yet. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Olene
  12. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Congrats on the jeans, I haven't gotten brave enough to try yet. I hate being disappointed. But thats just the pessimest(sp?) in me. Did you fly from New York for Dr. Collier to do your surgery? I just looked at your user stuff and both our birthdays are in March, i'm March 3. Thats pretty cool. I know what you mean about the starving part but I'm making it supposed to me with my dietician on Wens. so I guess we'll see how I' doing. And if you get your first fill on Feb 10th you'll have the tell me all about it. Cause that means you will go first. Who do you see in New York is it Journeylite or another doctor. Hope to hear from you soon. Olene
  13. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    No just trying to eat 5 small meals and get my protein and just watch the fats and sugars. That is cool that we are in the same place. when do you get your first fill, and how many calories do you eat a day.
  14. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    i haven't gotten sick yet, knock on wood, hopefully i wont cause it sounds awful. I hate that you had to go through that. im scheduled to meet with my dietician next week the 25th. so i havent even done that yet. im just going by the paperwork and the blogs and chats. you're lucky to get your fill so soon. Let me know how it goes.Good luck! Olene
  15. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Well it sounds like you are doing great. Sounds like you have got it all figured out hopefully one day I will be where you are. I know I should be happy with where I am and I know that its a process. I have never been patient when it comes to losing weight and that has got to change. I know that I didn't gain it overnight so I can't lose it that way either. I just got to wrap my head around my journey and realize that it is a journey and not a short trip. Thanks for responding you have made me feel better. Olene
  16. olie1964

    Newly Banded

    Hey princess I was banded 12/31/2008 by Dr. Collier in Houston. How are you doing? I have only lost 9 lbs. doc says im right on track but everyone else on here seems like they lose so much more. Im not scheduled for my first fill until Feb 24 thats another 4 weeks but he said don't expect anything to dramatic from the first one. So I don't know what to think Im ready to not be hungry cause Im starving. Let me know how your journey is going. Olene
  17. Hey WLQ why did you decide to go with Dr.Wilkenfeld? If you don't mind me asking. And do you have to go to their support groups or can you go wherever you pick. So how did your first fill go did they numb you and did they have any problem finding the port. Looking forward to hearing from you. Olene
  18. Hey Queen yea Im going to the seminar at Journeylite on the 28th are there anymore out there. Usually they have them at Dr. Colliers office but not this month so I have to go to Houston. How about you. Its very exciting that there is someone close beginning this journey also. Hugs, Olie
  19. Hey Courtney, Roy, and Queen, How is everyone. I hope well, me just trying to stick to my mushy phase. Im scheduled to see my doc on the 20th but I don't have a fill date yet. Do I need to call them or do I have to wait until after I see my doctor and they do it my doc is Collier but I had my surgery with JourneyLite in Houston so thats where I go for my fills. Just ready to get this show on the road. Hope everyone is well and doing great. Look forward to hearing from you. Olene
  20. Hey Roy, good to hear from you. I know what you mean about not realizing when you looked good. I so regret that, I look back on that know and wish I would have appreciated what I had while I had it. Anyway we live in Texas and it has been cold here to or cold for Texas anyway! You know we are just not used to cold weather like ya'll are. My husband have our own security business, we provide on-site security officers. We have been in business for about 20 years. It definitily keeps me busy, there is usually never any down time cause when everyone else is off we have to be there but I guess thats why we get paid the big bucks! HaHa. But anyway thats cool that ya'll have a green house I would love to do that, if I could find the time. Maybe one day. I started my mushy phase today and feel better cause I actually feel full for a change. I still have some port pain at times but it is getting more tolerable every day. So can you tell a difference since you got a fill. Any restriction yet? Let me know. Until next time Olene
  21. Hey Roy congrats on your first fill glad it went well for you. My name is Olene I have fought my weight all my life. I have yoyoed back and forth it has always been very frustrating for me. I have three wonderful boys and my husband and I have our own business he works full time and I take care of everything else. I am so ready for my life to change for the better and I think I finally found the right road to be on. Look forward to hearing from ya'll soon. Olie
  22. Hi Courtney, I was banded on 12/31/08 and the more adivce the better. I know what you mean about being hungry all the time. I feel the same way it is very frustrating. I finally got rid of the bloating for the most part and know Im starving. I don't know what is worse. Im not even scheduled to see my doc for post op till Jan. 20th and have no clue about my first fill. Look forward to hearing from you. Olene
  23. olie1964

    New Years Resolution

    Thanks for the replies I am doing much better on the bloating now I just got to get past being so hungry. I don't know which is worst being in pain or being hungry. Im still on the full liquids and I miss chewing lol! Hope all is going well for the rest of you. Olene
  24. Hi everyone, I was banded on Dec. 31, 2008 talk about a New Years Resolution huh? I am very excited about this new journey in my life and also a little scared. I have failed so many times before but I know that this time is different. My whole family is involved and very supportive. I feel very blessed. This is my 7th day and I am not scheduled for my post-op until Jan 20th. So it seems like I have a lot of time before I can even get a fill. I am trying to get used to the full feeling and realize that when I feel that I need to stop. It is defineatly a learning experience. I have done well and have had no problem eating. I am feeling very bloated and tight in my stomach. It is a very uncomfortable feeling I actually feel bigger now than what I did before. So much so that I don't even want to weigh myself. I so dont want to fail. Any advice out there I would love to hear from you. Thanks in advance.:thumbup:
  25. Im new here been banded for 7 days my stomach is tight and bloated. Im very uncomfortable and feel bigger now that before. Is this normal

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