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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by pvtash61

  1. 2005....I had a Tummy Tuck and breast lift at the same time....approx 8 hours of surgery. Removed 16 lbs of skin and fat. My arms were sore, but not my back. I hated the drainage bags, but they are necessary. Just be careful with your movements, ck your incision, and it will be a big one, from side to side. But, so worth it! I was off the pain meds in 3=4 days, I can honestly say I was not in too much discomfort. I drove myself to my next day follow-up appt. Be prepared not to be upright for a bit x 3-4 days!! good luck to you, I felt so much better about myself, and my husband, my honey, was so happy for me too!!:redface: 2007 I had my last child, Caroline....gained advg # of lbs, probably stretched some muscles that they had tighten, but I will soon find out. I have just done the lap-band 21st of this month, wondering how my tummy will look after 30-40 lbs lost. I will wait and see, maybe need a tune -up on the tummy tuck. All my best to you, and congrts to you all your weight loss, deserving of a tummy tuck....cool:tongue2:

  2. I too had the Tummy Tuck first, 2005, and now the lap-band. They removed 16lbs of extra skin and fat in the area. I was wondering too about the flat tummy?? I had a beautiful baby girl in 2007, so some weight gain, but not much. I carry most on the sweet bottom of mine.....LOL:biggrin:. I am so looking forward to seeing what I look like after 30-40 lbs lost!!:rolleyes:

  3. I was banded on the 21st of Jan. and boy I am so happy. I too was excited nervous, but so ready to get with the program. I went to my post op on the 27, almost a week to date of surgery, and lost 5 lbs! I had almost no discomfort and followed all the rules, so important. Take your pain med, sip, sip and move move and before you knowit the week is over and you feel so much better. :) I had my procedure done here in Fresno, ca Dr. Swartz group with Dr. Felix, very good group. I am now at the mush state, looking forward to soft foods soon.

    I waited so long to find a good safe method of weight loss, I have....the lap-band. I am so hopeful, so happy. YOU too will find out this is a good choice. Good luck, God Bless:thumbup:

  4. I hope you are feeling much better. Cant say what the pop might of been. But, I too think if there is no significant pain, or oozing, redness to area, fever....probably an adjustment to your spine??

    Hey, tell me where is your port located?? I have mine right under my sternum, to the right just a bit. I can feel it somewhat. It doesnt hurt, unless I try to reach over the dryer door and rest upon the area. So, I will not be reaching that way anymore. NO pop, so guess didnt mess anything up.

    I really do hope you are doing better,a nd you get an answer to the "POP":tongue2:

  5. tell me Bella, what are you going to attempt on Super bowl sunday?? I will probably be ready for some soft food, chew chew chew.....I love to make chile verde for the game, not sure if I can have that??? I hate the thought to making it and not having a taste! What's on your menu, or anyones elses???? Got banded on the 21st, Doc is requiring only 1 week of mushy then to soft.

  6. I just was banded by Dr. Swartz too, the 21st. He is really a nice man. I believe a good doc too! I was nervous, but that soon went away. I am feelin so good. this is day 4 and all is greeat. I am at mush stuff, and liquids, Vitamins and all going down good. NO problems, no real pain, no gas problem, some burps. I am so happy with this decision. add me to your friends, love to keep up with you...Patti with a smile

  7. Fresno here! Dr. Swartz at Dr. Felix group did my lap-band. I too am very happy with his work. I just did my band on the 21st of Jan. 2009, so vry new to this, but I am feeling so good. I am looking forward to this new journey. Hope to hear from you, let me know how your fills with the dr. have gone. Insurance cover?? anything else to be prepared for?? Thanks.:w00t:

  8. the what heck is that! my evaluation at least left me with a diagnose of mild depression, and advised me to talk to my:wink2: doc about Wellbutrin.....it has helped alot. Much more clear headed. She was worried about my grazing into the pantry. Well, that has been taken care of. And I handle situations much more better. So, maybe the psychologist, had something going???:thumbdown:

  9. Yesterday was tough, not sure how to adjust to the eating?? I had my watery oatmeal (protein), slimfast at lunch..but then I was still feeling not too full....i think? I dont know if it was just gas pains in tummy, need to go to the bathroom. Any way got a sugar free pudding and yogurt and that did it! full. I did go to the bathroom......boom boom!! but relief! sorry too much info!:thumbdown: Night dinner was a can of slimfast...go to bed felt much better this morning. hunger much more controlable this morning...watery oatmeal and some of my Protein Water so far. Think the rest of the week will be some work, go to doc on the 27th.:lol:

  10. reporting in, so far doing pretty good. Last couple of days, day of surgery and yesterday, good not hungry. But today, somewhat hungry. I had watered down tomatoe Soup, and having my liquid Protein drink. What i would like to know how much to too much calories for the day? I know to keep 50 gms of Protein, doing that, but feel like I am not getting enough calories to feel full. Any suggestions, how many slimfast can I have through out the day?

    As far as pain, none. no real gas problem, walking around the block with ease.

    good luck to us 21st banders:thumbup:

  11. I got banded yesterday the 21st, and can say I too feel real no hunger. I have made myself have the Protein drinks and today also slowly finshed a slimfast drink. I am thankful that my surgery went very good. In at 6:00am surgery at 8:30am out of hospital at 3:00 pm No real pain, although I am doing the pain med every 6 hours just in case something does kick in. I was able to take a short walk outside last nite, and drove today. No real gas pain, or shoulder pain. I am so thankful, Dr. Swartz in Fresno, cA is the best!!!:biggrin: More later. Glad to hear from the New Yr's Hotties, good luck, take good care:thumbup:

    I am so excited!

  12. I can say my procedure went quite well! I am in very little to almost no pain. Dr. Swartz here in Fresno, cA is the best.

    I have yet to experience any real gas problem. I went in at 6:00am and had the lap-band placed at 8:00am awake at 10:00 am sipping by 10:30am and home by 3:00 pm! no problems. Got home, 15 min drive and rested. Up at 6:00pm took a walk outside and drank some of my Protein Drink. I did keep on top with the liquid pain med, just in case something would kick in, lucky nothing major. I slept pretty good, up at 6:30 ironed some clothes at 7:00 am got my son ready for school.

    today has been a pretty good day, showered and drove. I have been able to drink all the Protein drink 45 gms and had a slimfast another 10gm. I was able to get down my BP meds, I was so scared, but they went down just fine.

    Thank God, for this wonderful experience thus far. More later:thumbup:

  13. Just turned 48 yrs, I would of thought of doing this much earlier, if I wasnt in a state of denial. Somehow, I would look in the mirror and think....Im not that big! When I saw a commerical for the lap-band, I looked it up on the internet, and still wondered could this be for me, even after all the failed diets, the tight clothes, and false excues! I am ready so very ready! Jan. 21st, that is this Wed. Thank you God, that I finally see things as thery are and getting some help!! Good luck to all of us.:wink2:

  14. bandfun4me: what good info and suggestions you have posted, thanks. I get posted on the 21st of this mnth. I am getting so excited. I hope maybe you could add me to your friends list, I would love to be able to ask you for advise, if that would be ok?? thanks again, hope to hear from you . And your 1 yr annv. sounds like a proudful day! You have done so well, wishing more success

  15. I read on another post about a lap patient in the ER with something they believe stuck, they were advised under the situation, to drink a coke soda. appearly the soda would cause a bubbling effect and make what was stuck come up. I hope this might work. good luck. I know we are told not to drink carbonated drinks, but in this case it was an exception. I read it today on the posts.

  16. Well, girls, I can tell you that the 40's have been great for me! Second marriage, had my son at 42 and second child, daughter at 46yrs and both are perfect and healthy. So that brings me to now, getting the band.... I want to grow with my children, see them go to college, I want to play with them at their level. I hit the weight of 227lbs, and not able to move as quickly as l would like, the kids have so much energy, and i want some of that.:) I wish you all my best, your pregnancy will bring you such joy, just take good care of yourself. :)

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