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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JBReal

  1. JBReal

    Throwing Up every Night..Please Help

    Hi, I am not sure how long this has been posted but I read it because this is exactly what is happening to me right now. I am not sleeping at night because I am vomiting so much. I am affected during the day as well. Omeprazole is not helping. I can't eat anything without at least some of if coming up in a lot of mucus but now I am actually getting stomach acid in my mouth! 2 nights ago I aspirated on it and now everything is burning. My Dr. office was so cavilier about it. They said they can see me next week to have an unfill. I am curious if this actually helped anyone on a permenante basis?
  2. After reading many of the posts on this site, I have decided my first step to to record everything I eat (which will not be much until I can get past the pecan pie),so that I at least know whare to start. Maybe if I post my food intake someone might have some advice for me?!
  3. I am becoming a Lap-Band failure. My goal is to not let this happen. I have been on-line looking for support but nothing seemed to be the right place for me. I think I found my place. I was feeling like the only failure out there. I remember going to the local support meetings thinking everyone is succeeding, I will too! Only to find that I am not succeeding like I thought I would be. I know I can do more about using my Lap-band as a tool rather then a "Cure All." I received the band in Jan '08. It is now Dec '08 and I have lost 40 lbs. I have had 3 fills and with everyone of them I have had to have some taken out. I am not even able to eat 6 oz of yogart after a fill. I haven't had a fill in 4 months and in the last 3 months I have had chronic reflux. No RX is helping either. I have always been a person who has avoiding vomiting at all costs. Now I wish I could, just to relieve the pain. I was told before the surgery that if you have refulx, it resolves after surgery and it did in the first few months but it is worse now then ever. My surgeon told me I should be able to eat anything just no more the 6 ozs at a meal. I am beginning to question if he is not telling me the whole truth. I need help with a diet plan. I know enough to avoid breads and rice. I try to stay with easily digestable Proteins and veggies. I am finding that I am craving more sugar now. I never ate candy before my surgery. Now I find myslef looking for chocolate. I don't know if my body is looking for an energy source or if subconsciously I know it will "slip through" The holidays have been killing me. There are a lot of Cookies and chocolate in our office and at home (the kids bring it home). I was asked to make pecan pie for Christmas and I had a tiny slice yesterday and I have been paying for it ever since. I am not digesting it. It is stuck and I keep spitting up a little here and there but I can't throw it up. I am very uncomfortable and depressed about this. If anyone can take the time to help me with this I would appreciate it. The local support groups are only once a month on an evening that I work so I am not able to attend. Besides, I don't fit in there as everyone seems to be a success story and I am not.

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