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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reggie71

  1. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey Monique, girl you are rocking the scale. Keep up the good work. Jes how are ya? Candra what's new girlfriend? Donna, it s so good to have you back, you were missed! Riley glad ur back on the exercise band wagon, i'm still trying to get back ontrack . Tamra, Hope all s well. Keep in touch! Hi Pam, Elizabeth, John, Maria, Heather, and all! Hope you guys had a good monday. I am down with a cold and it sucks!!
  2. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Congrats on losing again Tina, see what I said on FB? lol. You go girl!
  3. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Soon I hope Candra, I was at the 100 year Boys Scouts March this weekend at the Capitol and Raley field and not only that I am also down today with a horrible cold. We need to get together again soon. I do miss you all!!!!
  4. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    [quote=wantshealth;1349407 Reggie - I had a really really bad experience on Phen/fen so I'm not a big advocate of pills for this. But I get why you want to. Thanks, I know it's not the best choice, but my scale is moving up instead of down:mad2:. I know what to do but the band is not helping me right now until get a fill.
  5. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Congratulations Monique, you are posting already. Candra and Jes were just as swift (brave ladies). Girl work the GasX strips. The gas in your shoulder will wear off soon. Remember to walk walk walk, also use your spirometer. Ok this question is to all you bandsters, has anyone of you thought about using appetite suppressants? I am seriously thinking abot it until I get my fill. Hope everyone is doing well.
  6. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Monique, I'll be praying for you. You must be excited and nervous at the same time ( I know) you have a good team on your side. who is your surgeon? Get plenty of rest tonight!!!!
  7. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra these are indeed difficult times. Can you call them and tell them that you can't wait? Also how much is your cobra? Call me i will send you my number. I just got through hiring for an assistant and other positions. You live pretty far so that may not have worked anyway. The good Lord blesses all of us in different ways, therefore we have to bless someone else no matter how big or how little. Call me or send me your number. I was off line and received your LB post and felt the need to respond.:cursing: Al will be well Sis .
  8. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hello All, I've been incognito for a few days now. Work has been super stressful, however I am hopefully this will be a better week. Candra, how are you? Jes yes just jump back on the band wagon, so will I. I did well for the most part of last week and fell off this weekend, I am very ready for another fill. Monique I wish you the best and girl stick to your plan it does work, we'll be here for support. So tomorrow will be a new day and beginning of a new week. My meal today B: Woke up late : 1/2 cup fish and 1/4 corn meal L &D: Same as breakfast S: 3mini brownies and 3 mini slices of pound cake oooppsss Tomorrow I plan on getting back on my eliptical. Riley I hear you about the exercise thing if anyone can get back it's you lady! :-).
  9. My ultimate goal is 180 but I will 190 will work as i am almost 6'. I have to get over the hump right now :-).

  10. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh Wow Chris, thanks for sharing this bundle of joy with us all. This scan is very clear. I am happy for you! we have to come up with a nickname for him/her in LB world LOL. I am glad you are healthy. Jes - Girl you rocked today you go! Candra how's the go? I'm sure you ladies are dropping! So here's the prblem I had today, I had Pandaaaahhhh and one tiny slice of pizzaeeekkk B- 2 boiled egg salad L-Pizza and orange chicken D- fresh Mackrel 1/4 cup rice eeekkk You all have a wonderful evening and a successful band day tomorrow.
  11. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Girl you can do it! I know it doesn;t feel like there's anyything but ...Hang in there! when is your first fill?
  12. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Candra, you are too funny! Brdzilla has gotten outta hand she needs a crash course on "how to be a wife of a brother 101" LOL. we can all tell tales about our significant others but she needs to keep her cool LMAO. I like your SVU analogy. Hope you are doing well. Riley- Joker you! I laughed at your post about going to the ski lodge and sitting and drinking before, it must be a good feeling to go and be able to actually ski. Jes-Dear how are you? Girl don't feel bad about today, dust yourself of as I am about to and lets move on! I know why you feel like you don't have a band, Dr. Park does not always add more fluid to the band at surgery so there is a possiblity that the 2.5 cc that comes in the band is all yo have. I found that out when I got my fill. However I was able to drop alot because one I am much larger than you and also I stayed on 1/4 cup of proteing for the longest time. I did not deviate until the 19th week I believe at that time I was starving lol and eating tons of bagels. So try and stay with the 1/4 cup if you can. Honey If I can do it anyone can look at my track record LOL. Nicole, Maria, Tamra, Heather Pam, Liz, Donna, Kim, John and Annalyn I hope you are all well on this sundya evening. So I totally blew it today, however it's amere bump and I'm back on track tomorrow so here's the menu: B : 1/4 c chicken and 1/4c cream of wheat L: Sam's Club (new one in elk Grove) I ate a piece of red vines , 1 cracker with chicken salad on it, 1 fudge bar, some minature pieces of fudge, cookies, need I go on NOPE!!!!:sad: D: 1/3 cup of Norwegian mackrel Yum! 1/2 Cream of wheat(thick) 3 macademia nut cookies from SAM's Club TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY:thumbup:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL Gotta find some humor in this fiasco or else I will go nuts.
  13. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Donna it is so good to hear from you! i am praying or you and yours. Your mom needs you and so do you. Riley, congrats on being size 10. You inspire me! Keep up the good work. Tamra- you are almost there girlfriend. Jes- that cake sounds good, I'm glad you measured it because I sure as heck wouldn't have LOL.Smart girl. Tina-I can empathize with you. You do excellent work and you my dear I SALUTE YOU!! Social services is no joke. So got my tooth extracted:eek: yesterday evening so I could't post. So here's my meal for today: B: Slim Fast Low Carb shake L : Oz's spicy chicken one cup Dinner: 1/2 cup fish and 1/4 Yuca 1/4c honey munches of oats. So the good news is that I didn't hyave any snacks today and NO PANDA!!!!! Good night aall and have a good weekend I need to nurse this doggon tooth.:thumbup:
  14. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Monque congrats on your surgery date. Jes is right we are a wealth of info here. So this was my menu for today B Egg salad s 10 grapes and 1/8 of a cinnamon roll eek L Chicken enchilada (corn tortilla) D Spinach stew with chicken and 1/4 potatoe s 1 biscotti eek Tomorrow my goal is to measure all foods. I may have my tooth extracted so there's no better time than then to start my protein shakes :-). Good News is that I had no Panda today. Jes I hear you about the cravings. I am starting back to all protein shakes and solid next week. I need to do my shake in the morning again. I am anxious to meet all these new Divas here. When is the next hang out folks?
  15. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Candra, I know exactly what you mean. I maintained 1/4 c for the longest I think 2months and finally increased it to 1/3c. now I average about 1/2c. You see to be eating the right things except for the one cup of almonds. I say minimize that. The stomach growling will stop after a while. Girlfriend STOP STRESSING it adds weight ! this is a tough period with band and if I can do it so can you. Let's get this together.Jes you know I love you much, but from one wing lover to another I say STOP and LET them be for now LOL! It has no nutritional value apart from it feeling and tasting good in our mouths I'm going back to boiling my chicken again(with lots of seasoning). I found this great couscous salad from trader Joes and I have been eating it with chicken except for Panda days . I've had Panda once this week oh wait a minute we just started the week lol. We can do this!
  16. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Jes you are funny. Protein is fine, if your scale is moving you are doing well. so yes let's starch charting. Breakfast- 2boiled eggs salad mayo and mustard with a dash of relish Lunch- Panda orange chicken and beef 1 Chicken eggroll (baaaddd) Dinner- Chicken and spinach stew. Maybe potatoes??? The good news is that I have no sweets at home so I can't cheat if need to I will eat half a fiber one bar. Lets rock this band!
  17. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh Tamra, I'm sorry to hear this.What line of work do you do? So and that i can look out for you. Hang in there it will be well. The say one door closes and another opens.
  18. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey Jes I'm glad your appointment went well and you seem to be doing great. Candra, slim Diva I won't be able recognize you guys when I see you again. Hello Liz, welcome on board! Annalyn, hope you are doing well! Hey RILEY!!! HI Pam!! Hey Tamra and Heather!! Hello to all the newcomers !!! Where are all the veterans in this group? LOL I really miss you guys I am finally coming out of my depression funk and plan on revamping my program. I must get another fill soon! In the time being I'm going 100% protein again. So I was doing fine until I had Panda orange chicken and Beijing Beef and a chicken egg roll. I won't beat myself up for it however what bothers me is that I am able to all of this with no restriction :thumbup:. So I will be charting my daily intake as often as I can on here.
  19. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    HELLO LADIES: CANDRA, RILEY, PAM, HEATHER, NICOLE JES and Tina...You guys had me in tears today. I Have to say that I am truly BLESSED to have SISTERS like you all. I know I am in a tough place right now and you all made me feel so special and I will be getting out of my wrought and get on the weightloss ball again. Once again I can't thank you enough for the beautiful card and the kind words that were inscribed. I miss you all and yes I would like to hang out soon!MUCHOS GRACIAS, MERCI BEAUCOUP, Thank You Very Much. Love you all!!!!!!!!:thumbup:
  20. Thanks Laura,! You are most welcome and congratulations at being almost 200lbs. The band is wonderful. I have to take your advce and allow it to be my tool because I feel stuck now:-(. This too shall pass. Please do share some of your food secrets lol.

  21. Hi Mona, Thanks for checking in. I am doing fine, I could be better. I am in Bandster hell right now. 'm sure I will get out of it soon.

    Enough about me how are you doing?? Keep in touch :-).

  22. reggie71

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Ladies and Gentle man :-). *Nicole sorry to hear about your dilemma,there is absolutely no excuse! Like Jes said take some time and exercise your options. My father gave me a wonderful advice, he said do not depend on a man solely financially and/or emotionally and always be on guard because you never know when you will be left alone. I have learned a lot from it. You deserve to be treated better than. Send hi to be my husband for a week.... LOL. Clearly he has issues that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Whatever you do please don't purchase his issues out of guilt. Your daughter needs you more. You are a beautiful young lady with a bright future, search find yourself and if he wants to join you set you boundaries or else .....Most men have a hard time with independent women, however they have the utmost respect for those of us who can stand on our own. This is tough let me know if I can be of any support to ya. Care for Auds and live well for you!!! Jes, I didn't get the fill because I lost 36lbs post op and she felt I was tight enough. I really didn't feel too tight. But dd get a fill 6 weeks later and it didn't do Jack......t.lol As you can see my ticker hasn't moved. I called Robin, my cravings are off the charts right now. Panda Express is my new friend now.... I know I have to kick that habit. Girl you may be at goal by the time you go for your fill. Candra, sweety how are you? I need to employ your stepdaughter LOL She and I will kick some pastry butt. Tina, how are you? Maria congrats on your date, could they have given you a better date LOL... You'll do well. Has anyone heard from Donna I miss her. Hi Pam! Riley Dear how are you?
  23. You look marvelous! Congratulations! I was also banded 5/20/09 a day before, this is exciting.Keep up the good work.

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