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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by yellowtopaz

  1. Excellent news lady! I know you're glowing just knowing that YOU have a date!

    Congratulations! What a great way to start a weekend!

    I'm so happy for you.

  2. Afternoon lady,


    How's it going today?


    Please tell me how to do that friend request thing? Is it automatically reciprocated upon acceptance by the first party?


    Thanks a bunch!

  3. BP2,


    I'm in awe of your remarkable success. You should be a lapband poster child.


    Every time I see your name I can't help but think about the Biggie song where he says "I love it when you call me Big Papa".



  4. Cammy,

    It's quite unfortunate that you've been targeted by some very ignorant people. Those who are so clueless as to what a wonderful person you are but goverened more by what their itty bitty minds allow them to see.


    I was banded 5+ months ago and it's the absolute best decision I could have ever made "just for me".


    Best wishes to you as you decide the direction best for YOU.


    Always remember your own self worth!

  5. Congratulations on your surgery date! I know it feels good just knowing that it's going to happen.

    Best Wishes!

  6. Congratulations on your surgery date! I was banded in January '09 and it's the single best decision I've ever made "just for me".

    Best Wishes!!

  7. Congratulations SisterBB,


    It's the day after your surgery and I hope your doing well.

  8. Evening LC.


    I'm not sure about words of wisdom but I will say this. I have considered the opportunity to have this surgery as a blessing in my life. There aren't many things that we do solely for us. Granted, others in our life will benefit from our better health but......this is sort of a big gift to ourselves. A gift that will change ...the rest of our lives. Just Be Happy.


    If you get a chance let me know what time your surgery is scheduled for on Monday. I'll say a special prayer for you.


    Take care.



  9. Evening Music,


    Just cause we know better choices doesn't mean we always make them. We're still human. I'd die for the Chinese but can pass on the pizza. Don't let the guilt continue to steer you. Sh*t happens. Today is a new day. And you're right, this is an eternal battle.


    My stomach is feeling really good. No problems. I'm having a lot of chicken and fish, green beans. I try to mix it up with a few new things.


    Check with your Doc. They may know of a support group.


    I'm sure you're glad to be home. Have a great weekend!

  10. Evening Skyjoe,

    Tomorrow is my surgery day. I haven't had a lot of trouble with the 4-day liquid diet although I can hear my stomach growling right now.

    I'll let you know how it all works out.

  11. Good morning LC,


    How are you feeling one week post-op?



  12. Goodmorning,

    Thanks for the friend request. It appears that you've already been approved? If so, that's great news and a big step forward. Congratulations on your lapband decision. If you're determined and dedicated, this tool will play an intricate part in your success.

  13. Goodmorning!


    Just wanted to drop in and see how you're doing.


    Best of luck to you!!

  14. He should know! And you've been working on it so you'll be okay.


    I'm good. I make my first follow-up visit with the Doc on Tuesday. I'm ready to exercise but will wait for his blessing on it first.


    What time are you scheduled for on Monday and do you have to stay overnight?

  15. Hello lady,


    Hope you're enjoying the weekend and things are good with you. Write when you can.

  16. Hello LSU Mom,


    Have you been banded yet? If you don't mind my asking, where did you get it done.


    What do you think of the process so far? For me, it took a little bit of getting used to but I'm loving it.

  17. Hello Melloways,

    Your smile is electric. Congratulations on your lapband decision.

  18. Hello tedwa3,


    Congratulations on your approval! Doesn't it feel good just knowing that you're about to take control? Dedication and determination will be your keys to success. Take care.

  19. Hello TMG,


    Thanks for checking on me. I'm doing well. I'm learning to add different things to my menus as I go. It's a learning process for sure. How've you been?

  20. Hello TMG,


    You're a beautiful lady...right now! Best of everything to you!!!


    I was banded on 1/26/09. Best decision I could have ever made for myself by myself. Oh yeah!


    Take care.



  21. Hello,

    I've just about made it through my 4-day liquid diet. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. My bag is packed and I'm just waiting on the clock. Have to check into the hospital Monday morning at 5:30. I have to stay overnight at the hospital. I guess in way that's a good thing.

    Will update you when I get back.

  22. Hello,


    Congrats on your success to date!

  23. Hey lady,

    I have some but it could be worse. I'm working out with weights trying to tone up a bit. I guess "acceptance' is part of the process unless one wants another surgery and I surely don't. I'm a chicken.

  24. Hey Lady,

    Today is my 2nd day of full liquids and I'm doing okay. The hospital called and said I need to be there at 5:30 Morning. I think I'm the first surgery that day. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.


    Have a great weekend!

  25. Hey lady,


    Haven't talked to you in a while. How are things going?

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