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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jaffa

  1. I thought I would start a thread for my recipes and just add to the thread as I have time. I'm hoping to just post a recipe each time I cook something.

    So here is the one I made last night.

    1 can Rotel (you can substitute with another can of tomatoes and a tbsp of chili powder)

    1 can diced tomatoes

    4 cans chicken (the small tuna sized kind)

    8 oz sour cream

    Open all the cans put it in a pan, heat it up until boiling and the chicken falls a part.

    Drain off liquid....doesn't got to be perfect just a quick drainage.

    Add in sour cream.

    Thats it....your first installment of "open a can put it in a pan"

    More tomorrow!!!!!

    This recipe can be made in a crockpot

    Just put it in a small 2qt. crockpot and put it on low for 8 hours....or hi for 4 hours. Use one large fresh chicken breast. Let it cook, then drain and add sour cream.

  2. My wife has recently discovered something that we should have known, but didn't because we didn't read everything closely.

    Nexium, takes about 30 minutes to start working after you take it in the morning. So it may be very important to take it this way to prevent too much acid from being produced when you eat in the morning. If you take it and then eat too soon, your stomach may produce way too much acid for the morning meal, and cause you problems throughout the day.

    This is just a heads up to help others. It has really helped get rid of some of her stomache sensitivity and occasional pain associated with eating.

  3. I quit coming here as much, and quit going to lapbandtalk, just because of this issue. I post a little now, and read some, but to let some of these people stay and continue to post is sickening at best. It makes the good people go away, but frankly you can figure out anything that doesn't seem to make sense by "following the money trail".

  4. I still get surprised every time I hear someone in favor of bypass...partially because of my own thoughts on it, but also because I feel like there are so many advantages to the band.

    I will admit that the fast weight loss that results from RNY is tempting. But that's, to me, the only advantage over the band.

    Again, maybe it's just me, but have you noticed that a LOT of bypass patients LOOK like bypass patients? I feel like they always have a different look to them...like a partially full bag or something. I would consider the slower weight loss with the band a plus, actually. It gives your body more time to catch up with the weight loss. Furthermore, have you heard that bypass patients have approximately one year to lose the weight they're going to lose? And typically, after that year is up, there is at least some uptick in weight...the graphical curves I've seen show the band as a slow but steady loss that eventally surpasses bypass because bypass patients typically gain at least a little (if not all) weight back.

    Here's a sample of my "pro" list for the band, if it helps:

    1. MUCH less invasive of a procedure

    2. Reversible, if needed

    3. Fewer complications

    4. No malabsorption problems or Vitamin deficiency

    5. No dumping

    6. Corrects overeating behavior

    7. LIFELONG modifications to increase nutritional intake when needed (eg, pregnancy, endurance training) and decrease when needed (eg, weight gain, slow weight loss)

    I think my biggest plus on the band side is that it's a TOOL. I see it as something to help me lose weight now--slowly but surely--and help me maintain over the long term.

    Of course, it's a personal decision, and we know that RNY works. I know that, for me, the band is better because I need more help with portions, etc. I love that I could have all the restriction removed by removing saline...but then fill it back up if I slip. My mind has wandered over to bypass only when I crave that quick fix (not that it's easy...but it's definitely quicker).

    Good luck with your decision!!

    Well, you are probably surprised because you list advantages that are really marketing gimmicks and not really advantages. So it is understandable why you are surprised.

    1. MUCH less invasive

    Yea, it is less invasive of a SURGERY, but in reality is more invasive in daily life, and it is only slightly less invasive then getting a sleeve. Some would argue it is actually more invasive then the sleeve, since it creates a restriction point "stoma" to get food stuck on instead of just making the stomach smaller.

    2. Reversible if needed. Well, when exactly is it needed to reverse the band surgery? Well frankly, when it fails due to complications......Slips, Erosions, Infections, Port Flips, Acid Reflux.

    3. Fewer complications. That may be true for the surgery, but as for actual long term complications, it simply isn't true. In fact many would argue that long term complications are more with the band. I think that is pretty obviously true, but bury your head in the sand and pretend like it won't happen to you, if you want.

    4. No malabsorption are Vitamin deficiency. Well some people need malabsorption to be successful, and why do I have to take Vitamins everyday on the band, if it is not an issue?

    5. No dumping syndrome. Well, true, but if you eat those things that cause dumping with a bypass and you have a band, you are pretty much guaranteed to not lose weight with the band. So what really is the point? What your really saying is that the band will let you cheat and eat sugary stuff without a consequence other then no weight loss.

    6. Corrects overeating behaviour. NO it does not correct the behaviour. It prevents it to some extent, but so do the other surgeries, so how is that an advantage over the others. It doesn't truely correct the behaviour, because the people who don't have restriction because the band isn't adjusted correctly simply aren't going to lose weight. If you remove it, you behaviour isn't corrected, you gain the weight back.

    7. LIFELONG? Yea right, thats why there are so many banders who have had the band for so long. Please everyone with any research will tell you that for a majority of people 10 years is about the most you can expect to get out of the band before it has to come out, or has to be unfilled because of complications.

    Man, every one of your reasons are BS. Quit reading the marketing BS of these companies and think about the realities of the band.

  5. I didn't go on a single date for almost two years before I met my wife.

    As for smoking Chantix is truely a miracle drug. It actually works, it works so damn good, that my insurance company doesn't even make people pay the copay. You get the prescription, you get the pills for free.

  6. In the long run, it shouldn't really matter. But, if you want to keep the max weight loss going exercise will keep your metabolism from falling and keep you from feeling tired. But, in reality, exercise really just helps you feel better and burns calories, the actual metabolic increase after you stop exercising is minimal.

  7. Yes, we use it daily.

    Don't strain out the "stuff"....that is just the Protein sticking together.

    Try this....either shake it the day before at room temperature....or use something like the magic bullet to mix it.

    BTW.....I always refill the bottle after drinking it and shake it really well....the foam you see is all of the Protein you would have missed out on.....it has no taste....just a funny texture...learn to ignore it.

  8. To the original poster.

    YOU were absolutely correct in cancelling. If you have serious doubts, you should not do something.

    What you noticed, about the pre and post op pictures section is very very true and representative. I say this because I believe people post the before and after pictures before they start having problems. Then they change the signature line on there account months or years later and it updates the signiture. So you are actually getting a pretty good sample of people. By the way the people who post the most are the people in there first 6 months. Not people having problems, but people who have problems do tend to update there signitures. It was actually, in my opinion, a brilliant if not accidental way of sampling long term success.

    As a SELF PAY, I would not agree with a band over a sleeve. Unless the sleeve scares you to the point of doing nothing.

  9. I think many times when someone moves to full liquids they use the stuff that has more sodium in it then what they were getting. You are then just retaining more of the Water.

    It happens to everyone for the most part, but if you want, try tracking your sodium amounts, make sure your not getting too much for what you need.

    My weight can easily change upwards by 3lbs, if I eat too much sodium in a day.

  10. I like to make a batch of Turkey Chili, then divide it up into one cup portions and freeze them. Then I don't even need to worry about refridgeration, because it just starts to thaw out in 5 hours, then I nuke it for 2 minutes.

    My chili is

    One large can of Tomato juice

    two cans of chili Beans

    two cans of kidney Beans

    two pounds of ground turkey, the cheapest kind

    8tbsp of chili powder (or to taste)

    This will make A LOT of meals!!!!

    You get a really good Protein to calorie ratio with this mixture.

  11. I understand and agree with your basic concept.

    But, you have a huge flaw in there. You are making some kind of assumption that you won't change when you are no longer fat. That for most people just simply isn't true. You will most likely change and it won't necessarily be for the better in the opinion of people who knew you before.

    In fact, you will probably lose several relationships from the change and gain several new ones.

  12. The sleeve is by far superior to the band. The band, is temporary and for people who can't get the sleeve for some reason. Or for some reason just won't do anything else.

    I'm not allowed to get a sleeve by my profession yet, but soon they will approve them and I will revise at that time. I know better then to think I will somehow beat the odds and never need a revision.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
