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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by autumndannie

  1. Hi, i am 29 yrs old and live in puyallup, wa. i was banded on 12-2-08 by dr. srikanth (center for bariartic surgery at st. francis hospital in federal way, wa). this has been a rough week:drool:. i am hungry, and i have done an awesome job due to my strong-willed nature and wonderful family & friends supporting me...i have lost a total of 30 lbs so far. however, my friends & family are not banded and can't understand what i am going through (even though they try) i am feeling hungry and the holiday's are a big struggle with all my loved ones eating in front of me. my dr is very strict, and i am on a clear sugar-free liquid diet plus 90 grams of protein shakes p/day until jan. 6th (5 weks p/o) i would love to talk with/meet with a fellow bander about how hard this is and get some encouragement from someone who knows how i might be or how i am feeling.:huh2: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. autumndannie

    Lapband And Pcos

    Not sure, but i have blue cross/blue shield and they covered 80% of my lap band surgery. better than nothing i guess =] good luck to you...i hope your ins. covers your's as well =]]]]
  3. autumndannie

    Just banded and need support!!!

    Hey, yay...someone one else close to me! I'm stoked =] Who is your Dr? Mine is Dr. Srikanth at st Francis Hospital in Federal Way. Yeah, he is super strict! I am just now able to start eating mushy foods. I have cheated a lil since week 4 though. Nothing too bad but I did eat a few crakers and had some mashed potatoes...but just a tablespoon. Are you on a strict diet? Have you had a fill yet? My first one is on the 19th and I am so nervous! Maybe we can meet up sometime =] Autumn
  4. autumndannie

    Add me too!

    I'm doing good...just hungry and wanting to eat something:frown:I have to drink the protein shakes as well--right now I am suppose to drink 90 grams. After a couple more weeks when I can eat food I will only need 60 gr. as well. I have been stuck for 4 days now and no weight loss on the scale...:biggrin:! I have lost 23 lbs since my surgery but nothing for 4 days...it's driving me crazy!!!!!! How are you? Is your diet going well? It's so hard for me but I've been doing really well:thumbup:.
  5. autumndannie

    Just banded and need support!!!

    congrats!!! it is so hard. i can't eat "mushy type" foods til' jan. 6th (5 wks p/o). i don't think i can make it another couple weeks...this is torture!!!!
  6. autumndannie

    St. Francis, Dr Oh and Dr. Hirai Group

    Hi, i am also a pt. of dr srikanth. i just had lapband surgery on 12-2-08. he is so nice, huh. i really do like him and his staff. the nurses were really sweet to me when i was in the hospital...i had no complaints. i am a month behind you...and i am so hungry. i don't think other bariatric surgeons are as strict as dr. srikanth. i have done some readin and some pt's eat right after surgery and have potatoes and other stuff that i was told not to have. i have been doing great...i think. i have lost 30 lbs so far. 23 lbs w/i 13 days of my surgery and 7 lbs the week prior to surgery. this is really hard though. i am dying here...i want food so badly and the Protein shakes are not helping like they use to last week. i feel even more hungry each day. i don't want to gain weight and want to stick to the diet cause i don't wanna mess up anything nor do i wanna stop losing. help...what did you do????????????????
  7. well, let's see...i was banded on 12-2-08. i arrived at the hospital at 6:30am and my dr does things kinda crazy...he doesn't give each pt time slots for surgery so we all just wait. i waited with my hubby and bff (soooo tired and hungry) until 1pm and from there i was taken to the pre-prep room for vitals, iv and the lovely gown. i waited there until 7:45pm (yeah, it was a loooooong day). i was nervous due to it being my very first surgery! at 7:45pm i was taken to the main prep room to await the or and that lasted until 8:15pm. that was no biggie...pretty much the same except they put the leg massages on me to prevent blood clots and gave me the horrid shot of heprin which does the same thing--ouch, it burned (only for about 15 sec) and i let the nurse and others around me know it...lol! i am a big baby!!!! they wheeled me in the or at 8:15pm and i remember the nurse asking me if i was ok and that's all i reembered until i woke up in the hospital room around 1:30am. the sugery lasted from 8:30pm-10:40pm. i was told that the anesthesia had a bad affect on me though. no one could wake me up so they had to call my hubby in the room to see if that would help. nope...it didn't! i was out cold! they said i was sitting up suddenly, crying, trying to scratch my face and wouldn't respond to anything! my poor hubby was freakin' out! anywho...finally around 1:30am i started coming out of it and all was fine and then i started throwing up (which is very common after anesthesia). it sucked but didn't last very long. i slept until they wheeled me down to x-ray to do the yummy, barium swallow to check and see if everything was in the right place. i was still nauseated and dizzy at 8am so and it came right up so they wheeled me back to my room and got me a couple hrs later, and it went fine. i slept more (which i seemed to do a lot of my first week p/o). i had some pain in the port site but not too bad. i could only have clear sugar-free liquids the first week p/o, week 2-4 same thing plus 90 grams p/day of protein shakes (yuck), week 5-6 "mushy" food--no "white" foods (potatoes, bread, dairy) only 6 grams or less of sugar p/serving plus 60 grams of protein shakes p/day, week 7-8 soft foods plus 60 grams p/day protein shakes. i was discharged at 5pm and went to bed right away. i woke up in pain and had to take the liquid meds they gave me (lortab)...put me right to sleep. days 2-4 were the most painful but tolerable. after that it wasn't bad at all. i am 2 weeks p/o and feeling 100%.
  8. autumndannie

    Add me too!

    hi...my name is autumn. i was banded on 12-2-08. when were you? i am starving and this holiday season is so hard cause i have to watch everyone eat and i am on clear sugar-free liquids plus 90 grams of prtoein drinks (they are nasty)!
  9. autumndannie

    Lapband And Pcos

    I too have pcos and it sucks...was diagnosed in 2001 and i have seemed to keep gainging weight over the yrs and found myself at 280 lbs last yr and decided i needed help...i didn't want to reach 300--200 was bad enough! i looked into lap band last year and almost got it but didn't end up doing it (long story) i was covered by my husbands ins co to have it done and had 1 yr to decide if i wanted it before i had to go through start from scratch and do the whole (ins co reqirements) process again. i thought about it and was scared and didn't know if it was right for me but in october 2008 i decided to give my surgeons office a call and set it up. i felt if i didn't do it i would be big and infertile forever! my husband & i have a 9 yr old son but have been ttc for 2 yrs now and nothing!!! my obgyn says it's not imposible but would probably take us a long time to have another child. i was devistated. i got banded on 12-2-08 and am just over 2 wks p/o. it''s rough and i am starving!!! this time of yr is no fun either w/ all the good food around but i have lost 30 lbs so far (7 lbs 1 wk prior to surgery and the rest i lost w/i 13 days after surgery). it feels great but i still have about 100 lbs to go to reach my goal. i hope this helps me and my chances of another baby in the near future!
  10. thanks, i know. it's just super depressing this time of year watching everyone else gobble up yummy stuff and i am starving to death :huh2:. i had a nibble of a cracker today...i know babd girl but i couldn't do it!! it won't affect anything--it was way too small but i feel myself getting more and more daring to eat. yesterday i had one of my son's maccaroni and cheese noodles:crying:. this is sooooooooooooo hard!!!!!
  11. your welcome!!! hope tomorrow goes well for you:smile:. it's so tough right now...i wanna eat food!!!!!!!!!! this really sucks at times. sometimes i wish i waited til' after the holidays. i can't enjoy anything:sad_smile:. i hate it when my friends and family tell me how something they're eating taste really good and expect me to feel happy about it...i DON'T CARE NOR DO I WANNA KNOW HOW GOOD THEIR food IS!!!!!!!!!!! get a clue people!!!!!! i can't eat so why would you tell me that?????????????????:shades_smile:
  12. the pain is not too bad. surgery was from 830-1030pm on 12-2-08. the only problem for me was waking up from anesthesia--the nurses couldn't wake me up and i was doing strange but kinda normal things...crying, throwing up (very normal), tried sitting up and they just couldn't get me to come out of it til' around 1am. they said some people have a hard time with it and i'm such a light weight when it comes to medicine that was probably why they guessed. all is fine and the surgery went awesome!!! i stayed overnight in the hospital and came home at 6pm on the 3rd and slept a while. woke up the morning around 8am with pain and took my pain killers and it was all good again . the third day was a lil' painful as well but after that it got better and better each day. i would do it over again cause it really wasn't as bad as i thought it would be...it wouldn't be my most favorite thing to re-live but it was actually ok. now, i am 13 days p/o and feeling great. i can bend down (p/o day 9) lay on my tummy (p/o day 9) shave my legs (p/o day 9 or 10) sit up w/o too much discomfort (p/o day 8 or 9). all together it's a lil' more than a week to regain the normal things to most everyday life. i took a lot of naps throughout the first week. it helped to go to bed late around 1am and take my meds right before bed so i wouldn't wake up at 4 or 5am in some pain. you'll do great...hopefully you will have a great experience and all will go fine, and i'm sure it will!!!! :thumbup:feb. right??? i only regret doing it around the holiday's...it suks!!:frown:
  13. You can do it :thumbup:!!!! It'll happen for you. The surgery will be such a positive step in your life and when you lose all the weight and reach your goal and take that pg test and it says "you're pregnant" you are going to be so happy and you'll know at that point that all the hard work and discipline was worth it!!!!!:tongue2: At least that's the way I am trying to look at it. I can't believe that I am already 12 days post-op. It has gone by pretty fast. I am getting hungry for "real" food:drool: but that's what got me into this mess. It rough at times but I haven't had a breakdown yet...thank god! I miss chocolate!!!!!!!!! I look at it like this I would rather be holding my newborn baby in my arms rather than a chocolate bar...lol. Pretty soon we'll both be pg and living our dreams. I know I was blessed with a baby boy almost 10 yrs ago but I was only 20 and single, and my mom had died 2 months after he was born and I wasn't into the whole "mommy" thing after that...it was sooo hard--but now I am married to the father of my son and I am more than ready to have another one...hopefully a girl this time but at this point I'd be happy with either--just a healthy baby!!! ttyl:wink2:. Keep up hope!!!!
  14. I hope your surgery goes well :w00t:! I was worried about having it due to the fact that I'd never had any type of surgery my entire life and the fact that it was a lifestyle change and wondering if I could stick to such a strict diet. I surrvived, and it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself!:biggrin: It's not easy to watch my friends and family eat and I can't but I just hop on that scale and see that I am down 27 lbs and that keeps me going. If I don't stick to it that means no baby and I really want another one!!!!!!!!! I hate pcos and would often ask why me????? I never had diabetes but my mom did, and I know that with the path that I was going it could've been a strong possibility for me to get it eventually. I know other friends and family that are overweight and don't have this yucky condition and get prego and carry healthy babies and then there's me--I felt broken and didn't feel like a real woman--it devistated me. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know now that I have the band I have a shot at a better one!:biggrin: Good luck to you, and I will chat with ya later.
  15. Hi, like you I have pcos and just recently had lap band surgery on 12/2/2008. I had my first son 9 yrs ago--no problem but since he was born I have gained soo much in the past 9 yrs cause I wasn't trying to maintain or lose my weight and now, here I am:ohmy:. I am 29 almost 30 yrs old and feel the same as you...age was starting to be a factor I had to face and of course the pcos!!! My periods were about every other month and as of last year it has got worse...like once every 3 months and it's not a normal one--I spot which I never did until last fall. I hate pcos and am hoping that the band was the right choice. I have lost 28 lbs in 17 days (7 lbs b4 the surgery and the rest after surgery). I want to lose another 65 or so b4 we start trying again. I hope it works for us :rolleyes2:. Good luck to you:thumbup:!!!!!!!
  16. Wow, Congrats!!!! I have pcos and have been trying for 2 yrs to get pg and nothing!:laugh: I had the lap band done on Dec. 2, 2008 and have lost a total of 28 lbs so far. :rolleyes2: I am hoping to lose at least 60 more before we try again...just to get down to what I was when I got pg with my first who is now 9 1/2 yrs old. I hope it happens for my husband & I. I worry about the pcos thing and if the band and weight loss will make a differnce for us:confused:. I wish you luck with the pregnancy & delivery and again, congrats...that's wonderful news to hear from someone who can understand how I feel!!!
  17. I had lap band surgery on Dec. 2, 2008 and feel as you do. I have a 9 yr old son and my husband & I have been trying for 2 yrs now...no baby:confused: I decided to get lap band due to having pcos and thought it would help me to lose weight and be healthy and have another lil' bundle of joy--soon someday!:cursing: Have any of you had luck with lap band pregnancies??? I am worried to carry a baby with the lap band:ohmy:???

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