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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mmm

  1. HI All

    I got banded yesterday. I was fine yesterday but I am in agony today. Shoudl I be in this much pain. It is not the side of the port. I dont know how I am gonna get on the eurostar tomorrow if this continues,. Dr Chris and Fre gave me loads of pain killers and told me to rest. There were 5 other people booked in at same time and they are running around like they never had the op. Should it me like this?

    Sorry for the moan, just looking for some reassurance. Going back to sleep now.


    Hi Debs, it affects us all differently, one of our members on here lewisabbeyandmum and her mum both had the op the same time as Gary and myself, they could'nt move they were so ill, and it lasted a good few days, whilst Gary was walking around the town soon after his op, I on the other hand was in the middle, most uncomfortable but not in massive pain, the hope I can give you is that the first day was a bit easier because of the lingering effect of anesthetic and intraven pain killers and as these leave you the pain will become worse. But each day gets a little better, make sure you stay on top of the pain by taking your painkillers regularly, and take the advise of Dr. Chris and get lots of rest. Thoughts are with you, I hope you have someone with you to asssist on the journey home. All the best mmm

  2. Hi I am getting liquids in for when I return from Belgium, and I have bought Slimfast for the liquid weeks, I notice you said these are high carb, I am not good on carbs, Proteins etc dont really understand what I am suppose to be eating or drinking. Are these ok for the liquid weeks, with smooth cup a Soups, and milky drinks? Or should I also get some of the tesco ones you suggested. Need help as returning to work after about six days and work away a lot in hotels so need to take my stuff with me!!!! Help..... Thanks

    Hi oliverdog, all the items you have are fine until you stop losing weight, then I find that if you have a protien as opposed to high carb drink it satisfys you longer., but go with what you know until you hit the brick wall which some of us do, and then increase your protien and decrease your carbs, that often helps, good luck I bet your getting so excited now.

  3. Ah thanx babe, just reached the 3stone mark today, am over the moon!!!

    I am going to only leave 2mls in for when I go away cos I want to at least be able to eat a bit and have some drinks lol, being as its free bar on the flight.

    What were those shoes called that you wear, I have searched back and cant find the name. Thanx chick xx

    MBT's they're a trainer with negative heal action, sketchers have also brought some out in the last few weeks called something like get fit.

    You must be so pleased with 3 stone, thats brill, well done

  4. Hiya everyone,

    I had my op yesterday, feeling pretty sore at the moment. Does anyone have any tips on hoisting oneself out of bed as it really hurts when I try to sit up. I have bought some milkshakes with me, they are really thin and are diety ones are these ok to have? I meant to ask but forgot. What Soups are good to have when I get home? I have asked my mum to get me some Beef Consomme and some cup a soups, will these be ok? I'm really bored in the hotel at the minute and looking forward to getting home tomorrow. Do you think I will be ok to go to work on Saturday? It will involve being on my feet for 8.5 hours so I am not so sure as it hurts walking a few feet at the moment.


    Hi Anna, I hope your feeling a little better, but dont expect to be strong and fully up and about for about a week, and even then you'll tire easily, take a week off work and spoil yourself.

  5. Ahh poor you Maggs, seems very odd that you're near max and can eat all that.

    I think I would be mailing Dr Chris to ask if this is normal, I dont want to worry you, but it doesnt seem right to me.

    Maybe you need all the saline taking out and fresh going in.

    Michael told me that quite often some of the saline just disappears into the body so you may not have in as much as you think.

    Another thing is you dont have much to lose, so maybe this is your body's way of hanging onto what you have.

    Sorry if I sound negative but what I've said is the worse case scenario Maggs.

    maybe someone else has other ideas???

    Thanks Freckles, Wendy did a complete unfill and then refill last time I was there, so I know the amount is accurate, possibly if I can have a tiny amount in it will reactivate the band and start me losing again, I need all the help I can get. Other than that I need some stress in my life that always tightens the band, perhaps I'm just too chilled out after my holiday.

  6. Shoes...WOW!!! you have done so well, wish I had lost that much weight.

    Last night we had friends round, I had one of those small Birds Eye chicken pieces, well three quarters of it, about 6:30 and I still couldnt even have a drink at midnight, pb'd a few times, and this morning its so tight, I am struggling to drink my coffee.

    Sat up most of the night and was a bit sick too, I really really wish I had had a small defill in July as I think my band has tightened once again.

    Thats my moan for the weekend...sorry, but i feel awful today.

    Freckles you are so brave, as you know I failed to continue when I had a slight overfill, and had some taken out, its only now that any restriction has worn off, it seems to last me about a month only and then I need a top up, I'm close to max now and am getting scared about when I reach max fill because I will probably be hungry again and wont be able to have any more fills.

    My next fill is due Mon 28th Sept with WLS in Cardiff, but at the moment I can eat everything, I had a full Mac chicken burger meal with fries and drink before I remembered I should be dieting, and it went down quicker than anyone else I was with, you'd think I'd not seen food for a few weeks. But it didnt stop me having a steak meal (full size) later in the evening, and this is with 6.5ml in my band. I'm begining to feel like a no hoper.

    Gary so pleased for you, letts hope this fill last a little longer.

    Big Sister and Gillian I've not heard from you since I'm back from holls let me know how your feeling and if any weight has shifted.

    EVERYONE else give me your good news I need positive vibes to help me through the next week or so.

  7. Got my 2nd fill on tuesday and liquids went ok but did feel a difference. ie. felt yoghurt still in what felt like my gullet 20mins after eating it strange sensation and today had WW lentil Soup and even though I sipped it slowly I felt it still in my chest area. I decided to go and hang out my washing thinking the arm movement would shift it but I ended up pbing small amount of soup any advice and is this normal bandsters? Jx

    This is what happens to me so I guess you can call it normal, it will however ease off, and some days it will get better and then tighten up a bit, its really wierd how it changes, but it is what we look for and that is restriction, good luck with you journey you'll start to lose weight now. woopy

  8. Hi Freckles, so pleased you can have your mum home for a little while, but try not to over do it, and make sure you get enough sleep and rest.

    Thanks for the link to that book I might try to get a copy it sounds fun.

    I'm going to ring WLS tomorrow I'm a bit put out out about not being sent any diet plans, or appointment dates as its well over a month now since I was last seen. I just cant stop eating, and reading that book preview just confirmed that I eat far more than the author does.

    Gary, how much fill did Dr Chris put in when you had your band corrected, the fill only lasting about 10 days is the same for me as well, perhaps we need small fills every 2 weeks.

    There was someone on here who had a hiccup bout when I was on holls, and yes it was me who also had hiccups for 4 days it was caused by having a slight overfill, but also stopped me sleeping at night I was so exausted, but it did go never to return. I hope yours has now eventually gone.

  9. Hi everyone, I'm back from my holls and have missed you all I've just got on the scales and I've put on 5lb, I'm so cross, But I'm not under any condition going to alter my ticker, I'll just leave it as it is until I'm back down to my pre holls weight.

    One question to the WLS gang, after your first fill did anyone receive any correspondence such as diet plans or exercise plans or indeed anything, giving future surgery dates, or indeed anything else. I paid my 6 months fees went for my first fill and nothing, no furture dates, no info, no nothing, has it been the same with anyone else. I did at least expect to have the future dates to book fills sent out or given to me. I quite disappointed with their lack of commitment.

    Sorry to have a moan but I feel abandond when I'm putting on weight :mad2:

  10. Hi MMM

    I am being banded in Brussels on 16th October, I work in Cardiff and wondered where you got your fills from as I will need to find somewhere afterwards. We are about the same age, how have you found it!! How were your family, I havent let mine know.... yet.... Thought I was old enough to make up my own mind for once!!

    Hi Oliverdog, You can get fills with WLS Group in Cardiff its around the mid month dates on a Monday, its on Newport Road, or direct with Spire Cardiff every Sat morning, or, via Chris Deprez (Chris De Bruyne partner) in Newport on a Thursday monthly. I originally used Chris Deprez in Newport I found him brilliant, but I have now changed to WLS purely on cost, but they are also brilliant.

    I live between UK and France during the summer, so choose who was in my area when I was home, I'll be going back to France in a few days, until the 15th Sept and then will say home because my daughter is due to have her baby mid Oct.

    If you want to meet up for coffee and a chat about the op before you go I can come into Cardiff when I come back mid Sept. Its going to be tough going on your own but not impossible, and you must arrange for someone to collect you from the airport, you wont be able to drive for a good few days. I have pm'd you my phone number

    As to who I told, it was only my mum, husband,cousin, and daughter. My daughter had a band fitted 2 years ago and lost 4 stone, she lived with me at the time so I knew what to expect. No one else knows and I want to keep it that way.

    Good luck, and unless you live alone, you will need to tell those you live with that you are having an operation, (any operation) because you will need time to recover and you will be poorly for nearly a week. You can hide it for a short time from friends visitors etc but not when you live with someone.

  11. Hi freckles, I'm so pleased for you and your family, its such a joy and a relief when all goes well, and you now have a loving bundle to poke and squeeze, lucky you.

    Big sister, yes the tabs Wendy suggested are now starting to work, but it took 9 days not the 3 she said, but the last two nights I've had a restfull good nights sleep. I've also been taking an antibiotic for the last 5 days for a chest infection, the acid reflux at night had got onto my chest and caused an infection, so if I had'nt had the infection they might have worked sooner, deff worth trying tho.

    Weight loss has been quite good after the last fill but restriction now begining to wear off a little, so I will now have to start to watch what I eat and stick to mainly Protein.< /p>

    I'm going back to France on Monday afternoon, so will try to be extra good there and not give in to bread and cakes.

    Gary great to see your cheery face back I've missed your banter and sound advise.

  12. Many thanks Gillian. That is exactly the type information I was looking for. May I ask one more question of you all? (Yes, I'm annoying even myself at this point.)

    In regards to laxatives and vitamins; are they easily swallowed after the procedure. I know each is vital but I'm wondering how successfully they will go down after the procedure.

    Please forgive my ignorance.

    It will be useful to use a liquid laxative if required, but the barium they give you at the hospital when they xray the band post op acts as one so I would'nt personally use one for quite a few days after the op, and only then if necessary, as regared to Vitamins, in the uk we have a soft and chewy bassetts blackcurrent flavour Multivitamin which can be bought at most chemist and supermarkets and these are like children sweets. However if you can get something similar within the US and travel with them it may be more convient, because you might not feel to good for a few days and not be able to go out shopping. Hope this helps

  13. Hi Gary, glad your back with us and that you are healing well. It has been quieter without you and flirty on here.

    Hi freckles, if your having the colonoscopy, its not too bad only a bit embarrasing, they give you some serious clearing out medication the day before :unsure:, and then put a small camera up your bum :thumbdown: but its on a flexible tube and does'nt hurt. Please go ahead and have the test done if only to give everyone piece of mind. When are you due to have it done ?

  14. Hi freckles poor you.. hope it isnt too bad and gets sorted for you on monday x

    Nice to hear from you tee-bird.. congratulations on your weight loss you are doing really well, hope you have a fab holiday x

    Mmm what drinks from tesco are you on about, i had a look today and couldnt find them x

    I think they might only be available in the larger tescos extra. They are situated by the slimfast drinks, there are two types, light version which are like slimfast with high carb, and CARB CONTROL they are in tetra blocks not bottles, the two flavours I have found are strawberry and choc the strawberry is the better of the two, you might like to try out the Atkins bars as well, expensive, but I find it useful to have one lurking at the bottom of my handbag. Good luck with the hunt.


  15. Just a quick suggestion for those who are using a low carb diet and are out and about and need something quick and easy. Have you tried the TESCO CARB Control milk shake type drinks they come ready made in strawberry or chocolate cost just under £1. The net carb is only 1.5g, and for those who count calories its 170, they keep me satisfied all day, and are great for liquid days and to carry in your bag in an emergency, but make sure its the carb control one you pick up (its written all over the package) and not the tescos light shake, which is high carb like slimfast. They taste ok only, but you wont look for any other food for ages.

  16. Hi

    Clara ur weightloss is fantastic I'm really jealous, I have only lost a few pounds (bit concerned) was it like this for anyone else ?

    That day we spent crawled by, in sleepy Vilvoorde... well we can laugh about it now. I've been out several nights walking which I love I think it clears ur head.

    SJS I was banded on a Tues and was out brushing up garden on Sun' ( I would NOT recommend this !!) but as others have said u know ur bodies capabilities best, take it easy and you should be fine.

    mmm omeprazole (prilosec) is ppi medicine it is very effective for acid reflux and it should take effect fairly quickly - if it doesn't, go back to Dr you don't have to live with this discomfort, it's not good to let severe reflux go on.

    Hi Anitahugs,

    thanks for the info on the medication, I was also a slow starter together with big sister when it came to weightloss and it only really started after my third fill which gave me a good amount of restriction. The lower the starting bmi the more difficult and slower it seems to be but as promised on the literature Dr Chris gives out I have lost 50% of my excess weight in 6 months, or quite close to it, I wanted it quicker like everyone else, but it just takes time.One of the advantages is that your skin does'nt sag as much and you have time mentally to adjust to your changing shape, and to other peoples reactions about the weight loss.

    Although I am an outwardgoing type of person I dont like drawing attention to myself, and weightloss does just that, so my stumbling blocks have been, genuine hunger when I dont have restriction combined with the need to hide my weightloss until I can cope with the attention and coments, although I have lost 2st, I feel I can only tell people its 1st, how strange it that.!!!

    Your weightloss will kick in even though at the moment you dont believe it, when the restriction is right it will be more exciting and you will see a downward trend as long as you keep on top of the bandfills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
