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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mmm

  1. Hi Shoes & MMM

    I've not been on for a while but I still try to catch up on all the latest news when I get time. Well done to you both on your weight loss so far, you are doing really well.

    I'm going for my 5th fill on Monday in Cardiff, I currently have 5.75cl in my band and I have no restriction yet !!! I'm hoping that the next one will get me there as my weight has not changed since my op.

    Wendy thinks that I may have to have an xray to check out whats going on, in case of slippage or maybe something else ? I think I will have to consider this if the next one doesnt work. Do you think that if I get 0.5cl, taking me to 6.25cl it will get me to some restriction ??

    Sue x

    Hi sue sorry to hear youve had a struggle getting to restriction, but if you do need a x ray Cardiff Spire arranged mine for £160 which included a fill its close to Junction 30 M4, if you need their phone number pm me with your number

  2. Hi shoes, WOW you have done well, you must be so pleased with your weight lose. With regards to the band re tightening, could this be down to added stress, I know the band reacts by tightening up if I've got higher stress levels, through good and bad things happening, even my daughter having a baby caused me not to be able to eat for close to a week. Let hope its as simple as that. Good luck with your band check but it sounds as if all is ok for you

  3. mmm, have you scheduled for your annual exam with Dr. Chris? I'm hoping he can fit me in next week. I see you've recently had an x-ray. Was that for the annual thing or something else? I only have 6ml in my band (3 fills with Frederik). I was so tight after the last one that when it finally loosened up I swore I wouldn't have another, but now I'm not so sure.

    What has happened to Gillian and her gang? I haven't been on the forum in months, but I never was on often. I am amazed at how much the forum has slowed down without them. Glad to see flirty is still doing well. Gary as well. -T

    Hi tamisu, I had 6.25 in my band and it caused night time reflux so I made an appointment with my local spire hospital consultant at Cardiff, he gave me an instant unfil and arranged for the barium xray he said this was sign of band slippage and wanted to confirm the band was still as it should be. The result was that the band was still good and had not slipped I then had a fill whilst swallowing the barium for him to decide how much of a fill to give me, he thought 4.8 was suitable because I had some gullet irritation, I had a thorough examination of the band which is what would happen at an annual check. In total it cost me £160 so I'm quite pleased and I think it has worked out cheaper than going back to Belgium. I want to add that the overfill was not in any way caused by Dr Chris, or any of his colleagues.

  4. Hi all hope everyone is doing well...

    Just a question can someone explain to me what reflux is???

    When i lie down in bed my throat starts gurgling sound like a belly rumble but in my throat it can happen when i drink coffee first thing in the morning too but just wondering if anyone else is like that or is it normal i can feel it like air in my throat and near fee like burping but dont

    Thanks for ur time

    flirty x

    Hi flirty, reflux is like when you have a chest infection and flem or mucus comes up from your chest or gullet and comes back into your mouth, sometimes you cough it up or sometimes it just comes up without warning, it mostly happens when you lie down, it can be mucus or acid, or slime. The cause often is an overtight band or band slip.

    Hope you are feeling well, you've gone awfully quiet lately

  5. Does anyone els get a pain behind their left shoulder blade and a dull ache for an hour or two after eating?

    Hi Baarbs, I'm sure Gillian had the same problem, she was banded this time last year, I am sure it went within a month or two its connected with the trapped wind post op, remigel helped her and if its really uncomfortable she used dissolving paracetamol. All the best with getting used to your new band. Who is doing your fill in Newport? Chris Deprez did mine but that was going back to October last year.

  6. Had my barium xray today and all is well, no slippage or corrosion, but an inflamed gullet caused by being overfilled, the doctor I saw tested the rate of flow through the band at different fill levels, and gave me a fill of 4.8mls, at my highest fill level I had 6.5ml and this caused the reflux. I was hoping for a fill of 6ml, but during the test 6ml showed to be too tight. I really hope that 4.8ml will still allow me to loose weight. During the time of being totally unfilled I've put on 7lb and really need to loose it now.

    Please when your having the fills, if anything goes wrong like frothy stuff coming back, or you get night time reflux, get a slight unfill its better to be safe and a band slip or corrosion will prove very costly as well as most uncomfortable, I've had a fright which because its been dealt with quickly have saved my band.

    Good luck to all the newly banded, allow a year to loose your weight and you wont be disappointed.

  7. hi gary

    Thanks for that i have emailed him tonight, trouble is my bmi is 32 so not sure if they will let me have it done, hopin the fact im a nurse and my knee joints are gettin worse that it might help, but i'll wait and see

    well done on everyones weight loss u ve all done amazingly well

    Julie x

    Hi Julie, the lowest BMI that Dr Chris will usually operate on is 35, however a few of us have been slightly below that, I was'nt weighed at any stage in Belgium so I slightly adjusted my weight up, and height down to get a closer bmi figure, Dr Chris and Fred only ever saw me lying down so did'nt really have an acurate view of my height. I had to sign a disclaimer before the op which stated that the op was for aethetic reasons only, so they obviously knew I was close or under their criteria, but I'm old enough and experienced enough to know what is safe and Dr Chris accepted this. Good luck, if you tell white lies like I did be prepared to sign the disclaimer.

    Dr Chris also told me that weight loss would considerably slower and it would still take close to 1 year to lose most of the weight, I've lost 3 stone in 10 months but others who have more to lose can drop 7 or more stone in the same time scale. Hope this info helps.

  8. yip mee too sick of it and its coldness.


    Its not at all snowy here, just cold.

    Went to BUPA today to sort out this acid reflux, and spoke to bariaric surgeon, he is concerned that my band is starting to slip, so I've had a total unfill which will be followed by a barium xray of the band in about 1 month. I've got fingers crossed that the unfill will solve the problem and correct whatever is going wrong. :)

  9. Hi mmm Thanx for that info, I have to admit I am a bit like you, she went on fat club and big brother trying to revive her career, and lets face it she has enough money that she could have gone to a private hospital anywhere but it has done it's job as we are talking about her!!! as for being a size 14 that is great I will be happy at that it's been a long time since I was that size. Well done and keep up the good work.

    If anyone is interested in Anne Diamonds journey and fight with her weight there is a web site for buddies, where she tells her story and admits that she didnt know about fills etc and did no research what so ever, however now she has found the correct information and a successful bandfit. Good luck to her, because we all know that we have reached rock bottom with our fight with the fat, and have taken extreme measures to help us on our way, it must be much harder for those in the public eye or who are well known. I saw her on QVC this week with her range of jewellery, and she looked FAB. I am so lucky to have been able to sort out my weight problem in privacy, but with the support of my friend in this group.

    Hi Gary I'm so pleased for you when I see your ticker its like your doing it for both of us ---- it'll soon be our bandaversary.

  10. Thanx for the info Garry. Like SharonT I was told I would be meeting Dr Chris on at 8pm at the Hotel, Who is Frederik? Ok Smarty Pants see if you know the answere to this one. I know I shouldn't have but I read Ann Diamonds blog have you seen it, she said she was operated on in Belgium, and they put the band around her asophagus instead of the stomach, and it was a real cock up. She also ranted on at how they didn't speak very good English ect, Well I know you Speak highly of the service. Do you know who did her op? Please say it wasn't Dr Chris!!!

    Hi all happy new year to you all,

    Just a quick point to clear up, Anne Diamond had her first band fitted in Bruges not Brussells and with a different surgeon, not Dr Chris. However the band can slip if abused. Her second band was fitted by the hospital group and was successful, those cynical ones like me might think it was done to reduce the amount of bad press Ann Diamond generated about her band experiences around that time.

    I'm still having problems with night reflux so the band is going to be unfilled again, so no more weight loss for me for a good while at least. I'm not overly worried its still good being sized 14

  11. Just wanted to post this on here, there are just some pics that make you realise just how far you have come. I could not believe how thin i look in this picture...you cant even see my face but it doesnt matter!

    WOW carriejess you look wonderful, and nobody would know from looking at that photo that you have ever battled with your weight you look so natural and glam well done and enjoy the party season.

  12. Hi Guys, not been on for a while but I keeping a check on how everyone's doing, and I'm most impressed.

    My undate is'nt very good and progress is none, its all because of the night acid reflux I've been having. Even on double the recommended dose of medication it did'nt go away or reduce at all, and the only thing to have helped is to have a large defill, which has left me with no restriction or help at all, but I have been able to sleep without having the constant cough and bringing up of acid throughout the night.

    Its not all doom and gloom because even if I never achieve the full weight loss potential that the band can give, I have lost enough for me to be reasonably happy, I'm fitting into sized 12 - 16 clothes comfortably, and feel good even if a bit lumpy its ok for my age, and I'm not overly put out.

    Good luck to all of you that are still losing and I will continue to look in most days. xxmmm

  13. WELL DONE BOBO !!!

    I haven't been on for a while but I am still reading the posts. How wonderful for you to feel this GOOD ! Its great news, you got the life you've always wanted...I hope I feel the same way in 12months. It really does give us all inspiration and the will power to believe we can reach our goals too.

    I'm going for my first fill tomoro in Cardiff. I can't wait cus I've stayed the same since my op (18lbs off) and I'm desperate to get some more weight off. It made me feel comforted that you didnt get stuck in until 7months into your band, perhaps I'm wanting it all to happen too quickly, huh !

    I went on my first date last night, which made me feel really good, as he has apparently liked me for ages but has only been single 7months himself and has seen my weight go up and down for the past 5yrs. I guess he likes me for me ??? I'll keep you posted on the progress. :scared2:

    Sue x

    I starsky I'm in Cardiff tomorrow morning at 10.45, if you see me make yourself known.

    I'm the 50's blonde possibly with daughter and new baby

  14. BOBO that was a lovely post, it just brought back how life changing having a band is and that not only you, but all your close family have benefitted from the decision you made only 1 year ago. By proud of your achievements and the great time you can now give your kids. GOOD ON YOU. xx

    Flirty, thanks for your message, I'm so glad to hear from you again, and to know that you are well and err!!!!! FLIRTY, xx

  15. Hi Oliverdog,

    Thanks for the encouragement, however, I still cannot see myself doing the injections!! I have asked a friend if she will but she just said NO!! So not sure where to go with this - Ideas anyone?????

    I hope you get over the coughs and the scars heal so you can get rid of the Patches. Good luck.


    Have you contacted the practise nurse at your gp,s surgery, she might be able to do them for you or a local pharmacy might be able to help. Good luck.


  16. Hi Debs, I rang today to book mine for 6 weeks in Newport with Frederik and the cost is £90 cash with him. I wasnt sure whether to go to Fred or Wendy, I think Wendy is £85 but not sure if I ought to stay with the people who have done it incase there are any problems? Can anyone advise us on the difference between Fred and Wendy and what you would suggest, although I know it is personal choice? Thanks everyone x

    Newport has my vote I've used both and sent you a pm to explain why. Glad you are back and well. MMM XXX

  17. Hi

    TIN u have done brilliant can you imagine how I'm feelin I got banded 11 days after u, and I have lost about 7 lbs I can see very little change, I've had 2 fills 4.5mls and am seeing Wendy on Wed' for my 3rd. Getting this band was a last resort, and I really need it to work as I don't have great willpower (which I hope it will soon) but at times I can't help but think what if it doesn't ? Others who got banded same time as me have lost 2-3 stone. Has it been this slow for anyone else ?

    Bobo congratulations on setting a date what a success story !! (& I won't say anything about the other disclosure :scared2: lol)

    Hi anita, it would appear that those of us who started their journey at around the 35bmi may have a much slower weight loss initially, but it is steady and usually downwards, mine has been 2.5 stone over 8 months which is not brilliant but its 2.5 stone I would'nt have lost without the band. I believe bigsister is in a simlar situation, dont compare yourself to others you will lose weight as long as you go for regular fills and get fussy over your food choices choosing Protein with every meal where possible. Good luck dont get down hearted, you will make it. :w00t:

  18. I met with the gorgeous freddyboy today and he told me that if he took out 3.5mls i should be ok for my 9 flights.

    However when he tried to take out that much my port was trying to suck it back in????? he ended up just taking out 3mls.

    Tonight I ate a salt n pepper chicken wing 2 tablespoonfuls of special fried rice and four chips, with curry, it was wonderful, and afterwards I drank a cup of tea and ate some chocolate gateau, I was in heaven after 3 months of torture.

    I'm glad really that he has left 3.5 mls in, cos at least I can eat and drink a little without any adverse reactions, and I'm not going to pile the weight that I've lost, back on.

    Tomorrow and saturday I can only have clear liquids, like black tea/coffee and oxo as at 4pm on Saturday afternoon I am having that darn Colonoscopy. Roll on sunday lol, cos I'm really scared about this thing.

    So glad you had a chance of a spoily meal today. I have had a colonoscopy its not very pleasant but the medication you take before the proceedure is worse than the examination, and just think you will have had a magic eye on both your upper and now your lower digestive system. So if anything untowards is happening you will at least have an early warning and treatment can start immediatly. I will be thinking of you and if you need a more detailed report on the proceedure you have my number dont hesitate to ring. Love mmm

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