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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mmm

  1. Hi Topping, Happy Birthday, I'll help you out with the profiteroles, if you have just the one, I'll have the other one cos its my birthday tomorrow, I'm such a good friend, so can can shine my halo whilst your at it :smile2:
  2. WOW Jewy you must be so pleased with your weight loss, well done, I'm quite confident with Wendys ability, its just that if things go wrong with the band through no fault on anyones part (such as freckles and Garry) would we be able to get corrective surgery, free under gauranteee and if so who would front the costs, thats my only concern, I've booked and paid for the 6 months package, so will probably go through with it anyway and take a chance. Thanks for your concern and I will keep a look out for your updated ticker its fab when you can see it dropping down the line,
  3. Thanks for the update on flirty, Gary. Its all good news for you then with your repair happening so quickly, give my regards to the team. I'm a Cardiff wls fill patient from 12th August, I'm in around 11am this time, although because of Garys experience I'm wondering now if I've done the right thing, because would CDB help if there was a future problem if another company have done the fills. all confusing, all stessing me out.
  4. has anyone heard from flirty I'm missing her
  5. Welcome Bev, glad to hear our Gillian is looking after to you, she's fab, feel free to join in with all the gossip and questions.
  6. The meeting could be about CDB doing the surgery on WLS introduced clients and then WLS keeping the contract to do the fills on their clients only. Only a suggestion, and it would them benefit both parties.
  7. I think this conference is at Port Vendres which is about 5 miles to where I'm at in the South of France, I'll be there around that time, so I might pop along and see if I can get a free fill, all in the name of science of course,
  8. The first step is to e.mail CDB (DR Chris) or Fred, asking them for details, they will then ask you to fill out a questionaire you can return it to them for assesment to see if you are eligable and get a price your pre op consultancy is in Belgium the evening before the op, or you can arrange a pre op consultation closer to home, but you will have to pay a separate consultancy fee prior to arranging your op.
  9. Hi freckles, I'll phone you on Thurs just to make sure everything is running to plan and fit in with you, I only live about 30 mins by car, so we can either meet for coffee early or at the pub later, I cant be too late because of our wedding the next day. looking forward to meeting you. maggs xxx :crying:
  10. Welcome Galatea, its a big step to book up for the operation but well worth it, I dont think anyone on here regrets it one bit, read back thro the posts and ask any questions you want, and join in the banter. Big sis, I'm gutted for you but this band is a funny thing, I put on 1lb last week, I've not eaten any less in fact I've eaten more this week and its come off again, lets hope the same happens to you. You must be so thrilled to be close to 10st thats my target weight I'm so jealous. Gary have you had a date to go to Belgium yet? As we're talking babies, I'll give you all a quick update on my daughter, she due mid Oct, and has not yet had any fill taken out, she's 6.5 months now and has put on 7lb in weight, because she has a band her pregnancy has been consultant led and she has had an extra two scans, the last being last wednesday, where the head was the right size, but the baby was 2 weeks bigger than her dates, we now agreed for her to have a glucose tolerance test in two weeks time in case there could be any underlying diabetis,although there are no other symtoms. She is booked into her band consultant for a defill on the 8th august, all is progressing wonderfully and she has'nt had a moments sickness or any other problems. Everything is now in place if she should need to deliver early, both my house and her house is awash with pink and white frills, we've got lists upon lists of thing we've got ready. Freckles we now need an update about yours. Whats happening with you reflux, last night was the second night it came back, I read the main causes are smoking, alcohol, and chocolate, I dont drink or smoke so it might be my evening treat of choc, I hope not :crying:
  11. Hi Freckles, have your acid reflux gone yet, mine did after the defill, but it came back last night and woke me up with coughing, there's such horror stories on here about reflux, and band slippage and hernias, I'm getting quite worried.
  12. Congrats sammy, thats really exciting news, keep well.
  13. Hi Gary, It looks as if you'll get a working band back, rather than a freckles style re-plumbing job, lets hope so, gosh you wont know yourself, you've already lost more weight than me when its not working look out when it is. When you go back to Belgium you will be able to stock up on those butter biscuits (but dont have too many) Its a real dissapointment for you, but if anyone can cope with this its you. Keep me informed as to dates your going to Belgium. love mmm
  14. Big sis, you are just so funny, be careful you dont make flirty bust her stitches, she'll be charging you for damages under the hillarious clause. By the way flirty, I'm hoping your healing better now and that some of the swelling is starting to go down, hang on in there it will all be worth it, are you feeling a little down because you're not on hear as much as you used to be, if so dont bottle it up perhaps we can help.
  15. Dont know much about why you've got floaters, but I've been brought up to think they are a good thing, cos you have adequate fibre and Fluid, hope this helps
  16. The dress fits fine, but I've not lost any weight since my tiny .3mls defill, in fact I've put on 1lb, how can that happen? I struggled to eat or drink anything and lost 7lb in a week, then I had such a tiny amount taken out it was only a tear drop and I put on a 1lb, there is no sense to this moody band of mine. I've joined wls group 6 months package now so maybe they can give my band a good talking to, but I'm not having my first fill with them until after the wedding. I want to lose weight, but I also want to disguise the fact that I have a band and need to look as if I'm eating normally for that day. I hate this cloak and dagger stuff I'm usually so open and uncomplicated.
  17. Hi Bigsis, OOHH POO, have I gone too far this time. xxxMMM
  18. Thoughts are with you for tomorrow Gary, lets hope its all resolved easily for you. Right you bowel beauties, my sister in law has 4 colonic irrigations each year to get a good emptying and she swears it keeps her weight under control (aged 68 and sized 10). I only need to use activia yogs daily and an occational lactolose, so I have'nt gone through with it, but she's convinced it helps and she feels so much lighter after the proceedure. Your views would be interesting !!!!!!! :biggrin:
  19. Hi Mandy please dont feel excluded, your posts have'nt been deliberatly ignored, its just that there are quite a lot of us on here with our own preoccupations. If something is particularly bothering you please be more assertive USE CAPITALS TO GET ATTENTION, and keep on asking, until you get a response your happy with. Welcome back Flirty, I have been thinking of you during your operations, I'm just so pleased that you've now got all you wanted and can move on with your life, keep well.
  20. Hi baby boys, its just a thought, but have you looked into a gastric balloon, I know its not permanant, but its not an operation, its most unpleasent but over in a few mins, It did'nt suit me when I had one fitted but lots of people have success with one. There is a Manchester gastric balloon center and WLS Group can arrange them its worth looking into, if only to reject it
  21. Well done Gillian, you have done so well, you must feel so much better, dont go over spending on clothes for your holls this year because next year they'll be much too big :thumbup:
  22. Welcome babyboys, Dr Chris is on holls I think, so that would explain why you hav'nt had a reply yet. I really dont know about him doing the op for a bmi of 30, because he has faced a bit of bad publicity for banding around bmi of around 35, but it cost nothing to ask, you might stand a better chance if you have a pre banding consultation with him in the uk. Good luck, and keep us updated.
  23. Welcome starsky, to the emotional rollercoaster, its exciting, with lots of ups and downs, and of course weight loss being the end result, its easier for some that others, but without exception as long as you can commit to the fills regularly, you will look, move and feel much better. Look luck and best wishes for your journey
  24. Woop Woop, just had a call back from WLS Group only 29 hours late, they are sending the 6 months package info on to me. A question for the longer terms bandsters now: 'In the second 6 months of being banded, how many fills did you need, was it more, or less, or about the same as the first 6 months, I would really appreciate your views before I commit to a package or not, however I already have 6.66ml in a 7Ml band.
  25. Same here Allan, it took 3 fills before I had any kind of restriction I could eat anything and in any quantity, I even put on 7lb during this time, try to be careful that you dont, although if you do, it isnt the end of the world because when the fills start to work it'll soon come off. Where are you having your fills and when is the next one due.

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