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LAP-BAND Patients
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About svince

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 07/27/1971

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday svince!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday svince!

  3. svince

    Finally under 200!!!

    Congratulations on both milestones....I was banded the same day Dec 18th. I need to lose 8 more pounds to be under 200 and I can't wait. I think the pictures for you anniversary is a wonderful idea.I hope you have a great time. Steph:)
  4. I have seen a thread on here called "clothing exchange" or something like that...maybe you could list your items here and another bandster could benefit from them. Congratulations on your success! Steph:)
  5. I agree with everyone else, just keep doing the right things and the results will come. Reading some of the other posts made me think of "The Biggest Loser" this past week. Did anyone else see Jillian and Bob go off about the "myth" of gaining muscle and losing inches? They both said that it is a lie that trainers tell people to justify the scale not moving. I just thought that was interesting. Good luck! Steph:)
  6. svince

    To fill or not to fill??

    I just asked my doctor that very question this past week. I have only had one fill, and I am scheduled for a 2nd fill in 2 weeks, but I told him I don't think I really need more yet. He suggested a couple of days before the fill prepare a 6 ounce piece of meat, he said chicken or a hamburger patty. If in 30 minutes I can eat more than 3/4 of it, then he thinks I should have a fill. He said he wants ladies to be able to eat about 4 ounces. I'm like you though, some days I feel like I can't get anything down and others no problem. I kind of like the idea of the test, and I think I am going to try it just before my scheduled fill. Good luck. Steph:)
  7. Okay, I just had my first fill this past Friday and I did my post-adjustment diet....fluids only first 24 hours, day 2 full liquids, day 3 regular food. When I went in, the nurse told me I had 1.5cc's already in from surgery and she added 3cc's to take me to 4.5, but when they watched it on the x-ray the barium was barely going through so she removed .5 to take me to 4cc even. Here's the thing...I wasn't sure I even needed a fill because the two weeks before I was feeling really good about how things were going. I was losing weight at an average of 2lbs per week, I was eating and not getting hungry between meals. But I thought that a fill might make me feel full sooner because I was certainly able to eat more than 1/2 cup of food at a time. Since returning to solid food I have thrown up almost every meal. Now, I know that some of it is my fault because I sometimes eat too fast or don't chew well enough, but even when I am very careful almost every bite of food is painful. I can feel each bite as it travels down and it is very uncomfortable as it goes down. Usually I end up bringing it back up and kind of starting over, but is this ideally what restriction feels like? If so, I'm not that crazy about it! I'm thinking of going back in for an unfill because I am very uncomfortable. I don't want to constantly be sick and I was much happier before my fill. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I was just expecting to "need" several fills before I was at my sweet spot, is it possible I am there with just the 1.5cc's? Thanks, Steph:)
  8. svince


    Thanks for all of your encouragement and advice. I am feeling better, I guess I was having a cranky morning....Some of the things several of you have said rang true like the clothes fitting looser, I can tell in my clothes that I have lost, plus I know I need to drink more Water. I guess after losing 21lbs from pre-op to my post-op visit I had an unrealistic expectation to continue at that pace. I am going to keep plugging along, tweak where I know I need to and I have faith the results will come. It is nice to have this site to share experiences on this journey, my husband is amazing and supportive and understanding, but he couldn't know what I'm going through because he hasn't been there. Hearing from other people who have already been through the same things is encouraging and helps me feel like I am "normal". Thanks and have a blessed day. Steph:)
  9. Hi, all. I was banded on December 18th and I was prepared for "bandster hell", but I was not prepared for GAINING weight even though I am trying so hard. I am on soft foods now, and I feel like I am making great choices and eating much less than ever before, plus I am walking 2.5 miles per day (not strolling either...I am really moving) and I have gained 3 lbs. since my post-op visit on 12/29. I am just so frustrated, I have never been so dedicated to staying the course but to not see results is killing me. This morning when I weighed I almost cried....I need to see that all the things I am doing are having an effect. I have seen posts before like this and I know everyone says it takes time to start seeing results but when it's your situation it feels so much more urgent. Any ideas on how to jump-start the weight loss? I am scheduled for my first fill on January 14th, but honestly I don't see how that will help. I don't eat that much now and I don't even snack between meals, it just feels hopeless. Sorry to sound so negative, I'm normally a much more positive person but I am really bummed today! Thanks for listening. Steph:)
  10. I was banded on the 18th and just saw my doctor for post-op Tuesday...he scheduled my first fill for 1/14...so right at 4 weeks. I guess they are all different, but if you are concerned give him a call and just verify or ask to wait another week or so. I would be a little leary just because the incision at my port site is still very tender...I don't want a needle getting anywhere near it right now. On the other hand, with each passing day I am feeling better and hungrier so I don't want to wait until I have regained all the weight lost during pr-op and just after surgery. Go with your gut, and good luck. Steph
  11. svince


    Congrats on the band...I was also banded on the 18th. I started to get nervous about this also. I was like you - didn't feel uncomfortable or anything but was concerned. Well, yesterday was the day for me. It's so weird discussing this. The thing was once my body did start going it was like it wouldn't stop. I had a lot of cramping which really made those already painful ab muscles feel great, and I was back and forth to the bathroom at least 4 times. Now I haven't had another bm since, so I'm hoping it isn't going to be like that once a week or something. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  12. svince

    Help! I'm sooo hungry!

    I was banded on 12/18 and I am right there with you. I was on clear liquids 3 days and that was no problem - I had no appetite anyway. Now 8 days post-op I feel like I am starving. Reading the other replies has me scared to death because today I totally cheated. I had some super soft mac and cheese, so I am praying I didn't tear anything loose in there! I am going to be so strict from now on. I am supposed to be on full liquids until day 14 then mushies until day 21 and then I can start soft foods. I hope I haven't messed anything up. I am not even seeing my doctor for post-op check up until after the 1st of the year because of the holidays. The thing is I don't "feel" any different...like I feel like I could eat anything because there isn't any feeling of restriction, but the sutures tearing makes sense I just hope it had healed enough that it will go through my system okay. Good luck.
  13. svince

    Surgery Prep?

    My surgery is Thursday too! Congratulations. I do not have to do any of that, well except the antibacterial shower on the morning of surgery. My doc just has me on the same pre-op diet until the day before and then it is only Water after 5pm and nothing after midnight. Good luck. Steph:)
  14. I understand what you are going through, I am on day 7 of my pre-op diet and there are times that I think I am just not going to make it. Really though, after the first couple of days it gets so much better, you just have to make it through the initial withdrawal from sugar and carbs and then your body really starts to respond to what you are trying to do. I weighed this morning and was surprised to see that I have lost 10lbs since beginning pre-op. It isn't easy, but nothing worth doing ever is right? One thing I have done that has helped me is to go for a walk or bike ride to take my mind off of food. It feels empowering to make the choice not to give in to a craving and the exercise makes me feel energized. I am so excited about this new lifestyle...I am worth it and so are you. Just hang in there and try to replace any worry or negativity with thoughts about how great it is going to feel to be strong, healthy, and fit. Good luck!
  15. I'm new to the site, and I am scheduled to be banded December 18th. I have been on my pre-op diet for 3 days and I am hating the shakes. My doctor is Dr. Collier with JourneyLite and he sold me AmazeRX powder. I chose chocolate but the smell is so bad I almost gag trying to choke down two a day. I am wondering if I can just get a different type from a health food store and get the results he wants. I'm bummed because I bought this huge 1 month supply and now I don't even like it, and with every passing hour I am dreading when I will have to drink the next one. The only positive is according to my scales I have lost 5 pounds in 3 days. Anyway, I'm really excited about the surgery and I appreciate all of the information and support here. Have a blessed day!

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