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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by wendytip

  1. Lena, you need to be taking some pictures, girl!

  2. Hey Cosmogirl,


    So what kind of rethinking have you done? You have to understand that you haven't been banded that long. You probably haven't hit your sweet spot yet. When you do, let me tell you, it's a different world! Hang in there; it's a HUGE lifestyle overhaul. If you have an addiction you have to learn how to live your life all over again, without using food. It's a challange, but you can do it. Let me know if I can help in any way.

  3. chubb,


    I'm sure with your mitigating health circumstances that you'll be approved. When I went for my consult the guidelines were a BMI of 40 and above, OR a lower BMI with health issues, such as you have.


    If I were you and my insurance company didn't approve it, I'd get a Lawyer. And, if the only thing stopping me was a BMI that's too low...I hate to say it, but I'd "eat my way" up to a BMI that was high enough.

  4. Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Much success to you too.

  5. I just looked at your pix, and yes, we are both "curvy" girls. You've really accomplished alot and congrats on your weight loss. You look beautiful. Keep at it.

  6. Hey girlie!

    Your shoes are ready! Go on photos and look at them and tell me what you think. I would have just sent you a photo but I wasn't sure how to do that. My website should be up in the next 24 hours. It's artisitwendy.com I'll be posting your shoes on there and you can pay me that way. Just hit the paypal button and we're good to go! Or, if you'd rather; you can email me at wendytippensmail.com and I can give you the info there. Let me know what you think. I hope you like them.

  7. Congrats to you! Your success is very inspiring!

  8. You look amazing! You are so beautiful! I love that pic of your behind in those pink shorty shorts. If my behind ever looks like that, I'll be wear a thong everywhere I go! Is that your husband in your pix? My husband gets asked all the time if he feels like he's cheating on me, since I've lost so much weight! Congrats on your success. I'm sure you've worked hard, and it certainly shows.

  9. Becky, just go to the "photos" section of Lapbandtalk, you know, where everyone posts their photos. That's the only way that I could figure out how to post the pic! See, you're not the only one that's comp. illiterate! I've got the pixs set to private so that only my "friends" can see them, so you shouldn't have any trouble. You'll have to go back...oh, maybe 2 or 3 days on the photos, but since I posted them last night, they should be right there on page 1 or 2.


    I haven't mailed out a pair of shoes before, but I have a friend who does a lot of shipping, and he told me that the postage and shipping should be about $10.00. I'll surely let you know if it's any less than that, and refund the dif, or you can use it as a credit on my website if you want.


    So, the total is $35.00, send me a check or money order, I don't care which, but a check would be easier.


    Wendy Tippens

    612 Marlboro Avenue

    Chattanooga Tennessee



    Let me know how you like the shoes!

  10. And there they are on page 1!

  11. Hey!

    I was wondering how you were doing! I'm doing great. I went for my first official weigh in almost 1 month out and lost 16lbs! My first fill went well, but I can't really feel any restriction. I called and mentioned it, and they told me that I won't really feel anything until probably the 3rd time or so. They said that they have to take it slow, but that's o.k, I'm still doing fine. I'm into a size 18 pants! I'm so excited! How are you doing?

  12. Okay, apparently, we are twin sisters from different mothers! I'm 5'7 too! I started out at 271, so we're close on that one.

    I'd give her (your doctor) a while longer and then I'd have to have something done. I'm sure she has her reasons, I mean, she is the doctor. It's kind of a catch 22 though. If you manage to lose weight, then she may think the fill is o.k, but you don't want to gain weight. I HATE to say this, but maybe (God, I hate to say this) maybe it will take you putting a little on, to let her know that your fill isn't working for you.

  13. Carol, you can get those Special K protein mixes at your grocery store. They are usually in the section that has all the diet and nutrition stuff, although, sometimes you can find them with the regular drink mixes, like Crystal Light. They come in those single serving sleeves that you can pour into your water.


    Merry Christmas,


  14. I loved your pix! You have great style. I was banded 4 days ago, and I love it! Are you excited? I was so excited/nervous/scared. The surgery was absolutely no big deal though. Best of luck to you!

  15. Thanks a bunch! I'm glad you enjoyed!

  16. AGGGGHHH! That drives me crazy that you can't find them. When you click on the tab does it take you to the photos at all? Do you have an email? If so I can send you an attatchment w/ a pic of the shoes.

  17. Oooooh, pureed Chili? Did you get the doctor approval for that? My doctor has me on fluids for two weeks post op. I can't even have cream based soups yet. Better be careful.

  18. Hello Friend! Well, I don't like telling folks "how long" it took me to lose the weight, because if you're doing everything you should be doing your weight will come off at it's own rate. People tend to "judge" their success by whether or not their weight comes off as quickly as someone else they know. However, that being said, we all want that weight off YESTERDAY, don't we? I feel you, honey.

  19. I've just celebrated my 2nd "Rebirthday." I weighed in at 271 and a half and I'm down to 174 and a half. To average a loss of 2lbs a week is on the "high" end, so you're doing fine...especially since the first month Banders may not lose any weight and many experience a small gain. You're doing fine. My only advice is to get ready to weather to storm when that Band Honeymoon is over...

  20. DO NOT let anyone bring you down in ANY way! Find something...ANYTHING you like more than eating...yes, there's something out there, and when you want to eat, turn to that. My thing was Art. Hell, I recovered my sofa and car seats my first month out. Make sure you're eating right, and have you hit your "sweet spot" yet? I bet not...and most importantly "celebrate every, single lost ounce."

  21. Honey, we ARE young! Young and HOT!

  22. So, I'm a "mighty woman"...I like that. I may start going by "Wendy the Mighty!" You know, making the decision to put it all out there in that swimsuit, was iffy for me. But then, I thought, "

    What the hell?!" I'm not going to be this size much longer and I wanted to be able to look back and REALLY see a difference. Also, I remember before I was banded, I'd look through all the before and after pix, but there was never any "before" pictures. I wanted to see that progress and know what I had to look forward to. So, I thought, "When I get my banding I'm going to have some "real" before pix!" I asked my dad if he was shocked to know that I'd put those pix up. He told me that he wasn't shocked, and that I was the only person he knew of that was crazy enough to do something like that.

  23. I asked my doctor about that issue, specifically,( I haven't been banded yet. It's set for the 22nd of this month) and he told me that I shouldn't be able to see the port at all when I lose the weight. I would imagine that's true, since the port should stay in forever. I mean, people would want that showing...that'd be kind of creepy, I think. Then again, if it's not an issue then why did they come up with "low profile" ports. I'm not super concerned about it; anything is better than all this fat I'm carrying. Best of luck to you and congrats. Here's to a new life!


  24. I felt so bad about telling you that maybe putting on weight was a way to get her attention. That was a stupid idea, so pretend as though I never said it. I didn't want to seem too negative, but here's what I wanted to say:

    Did your insurance pay for your band? Mine didn't. It was all out of pocket, and if I were struggling the same as I was before the band, AFTER shelling out 15,000, something would be done. It must be so difficult to have been on the pre-op diet, and to hold it all together, just waiting for your first fill, to feel...nothing. And, to keep struggling with that daily? No way. I would give it another week and then something would have to give. I just feel like, if you wanted to continue to struggle you wouldn't have had the surgery. And who knows how you feel, better than you. Keep me posted on what happens.

  25. Hello Beautiful! Glad I could make you laugh! How's it going? I'm doing so great. I finally took that dip below 200. I now, am a proud citizen of ONEDERLAND! Just makes me wanna' run around butt assed nekkid!

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