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vicki's band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vicki's band

  1. Oh Val, I thought finally I was where I was meant to be, and then this is happening and I am sooooo discouraged, I am either too tight or too loose, I am going to call on monday and see of I can get scoped, scared to get it done, but more scared of whats going on inside my esophogus.:smile: I also feel miserable, cant eat or drink anything or I'm in every bathroom getting splashed in the face. eewwwwwwww.........
  2. yeah, wish I could say the same...since I have one person left to talk to....lol.... I am feeling tight again, it comes and goes usually, but it is not going away this time, even water stays put for awhile, I have been up and down sooo much, i dont know what normal is anymore. does liquids stay in ur pouch for some time, if i try to burp, water comes up. I know it sounds disgusting, but I need to talk to a bandster to see if anyone else experiences this. Also, sometimes when i eat, i experience really bad pain in my chest until i get rid of it....any response is sooooooooooo appreciated..:thumbdown:
  3. i'm sorry about your vacation, maybe meant to be/? Hope some good comes from your non=relationship, even if it is a deterent for you. hugs to u too and everyone else on LB.com....where is everyone anyway?:scared2:
  4. everyday is a challenge, one way or the other, but isn't everyone having challenges? So i say val u must have made an impression if he is calling everyday and u must look great if everyone is telling u and it doesn't mean u looked bad before, u just look better. it must be an ego trip to have all this attention so take it and run with it. lol.... Jenn, good for u, didn't know u started seeing someone, I'm jelouse of both of u. I am down to 192 this am, 3 more pounds to reach my 100 lb loss goal! yay. have a great day everyone and if you have any duds u want to get rid of toss them my way...lol
  5. Sorry, I guess I was having a pitty party.
  6. I am lonely with him so i might as well be alone. sometimes i think its easier to be alone and lonely cause then there are no expectations. Yvette, that sounds like my menu lately, it sure beats all that protien..lol. :woot:
  7. wow, ur not kidding ur home early. he must have been a dud. I am thinking of becoming a lesbian with a platonic relationship. lol guys are a## holes. Yvette, how come your not on antibiotics for the h-pylori. I do take prilosec and tums ultra, but honestly, i dont think the pill make it to my lower stomach where they work.:thumbup:
  8. thats a good one Val, and so true, I raised 2 girls and I thought that was hard! lol:blink:
  9. Jenn, where are you, are you ok...haven't heard anything in a while....
  10. yes, I like that word, persnickety is about right. lol
  11. I get it day or nite, had it bad last nite. ate some tums, didn't help much. did u get a fill last time you were there? How many cc's do u have? im wondering if i am too tight, i cant stand this anymore, I don't know what normal for the band is suppose to feel like. i cant eat much, but i am always hungry, is that normal?
  12. im bored, up all night with heartburn, still get it intermittently, about 3 times a week, never know what will cause it. How about you Val and Yvette, do u guys still get heartburn, what do u do for it?
  13. Thanx Val and Maria, I was there at 9:30 and didn't get out till 11:30 ugh... Maria, I am sorry to here about your breakup, and Val is right it is his loss. The first year of the band is the most exciting, so enjoy your ride, he will be really sorry when he runs into you in a few months. Ha.....
  14. yeah, finally, but you know how that goes, i'll probably pateau now for another couple months :w00t:. By the way, thanx for the snowball...lol:lol: luv ya.
  15. Yahoo! I seen the hoff today, down to 194, lost 8 lbs in 6 weeks which is huge for this stage of the band. 5 lbs to go to reach my 100 lb loss target. I am soooo happy, don't really know how i did it, been eating a lot of no sugar added edie's ice cream with whipped cream on top. Could it be a diet breakthrough? Lol....
  16. Great new Yvette, hope all is well in the old food shute..:smile2:
  17. well, as usual, I OPENED MY mouth too soon. i'm back up a few lbs...
  18. No friggin way, another scope, wow, I am frettin' over the upcoming one in the spring, I have an appt with the hoff on wed at 945, so maybe he will set a date. why did you go for a scope anyway, i am going cause i've had some pretty terrible heartburn on and off since the band. It scares me cause of the cancer thing. wishing you well, and keep us all updated...:eek:
  19. well, I guess everyone is hibernating, i never seen this site go so cold for so long. How are you val, rain, big gurl, jenn anyone else who want to chime in... I am down to 197 this am. same weight i was in june 09, and then the hoff unfilled me and i gained 18 lbs in a few weeks, i could kill him now. so it took me 6 months to lose 18 lbs and that is averaging 3 lbs per month, wish i was back to 2 per week uuuggghhh.... anyway not complaining cause im not gaining,, oh, i think i rhymed. te he.... Oh, i just noticed my BMI is almost in the twenties, started around 50, so that makes me happy!!!!!!
  20. Yeah, lol, you haven't earned curse rights yet.....:cursing:
  21. Maria, you should lose (on average) 1-2 lbs per week, so if you lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks, you lost 2 lbs per week. You are on track...some weeks you will lose more than others, and some weeks none, it is the average amount of weight that matter. Wait till your a year or more out, you'll be happy to lose 2 lbs a week!!! lol then you can curse.:scared2::cursing::cursing::cursing:
  22. :mad: Hi Buckets, welcome back, anyone who has been on this forum know I too struggled with the same senario as you and finally lost, down to 198.5, but can go over 200 in a day. it really is what I put in my mouth, cant blame anyone but myself, but it does get harder after the first year, much harder. so just focus and try to let go of the carbs, i'm trying but it is soooooo hard, especially after the holidays..:wink2:
  23. you can get it at any drug store or grocery store, hydrocortizone or generic will do....ask the pharmacist to help if you cant find it..:w00t:

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