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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lacasst

  1. Janesay, Hey congrats your doing great! How many cc's do you have,if you dont mind me asking? Keep up the hard work! Teal:thumbup:
  2. Hey just checking in! How are things going for you? I hope all is good.Take care.

    Teal :)

  3. The amount of people's fills & restriction is so amazing to me.I'm 4 months out have had 3 fills for a total of 4 cc's.It amazes me that others who aren't as far out have as much or more fills than me.It's crazy how much things vary from pt to pt.I guess my doc is not very aggressive compared to some.I think I'm definitely in need of another fill.I'm finding my weightloss stalled and I can eat so much more quanity & more often than before!I soo want to get to that sweet spot where I'm not battleing hunger & the urge to snack all the time & the scale starts moving again!! I have a friend who did RNY 2 weeks prior to me and her weight is just flying off! And it appears she can just eat whatever,not struggling at all unlike me! Very frustrating! But I know we all make personal choices it's just hard not to be jealous!!:biggrin: This site definitely keeps me sane & in perspective!!Thanks everyone!!
  4. lacasst

    after 198ish

    You look great!! What an inspiration!!
  5. Hey guys! I had surgery on 11/11/08,highest weight 257,pre-op diet start weight 253,weight day of surgery 243,current weight 204,goal weight 160 :thumbup: I'm glad I found this,I was looking for a group to join!! Things are going well,just plugging along.Looking forward to my third fill on Mar 17th to keep that weight dropping!! Teal:smile:
  6. lacasst

    Your NO-NO list

    These are some of my no-no's: 1.bacon 2.some lunchmeat 3.lettuce 4.some pasta 5.untoasted bread/bagel's 6.once a blueberry muffin almost killed me! LOL! Mine also change daily & with my fill's,I know it;s time for a fill when I start having "to much fun" with my eating!!
  7. lacasst

    Goal weight..tattoo Crazy right.

    Good for you girl!! You worked hard & it show's!! You look awesome!! What is the tatoo? I only hope my stomach will be that flat after all the weight is gone.How much did you lose total?? You look great!!
  8. I was thinking about that this morning! LOL ! Your right it was about the port placement. Sorry exuse my "blonde" moment!!
  9. Thanks for the nice comment.That means so much to me.It's like you can kinda see it & feel it on yourself but you cant explain how good it feels to have other's notice!! :)


    Good luck on your new journey.That is so cool that were about the same age & same starting weight.I'd love to hear more about your journey.


    Take care,Teal

  10. Bigpapa2, Those are also some very good points that have to be conssidered.Your right there are so many variables!! BTW great job on your awesome weightloss!!:thumbup:
  11. lacasst

    My experiance, so far

    Those are awesome words of encouragement!! Way to go!!:thumbup:
  12. My guess based on your weightloss thus far is that they wont give you a fill.But every doc is different.My surgeon watches for the weightloss to slow down before she fills.She says it's better to be underfilled and have to add then to get overfilled and have to take away! Good luck to you & great job so far!!:thumbup:
  13. lacasst

    big trouble

    I too gained during my pre-surgery process.The surgeon made me lose 10 lbs prior to surgery or else she was going to postpone my surgery date.She was concerned about damage to my liver.I did lose the 10lbs in about a week on a liquid diet!:thumbup:
  14. I too went crazy wiith the crystal light pre-surgery but now feel like it's a little too sweet.Does anyone drink diet snapple or the diet ice tea's?? I really like them but I dont know since they do have caffeine in them??:thumbup: BTW I just tried an Atkins mocha latte protein shake 160 cals 15 grams protein 2 grams sugar it was sooo good!!
  15. lacasst

    My wonderfully supportive husband and I

    Congrats on beginning your new journey!! Your on your way to a new positive,healthy & happier life!! Keep in touch I'd love to know how your journey goes!!
  16. Hey thanks for the pic's comment! It's nice to have the pic's to see the difference when you feel like your not making enough progress.

  17. Maybe I mizunderstood the surgeon but that's what she said something about the placement so it would not be in the way??:party:
  18. My surgeon put my band on the left side in anticipation of a future gallbladder removal! :wink: So yes I think it's very common!
  19. lacasst

    me-205 lbs

  20. lacasst

    Nov 10th 2008 Bandsters

    I had surgery 11/11/08 and I'm done almost 50 lbs! The first 2 months were very easy and the last month or so has been more of a struggle with food choices & amount of food.I do have restriction because if I eat to fast I will PB.But other times I amaze myself of how much I can eat? I see the surgeon in 2 weeks so I'll see then what she recommend's.I have a total of 4 cc's.Best luck to everyone!!:wink:
  21. lacasst


    That sounds like restriction to me.Has your weightloss stopped or slowed down? Why do you think you need a fill? If I had some kind of restriction & no appetite I dont think the surgeon would give me a fill.If your still losing I wouldn't rock the boat,ride it out! You dont want to be too tight!
  22. lacasst


    Does food ever get stuck? do you feel tighness after eating? how do you know when to stop eating??
  23. lacasst

    My before and afters

    You look great!! I love it,such an inspiration!! Keep up all the hard work,you look amazing!!

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