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Everything posted by paxie

  1. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    I was just told to walk, walk, walk. I think once we start feeling fully recovered from the surgery we can begin exercising more than that. But it's always say to ask your surgeon.
  2. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    how much is too much? We dont have any restriction and if you are feeling hungry then your swelling is subsided. Are you drinking plenty between meals? I've gotten some hunger pains here and there and found that some meals are more filling than others like heavier creamed Soups or mash potatoes.
  3. paxie

    Banded Tuesday the 14th

    WTG on the weight loss!!! That's awesome news!
  4. Good Luck with the surgery and the interview SHSUSioux!! I figured out why I had that burning sensation at my incision site - it was getting infected. :thumbup: bleck! so now Im on antibotics.
  5. I don't mean to be a big baby, but oouuuch my big incision hurts. I understand why it does, it makes sense. But what can I do to help elivate some of the pain? Besides pain meds. Thanks.
  6. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    It is, isn't it!! I wonder why? I guess it's per doctor's experiences???
  7. do you know how you do on the pain meds that your doctor prescribes you? Would you have anyone that could drive you (i wouldn't let the interviewer know that though)?
  8. no back pain, just incision pain for me. I hope you feel better!! Great job hopeful!! Thanks for posting pics!! :thumbup: I blew it last night, I had my first harder than liquids last night at a function - mash potatoes. I was busy talking and watching the kids and engaged at the function that I think I had too much. I didn't get sick but felt over full - like I felt it up to my throat full. ugh then I think i may have had sips of unsweeten tea too soon along with it. I am mentally beating myself worried I did damage. I think it was 2/3 of a cup. Too much for the first time. Lesson learned!!!! I just hope my stomach & lb didnt pay for that mistake.
  9. paxie

    Ouch, ouch...

    Thanks Pegs. I'll ask Monday when I see her.The heating pad is working nicely...I just can't walk around with it. lol..
  10. Thanks for posting that Doodlebug!! That is totally encouraging. Did you feel hungry with the smaller amounts? I am trying not to psyc myself out of week 2. :crying: I did good week one but thinking of just having three tiny meals now makes me nervous. I'm going to be positive about it. I havent been hungry yet but I figure it's due to swelling. Keeping postive. But YAY for you!!!! I'm happy for you! WTG Kel on the weight lost so far and keeping up with your nutrisitionist's program guidelines.
  11. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    Yay Vicky!!! Woo Hoo!! Definetly listen to your body, if you need more time off and can afford to take it off - then go for it. I did so fine with week one but for some reason I am making myself nervous about week two. I guess because the guide lines say it will be time to have three meals now - 2 tablespoons at each meal. yikes. Thankfully I havent been hungry but I figure that's due to the swelling. But who knows what this following week wil bring! :crying: It also said to stop drinking the supplements and move on to other things..lol but I still have 4 supplements (protein shakes left) so I think I will stretch out my liquid phase till I'm done with those. I know for sure that's ok with the nutritionist - they said we could stay on it for anywhere from one to two weeks.
  12. Welcome all new bunnies!! I am so glad you guys are here and we are all in this together!! I haven't weighted myself, I don't have a scale - I think I would be way too focused on that if I did. But our bodies are all different and react differently to things. To my understanding - from surgery to first fill is just a time for recovery, and that should be our primary focus (along with following our prescribed diets for that time period). So I wouldn't beat yourself up for not losing as much as the next guy. It will come in time. again..this is probably easier for me to say as I don't have a scale.. eeks. but i still want to be supportive!
  13. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    The incision pain is more like a burning sensation to me. I'm going to try a heating pad today and see if that helps. The ice pack was helping but no longer does. ahh! Wimp? I don't think so, I agree with lady - our bodys went through some trama and need to rest. I've been walking 2-3 times a day building up from 10 minutes at a time to 25. But yesterday I went to Walmart for an hour - that was too much!!! I guess a big part of this process is learning to listen to our bodies. pocononmom - I have read and been told by the nurses that gas-x only takes the edge off and the only true thing that works is walking. I hope you find better relief soon!!!
  14. paxie

    Ouch, ouch...

    thank you all. I was using a ice pack for the first few days and at first it helped but now not so much. I think I will switch over to using a heating pad now. I apppreciate all the suggestions!!
  15. I feel stupid for asking...but off and on I can feel gas/air bubbles since my surgery on tuesday (14). Is it new air being trapped down and I'm just sensitive to it or am I still working stuff out since the surgery? lol...again, I feel dumb for asking but am curious why I can feel better and then later it happens again and what I need to do differently. Thanks.
  16. paxie

    Banded Tuesday the 14th

    I've come close to grabbing something just not thinking myself. Habit I guess. Welcome aboard Trapman.
  17. ok maybe i dont want to then. I hope you feel better soon.
  18. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    (hugs) and good cheer to you lady. we all go through not so good moods. hang in there. pain can do that to the best of us!!! It will soon pass. If it does, don't fear calling your doctors office to ensure it's normal or if you need to go in. moonbean - hiccups, aren't they the worst?!!! omg I thoguht I was going to die. I have three incisions - two tiny with one being in my belly button but I have a 2 inch one in almost the middle of my abdomin and man it hurts like the dickins!!!
  19. paxie

    Week 1 Recovery

    So far so good. I think I am so blessed to have a supportive hubby & kids and so far not plagued with mental hunger yet. Thank God!! I imagine that is so hard. It's been interesting though at times trying to figure out what the pains are...is that gas/air trapped...my incision cut...or a hunger pang? Most of the time I can distinguish but other times it's not so easy to figure out. Hopefully I will be able to figure stuff out and I pray I am doing things right.
  20. paxie

    Week 1 Recovery

    Thanks ALuv82!!! Best wishes on a smooth and successful surgery!!
  21. oh boy, excellent point restless monkey. my doctor has a nutritionist that she was working with - but due to his overload of work sent the overflow of paticents including me to the hospital's nutritionist. She asked me what I thought of the hospitals since they are new to trying it (which tells me she may not know what they recommended). Now I'm a bit nervous. I think I will continue to stay on the conservative side until my first appt with her since surgery.
  22. paxie

    Week 1 Recovery

    So far so good. I think I am so blessed to have a supportive hubby & kids and so far not plagued with mental hunger yet. Thank God!! I imagine that is so hard. It's been interesting though at times trying to figure out what the pains are...is that gas/air trapped...my incision cut...or a hunger pang? Most of the time I can distinguish but other times it's not so easy to figure out. Hopefully I will be able to figure stuff out and I pray I am doing things right.
  23. Congrats Kelly on your weightlosss so far and how you are recovering from surgery!!! That's great news! How long does our incision hurt? It feels like it burns at times. ouch!
  24. no burping here - lol, I think I'd welcome a few of those at times!!
  25. paxie

    Banded on Tuesday :)

    Hey Lady, good to hear from you. I haven't weighted myself yet...no scale here at the house. I imagine if I get to one before the docs I will take a peek! lol I found that carnation drink too - thankfully i got the varitey pack because the one I tried wasnt that tastey. lol.. I did get slim fast because one of the nutritionist recommended it, then i learned another said to stay away. ugh. oh well, what's done is done. I didnt buy more than a pack so I think I will be ok. I can't imagine I'm doing damage since I'm still just on liquids. Good luck to you Lady!! I agree, I love the support!

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