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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    11/14/08 Fall reminds me of college!

    I got my two boys out this afternoon mowing & sucking up all the fall leaves with me since we’re having a heat wave-60 degrees high (rain or snow tomorrow; 30’s high next week). Florida Pete I don’t want to hear a word! We have a hill with huge trees behind us so you could hardly see the grass for all the leaves. There’s something about the smell of slightly wet leaves that always reminds me of college…I guess it’s that back to school smell. When I was younger it was “paste”:tongue2:...I’m aging myself again aren’t I?…Hey, do they even MAKE school paste anymore?:eek: We’re been doing the final college visits now with my middle one (boy); the one I mentioned just got into National Honor Society this week (sorry, proud). My DH (Mr. SA) is taking him on his last two different visits this weekend (wish I was going, but my youngest has a commitment). It’s good kids know what they want; he wants a huge school, my daughter is a senior at mid-size one. She would tell me to insert a shameless resume here…but I’ll keep it to anyone looking for a bright employee: double major-marketing/intl. business, let me know :cool:(She’ll have me on the street corner wearing a sandwich board for her soon). What a bad time to graduate and be seeking employment huh?...but I envy them those wonderful college years! So fall reminds me of walking around my college campus and all the expectations of a new school year. I was thinking today that starting this LB process now in the fall brings a lot of the same feelings I had then; anticipation, hopefulness, eagerness, anxiousness, etc. So I’ll use this school year to get educated (about LB) and for now I’m just hoping I’ll be “graduating” to a new part of my life…just about the same time as my two oldest ones! :drool::tt1:
  2. Ohhh Kathy! I'm so glad to find you...you'll be 6 mo. ahead and I can watch how it goes (no pressure here). Yep I mentioned his "4 ducklings" (interns) in my blog yesterday...he had the girl give a few tiny pieces of the presentation. A few days earlier and I could have been there at the same time...bringing balloon bouquet!:Dancing_wub: Hope you don't mind obsessive questions about AGH (when you're feeling up to it)...tell me to get lost when you've had enough! - Since they offer both types of bands, which one did you chose and why? - Did you select the spot for your port (since it's our choice), if so, where & why? - How many fills/unfills are included with your surgery for free? - Did you use AGH for any of the pre-op testing and if so, who exactly and would you recommend them? And confirm for me that ins. covers all the preop testing? - How have you found the staff so far?...after emailing Patty with no response I was moody when I saw she was presenting, but she was great...knew the answer to every tiny question about anyone's insurance; we had folks from OH & WV too. I'm so happy your on the other side now! Take it easy :Dancing_sorry: and let us know how you're doing. -BG
  3. Band_Groupie

    Which side is your port on? Choice?

    OhBill!:Dancing_wub: I thought a man would like another remote? BTW- Just started a poll on General LB Forum...Where would you move your port? I'm hoping others can decide where to mark my "X"!!
  4. Does everyone's port go on the same side? Which? Or do you have a choice-or maybe it's Dr's. preference? I'm asking because I HAVE to sleep on my right side (problems with both my left shoulder and my left side) and I have enough trouble getting to sleep without something else (seems like many can feel theirs). Just curious! ***UPDATE*** I found out at my AGH seminar yesterday that surgeons have the ability to put it ANYWHERE in your abdomen (and they use both types of bands)! A man, who has to wear a harness a lot as he works construction, asked the question before I could. Apparently the harness covers most of his abdomen. Dr. Uchal explained "Don't worry about it, we'll find a place around it...do you want it in your neck?"...ha ha! I've since read that a lot of people do avoid where most of their pants/belt hit so it won't be uncomfortable. Do you think I could mark an "X" on my belly before surgery? I'll check
  5. Band_Groupie

    Excela Westmoreland

    Sounds like a great option and like you already know a lot about them! I know I was surprised at who I ended up selecting. I don't mind small, as long as the stats (% complications, slippage, etc.) are similar to the big guys and they can handle anything that comes up, bigger isn't always better for everything. I've decided that with all the aftercare in this process; ability to get in quickly, see the same people who'll get to know you and maybe even see your surgeon is a plus for the little guys. I've been to the big guys (used Magee for female issues) for other things and have experienced not being able to get in for 3 mo., waiting forever in a huge waiting room and seeing a different nurse pract. ea time...it's may be good healthcare, but it's not excellent care as a whole, and it's certainly not personal. Good luck on the continuing quest!
  6. Band_Groupie

    Life Change or just me over thinking

    Because we keep hearing here how it has been a new beginning for so many! You poor thing...Hang in there...did they tell you how many days it would take? We're here for you!
  7. Band_Groupie

    Which side is your port on? Choice?

    Thanks for the link...really good info. Wish they offered it here! Yeah...he said it would have something external (like a remote) that would control the fill. :Dancing_sorry:
  8. Band_Groupie

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    Thanks- great info...I wondered why people had so many fill visits!
  9. Band_Groupie

    Which side is your port on? Choice?

    Oh...I almost forgot!! Cool news!:tongue2: At the AGH seminar the Doc told us that laproscopic surgery is coming for the Lap where they will enter ONLY through the belly button (no 5 scars)...and even better...someone made a flip comment about having a remote for your port and he said a portless LB is also in the works...maybe it WOULD come with a remote control:shades_smile:!
  10. Band_Groupie

    Setting Goals

    Ohhh my stocking feet are cold just listening to you...I want to be in warm flip flops...you know...when they've been sitting out in the sun and you slip them on..mmm. We're actually having a heat wave today (after 2 bouts of flurries this month)...it's 61 now...so if It's only 8 degrees higher why are you in shorts and I'm freezing?!! I know the answer...because it's FL!...I got off the plane there in Jan. and I'm into shorts no matter what the temp. Snow coming Sunday early and highs in the 30's the rest of the week...burrr!
  11. Band_Groupie

    Which side is your port on? Choice?

    So it seems like everyone's is up pretty high? I thought some would also have it low-below the belt line? Shoulder?!!! I can't imagine that not buggin' me there. Wow-maybe he wasn't kidding when he said "neck". "trudy" LOL...how can "she" move from your belly button up to just under your bra (I realize that measurement gets smaller as you do, but still that's min. 6", right?!)?:tongue2:
  12. Shira- What is Magees policy on fills (they didn't tell us)? At AGH you get a certain # of fills (I can't believe I didn't ask how many- but I will) included with your surgery. I think I remember you saying that Excela had a "lifetime" plan...wow? AGH also said that our insurance, Highmark, covers only 90 days of post-op care no matter where you go (that's probably only the first fill if you're waiting about 6 weeks, right? So you're right that what the hospital includes above that is an issue.). Does Magee cover a certain no. or a certain amount of time? I'm getting my new questions together for AGH insurance girl, thanks. Just googled Excela...they hadn't come up on my radar when I researched this (probably because they aren't near me). It sounds like your PCP is there, so maybe this would be easier for you (If your healthy I think this surgery is pretty safe to have done anywhere- JMO)? Or if Magee doesn't work out, if you're East of town, would St. Margaret's work for you? Now that you know what you want & what your questions are...you could give them a call? They didn't offer any info. on their fill policy either so I can't help you there.
  13. Band_Groupie

    No Weight Loss

    In one of the seminars I attended they said they had a great candidate denied by insurance because she gained one pound. Just don't gain
  14. Band_Groupie

    8:00am tomorrow

    Thinking of you this morning. Sending you best wishes! Let us know how it went when you're on your feet again. -BG
  15. Band_Groupie

    Still Nothin'

    Dag! I think Magee called on the 10th day for me. Work on that paper...it will distract you! And you have temple to look forward to tonight! Hope you feel better BFF BG
  16. Band_Groupie

    Setting Goals

    Great topic FL Pete! I hadn't thought about mini goals yet. Walking outside to watch the sunrise...nice! Wish I was in FL right now...it would help with the walking...we've had snow here already!
  17. Band_Groupie

    My Bandster Guidelines.....

    Thanks for posting this! I copied it for use. Bread/starches are going to be the hardest for me. I've always said I could live on just bread & chocolate.
  18. What a great day! I’m on cloud nine…or at least 8.75!!! I went to the third hospital's seminar this morning and it was great! I turned my first big corner in this process! It was a great seminar; whole section devoted to INSURANCE, with an actual INSURANCE EXPERT- can you believe they exist?…I thought it was an urban legend! It was like finding the holy grail! I talked to the insurance gal and she assured me I’ll get approved. Whoo Hoo!! She said my insurer is the best insurance to have for this here…and she said they have “Actual LIVE people on the other end of the phone.” I wonder what the other ones have “DEAD people”??…serves them right…insurance people…putting me through all this…oh, that’s right, my insurance peeps are still alive…good thing…they need to live long enough to give me that elusive final approval!!! Then we’ll getm’! My surgeon had a great presentation and was wonderful (even gave us a copy of the whole presentation, now there’s an idea!)! OK, now tell me if I’m going to die in surgery? Let me explain; he came with his little ducklings (4 interns) following. Poor guy couldn’t get his PowerPoint presentation to work at the beginning, so after about 5 min. of trying he turned working on it over to an intern while he talked to us. Two min. later Duckling no. 3 had it working….I couldn’t help myself…I blurted… “I want that guy for my surgery!” I’m hoping the Dr. didn’t hear me…but the sniggers around me didn’t help. If I die you’ll know why, and Doc, let me clarify my statement…I meant as an intern, not as my Dr.! My Doc rocks! My only regret today was my husband was traveling for business. He just got home and I was telling him about my day---he was so happy for me. We kept talking and I mentioned the diet/exercise plan...he said "6 months?!!! I thought it was 6 weeks??!!!" LOL...didn’t he just sit (or sleep) through the other two seminars with me?!!…he means well! So its been a (sing it with me........you know you want to) Supercalafragolisticexpialidocious Day!!
  19. Band_Groupie

    Which side is your port on? Choice?

    ***See UPDATE*** in orginal post top. All & luluc- You can see it:eek:!!!!! Yikes:scared2:!!! I'm not sure what a breastbone is...do you mean just below your last rib? So you'd suggest a little lower down? Or as a skinny person...where would you recommend? It sits ontop of your muscles right? It's been so long since I've had a flat stomach I can't picture where would be best (right now they could hide it anywhere on "Mt. Mushy" and it wouldn't matter).:tongue2: So here's hoping I can "see" my port someday!
  20. Kathy- "dissertation" LOL . Yep, I really thought the rest of the day about it and decided the only thing AGH didn't mention having was an exercise physiologist (but I'm guessing they might have one for a fee), and that wasn't something I would use anyway. It's too far away to go to work out and I used to teach exercise part time (pre-kids) so I'm good. I think the lesson here is if you have a major city near you that offers good choices, why wouldn't you try out more that one to see which one fits you best? To me this was an even bigger decision than other surgeries I've had where you're done in a few visits...I was really interviewing the whole group for a lifetime of care.:tongue2:
  21. Band_Groupie

    11/13/08 Supercalafragolisticexpia lidocious!

    What a great day! I’m on cloud nine…or at least 8.75!!! I went to the third hospital's seminar this morning and it was great! I turned my first big corner in this process! It was a great seminar; whole section devoted to INSURANCE, with an actual INSURANCE EXPERT- can you believe they exist?…I thought it was an urban legend! It was like finding the holy grail! I talked to the insurance gal and she assured me I’ll get approved. Whoo Hoo!! She said my insurer is the best insurance to have for this here…and she said they have “Actual LIVE people on the other end of the phone.” I wonder what the other ones have “DEAD people”??…serves them right…insurance people…putting me through all this…oh, that’s right, my insurance peeps are still alive…good thing…they need to live long enough to give me that elusive final approval!!! Then we’ll getm’! My surgeon had a great presentation and was wonderful (even gave us a copy of the whole presentation, now there’s an idea!)! OK, now tell me if I’m going to die in surgery? Let me explain; he came with his little ducklings (4 interns) following. Poor guy couldn’t get his PowerPoint presentation to work at the beginning, so after about 5 min. of trying he turned working on it over to an intern while he talked to us. Two min. later Duckling no. 3 had it working….I couldn’t help myself…I blurted… “I want that guy for my surgery!” I’m hoping the Dr. didn’t hear me…but the sniggers around me didn’t help. If I die you’ll know why, and Doc, let me clarify my statement…I meant as an intern, not as my Dr.! My Doc rocks! My only regret today was my husband was traveling for business. He just got home and I was telling him about my day---he was so happy for me. We kept talking and I mentioned the diet/exercise plan...he said "6 months?!!! I thought it was 6 weeks??!!!" LOL...didn’t he just sit (or sleep) through the other two seminars with me?!!…he means well! So its been a (sing it with me........you know you want to) Supercalafragolisticexpialidocious Day!! :cool:
  22. Band_Groupie

    My First Post

    Ohhh Shira, yeah! Absolutely right-Highmark...According to the AGH Insurance expert today...you are golden! Over 35 BMI and at least ONE (I specifically confirmed this, doesn't have to be more than one) of the "biggies". As long as you're on cholesterol meds. you're set! The others will be a bonus. Come on Magee...Call!!! I don't think you will be able to use the weight from yesterday though unless the PCP also gave you the diet and exercise program to follow then and you started some type of log (like that sample form Magee gives you). I was told the PCP "codes" all your visits that go to Insurance so they know which ones were a weight loss visit. I've read a few people here had to start over when they saw there PCP for a sick visit and tried to combine it with a weigh in-so I'm thinking it has to be just about the weight so they can verify? What a maze this all is. Just keep your weight up and the 25th will be here soon! Call Magee, Call! ...and you're always welcome to join me at AGH if they don't!
  23. Just thought I'd post so this info. can get passed on to someone who might need it. I'm not an insurance person, but this is what I had confirmed today by the insurance expert at my surgeons office. Highmark PPO Blue requirements: - Must submit these: 1. Letter of Medical Necessity from PCP or referring physician 2. Six months of Consecutive Medically supervised diet/exercise visits and logs within past 2 years (from surgery date). -Must be 6 mo. in a row, so 7 visits total incl. start -Logs must show progress of both diet and exercise (Weight, calories, min. of exercise, etc.) -Logs must show education/discussion is taking place -Can do this with your PCP or Dietician 3. Psychological evaluation-states that patient has a clear understanding of procedure & can adjust to lifestyle changes. Need complete letter. Cannot be any longer than 6 mo. Before surgery date. 4. Nutrition evaluation with a registered dietitian- for meal planning/health choices in the future. Need complete letter. Cannot be any longer than 6 mo. Before surgery date. - Must have either of these to be classified as Morbidly Obese (and be older than 18): 1. BMI of at least 40 2. BMI of 35-40 with comorbidities- Although this word is plural in the policy they tell me you only need 1 of the big ones, and as many minor as you can document -Need at least one of the big "life threatening" comorbidities, which are: -Obesity related major Cardiovascular problems (medication or documentation) -Diabetes (medication) -Hypertension/High Blood Pressure (medication) -High Cholesterol (medication) -sleep Apnea (CPAP) -Not sure, but I think Obesity related cancers also count with documentation -Need as many minor comorbidities as you can document (ie. Asthma, Degenerative Joint Disease, Stress Incontinence, etc.)
  24. Band_Groupie

    New Pennsylvanian Presurgical

    I just got home from my AGH seminar (Dr. Uchal) and I'm on cloud nine! It was the best seminar of the 3 hospitals. I'll do a Pittsburgh post (I think there's a Drs./Hospitals Forum) to share the differences as I saw them. But the good news was I finally got some reliable confirmation by someone (Patty their insurance person) that I'm a good candidate and should be approved (the hypertension diagnosis was the key), but I'll post details in the insurance forum. Giliardi- I'll keep tabs on your progress and any experiences you have at AGH as I'm selecting them to do my surgery, since you're almost there. I almost went to their Oct. seminar but I didn't know anything then so I put it off (we might have met then). Shira- Good luck with Magee (I think a higher BMI will help- Do you have any comorbidities, I can't remember?). Yep, my 3 kids are the whole reason I'm have a fat belly...it has nothing to do with how much I eat...that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I wonder waht my skinny ass husbands flat belly would look like if he went through 3 pregnancies...really! I'm new to this blogging thing, but I think it will be a motivation for me to keep pluggging along and to make changes (even if I'm the only one who sees it). I'm off to read yours!
  25. Band_Groupie

    New Pennsylvanian Presurgical

    I started my conversation by telling him how bad I was physically feeling with the extra weight and how I knew so many of my issues would go away if I could just lose it. I reminded him how I'm a big yo-yoer and that it's gotten harder to lose as I've gotten older. Then I asked him to tell me what he knew about the Lap (before I'd been to a seminar). He said I wasn't a "metobolic nightmare" but I could look into it and he gave me some names. I think you've got lots more ammo than I did...you already know your BMI is above the minimum. You know what a comorbidity is and you can probably list all yours or ask him for the testing you need for them. And if Magee thinks your a candidate then that's the blue ribbon. I'd be proactive and tell him your issues and what you've done instead of starting by asking. If you take the lead and remind him of all the diets you've been on and gained it back...how can he then say "just diet"? Do you have another visit scheduled with your PCP? You don't have to use your PCP for the diet, you can use Magee (I think it costs though, right?). All you need is a letter from the PCP saying it's medically necessary and documenting your comorbidities (at least that's what I need). I've been seeing a nicer (female) Dr. in the practice since I originally brought it up with my original Dr. and she's been great! Post is under the "Blog" tab. Shassy, I just realized you've already been to the surgeon by the dates you gave. If you read this let me know how it went. -BG

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
