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Everything posted by Band_Groupie

  1. Band_Groupie

    12/14/08 To "Diet" or not to "Diet"...

    Well, I’ve been thinking about starting to track my calories on one of those food tracking sites. I’ve been reading that so many here do this…heck some of them even track their food and every calorie they burn exercising and just walking around. So I’m thinking, I’m committed…I can do WHATEVER it takes to make sure I’ll be successful with the Lap Band…I’m not afraid of working hard…heck, I just bought a fancy pedometer. They want me to track every calorie…I can do that, I’ve done it before…I’ve done WW, Atkins, and Alli among others. I’ve tracked calories before. I was pretty successful at some of those diet plans…I’m the expert dieter…I can stick to a diet like nobody’s business…I can even up to 50 pounds on a diet, it’s just the keeping it off that I have trouble with. I’m as anal as they come…I love lists and spreadsheets. I never much enjoyed the time it takes to track every calorie, but if that’s going to help me then I’m all for it! Except, the thing is I’m not sure I want to go down that path again. I guess it smells too much like a “diet” to me. And aren’t the mottos here “Diets don’t work” and “If you do the same thing you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”. When I first started looking into the Lap Band it looked like the miracle I’d been searching for forever…Eat healthy, but mostly regular foods, just a lot less of them and the best part…you won’t be starving all the time. But after perusing this site more, I’ve found there’s a LOT of talk about dieting after the LB…even some of the diets I’ve been on before. I’m not saying that doesn’t or won’t work; different things work for different people…I’m just not sure it’s right for me yet. It just seems counterintuitive to me. The reasons I’ve always gained weight back is because yes, I felt like I was starving, but also because I got tired of not being able to eat normally. I hated thinking about food 24/7, planning and cooking special meals separate from my family, and tracking everything…it’s just not a normal relationship with food and isn’t that what I’m trying to change? OK, before you say Well, it doesn’t sound like you’re willing to do the work it’s going to take to make the Lap Band work, maybe you’re not ready for it”. I’ve seen those posts where someone thinks the LB is going to do the work for them…I get it, I know it’s going to be hard work. I get that I’ll be on a very strict pre-op and post-op diet, and I get that I’ll be giving up some foods forever, drinking protein shakes when needed, and yes even cooking some different meals from my family on occasion. I see the benefit in tracking my calories at the beginning year of having the Lap Band or later when I’m not getting the results I want or when the Dr. needs me to track them. I’m willing to work hard to change my eating habits, and choose healthy things-high protein. Maybe it’s a matter of semantics, but I don’t call that a diet, I’d rather think of it as a lifestyle change…and somehow counting every calorie for the rest of my life doesn’t sound like anything but a diet. I also remember that when tracking calories it made me think about food more…obsessing over it in a different way. Maybe I’m overly optimistic about this, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to eventually work past the head hunger and that I’ll get to the point where I have a normal relationship with food…not obsessing over it with stuffing my face or with a “diet”. Or…maybe I’ll need the accountability that tracking food helps with...I don't know. Honestly, I’m not certain where I stand on this yet, I may be tracking every calorie in a few weeks. I guess it will be one of those things I’ll have to figure out as I go along. I'm sure the answer is different for everyone.
  2. Band_Groupie

    Why is banding so frowned upon?

    That's the start of my list for getting the band, plus the other things mentioned; less invasive/risky, fills/adjustable, and reversible. You've done your research and picked what's right for you. I went to 3 hospital seminars before I found the right fit for me (ranged from totally LB unfriendly to the Doc assuming we all wanted the LB) ...it's different with everyone and we need to all respect others choices. My siblings are all obese and I know if one of my sisters came to me about my LB I'd advise RNY for her for many reasons...you have to feel confident in your choice.
  3. Band_Groupie

    What was your "Moment"?

    I have NO doubts now that this surgery is the right thing, but being in the beginning processes I'm still amazed that I'm doing this some days. I think back about 6 months and where my head was at that point...I would never have even considered WLS (way too drastic). <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Sure I, like most of you, have plenty of embarrassing weight-related stories I can tell and plenty of specific depressing moments...those moment usually spurred me into yet another diet. But I remember the "Moment", the EPIPHANY that made me even consider looking into something more drastic, which brought me to the LB. What was your "MOMENT"?<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I'll start...my daughter was studying abroad in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>France</st1:place></st1:country-region> and we took a family trip to <st1:City><st1:place>Paris last May</st1:place></st1:City>. This wasn't just ANY trip, we can't really afford a trip like this, but this was our last chance to take a great trip before the kids get old enough to go off and have their own lives. So this was our "Trip of a Lifetime". I dieted and used the treadmill every day in preparation (I was lighter than now- but still 208# then). Our first day in <st1:City><st1:place>Paris</st1:place></st1:City> we climbed the steep wide staircase up the hill to Montmarte-village (235 steps). It was a killer, but I made it after a few rests. Then we climbed the narrow spiral staircase to the top dome of Sacre-Coeur-church (another 237 steps). There's no turning around (you come down a different staircase)...my legs were shaking and I rested in the few tiny alcoves on the way up and flattened myself (yeah, right) to let people pass...I really thought I was going to lose a lung or have a heart attack. My family was waiting and wondering what happened to me at the top. The next morning we visited Notre Dame cathedral (402 steps to the top)...I was sitting on the plaza while the rest of my family waved to me from the bell tower...my "Moment".:angry_smile:<o:p></o:p>
  4. Band_Groupie

    The final countdown!!

    All that work/finals will make the week go fast, so it's a positive! I swear time slows down when you're waiting for something...remember waiting for your birthday/Christmas as a kid...forever! Good luck Friday and let us know how you did! -BG
  5. Band_Groupie

    Restriction Finally!!!

    Stories like yours are so uplifting. I just need to prepare myself that it will probably be months after banding before the band helps me...I believe most of us think everything will change the day of the surgery, but your case sounds more like the "norm". Thanks for sharing!
  6. Band_Groupie

    12/13/08 Dashing through the Doctors...

    Yeah, Dr. said something about a stomach bug being rampant right now...we all got the flu shot (even DS since he has asthma)...maybe it wasn't flu since it was so short lived...but those shots don't protect you from everything :-( Made me worry what happens if you get the stomach flu with the band? Slippage? Eeek!
  7. Band_Groupie

    12/13/08 Dashing through the Doctors...

    Last night: I feel like all I’ve done is go to the Doctors/Dentist this month!:rolleyes2: My youngest came home from school today with a high fever and a sore throat…then he vomited on the carpet…then the kitchen floor:puke: (yes, I'm not an idiot...I had already given him a big barf bowl, why he didn't take it with him as he ran to the bathroom, I don't know:glare:) so into the bathtub and a call:phone: to the nurse for advice and an appointment in the morning. He’s resting now, so I just sat down to look at my calendar and put in his appointment (yes, you know me well…my very-anal-color-coded-by-person-calendar…I’d be lost without it:wink2:). I counted up 18 Dr./Dental appointments for the kids and me this month…and the only 2 LB ones were my PCP visit and my upcoming my surgeon consult. Who knows how many visits Mr.SA has, he keeps his own calendar. So take out Christmas holidays and what is that…more than one appointment every weekday!:glare: Boy, it sounds like we any unhealthy bunch…and the rest of the family are all skinny as rails! I won’t share my families medical issues- just mine (Mr. SA is the opposite of me about sharing that kind of stuff with anyone), but let’s say we’ve already reached our family prescription deductible. Oh well, all those waiting rooms have given me time to actually read the book I started this summer…halfway now…I never find time to read anymore. I guess it’s also a good prep to for all those LB appointments I’ll have next year! :biggrin: Oh, he’s awake…got to go push the fluids… Today: After 6 more “vomit session” :puke:and me steam cleaning the carpet DS finally fell asleep last night…fever still raging. He was all better this morning but we kept our Dr. appointment anyway so they could do the strep test. So we went “dashing through the snow” :driving:again today (our Doctors office was closed, but the one in Richland was open). Rapid test negative:thumbup:…here’s hoping the longer one is too. He’s got 2 exploratory procedures coming up this Wed. (no surgery, nothing serious) so I’m hoping he’s well for them. That's life.:rolleyes3:
  8. Band_Groupie

    12/13/08 Dashing through the Doctors...

    Last night: I feel like all I’ve done is go to the Doctors/Dentist this month!:biggrin: My youngest came home from school today with a high fever and a sore throat…then he vomited on the carpet…then the kitchen floor:puke: (yes, I'm not an idiot...I had already given him a big barf bowl, why he didn't take it with him as he ran to the bathroom, I don't know:glare:) so into the bathtub and a call:phone: to the nurse for advice and an appointment in the morning. He’s resting now, so I just sat down to look at my calendar and put in his appointment (yes, you know me well…my very-anal-color-coded-by-person-calendar…I’d be lost without it:wink2:). I counted up 18 Dr./Dental appointments for the kids and me this month…and the only 2 LB ones were my PCP visit and my upcoming my surgeon consult. Who knows how many visits Mr.SA has, he keeps his own calendar. So take out Christmas holidays and what is that…more than one appointment every weekday! Boy, it sounds like we any unhealthy bunch…and the rest of the family are all skinny as rails! I won’t share my families medical issues- just mine (Mr. SA is the opposite of me about sharing that kind of stuff with anyone), but let’s say we’ve already reached our family prescription deductible. Oh well, all those waiting rooms have given me time to actually read the book I started this summer…halfway now…I never find time to read anymore. I guess it’s also a good prep to for all those LB appointments I’ll have next year! :thumbup: Oh, he’s awake…got to go push the fluids… Today: After 6 more “vomit session” :puke:and me steam cleaning the carpet DS finally fell asleep last night…fever still raging. He was all better this morning but we kept our Dr. appointment anyway so they could do the strep test. So we went “dashing through the snow” :driving:again today (our Doctors office was closed, but the one in Richland was open). Rapid test negative:thumbup:…here’s hoping the longer one is too. He’s got 2 exploratory procedures coming up this Wed. (no surgery, nothing serious) so I’m hoping he’s well for them. That's life.:biggrin:
  9. Band_Groupie

    Pre-op Consult.

    15# in a week! Wow that's great. Good luck...it's right around the corner...hang in there.
  10. Band_Groupie

    it's back....

    Dag...I can relate. I'm hopeful that my asthma will disappear with weight loss, since I was only diagnosed a few years ago with "Adult onset Asthma"...but I now know I'm severely allergic to almost everything environmental (who knew?) so I'm sure it won't completely go. I know my Christmas tree is giving me some problems right now...deck the halls and all that...it's worth it! Did you have any problems just post-op with coughing? I know I'm fearful I'll go into a coughing fit before I heal and tear something loose..eek! I've heard some say they cough at night after the band...hmmm.
  11. Band_Groupie

    12/12/08 Glamour Shots...(and "Telling Others")

    Nope, no “Afters” or even “Befores”. Remember?...I know I told you!?:wink2: I went back to the Urologist yesterday (See my “12/5/08 Urodynamics” blog…if you want to sing a wacky Christmas Jingle with me) for my “Glamour Shots” (Yee Old Tiny Camera up the gazoo photos).:eek: I wonder if I can get a copy for my fridge?:thumbup: After all that (again) my Urologist comes in and says they didn’t find any problems:confused: from the original surgery so he’s going to send me to a Specialist at Magee (Specialist? I thought you WERE a specialist!). Oh, and he gave me a reassuring “Don’t worry…you won’t be leaking the rest of your life.”…what am I, a faucet? :sad:Sigh. I seem to always be the “exception” or have the weirdest medical things happen to me that the Doctors can’t/take forever to figure out.:out: Just ONE example of many; 2 years ago during 3 months of a TERRIBLE no-sleep literally-can’t-leave-the-house-because-I cough-so-hard-I-vomit:puke: constant cough, it took 5 Doctors and 2 Specialist and about 5 different diagnosis of everything from hand-foot-mouth disease to small pulmonary embolisms:ohmy: for me to finally get a “we think you have adult onset asthma…that was aggravated by…”…who knows?:biggrin: The good new is, none of my problems have been terrible things that I know so many have to deal with…Hey, if the worst thing that happens to me is peeing every time I laugh, which my youngest just told me I do way to often :laugh:(the laughing, not the peeing, although that's true too), then I’ve got a lot to be thankful for! Asthma for me is like being obese and the many comorbidities it causes…you just get tired of it, tired of not feeling healthy.:frown: I think one of my first questions for the new “Specialist” will be “Is there a chance this could improve with weight loss?” I asked my Urologist that (after also telling him I was getting the LB) and he said “Not for you! That only happens with people that are huge-morbidly obese…You’re not that overweight!” :sosp: Yeah…us low BMIers hear that from anyone we tell :biggrin:(I’ve only told 3 Doctors and 3 Nurses and ALL of them have used those same 4 words…You’re not that overweight!:wub: To which my immediate reply is always “I’m 100 pounds overweight!”:mad2: I was surprised how that just came out the first time and how defensive I felt about wanting to get the LB.:huh2: Some of them came around and eventually said positive things once they saw I was serious about it, but it was a weird conversation even with these medical “strangers”. I felt like I had to give a list of what a failure I’ve been at weight loss and all the terrible things I’ve let happen to my body because of that in defense of wanting the LB. What negativity…not me.:hand: It reinforced my decision not to tell anyone but DH-Mr.SA (and of course the WHOLE WORLD on LBT). So come on World…get behind me on this (just don’t make me laugh).:lol2::yikes::eek:
  12. Band_Groupie

    Today I Have Finally Made My Decision

    "He is very supportive and understands...well as much as a thin person who has never had a weight problem can understand. He loves me for me and that is more than I could have ever asked for." I think I've written the same words here...My DH-Mr.SA (Skinny Ass) after he got over the "isn't this too drastic?" is supporting this process totally. It's nice to have support from your best friend! Welcome, and congratulations newlywed! -BG
  13. Band_Groupie


    Good for you! February, that's great! Keep on bloggin'!
  14. Band_Groupie

    What was your "Moment"?

    Great stories...keep'em coming! Sounds like a lot of us thought WLS was "too drastic for me" initially...I know I like was surprised I was even a candidate when I decided to "just take a look" at LB...denial.
  15. Why don't new comments made to my blog show up under my user CP section-that's where I check for new things right? Or is there another place I'm missing...probably so, knowing me...LOL. I did get the notifications on my email, but I don't check my email that often so I've been missing things. I try to keep up with current blogs, but some comments were left on older ones. Thanks!
  16. Band_Groupie


    Good luck tomorrow. Check back in and let us know how you're doing!
  17. Band_Groupie

    Central Ohio Get Together - December 13, 2008

    Hijacker here...now from PA...saw your meeting site and it made me smile...I used to live just around the corner from the mall (Highland Lakes), actually before there was a mall (family still in Cols.). Have fun-Go Bucks!
  18. Band_Groupie

    Hungry, Hungry Shira

    Thanks for the recipe! We make our "Cincinnati Chili"...but I'm sure it has a million calories (secret ingredient is chocolate!). Just back from the Urologist again...what cruddy weather...and the "girls" canceled for lunch today :-( soup sounds good
  19. When people say they've lost ___ total inches, where are those inches measured? I'm assuming waist, hips/bum, anywhere else? I started doing this and began measuring all kinds of places (ie. arms, thighs)...then I thought- if I have a huge list of measurements I'd only have to lose a tiny bit to get a huge total loss...LOL...:rolleyes2:duh, there must be a standard list, right?
  20. Band_Groupie

    Measuring Total Inches Lost

    (S)He's making a list...checking it twice.... Neck Forearm Bust Waist Hip Thigh Calf Gonna find out...Who's....Nice! (Sorry...listening to Christmas music while I'm finishing decorating). Thanks All! Off to measure-if the tape is big enough
  21. Band_Groupie

    12/10/08 One Down, 5 To Go...Oh NO!

    I had my first month’s weigh in with my PCP this morning. I came out 2 pounds lost (from my eat and drink fest last time), but at least I wasn’t water-logged/bladder bursting again so I could actually have a nice discussion and pay attention this time. My PCP visit went well and we discussed my building a support system (talked about online and the Healthwise Company support program I enrolled in). I’ve been having more trouble with my osteoarthritis in my lower back…not sure if it’s because I’ve just about eliminate the almost daily pain relievers since they started me on migraine medicine. I was afraid to start any pain relievers for my arthritis in fear of the migraines coming back (the arthritis is nothing compared to the migraines). She said it’s OK to start some Tylenol as needed, so we’ll see what happens. It’s also likely that I’m having more pain now that I’m exercising…my body saying “Exercise??!!! What’s that?!!” I’ve had some toe numbness on one side, so she’s having me get an x-ray just to be sure the discs are still OK. I was so frustrated at the beginning of this process with learning I’d have to do the 6 mo. diet (Diet?!!! Been there, done that…if that worked I wouldn’t need a LAP-BAND®!), but after spending some time researching the LB I began to think 6 mo. was a good thing. There’s so much to learn and to prepare for. For example, this month my “Education Task” with my PCP was doing research and putting together my questions for my surgeon consult coming up. I’m actually amazed that even after 3 different hospital seminars how many questions I still have. I’ve been thinking about this and it’s because this isn’t like most procedures. Heck, when I had my hysterectomy & bladder sling it was pretty much textbook, no choices, standard procedures, I knew what would happen (except the failing part). With this I still have a million questions not only because every surgeon requires different pre & post-op testing/care (let’s not even get into all the differences in fill schedules/procedures/amounts)…but even with the surgery there’s differences….ie. I have a choice of which type of LB and a choice of where my port goes…and look at all the other differences we hear about on LBT: 1 incision or 5?, catheter or not?, CO2 heated and removed or not?, overnight or out-patient?, on and on. So having 6 mo. to research and prepare isn’t all bad and I know now I’ll be more successful afterwards because of what I’ve learned… My only problem is…I started researching this in summer so I’m ALREADY almost at 6 mo. of preparing/researching…yep, when I look at it, the past 6 mo’s. went fast, but these next 5-6 months are going to be longggggggg! Help me make the time go faster...tell me a story…....anyone have a good joke?
  22. Band_Groupie

    Measuring Total Inches Lost

    So really? There's no "standard"? Thanks! Hmm...ankles, thumbs, knees, earlobes,....those 1/8" are going to start adding up (Today=253" lost! Hee-hee).
  23. Band_Groupie

    12/11/08 WANTED- Shoe Fairy

    Since I’ve been rummaging the closet for pants the last few days, it got me thinking about shoes. Pre-kids I was a size 7 1/2-8 and now I’m an 8 1/2W-9W. I always thought that I gained sizes because of pregnancies and because of that ol’ “your feet spread as you get older” thing…you know…the same thing that makes you buy uglier and uglier shoes the older and fatter you get. When I worked and was thinner, I wore beautiful heels every day…stilettos some days even, but now I’ve got those stay-at-home-soccer-mom-who’s-let-herself-go shoes. You know the ones…almost always plain black…flats or a low huge chunky heel (who could balance on stilettos at my weight?)…sometimes an ugly square toed boot…tried those beautiful long pointy-toe ones…you know “witches boots” but I about killed myself tripping over those beautiful pointy-toes (yep, obese & balance aren’t a good mix). So anyway…I’ve been reading that people lost shoe sizes as they lost weight…seriously? This is good news indeed! Pretty shoes again…seriously?!!! Uh-oh…no, I mean UH-OH!!! I gave all my old ones/sizes to charity!!!!…Used shoes you say? Who would want those, you say? Well, my “collection” wasn’t just any old used shoes! My MIL worked for years (no longer) at a fancy boutique shoe store and twice a year when the seasons changed, I, and my SIL, were the recipients of the “shoe fairy” (usually got 3-6 pr. at a time). She was able to buy the out-of-season shoes for next to nothing for us…and these weren’t just any shoes, oh no!...these were “drool on yourself” “Carrie (Sex in the City) would be so jealous” shoes…all the best brands …some of them originally hundreds of dollars even “way-back-when” ...the kind that even made my short stubby almost-a-Wide feet look pretty…and I had so many…barely broken in! Now I’m no label snob at all…my daughter wants to turn me in to “What Not To Wear”…Shhh-do you think she’s noticed yet that I’ve only got 5 cruddy pants that fit (see “12/8/08 Pantless until June!” blog) I ask you, WHO wants to clothes shop when they’re fat?..Ahh the shoe-fairy...I can’t BELIEVE what a great deal it was…and now I can’t BELIEVE I gave them all new homes and I may be that size again! I didn’t even give/save any for my daughter that I could steal back…her feet are longer and narrower…Dang my DH giving my daughter the long pretty skinny feet gene (He’s a 14B, she’s a 9-10Narrow)… even SHE cried when I sent the last batch away…I remember, she tried to play “Ugly Step-Sister”…you know…trying to cram her size 9.5 feet into my size 7.5 Cinderella shoes…but no go. So I’m looking for a new Shoe Fairy…and hanging out the “Wanted” sign…after all, pretty shoes may be in my future!
  24. My thoughts exactly! Please call your doctor and let them know this! There should not be any noticable bleeding/blood anywhere in your GI tract from this procedure...even with "massive swelling".
  25. Band_Groupie

    What do you think - 6 months with PCP

    Breanne- Just in case you don't get a form before your physical (ask for full bloodwork as you might find additional comorbidities like high cholesterol or diabetes you don't know about and that will be helpful in getting coverage for LB), here's a copy of mine (just posted this for someone else). I don't think they'll care if you use a different one to start as long as all the info. is captured. Tell your PCP the visit needs to be a weight visit for insurance purposes. Good luck with the headaches also...I just started meds. for chronic migraines a few months ago and it's been wonderful relief! Here's my post/form: I created my own combining the info./templates of the 3 hospital seminars I attended, and had it approved by the insurance expert at my surgeon's office (below- I condensed the lines/format). I was told insurance wants to see monthly goals for both weight (I was told not to gain, but not to lose much either, I'm on a step down calorie program-American Fare plan) and exercise every month (as important as the weight), the Dr. visits must not be about anything other than this (that's how they code the visit for insurance-so don't combine it with a sick visit-someone on LBT was denied for it being a sick visit just one month.), and they also want to see some form of education is going on. I told my PCP I could initiate the topics (ie. last month I took in a family history list of all the obesity related issues in my family history-actually an eye-opener for me when I put it all down), we spent some time discussing it and my PCP educated me about them and she made notes in the Education section (this month I've prepared questions for my surgeon consult which is coming up). I attached my list to that month's visit. I fill out my self-assesment of how I did on last month's goals, the Dr. fills out the rest. Hopefully this will do it! Good luck! DIET & EXERCISE PLAN FOR PATIENT: ________________________________DOB______________ Visit #: __________ Date: ______________ Current Weight lbs.: __________ - GOALS ACHIEVED FROM _____/_____/_____ : - Patient Self Assessment: Nutrition: __________________________________ Exercise: ___________________________________ Sleep: _____________________________________ Accountability: ______________________________ - GOALS FOR NEXT MONTH: Nutrition: Pt. to Follow ____________ Calorie Diet Fluid: No Caffeine, No Carbonation, No Calories, Between meals only Quality: Emphasize Protein, Low Sugar, Low Fat Regularity: 3 meals per day, Eat every 4-5 Hours, No grazing, Slow meal down to 20-30 min. [*]Exercise: Pt. to Exercise at least ______________ Min. per Week [*]sleep [*] Pt. to Achieve 7-9 Hours per Night [*]Accountability: Keep Food/Activity/Sleep Log (only as needed) Support Education Stress Reduction - COMMENTS ON PATIENT’S PROGRESS: _____________________________________________ - OBESITY HEALTH EDUCATION/GOALS-Post surgery, behavior changes, history, comorbidities, etc.:___________________________________________ MD Signature _______________________________________________

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