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Posts posted by Mayasgram

  1. You don't tell us your weight or your BMI. that in some cases determines how much you should lose.. If you have a little to lose and lose to much the insurance can deny you by saying you can do this on your own.......If you have a lot to lose then this maybe an indicator of how you can lose weight.. Ask your Dr. he deals with insurance companys all the time and he can can tell you what he thinks is correct and what diet to follow. Best wishes.

  2. What is NSV???

    Sorry if you felt we were being negative , it was your words that prompted the replys. I personally rewarded myself with food and drink so many times I ended up with weight loss surgery... I don't do that anymore . I reward myself with a good book that I wouldn't usually buy before . I get a pedicure, I have my brows waxed rather then pluck, I buy earrings, I buy expensive perfume , I had permanent make up done .... but food for me as a reward nope . Does not mean I do not eat , I eat almost anything I want in a portion that is doable but it is not a cheat or reward it is just something I have to do and I do not feel deprived, I feel alive and free . Everyone handles their journey differently

  3. We all need a little perk , how many calories are in a margarita?? It slides down easy but I think it is loaded. Don't want to sound like your mama but using food as a pick me up or reward can be risky behavior..as you start this lifestyle try to find something less dangerous then food to reward yourself..

  4. Oh but yes you can stop eating it.... How .. you just stop ,,,you don't have it in the house ..You don't buy it . you don't smell it you don't have a taste... You don't eat around it like substituting choc shakes for vanilla. YOU JUST DON'T HAVE IT... maybe someday maybe never if it's your food that starts you on a downward spiral..

    As former fatties we know what food triggers us.. so you just don't have it.. I wish I had all the $$ I spent on junk food for my KIDS that they never saw because I ate it before they could. Look somethings just are not good for us physically or mentally , It's Time to put that away and stop playing games you can do it the question is will you... And if not ask yourself why is a chocolate chip more important than you are assuming you went through this whole process for a better life... Sorry no chocolate coating here..

  5. I have stuck my finger down and it comes right up 4 years out and no problem but I wouldn't do it often and It should come up easy and it should taste like it did when it went down . Vomit as we knew it when we were sick has digestive juices in it that wo uld mean it is coming up through the band that is not good. I get rid of stucks immediately before that happens......,

  6. I still think I am cooking for thrashers who will soon come in from the fields. My husband says we have more leftovers then anyone else in the neighborhood.

    So I now have this little ?? Happy Hour group that meets every Thursday at 4:00 and I make whatever I am wanting but could never eat in a year and bring that. I mean a lasagna, a whole cake, everyone teases me but they sure line up to eat it, works for me I get my taste and am satisfied and my husband doesn't have to eat it 3 times a day for a week and I come home with an empty dish.

    Told my daughter in law about this and she now has a thing like this going at her work. No wine however for them...

  7. Just because you can ... doesn't mean you should the more fill you get the less this will be possible. I'm not being a smart a$$ but why do you need to chug... I mean my boys chugged when they came in from excercise ..but I don't get it?? I can tell you this it will hurt when you get filled and may come right back up think hour glass.

    I drink all day long from the time I get up until I go to bed, I carry Water with me wherever I go, which for me is a huge change the only liquid I got before was diet pop.

  8. I never counted a calorie... still don't .My Dr told me to eat my Protein first like 1/2 a cup then 1/4 of vegtables or fruit. I was full, Sometimes I had to struggle to eat that. When I couldn't get veggies in I drank V8 juice. I ate really slow and I enjoyed what I ate.I don't know that I got 1200 cals a day . I lost my weight in the first 10 monthes at a rate of 10 lbs a month . I had one Protein Shake a day in the AM and took my Vitamins. My teeth did not fall out nor did my hair .

    For a treat I had a lemon ice or a sugar free pudding or a warm cinnamon applesauce always in the premeasured little snack packs. My Dr approved of these Snacks.< /p>

    Post weight loss I eat what I want .... but food just isn't that big of a thrill, I still savor the taste and a little bit goes a long way, but you get to the point where you know whats good and whats empty calories and you pick and choose what you want. I use to inhale/eat a lot a lot and never tasted it or enjoyed it now I eat slow and if I eat something thats calling to me it's a treat not a daily thing.

  9. I use to drink at least 5 diet cokes a day. and I missed it more then food . But I just drank Water in a glass with ice alll day and now it feels weird if I am not constantly drinking it.

    Everytime I get my nails done the guy who does them is sucking down a coke with ice in a glass and I wanyt to grab it. SO ............. I have tried a few sips just to see.... well it taste awful I mean really awful. The diet taste like chemicals and the regular like syrup.....I can not believe I use to suck that down though finding something to go with my rum is a problem... Now I drink wine when I go out.....

  10. I am waiting until Jan for my partial because my insurance will then pay for it, and I have had extensive dental work already this year. I cracked a lot of teeth in a car accident. So inconvieent or not you need your Protein so once a day put some meat in a blender I used the Bullet and blened it I can still not get steak down this way but in the begining thats what I had to do. Take chicken and blend it add some mayo to it same with tuna, and pork with barbque to moisten it and it slides down you can take this with you anywhere. Eating out eat fish it slides easy or cut food really tiny . Hope this helps.

  11. Girl you are all that and more... that weight didn't melt off you had to put lots of effort in it. And you should feel darn good.... I am 4 years out didn't have this forum when I was losing and I had lots of questions I refused to go to support group because it was a whine and b***h sesssion and finally the Dr. called a halt to them . There were a couple of sister that were really large women and they just dominated the sessions whining about their 30 lb loss in 1 year. .

    I try to be as honest as possible on this forum , I too have gotten mean comments, I tend to be sarcastic I guess. What I see as obvious answers others are not always happy to hear. I can be sympathetic but sometimes it just pops out, but I am not going to sugar coat anything and I will tell you why.....

    When I was heavy my husband loved me and never said a word, if I asked my boys if I looked fat in this ... they said no mom you look nice......my mom always told me I had such a pretty face and I just took after the otherside of the family .. my friends and co workers loved me because I was the life of the party the fun wise cracking girl. And everytime I looked in a full length mirror I hated me..... I thought my husband was nuts to love me, my kids were afraid of hurting me and my friends well for real they had lifes of their own and I was the comic relief.. No one ever said ...sweetie you shouldn't be eating half of the pizza, you have already had 3 brownies stop, wheres the other half of that pie??? So I went on eating and hating me.

    So you can imagine the surprise I felt when I had the surgery and everyone said Oh I am so happoy for you.. I was so worried about your health.. I noticed you were packing it on...They talked about me but never to me. So I won't do that if someone needs a shoulder or help I"m here , if they want to ask if they can have food 2 days after surgery they will get an answer. If they want to whine sorry don't have time... So I say what I say Because I just wished some one would have been honest with me . It might have hurt but I sure would have gotten down to business sooner. I'm rambling on sorry.

  12. No I had tomtake them until things healed, I was so raw I was throwing up blood. The pills are very expensive and my insurance wouldn't cover them so I got the generic from Canada online. My family Dr said just take prevacet but it didn't work as well for me. Good Luck. hope you feel better soon and get back on the weight loss journey again you really did so well in the begining. You now know how miserable it is to gain weight back so you won't do that again..Lifre is long so don't beat yourself up pick ypurself up instead.

  13. I agree do folks get info from their Dr. or PA I went home with reams and videos I had to watch. If you aren't getting this info then ask them why??.

    Now having said that in none of my information did it say I would be hungry until I got fills ... honest I checked again.... So dummy me I believed I was not suppose to be hungry and I ate what they told me on a little plate and with a baby fork and took 20 mins and drank all the Water and I was not hungry..

    I am not saying this to make waves..... I hear folks are getting hungry but I sure am glad I didn't know I was suppose to be.

  14. Would I do it again?? in a heartbeat now that I am on the otherside I would tell you that. But I surely can understand your dilema. It's like a car payment without the car. But what are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want, This is no picnic it's work and it's not magic it doesn't happen overnight so just go in knowing that.

    Things for the kids... well my oldest is 44 and my baby is 36 and let me tell you they got lots of stuff.... but what they remember is popcorn movie nights, my being at their games, all of us cuddled together in our quilts on cold winter nights, christmas caroling and hot chocolate at our house after. Their frends wanting to be at our house.. Today They call me to share every good thing and every tough thing a couple times a week even though we are 1500 miles apart and thats the stuff you give your kids that matters and That is the stuff the kids need so take them off the table as a reason to not have the surgery.

    You are not your sister so don't compare yourself to her, I am sure she has a different life then you. And personally I am scared of Mexico but that is just me....Best ofn Luck to you whatever you decide...

  15. When food gets stuck which will happen to you sometime , You go to the bathroom you lean way over and it slides out, if not I do the 2 finger tickle it it comes up it is not suggested that you do that but it does work. You are not throwing up from your stomache , where there is digestive juices, you are throwing up from your band it taste like it did going down.

    You know you are in trouble when you start to slime which is a build up of saliva the consistency of egg whites in your mouth, in my case this does not go away you need to let it slide out hopefully with the offending food. It is a quiet thing. Slime is your friend it is body trying to help you. Throwing up is removing food that can not go through the band.

    from this you learn the size bites how much to chew and what food you just can not eat.. umm spaghetti will probably be one of them.

    You do not heave and heave because you will slip your band ... a little fear never hurt you it's when we get cocky that we get into trouble meaning oh I can eat that... So thats your lesson on stuck, slime and vomiting. Have a good day..

  16. The truth is you can not eat 10/20 dollars worth of food, a cup of food is your limit. You can make good choices on a buffet , you can eat slow, and enjoy your friends but unless they are serving lobster you can not get your $$ worth.

    I just do not go to buffets very often, but I did happen to go to one Friday night I had my favorite food LAPBAND CRACK , mashed potaoes and gravy yum... I picked at the steak, fish and a rib.. and I indulged in a shared cotton candy. When we left I suggested a walk through town and everyone said Yes because they ate way to much and were stuffed even the skinny ones some things are priceless.

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