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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mayasgram

  1. I had not been to the Dr. for a band adjustment since FEb so thought I needed a little pop.When I called the office they said the Dr had in my records that it was time for a fluroscophy . It has been four years since he put my band in and he wanted to look around check things out.

    So naturally being me I thought OMG what if somethings wrong I feel great, , I am maintaining, hmmmm

    why does he need to do this. Well it was great I got to watch the whole feel process check out my little band friend watch it work with and without fill help decide how much fill I wanted . It was terriffic . Had a nice chat with the Dr, no PA just me and him .asked some questions and get new input from him on carbination. I said I would like to get a Diet coke and Rum every now and then AND HIS EXCELLENT ADVICE WAS HEAVY ON THE RUM AND EASY ON THE DIET COKE..... I CAN DO THAT.

    Usually when I have a fill it is done in the office with a probe for the port and a stick this was the best way to do it ever. How many other folks get fills this way ?? How do you like it?

  2. I never heard of such a thing , where are you?? The whole point in the band is the fills sounds really weird to me . Take along information on the band from the sites . And don't ever be afraid to stick up for yourself you do not need to plead to get what the band is for. THis is crazy....

  3. I don't think you have enough fill while everyone is different I have a 10cc and at 3.5 I could eat anything.I am around 5 to 5.5 and I am not hungry and doing fine.

    It may the reason that you are able somedays to eat and others not could be what you are eating sliders go down easy. If you eat the same thing at the same time and one day it stick and one it doesn't then look at what it is , how much chewing.. Everyone is afraid of the stuck , it happens to the best of us usually when we are in a hurry or just not paying attention.

    You know in your heart what you have been doing so just go to the DR or PA and lay it out for them they are there to help you and get back on track. I can tell you this... eating the amount they tell you to 1 cup you will lose weight and if you do it with the right fill you will be able to do it with out stomach hunger. The head hunger well thats a different game and you have to dig in and love yourself through that. Best Wishes ..

  4. I am having an UGLY SWEATER PARTY on the 14th so I may need to work off a couple of glasses of wine ....so I'm in. It doesn't involve sweating right you know my adversion to that..... Do I get extra points if my husband goes too??

    Come on you guys lets do this together you know like in the old days when someone said ,"lets eat out "and we all lined up ... We can come back on and be these super atheletes on the 16th...

  5. I told some folks ...and the ones I knew would not be supporative I didn't tell until I was post op and losing. Since I was known to be a sweet eater and also a people pleaser the hardest thing for me was to say no to people who made it just for me. Did anyone else eat just to be nice?

    I understand that some people we have to be around work,, socially are "sorta friends" but you just don't trust them to have your back so really tell them whatever you want. You seem to already know how/what they are so we won't tell you about that.

    After you lose your weight just don't become like them . And if you see someone struggling with their weight be the kind of friend to them you want to us to be to you.

    You are about to begin a new journey there will be days when you will wonder why you did this , sometimes because it is hard and sometimes because not being hungry makes passing up foods so easy.

    This forum is full of great folks who have been there done that and got the T shirt , and then they will help you ... hold your hand, when you need it and smack your around a little if you need that.

    Best Wishes it will be interesting to hear how your thoughts about yourself and what you value changes as your body changes... :rolleyes:

  6. My biggest fear going into this was no popcorn............I love popcorn and eat it 3 times aweek and it is amazing to me any way how eating it a few kernels at a time vs. handfuls at a time it takes about a cup and a half to fill me up. I LOVE MY POPCORN .... I left MANY THINGS BEHIND BUT THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY HARD... I eat mine with the spray butter.

  7. I am not the swiftest person on the computer so I can not find what was said that was so awful . and haven't been on for a few days so missed that one.

    However I do not think some one should have to shut up because they have an opinion that isn't going down to well.. I try to be as honest as I can be and I am sure that there are times the person hearing something out there gets pissed. I do not believe everything has to be worded so as not to ruffle feathers , I am one of those people that needs it in my face and true. See I have told myself so many lies , like this must have shrunk in the wash, I look nice in this and then caught my reflection in a door window, I can eat just a little, Fudge eaten in the bathroom doesn't count, and the big one this won't effect my health, I Don't need anymore platitudes I want it honest and true. And I refuse to sugar coat something for someone that is asking the ridiculous question that they already know the answer to..

    Now having said all that since I have been on this site I know there are some Nice people who go out of their way to be kind and helpful to folks whining complaining and moaning and theres a place for them .... it just doesn't happen to be where I come from. Then there are folks who shoot straight from the hip and I have learned to snort and chuckle at their responses . I also have come to the reality that some folks need a lot of hand holding thats for the nice folks to do and I am glad they can and are willing to do that.

    We all have our own styles and thats what makes this site so good for all people. After being here a while I know who to respond to and who to just pass on.

    Thats just one middle age ladies opinion and the other day my friend told me I was being bitchy and we had a good laugh over it so I guess it's just where you are..

  8. Keep up the weight loss and you will die with less weighing body parts. As for that husband well just doesn't matter what he likes ... it's what you like and I promise you you are going to love that new skinny healthy lady lots more then the old fat sick one.

    Been thinking about your Thanksgiving dilema do you think Mr Trip won't just tell everyone why you aren't eating.. Just think of the dinner conversation if you said I am so thankful for the fact that I am on my way to being the new beautiful skinney a$$ me and next year I'm coming to dinner wearing a leather mini skirt with a see through blouse...oh what fun to mess with their minds and keep old Mr. Trip on his toes. You have a good one...

  9. Well there is always the truth... Did you have a plan going into this? If you just can't do that right now then just whatever works for you..

    I am a little concerned with your food intake now get in some Protein Drinks . But Whatever you do DO NOT EAT on those new stitches on the inside. I think we look at what we can see and think we are not stitched much but on the inside we are and really stitched the band is held in place.

    Your husband sounds like a trip........ But thats what you will have to deal with some people get tons of support some not so much. This is your journey and while it would be nice to have everyone invested in it. people are people with their own agendas and what you need to remember is this is yours. Come here for support and honest opinions we have all been down this road and have different experiences and we have your back.................

  10. I'm no shrink but if your husband is policing your excercise are you sticking your head in the fridge to pay him back.. I mean 1 to 1 1/2 hours of excercise is ok not for me with my I don't want to sweat philosphy , We all have poor me days but like everything else in life it's a choice to stay in it. Make a list of things You want to do and do it, it beats thinking about food and crusing the fridge and pantry.

  11. Eat what they tell you 1 cup then stop . You should not be stuffed...stuffed is what got me to wls. Your body catches up with what you give it, I know some people get all into how many calories and if that works for you so be it. For me that just never was an opition that was what I had done all my FAT life. sooooooooo....I decided that there is no way I could put 1000 cals in a cup and a half of the recomended food a day. If I got hungry which was more head then body hunger I had a small snack. I took my Vitamins and supplements I drank my liquids and I lost weight , and I wasn't hungry . Post weight loss I still probably only average 1000 cals a day, some days more some days less. I am healthy my hair is strong and now surprisingly RED :rolleyes: LOL , my teeth haven't fallen out and my bones are intact. So I am just saying this freedom I have around food has been helped by my not being preoccupied with counting calories. Everyones journey is different and this is mine

  12. If I start sliming I know that it is going to have to come out , and the longer I put it off the more slime it will be. I have never had a big stuck go down , I bring it up and it should NOT have acid in it because it never made it to the stomach.

    The best way to avoid a stuck is chewing and no talking when you put something in your mouth. It is a definite learning curve and even the best of us old hands will have a food stick once in awhile. Burping does not help me either .

    I know I am suppose to say that throwing up is wrong but I have carried a stuck food around for 3 days and refluxed through my nose all night and ended up with a total unfill and vomiting blood my not getting rid of something right away. I am not saying you should do it I am saying it works for me. And that was my experience. Go through that a couple of times and you learn how to eat oh and what I had caught was salad .

  13. I am 4 years out and I love my band I lost all the weight and have kept it off . I did what I was told and I ate what I was told and no one ever told me I would be hungry so I guess I really wasn't.

    I believe with all my heart that is your attitude that determines your weight loss. Being a rebel myself I decided to give it all over and after that it was easy for me.Anything that was hard was so much easier than being FAT..

    In the begining I think my first response was OMG what have I done , In the begining you grieve food I call it the party in your mouth because once you swallow the party is over as it settles on your butt.

    Now I eat pretty much whatever I want and the difference is the size of the portion a little dab really will do you...Eating is something I have to do to live I do not live to eat, I don't plan lunch at Breakfast I never eat to be nice, I stop when its gone not when I am stuffed. I do not clean my plate...

    My band has helped me it is a tool I love it because it helped me achieve something that was unreachable for me..

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