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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mayasgram

  1. Try mixing it with juice instead of milk and see what happens.. I was never lactose intolerany until I was banded,
  2. Mayasgram

    Still Full After 6 Hours!

    Here is my opinion ... I never eat if I am not hungry ever , To me that is just ridiculous.. Isn't that why we got banded?? I am never hungry in the AM so I have protein around 11:00 the arouund 2 to 3 I eat my cup of whatever and 6to 7 my other cup if I can't get a cup down I save it and pick at it. People who are naturally thin eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. They just don't eat because it's time and if they aren't hungry they do not eat. I use to eat because the clock said it was time to eat no more my body tells me when I am hungry . I just don't get up to eat in the middle of the night I would rather sleep..... Just saying .... no one ever wasted away for not eating over night somedays you are hungry somedays you are not. it evens out..I understand this a new way of thinking for us former fatties.
  3. I had to stop anbd think about this I heard about lap band when it first came out but was not well informed. I have done every diet from weight watchers and Jenny Craig Atkins South beach pills patches shots. and hypnosis gym memberships and I Alway gained it back . I had emergency Gall Bladder surgery and jokingly said hey while you are in there why not throw on a LapBand . The Dr. said I sure will in 6 monthes when I came out I said really are you serious and he said as serious as a heart ATTACK AND HE WASN'T SMILING. So I did what BCBS needed and a 1 year supervised diet and then they made me wait 90 days after that to approve me. And I decided that this was the LAST TIME ever that I would fail andI was done spending one more penny on weight loss gimmicks. If I was willing to have them open my body and put a band in me it was going to work case closed. I used to be embarassed to see my reflection and never loked from the head down now I sometimes don't recognize myself in a reflection. This is the best thing I have ever done just for me .
  4. Mayasgram

    First Stuck Episode

    In that situation drink some fluid lean over and if you need do the 2 finger tickle and it will come up. Apples with peels a nono for me if you want one slice it and put in the microwave with a little cinnamon and I always have trouble with chicken I grind it and use alittle mayo or if hot gravy.
  5. Mayasgram


    Highly unlikely your band would slip after recent surgery it is sown in pretty tight and swollen around it. It is pretty much GAS and I know it hurts like hell but eventually it goes away when you start moving and you use gas strips and a heating pad helps.
  6. At first my husband thought he shouldn't eat in front of me and at first it is hard because you are missing that party in your mouth sensation that you got from food. That lasted a week my husband eats like a horse and has NEVER gained weight his whole life. Being a party person we were out all the time and most people mix every activity with food . So people were concerned about eating in front of me out of caring. Now they know I eat when I want, what I want , and it is probably going to be a taste of this or that and maybe off their plate. THey have seen my journey and my attitude was never poor me I can't eat that so they felt comfortable being their happy eating selfs. And I am just fine doing what works for me..
  7. Mayasgram


    To answer all of your question is...... YES..... it is caused by all of your questions eating to much ,eating to fast, to big a bites , a tight band. And so if you do not do these things your incidence of sliming will be reduced. However sometimes we slime for reason we don't know... Slime is what your body produces to help food go down it is YOUR FRIEND, when you start to slime get up go to a Bathroom bend way over and let it slide out chances are the offending food will slide out with it. It is tastless and the consistency of egg whites. Because the food has not reached your stomach If you start to slime because of a food it will not go away on it's own. It just becomes heavier until you get rid of the food. For me it is bread, rolls,cake and rice, to big a piece of meat not chewed enough. I find that my sliming happens when I am out in a group and we are talking and I forget to follow the RULES.of chewing enough, eatiing slow waiting between bites. Or thinking I can have a little piece of dinner rolls and for me that is just not going down. Sliming is nothing to FREAK out about it happens to all of us at some time and I am surprised your Dr . or NP hasn't told you about it. I do not like to slime but it is a warning for me to STOP whatever I have done and get rid of it now because for me it will not go away on its own. That is your 101 sliming class, Good Luck and don't worry you will slime at sometime and it will be okay.
  8. Mayasgram

    400's, 300's, Now Finally 200's!!

    YAY YOU I am just so Happy For YOU . I also do the Happy Dance. Isn't being thin better then any food you have ever eaten............... I can't wait to hear you have made your gaol I hope you do something wonderful to celebrate.............
  9. Nerves???? would be for me
  10. Mayasgram

    Scary Accident

    It's more then likely not the band its the fluids > I drink from the time I get up until I go to bed. It has become a habit > I never leave the house without a bottle of water. If I do I buy one.... I just get thirsty now... If you have problems getting a big glass down do a shot glass 8 an hour.
  11. Probably the cup cake ...there is a reason why they tell you not to eat certain foods. Drink something warm and hope it goes down small sips . You said you were totally bad but you only had 900 cals. Eating something you rarely ate sooooo why now?? Carbs from sugar will stop your weight loss cold after awhile. Just because you can eat it doesn't mean you should. Eat to much, eat the wrong foods and you feel crappy thats just the way it is. You will find others who will tell you how to eat around the rules and the band and that a favorite cupcake from your favorite place once in awhile is ok. But thats after you have lost your weight not in week 3. I use to eat every sweet that I could find after getting rid of that from my diet I could care less and if I do have something sugary now a very tiny little bit goes a long way . It really makes me shudder when I have had enough . Good Luck!!!! I
  12. WOW WOW are these people your friends???? If so doesn't sound like you like them very much. I guess my attitude would be I will show you I can change my behavior . Tit for Tat just drags you down..Focus on yourself and let the rest go, the only one you can change is you anyway.
  13. Be Happy you have a Dr that wants you informed this is not anything to just decide on a whim. Also he wants to see if you are a good candidate , by asking you to follow a diet plan and excercise, You said you felt you needed more consuleing the sooner you start that the easier it will be to follow the plan when you know why and how you use food. This is a journey that last for life the band is a tool and you need to work it and to do that you need to be informed what to expect. Your Dr. sounds like he wants that for you . Be thankful you have one that doesn't want to just cut and take your money. At the next appt. if you have followed his instructions lost the 10lbs. and excercised and he and you think you are a good candidate then find out about after care that is so much more important then who puts the band in. Slow and steady wins the race..
  14. I am one of these folks who doesn't run to the Dr with every hang nail. My questions are can you eat food with no problem, could be you swelled after the fill , could be warm weather and that caused the reflux. I would give it a couple of days and see if it comes back. At your weight do you really need that much restriction to maintain your weight loss I can tell you acid reflux over time cause serious damage so if you are refluxing every night STOP. And all those meds are nasty and should not be nesesasary. After losing over 100 lbs you have learned how to eat 3lb weight gain could be water and compared to sleeping upright it sounds like a better trade off.
  15. I found this fantastic glass for my protein it is from the LAKESIDE Collection catalog. www.lakeside.com. It is called Tech TOYZ glass.it is battery operated {they come with} and it has a mixer in the bottom. It keeps my protein mixed because it takes me forever to drink mine in espcially in the AM . THis new glass cost 8.95 and worth every penny. no I do not own stock in the company. I have tried all different kinds of drinks and none are my favorite I have to mix mine with water or juice I am lactose intolerant since being banded. I find if it is ice cold I can take it down and thats what I need to do.
  16. One of the things I found out after I was banded is just how much attention people paid to my weight and how much I ate before I was banded. So before you think she was dissing you maybe she was just protecting you from others waging tongues. I never had bander hell..... I lost from day one but I followed the rules to the letter, I made my mind up that I was going to do this. And I know a tiny candy bar isn't going to make you or break you . But for me with my nature I was not going to chance it. One little candy bar just wasn't worth it to me. Because if I got away with it the next day it would be 2 . Who eats on little candy bar????????????
  18. Mayasgram

    Lap Bands And Fills

    Maybe it's which company they have stock in
  19. Mayasgram

    Endoscopy, Reflux, Vomiting Blood

    I had the exact same things happen to me . The vomiting of blood coffee grounds was almost uncontrollable I went to turn to my friend and out it came. That was the final straw. Called the Dr he met me at the hospital and started Xraying no slip he emptied my band and I had to wait 10 days for another scope and fill. Mine was my stomach had gotten so irritated from acid that it started bleeding.and swelled so I couldn't get food down I was put on acidphex and have had no problems since that was last Sept. Hope the same is for you. DO NOT LET SOME UNINFORMED DR STRETCH YOUR BAND that is a horror story, I always wondered what those Mexico patients did for after care I know my Dr wouldn"t touch them . Good Luck I will say a prayer for you it has to be scarey for you.
  20. Mayasgram

    Lap Band Death

    I think the statistics are on our side. But having said that I think the most important thing you can do is find a good Dr and find out how many surgerts he has done.What is his follow up and his availabilty if you need an unfill. everyone of mine 3 happened on a weekend. One time the PA met me at a gas station half way to take some out she was on her way to Disney with here husband and kids and I was an hour and a half from the hospital so we met in the middle. She knew that I was in trouble since I never called with an issue before and God Lover I needed help then. \ The next time a year later I suffered through 4 days Labor Day weekend and I gotten stuck on Fri. ended up with a complete unfill all sorts of scopes and x rays and the Dr saying DO NOT EVER LET THIS GO AGAIN. So the Dr you choose is important not only before but after. My opinion for me was I have a bigger chance of dieing from the effects of obesity or living an unfullfiied life with out the band.
  21. Mayasgram

    Are You "out" About Your Band?

    Where I live everyone knows your business so they knew I had surgery . I only told a few close folks before didn't even tell my sister until 1 week before didn't need everyones opinions. My process took 15 months from start to surgery and it was a long roller coaster of will insurance pay or not. After I had the surgery and the weight started falling off and I stopped eating at all the partys I just said I had the Lap Band I can not do that, Most folks are interested and being a retired teacher I am always in education mode. Now that I am 3 years out they are just use to me picking and choosing a dib and a dab of this at partys and get togethers and bringing home boxes of food from resturaunts . Like I "m a cheap date ordering something small and eating off my husbands plate is best for me . I think everyone is different and you should do what works for you, it is your business .
  22. Love the positive things happening to you. I am 3 years out and I love my life and my band. When I was in the losing stage my Dr called me his star patient and encouraged me to join his support gruop. I went once and I listend to all the whining and pi--ing and moaning and said this is just not for me. I wanted positivity and all they talked about is how they wanted a pizza. Hell everyone wants a pizza. they just don't have one. Now after losing t he weight and maintaining that loss I can have a small well chewed small slice of pizza only now I just don't care, food is just food it's not my life anymore. SO good luck to you hope you keep your positive attitude and post it ....Doesn't mean you won't have hard days you will but you are on the right track..........
  23. Mayasgram

    Is The Party Over?

    If you have friends who abuse you because you are not eating unhealthy things are they really your friends???????????????Look you just can not eat like you use to if you do you will not lose weight and you will get stuck . Maybe you should look for some new friends at the gym... running or biking. Life is going to change you need to be willing to change with it. You can make up some story or you can just say Iook I am trying to get healthy and this is what I am doing . Real friends who probably think you need to do that will support you the others you do not need. Most people are sp busy living their own lifes they haven't got time to worry about yours.
  24. Mayasgram

    Nsv At Grocery Store

    WOW good for you isn't it true being thin taste better then any food you ever ate..... Sounds like you have a husband who is very proud of you . I would imagine he has seen your struggles and just wants to pass on the compliments. It sounds like you haven't quite caught up with your new look. I still see the fat lady in my head and never know what size to bring in the dressing room with me when I shop. I am not sure if that ever goes away. My therapist told me one time to softly put that fat lady suit away it had served it's purpose for whatever reason I needed it and now just dance in my new body and so I invite you to enjoy the dance you wrote the new song and you deserve it.
  25. Wait for your hunger it will come until then drink your liquids and enjoy, after Lap band if you are lucky you don't have to eat because the clock says it's time to. I eat 3 cups a day when my stomach says it needs to and I stop when it says its full. In the long term it all evens out.

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