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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mayasgram

  1. Mayasgram

    Labor Day

    Ate everything everyone else ate only just about 1/4 of what they had ..enjoyed it and then dance for 3 hours and helped in the kitchen cleaning up after the 90 folks that partied with us. To all those folks who grieve food. you can eat it, if you cut in small, chew it well, and stop after a tablespoon You will find it was just food... tasted good... ok... but nothing you can eat will ever taste as good as being in control and being thin...... I promise that feeling of is better then anything you ever put in your mouth....and you don't hate yourself the next day............Love the success that comes with my band better then anything I ever ate..
  2. Mayasgram

    Weight Loss, Periods, Mirena

    Careful what you wish for... ........................... Hot Flashes or power surges suck..
  3. Mayasgram

    Liver To Big

    My Doctor said if that livers FAt I am closing you right up .. Put t he scare in me I followed the diet to the letter and my first words in recovery was " was my liver FAT???????????? " I guess this is for real, it really is important they do not knick your liver when they operate .
  4. Mayasgram

    How Much Protein?

    60 grams for women and I do the Protein shots first thing in the AM 43 grams . IF you eat and always eat your protein first you should get enough and feel fuller.
  5. Call the Dr.and ask him what he wants for sure. And his opinion should be the one you follow. Is the dietican his referral. After the surgery you may have to deal with this person again so keep the lines open. After banding diabetes is much easier controlled so you may have these issue.
  6. Mayasgram

    "stuck Episode" Best Thing To Do Is....

    I do not know what the Childrens Benadryl Liquid does But my Dr has told me after every stuck episode to take it and I do and it works. Wondering what the thinking is with meat tenderize. If I am stuck if I drink some liqiud and then bring it up it is easier on my throat and I get all of it up.
  7. Curious you did not tell us your weight if you can lose weight with out Lap Band save the money and do it. I understand that your self esteme and outlook is effected by your body image but judging from a low BMI in appears your not seriously overweight and you have no other complications. It makes me wonder what Dr would just schedule you for surgery so quickly ....just sayin. Lap Band is not for everyone and it is not a walk in the park. Have you had your psyche eval and met with a nutritionist. I am interested to hear what others have to say...
  8. Mayasgram

    "stuck Episode" Best Thing To Do Is....

    In my experience nothing make a stuck food unstick.... But going into the bathroom and getting rid of it. and I do mean all of it so , usually standing up and leaning way over out will go it. If not the 2 finger throat tickle does it.. I am 4 years out and have had this happen lots of times, It is not scarey it just needs to be taken care of and then go on with your day. I know you are not suppose to vomit but I do not call bringing up poorly chewed food vomiting. The one time I got in trouble and needed an unfill I had food that had piled up and I was bringing up food eaten 3 days before. If you are refluxing through your nose and can"t lay down you are in trouble. When in doubt after a stuck incident go on liquids for the rest of the day. A bit of Benadryl childrens liquid helps too.
  9. Mayasgram


    It was surgery ,,,,even with 5 little holes they were messing with your insides and sewing in your band and hernia surgery requires mending. Take the meds like they say so the pain doesn't get ahead of you I lived in my PJ's for the first 4 days and slept alot, then the shoulder pain kicked in for me that was the worst of it I did not know about gas x or the heating pad back then . You will feel better everyday just give it time. I was not hungry for about 4 days....... And stay off the scale it doesn;t happen overnight. Though it sure would be nice if it worked that way You are probably experiencing that... what the hell have I done to myself syndrom many of us felt that way. Keep positive each day gets better. Do what t hey tell you and you will be so happy next year at this time...
  10. Mayasgram

    Not Really In The Mood To Eat! Just Checkin In

    Okay I am almost 4 years out and I DO NOT EAT WHEN I AM NOT HUNGRY I take the vitamins I drink Protein and I have not lost my hair my teeth haven't fallen out and I have lost the weight. My band did what it was suppose to do. I had experiences with PBing to tight to loose. But never did I eat if I wasn't hungry it just doesn't make sense to me; Some days I am hungry somedays I am not. I have found eating a little bit and then waiting helped with the getting stuck, sometimes I just leave the table and start clearing the pans and then eat a little more. Being a mom I Learned to jump up a lot so guess that is working for me now. I have found when you are hungry you eat... Just do not eat garbage even if it goes down easier.
  11. Mayasgram

    My Band Is So Noisy

    Thought I had heard it all but talking bands..... I gurgle after a fill so they know its going down but then mine must take a nap, never so loud that other hear. Though my Dr was listening with a stesscope and got a good laugh. Mine says ,"she stopped feeding me crap and now I'm forced to be healthy":
  12. I have never done real well with the shakes I drink them but they make me feel a little sick. When we went on vacation my husband bought me some flavored Protein shots at Walmart they have lots of protein 42 grams They are called New whey. They go down ......180 cals no sugar , no fat , gluten and for me no Lactose. I think they are a little over a dollar apiece and It is worth it to me. When I think what I use to spend at the MICK D's drive through each week. If you do thjs just eat the broth and pudding and Jello you should not be hungry and thats great.. I do not eat when I am not hungry as long as I know I am getting the protein and Vitamins my body needs. I think that is the hardest thing for us Fatties to get . we eat because it's time ,we eat because we might GET HUNGRY, we eat because everyone else is, I ate so I did not hurt anyones feelings like you know I made this just for you, THE GREATEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF AFTER THE LAP BAND is to LIsten to your body you will be shocked how little you need to eat to feel satisfied and how often you need to eat. Good Luck this to shall pass.
  13. Mayasgram

    Left Shoulder Pain

    Gas X and movement ....it is awful it will go away movement help the most.
  14. Mayasgram

    Gerrit From Idaho

    Welcome you have come to the right site. I decided when I got on here I owed the folks who ask question an honest answer, I do not sugar coat things . I am almost 4 years out have lost all my weight and kept it off and I feel wonderful no health problems .I stopped all meds 6 months after surgery. I to got breathless walking and it made me panicky to not be able to breathe.... The best of Luck to you and we are here for you we will answer your questions and we will hold your hand and encorage you when you need it and I will give you a wake up call if you need one along the way. It is a journey well worth taking and you can do this and if you do what they tell you to do you will be a new man in many ways next year.
  15. Well don"tcha know it's just the easy way out LOL.. Thats what I heard and the great debate a friend had gastric a day after mine and she lost 125 lbs but her whole personality changed.. the comments about her is they cut the fun out of her.People who have not had this surgery have no idea what iot is like so I just tell them How happy I am with my band and shrug off the comments, I did this for me not anyone else.
  16. Mayasgram

    I Can't Burp!

    The reason I think you feel like you want to burp is that you are swollen on the inside where thay put your band as the swelling goes down the feeling should go away. After a fill I always feel like I want to burp, my Dr makes me drink a whole glass of water to see if I can burp if not I am a little too tight, Afer a few days that feeling goes away and so does hunger YAY..... What you are feeling is strange but normal after being banded.
  17. Mayasgram

    What Would You Wear If You Lose Weight?

    I wear shorts but sleeveless even with the weight loss my arms are nasty they jiggle and wiggle and have cellulite. Been looking for a dress for the sons wedding...... note designers every cocktail dress does not have to be sleeveless or with sleeves to the wrist...... I have a long dress with a light jacket it's nice but I wanted a dress and haven't found one that is not sleeveless. . I would wear a tan...because tan fat is better then white fat. Think about it pasty white or golden brown..... On the Project Runway TV show they say size 14 is a Plus size well the day I got into a size 14 pants I did the Happy Dance it was so much nicer then a 22. . When you lose weight the easiest thing to wear is a big smile, Because baby you did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Mayasgram

    Pb's And Parties

    It has been my experience that eating out is difficult............ Because I tend to be more social I am talking and eating and I just forget to chew enough or swallow to big a piece. And for some reason I just can it get it through my brain that I can not Eat that roll they always bring warm and in a basket..... So I have become familiar with every bathroom in town ... my husband and friends are just use to it . They see me stopping , swallowing and leaving the table for the bathroom. I don't make a scene I go do what I have to do and come back a little red in the face and watering eyes sit down and go on. I always hope that there is no one in the handicap bathroom since in Florida they have sinks and I can do what I need to do in there . One time after throwing up in one I came out to see a lady in a wheel chair glaring at me........ Note .....I always leave the bathroom cleaned up.
  19. Mayasgram


    It is really hard not to have support, but with all the support in the world your family is not choosing this journey you are and truth be told there will be lots of occasions when they will eat stuff you can not. And they will get fat and have health problems in the long run if they over do it. You however have this golden opportunity to get healthy and lose weight. You will learn that life is so much more and better then just eating food. You will find that you have energy you never had , you will look different and feel different and this is about you not someone else. Some one else asked how do you stop eating sugar easy you don't put it in your mouth and you can not eat what is not it your house. Honestly I ate so much crap that I bought for the "KIDS" or my husband.. If theywant that stuff they need to go out and buy it and eat it in the car. Most men are just to lazy to do that for very long it's a hassle. After awhile you will be able to eat somethings but trust me they will lose their appeal and a little bit will do you.
  20. Mayasgram

    New Start

    Do the 5 Day Pouch Diet it works and get rid of the garbage foods that allow you to eat around the band... you have done this before maybe try the pre op or postop plans .....learn to enjoy the foods that are right for you it's easier after those diets ...go back to your Dr if you need to if you need more fill. Just Do it like you did it before.... There is no secret recipe or plan so empty out the fridge and the cupboards and use the tools you have been given, eat small, and chew...Good Luck you can do this because nothing you put in your mouth for a few seconds taste as good as being THIN and HEALTHY...
  21. Mayasgram

    "it's Just A Habit" She Says

    Let it growl....... sorry but no one ever starved to death between 2:00 and 7:00 . Dr Oz says when your stomach growls you are burning fat instead of eating it... Wake up and hear your body losing weight and enjoy it. Sometimes you just have to be a little hungry and the middle of the night is for sleeping and I agree it is just a habit so let it work for you not against you..
  22. BCBS of Michigan makes you jump through hoooooooops. One year diet monthly Dr visits , I had Hypertension, Asthma Reflux besides my weight and they were fine go through a year, of which my Dr said do not lose any weight or they will deny you, After a year they made me wait 90 days more to approve the surgery.I might add all my pre band problems are gone now as well as the weight. But I was told 4 years ago that BCBS Florida won't approve Lap band so Good Luck, I don't mean to discourage you so talk to your Dr and see what help they can give you they work with these jerks everyday and they may have some ideas that work with insurance it can just be a different phrase that gets you approved. Doesn't it just suck that you get to pay for insurance and they get to tell you what you need and not your Dr.
  23. Mayasgram

    Gas Pain Or Not????

    Could be Gall Bladder... ask your Dr. That is exactly what happened to me. If you don't have a gall bladder then it probably is gas. But check out the Gall Bladder when you start losing weight lots of folks need gall bladder surgery Hope this helps.
  24. I would continue getting some mental health help you have 6 monthes ton prepare your head. I think everyone who has ever had a FAT ISSUES has had a voice saying you will fail you always fail. And all sorts of negative stuff going on. i KNOW WHEN YOU LIKE YOURSELF it is easier to deal with things. Take this six monthes to learn to take care of yourself while you are waiting to be banded and start down a new path. Good Luck to you and trust me you are not the first one with mental health issues .
  25. Interesting ..... I just got back from a 3 week vacation back home with our families and it became so aware of how I grew up with food as the focus in my life. Food was how you showed love . You baked a treat , Sunday dinners were a food affair something special for everyone. Not one pie but three ,two meats ,noodles , mashed potatoes .vegtables and salads loaded with mayo. Not to mention rolls and everything dripped butter. As I sat down to these meals it made me sick so much food , YUK!!! It just didn't want it ... it was overwhelming to look at . My sister was hustling around making this HUGE meal and all I wanted was to not hurt her feelings by my spoon of this and that . My sister and her husband were planning dinner while we were still eating breakfast and thinking about where to go for a snack to tide us over. Breakfast was 3 egg omlettes sausage bacon and fried potatoes and pancakes. Good God I use to eat like that. I remember how you were suppose to leave the table stuffed and groaning. Now I food is just something you do when you are hungry it is not an occasion . I still like the taste but it is not that important . It is not my focus, I have replaced it with other things , like visiting at the table with my family , enjoying the food I put in my mouth , I enjoy popping up and moving after a meal instead of waddling to a chair and groaning... Food is just not living there is so much more to life then what you are going to eat today, that use to be what I thought about now with my band it's the last thing I worry about. I love my band and the freedom it gives me to choose a healthy happy thin life. Do I miss all that food no I eat what I want but I control it, on special occassions I eat a little of those special things , but with t he bands help I just do not need or want to ever go back to the meals that were a part of my life. I love being HEALTHY and yes I like shopping for clothes in the misses dept.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
