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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mayasgram

  1. Mayasgram


    Back to Basics for 5 days..
  2. Mayasgram

    Banned With Children.

    Be nice to yourself and send them to grandmas for a few days if that is an option , You need to get use to this new life and you will be a little sore. . If you can't send them to grandma just tell them mommy has a sore tummy and we have to be careful we don"t hurt it.
  3. I know you are just asking for others opinions .....but listen to your Dr. if he says no water before and after do it, if he says no straw learn to drink with out one. If he says lose 10 lbs lose 10 lbs. if that mean no greasy Mexican then no Mexican.. I am a rebellious person at heart before Lap Band I followed the rules that made sense to me and the ones that didn't I twisted or ignored. A little bite here a second there and I ballooned up to 275lbs and hated myself . But once I went through the hell with insurance companys and got the LapBand I decided that my twisting of the rules had gotten me there and I sure as hell was going to listen to my Dr. this time because just maybe he new more then me and the rules were there for a reason. I use to go around asking everyone what I should do until I got an answer that let me do what I wanted to do. THIS IS YOUR LIFE you get to start over doing things the HEALTHY way it won't be easy but it will work if you do what you are suppose to. So why not tell your friend sorry I can't do that and do what you were told to do. If that statement raises your hackles well then go ahead and eat the greasy Mexican food , it should feel good until about 5 minutes after you finish it, then the regret and doubt will start up , if thats worth it go for it after all your Dr said you could . Just the opinion of a past food rebel you get to decide..
  4. Mayasgram

    From South Florida

  5. Mayasgram


    Yup thats slime and it comes because you ate something to big, or to fast. If you feel better lucky you. Slime looks like egg whites and is pretty much tasteless it is you friend if you are stuck and one thing I have learned when you start sliming get to a bathroom and get it up for me anyway it doesn't go away until I get rid of it..Look at it as a warning STOP eating even if it is your first bite STOP take care of it .
  6. Is it head hunger, what would you eat to not be so hungry . Think hard this is important........................... My husband who has been hungry real hunger said you would eat a grilled rat a cock roach anything to stay alive. If your wanting pizza and a big Mac could be head hunger. When I first was banded I missed the taste and texture of food. But I drank protein and soup chicken broth tasted like Prime rib ... And I made it . I always did something else but sit there and dream about the taste of the food I wanted. Aside form these head games you will really mess your self up if you eat they tell you this for a reason.............
  7. Mayasgram

    Holy Hell!

    Were you laying down or standing up for me standing up is easiest. Doesn't he use a topical solution?? The only time mine hurt is when a new Dr. hit me 5 times. Otherwise piece of cake, have bled through the bandage too. But on a pain scale less then a 1.. Hope you are not to full .
  8. Mayasgram

    So Discouraged!!!

    THe band hasn't failed you, your behavior has. Sorry it's just the truth no sugar coating here. If your Dr didn't tell you well shame on him. If you have been on this site and read the post you may have seen what others are saying. The band is a tool you use it it doesn't use you. Sure it's discouraging but when you don't eat what you are suppose to then it is is a natural consequence that you don't lose weight. I That was life before Lapband and it is life after Lapband . I suggest you go back on liquids and start over . Then you will see that when you do what your suppose to do the weight comes off . You are only sabataging and hurting yourself otherwise.
  9. I have the band the sleeve was not an opition at the time I got mine. If I had it to do over again I would do the sleeve simply because it is not a constant fill, unfill, stuck leaks and slips. Visit the Dr office all the time. Having said that, the band can come out the sleeve is a fact of life. I think as technology moves forward Dr. see better results with new techniques and equipment and they make their judgments from that. Think how surgerys on the heart have improved with new inivation you wouldn't want an old procedure done on your heart that only worked some of the time. I think your Dr. has moved on with whats new. It is your choice but think of this from both sides, I think you were expecting one thing and got a curve ball and now you are confused. It boils down to one is permanent one is not, One is lifetime up keep one is as you say cut and go. If you are the type of person who can go on your merry way that might be your opition if you need a lot of support and follow up the band is what you need, The Dr was giving you his best advice from his experience. so don't kill the messenger he really was doing his job in giving you his best judgment.
  10. Mayasgram

    Short Term Disability

    You just need a few days off a week at the most. I mean if you are not doing hard physical labor, loading trucks or something.I think it's easier if you arre busy and not sitting home thinking about all the food you can't eat.. Everyone is different but most folks are back to feeling good after a week 10 days.
  11. Mayasgram

    Unfilled Way Too Much?????

    If you were to filled and burping up stuff your esphogas is more then likely swollen and they want it to go down. A week in a life time journey is nothing relax heal stick with the plan and go in next week and go back to where you were. Good Luck!!!!
  12. Mayasgram

    Stand Firm? Or Let It Go?

    Your mom sounds like a very unhappy person. Sounds like a bully . You can not change her, but you can change you. My mom was more passive aggressive and she never changed until I at the ripe age of 53 I decided it was over. She stormed out after one of her scenes and my dad said his typical response " you know how your mother is". Well yes I do and I know how I aiways swept her stuff under the carpet and went on. Well this time I said no more and I waited her out it took a month and no family Thanksgiving before she called and wanted to know just what had she done to make ME act this way. So I laid it out you can not talk to me that way anymore and if you do I will not accept that behavior and I will leave. Our relationship changed that day for me it was for the better, I stood my ground and she learned to respect the boundaries I had laid down, it wasn;t a fairy tale ending but she learned I meant what I had said and I think she respected me for it. No one can tell you what to do for you. Tell your little one grandmas gone on a trip...............And think about what it is you want from this relationship and what you are willing to do to get it. How many times have you been here, how many more times will you be here if things don't chang?? Good Luck......
  13. Mayasgram

    I Gained

    To much Birthday celebrating??? Inches how are your clothes fitting? Water retention it's hot here in Florida and sometimes that is a reason, Enough protein ? To many wrong carbs. Good Luck and Happy Birthday
  14. Mayasgram

    First Stuck Episode-Question

    My Dr advices after a big stick let it rest and do liquids , and liquid childrens Benadryl is a savior though I do not know why. But it works. Carry a protein Bar with you or something for those starving times. I loved the 3 finger tickle approach but I only need 2, Not pretty but it works when nothing else does. Good Luck and this is a learning experience but it happens to all of us when we are hurried, stressed, and really hungry.
  15. Mayasgram

    Band Tightness

    Could be the heat too my gets tighter in the heat..
  16. Mayasgram


    I love fish and eat it a lot. Love shrimp boiled doesn't go down sometimes . Tried French Fried lobster off my husbands plate on vacation MAJOR STUCK 5 trips to the bathroom to remove it. Sweetie I will puree anything in the Magic Bullet including steak if I am hungry enough for it doesn't look pretty but taste just fine. Sometimes small bites just don't work on steak. And you would be surprise how little you can eat of that 3 oz portion takes me a long time.. Everyone is different. I love my saefood....Sushi included.
  17. Mayasgram

    Port Site

    Pretty much normal . If it's red hot and dripping then you need to call Dr.
  18. Mayasgram

    Random Advice

    I too had a bad accident and ended up with rotator cuff surgery and L4 L5 disloction and never thought a thing about telling Dr. I had horrible pain in all the same places you have . Good advice to give folks having the procedure, not sure if it will make a difference but it sure can"t hurt. Good Luck this to shall pass. And glad you are doing well otherwise.
  19. Mayasgram

    Toilet Troubke

    Since getting the band I am so Lactose intolerant so I go to McDonalds order a small Frappe drink half and I am in the bathroom. I must be home to drink it however. My Dr says I can have Mirlax and I buy Sams Club brand and udse it every other day my Dr says it is perfectly safe . And it works..
  20. So glad to hear you used your time on liquids to find clues to what you use food for. Lap Band is something you do for you. You can meet yourself many of us for the first time on this journey. I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE... you will hear it over and over again the band is a tool YOU work it. Some of us older banders who have had success can tell pretty quick in the band who will make it and who won't just by their post... Best of Luck to you
  21. Mayasgram

    Need Food

    Liquids are food ..... don;t mess up your band by eating it really is not worth it and it will hurt. I am assuming you wrote wanting support well we can do that but anyone who sugar coats it is not doing you a favor. Follow what they gave you and you will be successful.. No one ever starved in the first 5 days. Sorry but thats just the facts.
  22. Stop the carbonation on a new healing tummy its sore and that does not help. Are you sliming if not probably you are not stuck, if you have not eaten . I know this is a new thing for you and every twinge can be frightening . I noticed you are taking pain meds .....pills can really irritate your esphogas and cause pain. Don't know why you rae taking them but if its for surgery pain try liquid tyenol instead if you have to take something for surgery pain.
  23. Mayasgram

    Am I Getting Enough Calories!?

    You are fine you and you are doing great and believe your tummy is swollen on the inside. Drink drink just carry a bottle with you all the time , And Thank the LORD you are not hungry , Take that weight loss when it comes, Think about people in Concentration Camps who lived for years on water soup and bread. I had enough fat on me to keep several people nourished. Enjoy this while it last and hope it last forever. Best of Luck yo you...
  24. Mayasgram

    My Bill

    I have bcbs of michigan and I paid $39.00 I was pre approved and dieted for a year these hospitals and Drs charge HUGE amts to us insurance people and then settle for what ever they can get. So do not panic yet see how it all shakes out. To be truthful after my year long diet the hospital that I was scheduled at refused to do my surgery because they were not making enough money on it. So I had to go to another DR and Hospital out of town and that took 3 more monthes for BCBS to then approve them. It is a racket here in the USA and so be patient and see what happens
  25. Mayasgram

    The Hole Has All But Closed

    Looks like you are 4lbs from goal take out a ;ittle more and rest that band. If you gain have a little put back. You have done a great job if it were me I wouldn't risk and more reflux. just saying Good Luck

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