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Everything posted by mgirl

  1. I had pain around the port area the other day. I am 6 weeks post op. I had a fill yesterday and talked to the doctor about it. He said that sometimes the port area can just get irriated and hurt. I exercised a couple of days before it started to hurt so I think I may have over done it. It stopped hurting a couple of days later.
  2. I don't think I can wait 11 more months. I go to school one night a week and all I can think about is getting to my car so I can be alone and let it out. This is sort of a disgusting subject but everyone's post has made me laugh out loud. Hopefully soon it will all passsssssssss!
  3. Hi there, My updated weight is 200.8. Thanks.
  4. I feel all of your pain. I was wondering if it was just me. It is horrible. It doesn't matter what i eat or what I drink. I live with my 2 sons and husband and I am worse than any of them.:huh2:
  5. Hi Poodles, I am 44 years old as well and would love to be your buddy. I was banded 5 weeks ago. I need to loose about 80 pounds. Do you have a date set yet?
  6. mgirl

    port question?

    I am five weeks out and I still have some pain and discomfort at my port site. I haven't really gone searching for it because it is still a bit sore. Mine is under the bra line on the left side. I guess they sew it into the lining of your stomach (correct me if I'm wrong) so it will be sore for a bit.
  7. When you drink a glass of wine at dinner, do you drink it with your dinner or do you do the half hour before half hour after rule? Also, do you find the effects are greater and faster than before the band? I am only 5 weeks out and have not had a drink yet but would like to so I was just curious. I know people with bypass feel the effects stronger but not sure with us banded people. Thanks.
  8. Hello all, I am about 4 weeks out and am feeling my old habits start to creep back into my life. I am following the diet guide lines and eating far less than I used to. BUT I am starting to see that I grab a bite of this and a bite of that before I realize what I am doing. I didn't come this far to sabotage myself. I at least realize and am trying to not have the mind set of oh well, I 'll start over tomorrow. Rather than eating a ton of Cookies I ate two weight watcher cookies and felt kind of bad. I am still controlling my intake and calories but just keep hearing that same old voice in my head "failure" Sorry, just need some words of encouragement. I'm sure that many of you out there have been in the same boat.
  9. mgirl


    Ditto on those apricots. I actually posted today regarding that. I read the same thing. I eat 5 dried apricots in the morning and things have started moving in the right direction.
  10. I can't remember who posted this, but 5 dried apricots every morning can and does releive consipation, at least for me. If you are having problems going, defninitely try these. Thanks for whoever posted this information originally.
  11. Hi there, I am only 4 weeks post op and feeling pretty good but have very very little restriction. I know this is normal but the weight loss has stopped and I can't get a fill for 5 weeks. I have gained and lost the same pound over and over, like a lot of us. What do I do, eat 1200 calories or what. Sorry, just venting a bit. I am happy with my 13 pounds loss but just don't want to gain until I get my fill. I do wait until I am hugry to eat but it is pretty often now.
  12. Hi there, not too much drop but it's something. My weight is 201.8. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for all of the encouraging words and stories so I know I am not the only one. I called my doctor's office and my fill is now the 23rd of Dec. rather than Jan. 8th.
  14. I thought about the same thing only with cereal and milk. How can you do that?
  15. I know, I should get off the scale, but it is hard not to. I have limited myself to weighing in only 2 times per week. My doctor didn't want to give me a fill over the holidays because they are going to be closed, just in case I had any problems. Maybe I'll call and see if I can get in anyway. Thanks for the suggestions.
  16. I started walking about 2.5 weeks after surgery. I have walking tapes and am only up to a mile but I am still a bit sore from a hernia repair so I am trying to build up to it. Just take it slow and listen to your body.
  17. I made tuna casserole last night with whole wheat pasta and did not have any issues. I am only 3 weeks out with probably little restriction so that could be why. I have not had issues with anything. I have only been on solids for less than a week but can eat bread, pasta and crackers.
  18. mgirl

    what's up with the flatulence?

    I am so glad that someone posted that. I was actually just wondering the same thing myself. I am only 3 weeks out and I know it is not the same gas as right after surgery, but my goodness. My husband said he was going to send me to a private island! :thumbup: Am I going to be like this forever?
  19. Hi everyone, I am almost 3 weeks post surgery and am starting to feel nauseous in the mornings especially after I eat. I watch my portions and eat slowly. Has anyone else experienced this?
  20. I live close to Riverside but my insurance would only allow me to go through a doctor in Orange County. Are there any support groups in the riverside area?
  21. Hi there, Hope you are feeling good. My current weight is 203.3
  22. I am about to enter the real food stage after my surgery. I seem to do fairly well with the 1/2 cup but do get hungry shortly after. Any suggestions? I am afraid that I will not be able to stick to the plan especially since I don't have any restriction. Do I stay around 1000-1200 calories? I will not have a fill until Jan. 8. what did you do after you began to eat normally? Thanks.
  23. I am feeling the same way. I am 14 days post op and am worried that once I start eating normal foods that I will gain weight. I have been sticking to the 1/2 cup and it seems to fill me up for 1 -2 hrs. I am assuming that once I start eating solids that it will fill me up for a longer period. I know everyone has been through this period but it is scary. I won't get a fill until after the first of the year. Once your body is healed how do you get through those few weeks without starving?
  24. Hi there, I am a couple of days a head of you.... how can you walk for an hour? I have a hard time walking a couple of blocks. My port site is still pretty sore. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired so maybe that is it. I am hoping to start exercising next week. My doctor told me to have 60 g of Protein but every doctor is different. Did they give you any kind of nutritional info?
  25. Sorry, I did not do a pre op diet so my weight before surgery is 215.

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