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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. lapbandtalker

    Hey From NC

    Hi! I'm in Thomasville and moved to NC last year. Does Dr. Fernandez provide adjustments to new patients or does he only stick to those he bands?
  2. lapbandtalker

    I have something stuck and it just wont go down!

    Good luck! Hate when that happens. If I get something stuck and it won't go down, I bring it back up with pineapple juice or sodapop. How wonderful you have such a great support team around you. Let us know how it goes.
  3. lapbandtalker

    What do you use for a Calcium supplement

    Viactiv- if it's still on the market. A Caramel chew- that's calcium.
  4. lapbandtalker

    Calling all who had surgery in MEXICO

    You are so fortunate to be only 2 hours away from some of the world's best health care. I'm needing dental work and would not hesitate Tijuana. But because it will require multiple visits-I'm on the East coast and airfare will kill me!
  5. Yes, I do realize he is a very skilled surgeon and he does mostly bariatric procedures. I've known many who have had their plastics done there and with great results. Many in the US are accustomed to going to ENT for allergies, dermatologist for acne, -the list goes on. When a good family doctor can take care of most issues. (most-not all) You are right- this is my face and I want the best. And just because someone paid their dues and went to a seminar to join a society- that's not good enough. I am looking for skill and results. But I am doing my homework and searching for patients of Dr. Huacuz and am finding them. There are many who get their lapband from a plastic surgeon (not a bariatric surgeon)
  6. lapbandtalker

    Help! Old Habits Returning!!

    Don't worry a bit. Many of us got the band so we would never have to diet another day in our lives. That said, don't diet. Yes, you should avoid the whole pizza and binging....you should opt for baked instead of fried, make better food choices based on nutrition....but let the band get you on the right track.... and that comes with restriction. One adjustment and you probably don't have restriction as you say you can still eat- alot. Go back in 4 weeks for another.....the day will come where you won't be able to eat alot. Hang in!
  7. Hi and welcome! I wondered the same thing and I was scared that it was going to be a long and drawn out process. By the time someone makes the decision for WLS, the last thing they want are more delays....haven't we delayed it enough with the years of diets, programs, pills, etc. First, make sure this is what you want. Next, find an excellent doctor, a skilled surgeon. Then that doc will have a checklist of things for you to do. Every doc is different but it will generally be: thorough examination blood work further exams by cardio and psych - to make sure nothing is left uncovered ensuring you understand all the risks and costs - not just money but changing your lifestyle Then set a date for surgery. So really, your doctor is your only step. If you are going to use insurance or something there will be more- check out the thread for insurance. Good luck and come back to let us know how things are going.
  8. lapbandtalker


    Hi, I too was banded by Dr. Huacuz and went to Dr. Muse for my aftercare. They both were EXCELLENT! Adjustments in accordance with Inamed guidelines got me to past goal with just 2 fills. Would you go back to Huacuz for a nose job? Or do you know anyone who has gone south of the border for plastics? Thanks!
  9. Amanda, would you recommend Dr. Huacuz for a nose job? Was anyone there getting one done? Dr. Huacuz did my band 2 years ago and although I'd go to him in a heartbeat for that or other WLS...even a nip/tuck....I just wonder about noses.....what do you think?
  10. lapbandtalker

    Calling all who had surgery in MEXICO

    Hi, I went down to Mexico almost two years ago for my band and all went well. I've seen Rodriguez's name mentioned before so hopefully you'll get some responses. I'm preparing to go back down for a nose job and have been seeking info on Mexico surgeons who do those. Anyone?
  11. lapbandtalker

    Any Good Plastic surgeons in Mexico??

    debking811, please let me share this forum with you! I want to get a nose job in July.....$3,000 versus $9,000 here. I had my band done in Tijuana by Dr. Huacuz who was excellent and he does great nip/tucks. And although his office says he does rhinoplasty as well....I just don't know anyone who's had it done by him before. So I am hesitant. Anyone gone or had a friend or family member go to Mexico we'd love to hear from you!
  12. lapbandtalker

    Another Newbie like the many =)

    Hey, doing a search on Dr. Huacuz, too. He did my lapband 2 years ago and it was PERFECT. I now am looking for a nose job- rhinoplasty. His office says he does these but I just don't know anyone who has had it done with him. Do me a favor! When you go down- would you check that out? I know you are going to be busy...anxious and nervous at the same time....but just let me know if you hear anything or if anyone else is down there getting it done. My name is Grace - he may remember me and surely the office manager knows me as we are corresponding about my upcoming plastic surgery. Good luck! Anyone else know of him doing plastic surgery?
  13. Agree with others. Don't beat yourself up about this. The Lapband system will still work even if you drink with your meals....but will take a heck of a lot longer. And remember, no drinking with meals is just temporary.
  14. You will reach a point - one day- and probably soon (so it's not like months and months away)....where you will be out with friends or whatever and pizza will be the food....you will be able to treat it like food and have some....and with restriction it will be only a few bites- not the entire thing. You won't have to say "no. I can't have pizza because I'm dieting"....no one would ever have to know! Keep going back every 4 weeks for adjustments until you get restriction.
  15. lapbandtalker

    Face work - how to find a surgeon?

    OPENING the thread: I've lost all my weight plus some. I've been +/- 10 pounds for a year so I think I'm good to go for surgery. No lose skin, no deflated breasts....nothing like that. My face has thinned out and my nose is overpowering my face. Always wanted a nose job since a teen but it was on the back burner...well, in the pantry really. But now I need it. There are thousands of docs around....I can spend $ at EACH for consulations....but that's rediculious. And asking family and friends???? I'd rather them now know. Anyone know of any good and not overpriced surgeons in NC or even Mexico? Know about the price...and estimate? Thanks!
  16. lapbandtalker

    Help!!! I need some advice

    OUCH! I hate this happened to you. They should have waited on the iv meds...you would have been out in a few moments anyways. And yes, the risks do include not waking up aka death. If you aren't ready for this.... don't do the surgery. Not saying you have to have a death wish or anything...but if you aren't ready to accept the risks, then don't do the surgery. Your doc should have gone over these with you BEFORE you showed up for surgery. What a bombshell to never be told the risks until you show up.
  17. lapbandtalker

    Dr. Huacuz and Tijuana safety?

    Dr. Huacuz was my surgeon and I had textbook results. Just look at my ticker. I was concerned about going to Mexico (this was 2 years ago) and I took my sister who is a nurse and a guy I knew from years ago as a bodyguard of sorts. So silly, I should have just went alone. It was no big deal. And now with all the trouble brewing down there....it's really scary. But Dr. Huacuz will ensure you are not alone from San Diego to his clinic and they lock the doors at the clinic and have overnight staff. Then when you go back to San Diego you will have a driver. So, it's okay. [when I did my initial research on surgeons I found the ones in the US near me weren't as experienced as Dr. Huacuz or others in other countries. But Mexico was closest and Dr. Huacuz had great references. And now, I'm one of them]
  18. My face has thinned out so much that I need my nose done. I've always hated it and felt it was way to large for my face but now it's awful....it overtakes my other features. Any recommendations on surgeons? I went to Mexico for my band and would return for this - anyone?
  19. lapbandtalker

    feeling overwhelmed & aniexty....

    Before I was banded I was depressed, clinically. Now that I lost all that weight plus more....here I still am. Depressed. Dr. Phil was right- weight is just a health thing...it never was and never will be or should define who someone is. Sorry I don't have postive words of encouragement....but just know you aren't alone. Be happy as you have worked so hard for something....and for once in your life your hard work has paid off. (unlike all those diets, plans, pills, etc) You deserve this and your obesity will be a faint memory one day.
  20. lapbandtalker

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Wow, but really? Did you expect something different? Or was this behavior just so out of the ordinary for these people? One thing many people who are overweight have to fight against the norm....the people in our lives that suck our energy or put us down-even in small ways. Since you know 'them' ....don't subject yourself to it anymore. Call to say hello, but don't ask questions and keep the conversation short. My mother has passed away but every time I called she talked about what she ate....may be something in common with older people. The 23rd? Coming close! Keep up the good work and let us know how things go.
  21. lapbandtalker

    Help deciding on lapband procedure

    Welcome to the forum you are at a critical point in your life. To do something, or not....and then which one? Just take your time in choosing your band. This will become part of your body. I have the Lapband, 2 years ago so I am not familiar with ap or realize. But it worked for me and thousands of others. Keep us posted on your progress.
  22. lapbandtalker

    Advice PLEASE Bandsters!!!

    Only you can determine that....but I drove more than 2 and it was worth it!
  23. lapbandtalker

    Carbonation - pop - beer

    THEY don't say that. Some doctors do, some don't. My thinking is THEY really don't know for sure and it's just a belief. I'm a soda pop drinker and do not have a stretched pouch....and believe me, if anyone would have a stretched pouch for sodapop...it would be me. I have heard that continuing to eat too much can stretch the pouch....but I don't know for sure.
  24. My Easter dress revealed I had a collar bone! Funny how you mentioned that one. How about the "excuse me" when passing someone by a country MILE.... I don't take up that much space anymore but I allow a few feet. Hahahahah
  25. lapbandtalker

    Miss shopping/buying goodies!

    I've found the same thing. I made a choice when banded that I would not diet- ever again in my life. And that means there are no OFF LIMIT foods. So today when I went grocery shopping, after going for the fresh fruits and veggies I grabbed some nachos and salsa. I grabbed a thing of crackers, too. I think I have a thing of hotpockets...LeanPockets pizza as well.

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