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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yoda


    turning 41 in a few months. I think I forgot that I actually WAS in my 40s. Maybe because I'm so immature?!!! :confused:
  2. Yoda

    It's finally my turn!

    Good luck!!!!
  3. Best of luck to you both...I'm sure it will be fine. BTW, I agree...30 lbs is ludicrous; there must have been a mistake. I'm into day 10 of my 14 day pre-op diet and I have lost 13 lbs. Following it was REALLY hard, however, I did follow it with the odd slide here and there (ie. a tbsp of pizza one time and 2 noodles with sauce another time, oh yeah, and a finger lick of nutella). Nobdody is perfect. I think we'll be okay!!! I'm sure it will go well; I'll be thinking of you both.
  4. VERRRRRY happily married!!!!!! Five years, 5 months and 4 days!! (but who's counting!!). My best friend, my soulmate; how lucky can a girl get??!
  5. Yoda

    anyone lose over 200 pounds?

    Very helpful....thanks!!!
  6. Yoda

    Not usual insurance question

    It certainly can't hurt. Besides, everyone always like to be welcomed and hear how the work they do is appreciated. This is prob so much out of the ordinary that it will be well received. It is nice for them to see the "fruits of their action".
  7. Yoda

    need some motivation

    Yes, most definitely congrats on making this decision. And, I completely understand that you want the "instant gratification" and want it to happen NOW, espeically in lieu of your upcoming prom. But, it is the long-term you are after..a healthy life. And, being much younger than most of us here, you have an excellent kick-start on it NOW as opposed to many of us. My advice, is to let the band do its job, don't worry about the "NOW" and just go out and get a marvelous dress that YOU love and enjoy your special evening. It sounds corny but it really is true: just feel good about yourself (which you should, considering the big step you have already taken; BE PROUD) and this inside feeling will radiate outwards. Don't let your evening become about these 5 pounds...enjoy the moment!! Have fun!
  8. Yoda

    anyone lose over 200 pounds?

    okay...what is DH?? I've seen it used before. Is it darling husband? Driving me DN!!! (dang nuts!!) :paranoid
  9. It's normal to be nervous! Several yrs ago, I had a breast reduction and it was my first surgery...I was wayyyy nervous too. Three years ago, I had to have emergency sugery on my ankle (I completely shattered it) and I wasn't nervous because I was so out of it!! I had a second surgery on my ankle a year later and because I had an epi instead of anasthetic, I wasn't as nervous. It isn't so much the surgery as the anesth. that worries me...that is what I'm nervous about for my upcoming lap-band placement (5 more sleeps!)...I'm just afraid I won't wake up. I'm gonna tell the anesthesiologist (sp?) that I'll come back and haunt him for life if he doesn't make sure I wake up!!! My husband told me that if I don't wake up, I will get a big 'finger waggin'...(I can always count on him for his humour). all that to say, just relax...keep busy...read a lot of books and escape that way! Good luck!!
  10. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    :clap2: Y'all are doing sooooo great!!! Those on pre-op diets...keep up the good work....you can do it!!!! (if I can, anyone can!). Those of you going through your post-op ...tks for sharing; it is soooo helpful. I have five more sleeps to go; excited like everyone else (and of course, nervous..but prob normal!). I've only been eating yogourt (yep, that is it!) for the last 3 days...mind you I have stumbled across some amazing flavours! (thank god!!!!). HOPPY Bunny Day to you all!!!!
  11. I've read different comments on here wrt the straw thing. Does it help or hurt (ie. the gas).....is it only an issue directly post-op or is it an issue forever for bandsters?? Personally, I like straws (and not just for the bubble blowing aspsect...which I mostly do to irritate my husband!! lol)....but if I shouldn't use them, I won't. I just need a more definitive response!! btw: only 8 more sleeps!!! (egads)
  12. Yoda

    ::: my confession :::

    Another thing...don't even GO into the grocery store if you don't have to. I'm getting banded on the 21st and have been on my pre-op diet for a week now (UGH)....and thankfully my husband is doing (and will be doing for the near future) all the grocery shopping. I just tell him what I need (we have no kids, so it isn't that bad!). I've found that going into a grocery store KILLLLLLS me....so...I avoid it. In this case, avoidance IS good advice!! LOL...of course, this only works if you have someone to do it for you. Good luck!!
  13. eep, I go the name wrong!!! Sorry!! :cry
  14. thanks for the barium info Marseille!
  15. What is that???? and what determines whether you have to do it or not??
  16. Okay, if I thought the catheter thing scared me...the coma thing has me really freaked!!!!!! (is the catheter gone by the time you come around out of the anesth?)
  17. :clap2: LMAO, I LOOOOOOVE that!!! Tapeworm!!!!
  18. still tryin' to figure out what express jeans are....do they have 'em in Canada?!!! I can't wait for the day where a pair of button fly Levis are hangin' in my closet!!!
  19. Yoda

    Wahoo !!!!! I did it!!!

    :clap2: Waaaaaaaaaay to goooooooooo!!
  20. Someone mentioned a catheter? Is that the norm? I didn't know about that. Will it be out by the time I wake up? Re. the overnighter...ya, some ppl have to stay overnight. I will have to stay overnight because I have sleep apnea. Bummer...but whatever works. But that means my husband will have to stay in a hotel and I know he will worry all night long! :cry
  21. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    don't worry, not all are required to follow the post op diet; it depends on how much you weigh whether it is required. So, if you weren't told you need it; you don't need it!! Just be happy and have a couple of treats if you want leading up to the surgery!! :hungry:
  22. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    I'm getting my done in Toronto (TLBC) on 21 Apr.
  23. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    What protein drinks are you drinking? ...and did u just decide to drink them or did they want u to drink them pre-op. I know I need some for post-op and haven't yet determined which ones to get.
  24. Howdy all. Alrighty, I have some questions....despite doing a ton of research and reading soooooooooooo many posts on here (& also searching on here) these are the ones that I still don't feel I have the "answers" to....help plse!! 1. This "restriction" thing...yes, I logically know what it is but how do you "feel" it? Is it just the "oh, I'm sooo full" feeling or do you know that you are "restricted" when you have one of those god awfully scary PBs/Golf balls I keep reading about. (y'all are givin' me night terrors!). 2. Once I am banded and way over my post-op stages and eating "normally"....is the amount to eat for every meal always around 1/2 to 1 cup (ie. for everything total at that meal?). Can someone plse confirm...is that the goal...not to eat more than 1 cup (amount wise) at one meal sitting? 3. I know you get anti-nausea meds to prevent vomiting after the surgery ...but despite that, did anyone still vomit? I'm so paranoid because the last time (yrs ago) I had anasth. I woke up vomiting (not a pretty site, let me tell ya)...scared it will happen again and ruin what was done. 4. I know y'all talk about how many 'ccs you have etc...and I do know what that refers to...but I didn't know there were diff. sizes of bands...(as to how many cc's they hold)....what if you get a band that isn't even BIG enough to have the right amount of ccs in it for your restriction? Is that possible? 5. Last one (for now!)...water....I know we have to drink LOTS of it; especially post op....but when we drink it, is it supposed to be in continuous small sippys or can I drink Water (liquids) normally (like I do now)...omigawd, I just thought of something...will I get one of those PB things from just drinking water? Tks for your patience....I hope to one day be dishing out advise to other newbies.... :help:
  25. Yoda

    Really Cool NSV today.....

    That's aweseome....but...errrmmm, sorry to show my "newness" but what does "NSV" stand for; I've been trying to figure out what it can be but can't quite get it! I obviously know what it "means" but not was it stands for....enlighten me plse!!!! Tks!

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