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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yoda

    Advice Needed!!!

    Thanks all. About 5 hrs after I first wrote the post, that "feeling" went away....thank god. But, at least if it happens again, I won't be so anxious about it. I'm fine this morning....so we'll see. Janet: ummmm....errr... re. the bathroom thing...no...come to think of it, I haven't gone in a few days. Yet, I do take benefibre every day...I'll keep an eye!
  2. Yoda

    Honest questions

    MelAnne...tsk tsk tsk!!! You are having way too much time on your hands!! When do you go back to work!! LOL First of all....grrrrr....count your blessings....after my first week of clear fluids, I have to do TWO weeks of "full fluids" followed by TWO Weekies of mushies before I can even consider solids. But, I think in the long run that will be too my advantage!! You are doing fine....I agree with Janet, we'll have to take the weight gain hit at some point...knowing that it is just a step in the long journey of when it WILL come off and STAY off!!! )
  3. Really sorry to hear about your loss. I can understand why you would be having second thoughts. But, as you said you are otherwise as "healthy as a horse" and that makes all the difference in the world. If you need to postpone it to cope; do so...but don't wait too long. As you mentioned, it is better to nip the obesity in the butt now rather than later when you might develop some co-morbidities. Bottom line, only you will know what is best for you. good luck
  4. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    Hiya, 5 days out for me. I have been regularly taking children's liquid gravol for nausea....just in case!!! I'm soooo parnoid about vomiting I didn't want to take a chance!!! Only once did I feel pretty nauseous...I took gravol right away and I as fine. I'll prob keep that up for another 2 days. I think though that it was the pain meds making me nauseous and I'm not taking those anymore, so I'll prob be okay!!!
  5. Yoda

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    Kim I was diasgnosed with PCOS about 6 yrs ago. You are getting a lot of misinformation. You MUST see an endocrinologist. Metformin/glucophage has NOTHING to do with pregnancy or whether u want to get preg. or not. I am on Metformin...not sure if it helps....but can't hurt. Side effects were nasty until they lowered the dose and then fine. I'm still on metformin (was banded 4 days ago)....I hope to eventually get off it (and the hypertension and high cholesterol pills). You don't have to take the birth control shot (unless you are looking for bc). You can just as easily take progesterone and it will do the same thing (in terms of trying to regulate the hormonal issues). Also, your ovaries don't have to have cysts to be diagnosed with PCOS...I know...weird, eh? I have most symptoms of PCOS...except (thankfully) the hair issue. It's a terrible thing to have...it is a viscious circle and is the main reason I was recommened for this surgery. Anyways, there are a lot of excellent sites that explain PCOS in great laymans terms....u should check them out...before you see a specialist so you have a better understanding of it all. Good luck.
  6. Yoda

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    Kim I was diasgnosed with PCOS about 6 yrs ago. You are getting a lot of misinformation. You MUST see an endocrinologist. Metformin/glucophage has NOTHING to do with pregnancy or whether u want to get preg. or not. I am on Metformin...not sure if it helps....but can't hurt. Side effects were nasty until they lowered the dose and then fine. I'm still on metformin (was banded 4 days ago)....I hope to eventually get off it (and the hypertension and high cholesterol pills). You don't have to take the birth control shot (unless you are looking for bc). You can just as easily take progesterone and it will do the same thing (in terms of trying to regulate the hormonal issues). Also, your ovaries don't have to have cysts to be diagnosed with PCOS...I know...weird, eh? I have most symptoms of PCOS...except (thankfully) the hair issue. It's a terrible thing to have...it is a viscious circle and is the main reason I was recommened for this surgery. Anyways, there are a lot of excellent sites that explain PCOS in great laymans terms....u should check them out...before you see a specialist so you have a better understanding of it all. Good luck.
  7. I am getting so many mixed signals (not necessarily from here...but from what people around me and "old wives tales") about whether to leave my incisions covered or not. Kay, I was banded on 21 Apr. I had my first shower (as recommended by Dr) on 24 Apr. After the incisions air dryed, I put big bandaids on them just to keep them covered so they aren't exposed to "dirt" (you know what I mean...no, I"m not rolling around on the lawn!). But the other half of me tells me I should not have bandaids on...that I should leave them exposed to the air to promote healing. HELP!!! What is the correct method? I need a professional opinion on the "way to go". I don't want to slow down the process and don't want to keep them covered if that isn't the best thing. You RNs out there...what did you do?
  8. Yoda

    Anyone IRRITABLE????

    LOL @ MelAnne....that's good, I guess. It makes sense since you are only 4 days ahead of me. As far as I know, you are the closest to my date...so I'm also curious how things go for you.
  9. Yoda


    absolutely...in this day and age, there are sooo many great machines out there (ie. elliptical) with which you can get just as good results from running (in terms of weight loss, muscle building and cardiovascular fitness) but without the harm, pressure and possible injury on your joints etc that actual running can do to you.
  10. Yoda

    The Hormones of Fat Loss

    LOL @ Photo! I know that from my dad mostly! Reruns and all! I'm turning 42 in a few months though! Have to pinch myself when I say that though! I lived in Germany in the late 60s and one of the only TV stations we got played Tarzan all the time....funny...his tarzan yell sounds the same in German!
  11. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    Congrats and welcome back Roberta. You're only 4 days behind me!
  12. Yoda

    The Hormones of Fat Loss

    Well, there ya have it then!!! (ummmm, not that I have anything against Tarzan; he was afterall, one of my many heros when I was a wee thing).....ahh, that good ol' Johnny W.
  13. Yoda

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    I guess I haven't been here long enough to come across a troll. No worries though, I will not engage!!! *jots down note to self..."do not engage trolls"*.
  14. Yoda

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    I guess I haven't been here long enough to come across a troll. No worries though, I will not engage!!! *jots down note to self..."do not engage trolls"*.
  15. Yoda

    The Hormones of Fat Loss

    Lisa, Maybe the lady who would thunk her chest thought she was Tarzan???!!! Hey...it could happen!
  16. Yoda

    The Hormones of Fat Loss

    Interesting article indeed. Sad how everything can be such a viscious cycle.....grrrrr. Tks for sharing.
  17. Yoda

    Anyone IRRITABLE????

    Oh great....my husband will just love this new "normal"...LOL>...Yeah, I can understand the hormone thing (I also have PCOS); I just hope it goes away soon. hmmmmm did I hear anti-depressants??? hmmmmm NO FAIR!! I DIDN'T GET ANY HAPPY PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Great. Tks all! I did take the bandaids off and feel much better about it!
  19. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    Tks Lisa...I"ll try that trick with the steri strips once it is time for the to come off (if they haven't already fallen off on their own).
  20. Yoda

    Need your strength today.

    LOL, I hear ya Donna...I've only been banded for 4 days and all day all I can think about it chips & dip....*sigh*....as if I would even physically be able to eat those!! I keep telling myself to get thru just the next minute...needless to say I'm getting sick of hearing myself say that!!! Like you, I crave the saltys, not the sweets. Anyways, it sounds like you are back in control....I HOPE SO!!! If not, get some tape and tape your lips shut!!!...or put a padlock on the "treats cupboard" and swallow the key!!! (ewwww!). Seriously...STAY STRONG!!!!! If you fold, I might follow suite and I don't WANNA!!!!!! You can do it, you can do it, you can do it....WE can do it!!!
  21. Yoda

    April 2006 Bandits

    Well, I'm on Day 4 and doing pretty good, think. The big hunger pangs went away by the end of day 2 (thank god). Had my first shower yesterday and it felt good. I'm surprised (knock on wood) at how well the incisions look. I just have 2 icky spots that blistered up from the tape that are now open and nasty looking (not on or near the incisions though), so I'll just keep an eye on those. Thankfully I can carefully roll onto either side now to sleep...that helps a lot since I am a terrible back sleeper. My neck pain has also gone away, so I'm happy for that. As for the gas, I really don't think I'm getting any gas pains...at least nothing that I notice. After I "eat" (ie. slowly drink 1/4 cup of consomme) I feel a little bit "golf ballish" (if that is what that is)...like a "I'm so full" feeling which I guess just means that my stomach is still swollen in there (since I'm not filled yet). I had difficutly taking my pills by crushing them (ewwww...taste horrible!) so I've been just cutting them up into tinier pieces and swallowing them; seems alright. I think I've been drinking enough liquids...sip sip sipping away. Although I think I'm only getting about 300-400 calories a day right now. I am getting 40 g of protein a day. The only prob (other than dealing with the physchological issues of wanting to eat some chip and dip!!!) is that I'm VERY VERY VERY irritable. (lol maybe because I don't allow the chip & dip?). I find that I'm on the edge a lot of the time (for the last 2 days) and despite my husband being the sweetest person who couldn't do more for me if he tried, I find myself either biting at him or wanting to bite at him FOR NO REASON. *sigh*....I hope this passes because it is so not fair to him. Yes, we are open and communicate about it but it still makes me feel sooooo bad. So, that's my update. Hope everyone else is doing well whether they too have just been banded or about to!!!! May the Band be with You!!
  22. Yoda


    This is probably obvious, but make sure you have REALLY good shoes for running; in this case you really do get what you pay for. Also, shin splints will be worse if you run on hard surfaces (ie. pavement). You should try and run on a soft surface such as an indoor or outdoor track or even grass (be careful on grass though, as the surface can be uneven which can cause other problems like sprains if you turn your ankle). So...shoes and running surface!!!
  23. Yoda

    Almost 6 months out...

    WOW, thanks so much for sharing!! Way to go!!! Congrats! You truly are an inspiration!
  24. Okay, doin' a wee bit better than yesterday. But when I think of having this "thing" actually inside my body (like a foreign object) it kinda freaks me out...but I tell myself it is no different from all the pins and plates I had in my ankle....(at least I keep convincing myself of that, so don't burst my bubble!). Question: how long did it take for you to be able to sleep on your side? This sleeping on my back is KILLING ME! I'm a complete side sleeper and even tummy sleeper....I can give up the tummy though to sleep on my side. I tried rolling over last night in bed to get on my side but it made my incisions sore and it felt like they were being "stretched" (for lack of a better description). So, taking it as a warning, I stayed on my back. So, how long for you side sleepers???? Second question: After the surgery, I asked the doc what band I got and he said I got the "mid-band" which holds 9ccs. I know a lot out there hold 4ccs. I'm just curious as to how they decide which one to put in (this doc has a few he chooses from and he says he knows once he is inside which one to use). I'm just wondering what determines that. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to having a 9cc band as opposed to a 4cc? Tks in advance for your input!! BTW, I AM going to get some Isopure today to help with the Protein during this liquid stage!
  25. Hi all! Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!! Had my surgery yesteday (21 Apr)..spent the night (sleep apnea) and got home very early this morning. Overall, the surgery went well; was hard to say goodbye to my husband as I walked towards the surgical room...but all was ok. It seems it took them a lot to wake me up but I don't think they were that worried since I was spending the night. I am keeping on top of the demerol but I am feeling pain at my incisions and the left side of my neck is realllly sore. The reason I'm sayin' "dang it" is because I don't understand my hunger. I followed (almost religiously) the 2 week pre-op diet (lost 16 lbs...which by the way the doctor said put my liver in excellent shape and made the sugery easier...ya...it wasn't for naught!)....anyways, I digress. I followed the diet and to be honest I didn't feel any big hunger pains....which is not what I expected to happen. BUT....when I woke up in recovery my first thought was: "omigawd, I'm absolutely incredibly FAMISHED" And, I've been famished ever since. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT???? My stomach has been growling at me since I woke up in recovery. I had IV drip all night...and today I'm drinking my clear fluids (Water, broth, apple juice, propel etc) but I'm SOOOOOOOOOO HUNGRY. And I have this week of clear fluids followed by two weeks of "solid fluids" before I can even move to mushies. I guess I don't understand why I wasn't hungry before on such a restricted diet (the 2nd week yougurt is the ONLY thing I had for B, L D and snacks) but am so damn starving now. And, won't it get worse once my tummy is no longer swollen? Don't bet me wrong....no regrets here...am very happy to be in bandland BUT I"m just confused/surprised about my hunger feelings. I'm also afraid I might not recognize these signs of "gas pains"....not sure I ever experienced it before so not sure where to feel it. I have some meds (equivalent to gas X that y'all have recommended) but don't know whether to just take some or wait for the signs (but afraid I'll miss the signs). Okay, 'nuff rambling. Sorry, I just wanted to say that I made it!!!! (& whine about my unexpected EXTREEEEME HUNGER. Tks for listenin'!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
