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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yeah, I hear ya robgoblin...but the reason this thread was about those two clinics only is because that was the original question posed....Cat had a consult at those 2 clinics and so was specifically asking about the two of them. It is understood that there are more than two in the TO area.
  2. Yoda

    New Here

    Welcome Deanna!! Congrats on your banding date and the fact you'll soon join us on the dark side......errrr, I mean banded side! :welcome2: :welcome2: :welcome2:
  3. Yoda

    Argon's Activities

    That's AWESOME Mandi...Bangor is a GREAT place for shopping...and I think they have some outlets!! (real ones!!). Have a spectacular time!!!!
  4. Yoda

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Good for you Doddie!!! Well done!! Rates up there with what CanMacdaddy's wife said to the blonde bimbo!!! LOL. On that note...Mr Yoda chatted with his GP today and told him what he was doing. The Doc was completely supportive and even wanted the TLBC phamplet we brought to show him so he could pass it around to his other patients who might be interested (he didn't know much about lapband but we filled him in).....he was quite pleased and told Mr Yoda that he was impressed with his attitude and his proactive behaviour etc etc. He also is going to provide a letter (ie. stating that he is, in fact obese and the surgery would improve his health etc) so that we can claim part on our private health care plan (we will get about 1500-1800 back). So, at least this is an example of a positive experience with a GP....wish there were more!
  5. Yoda

    Oldtimers thread

    Who cares if you put food that you already paid for into your ziploc containers though mandi!!! I mean, you wouldn't do it at an all you can eat buffet...but a regular restaurant...sure!!! By the way.....I love the "cactus cut potatoes" at BP....have you had those?? YUMMMMMMY and they go down well....very spicey though...so if you don't like spice or it bugs your band.....not recommended!
  6. Yoda

    Think Positive List

    Good idea to bump this thread Mandi!!! I read my post from a long time ago about collar bones...and HOT DIGGITY.....I have 'em!!!! They're quite bony and stick out!!! And here I thought I was perhaps born without 'em!!!! LOL
  7. *says in a German accent" Du can't make me talk!!! Mine lips are seeeeald! (unless you tempt me with Hagen Daas.....Cookie dough if you please!) :hungry:
  8. Yoda

    What's wrong with me???

    You're an inspiration Angel Bear...and it was been a pleasure to be with you through your journey and to see first hand the transformation!!! You rock!
  9. LeslieLee.....you are getting way too anxious!! You have absolutely no reason to switch at all; you are in excellent hands. You have to look at the big picture. Gaffer: info on the inamed band is not "started" by me...if you do a search on all the threads (not just canuck) you will see the same comments. I am not "against" the inamed band in any way, shape, or form and if that is the one Dr Yau had chosen for me...no problem. This is a very minor thing. Dame J....wow....not once on this thread did I see one single person "pit one clinic against the other"...in fact, just the opposite. People either expressed why they chose the clinic they did...and, in fact, most people (including myself) stated the obvious...that the two clinics Cat inquired about were/are both top notch and she would be in good hands with either one. Did you read the posts? And, by the way, Cat did do her research beforehand on both clinics and in fact was going to have a consult with both......
  10. Yoda

    When you were on the Pre-op diet....

    Mr Yoda is a chef and he actually does the majority of the cooking at home so I didn't have that issue!!!
  11. no no no....I didn't mean to worry you! But, absolutely, everyone who is banded should be aware that "slipping" is one of several complications with the band that MAY happen. You can't ignore it. But you also can't let that stop you. The incidences of slippage has been greatly reduced over the last few years due to different bands now being available and to the newer method of suturing the band to the stomach (ie. up around the ring...sorry...I don't know the medical mumbo jumbo!). Your doctor (or the release you sign) should have gone over in great detail all the possible complications that can happen. Don't worry...it is like when you take a prescription medication;.....all the possible complications/side-effects are discussed even if the chances of it happening are very slim..... Best to be well informed, for sure.
  12. Gaffer...nope no links...the info I read wasn't online but rather hard copies of a few medical journals that I read; one in TLBC waiting room and two in my dermatologist's office. This really isn't anything new...people in the field of bariatric surgery (specifically lapband) are well aware that some types of bands slip more than others. They are still way better than they were years ago though and likely will be even more improved years from now. I also hold more stock in Health Canada than the US version of the FDA. Canada has ALWAYS been way more stringent in their health (& food, as well) guidelines than the US; sometimes this is to our great advantage; others to our detriment!
  13. Yoda

    What's wrong with me???

    Nice photo Angel Bear!! By the way, everyone, she is the one on the right! Where's your before shot...I've seen ya before but these guys haven't! The difference is INCREDIBLE!!! You hottie you!:clap2:
  14. Hmmmm.......freaky stuff alright! If ya only knew!!
  15. Yoda

    Oldtimers thread

    That's a really good point Angel Bear....we also tip very well in those situations where deserved when the server goes out of his/her way to accommodate us sharing a meal or whatever...
  16. I wasn't scolding! You would KNOW when I scold, as your butt would be tender! LOL. Yeah, I knew "FDA" was US...I was only using CanMac's words...didn't know you were, in fact, referring to US...so I stand corrected on that point. No, you didn't specifically say you chose Dr. C because of the Inamed but I was also referring to the previous threads that talked about TLBC using "knock-off" bands (silliness!) and so I didn't want any new people to get from your comment that may have insinuated the same (not that you did, but they may take it that way). I just wanted to be clear on that point since it was an issue on the other thread. ...and, I have always stressed that both clinics are equal...I've been very careful about that. Rock on..... *doing a Frankie*
  17. Thank you for posting that and clarifying Cat. I knew that (ie. about more issues with slippage with the inamed and about having no partnership with one company etc) but didn't want to post it because I didn't want to be seen as "dissing" one over another (ie. since I've already been banded). You've gotten lots of input and as I've already said both clinics are fine and you would do well with either one and after your consults, only you can make the decision that is right for you and your personal circumstances. I just find it odd when folks state that Dr. C.'s clinic is the better choice because they "Only use Inamed bands" when it seems only logical to me that it may be better to go to a place that has access to and utilizes all bands and specifically chooses the one for your body once they are literally looking inside. (not to mention the problems you already alluded to with inamed in the first place....this is a real issue and it is readily avail in the recent research, as well). Good luck with your other consult and with your journey!
  18. No Way Maaaaaan, I'M Cher......I got the boobies! :phanvan
  19. Yoda

    My Life as a Bandster

    I agree Green....ahhhhh HD!!!! :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: Cookie dough and no other!
  20. ....ahem...I would like to point out that ALL the bands TLBC uses are FDA approved in Canada. The difference is they use the band that best suits your body type...they aren't limited to just the one brand. I just wanted to clear that up as it sorta makes it sound like TLBC doesn't use approved bands....which, of course, is ridiculous. I'd also like to say that anyone trained in giving fills can (& do) give fills regardless of where you have your surgery done. Maybe one or two don't, but the vast majority do. They don't care where you were banded.
  21. Yoda

    Maria's Memo

    Thanks Maria!
  22. Yoda

    My Life as a Bandster

    I fully believe not depriving yourself is one of the keys to this journey. You are more entitled to have your treat every once in a while....so don't worry 'bout it! Enjoy. I know I would be doing better/losing quicker if I was depriving myself but then that would open up a whole new can of worms....so I am happy/satisfied with my progress. I hear ya on the kitkat blizzard...Mr Yoda actually subscribes to the DQ site (gawd!!) and they kindly sent him some e-mail a few days ago informing him of this new blizzard concoction. Personally, I am not a Blizzard (or even much of a DQ) fan but a kitkat one I would like a wee taste of; Kitkat is my fave chocolate bar.
  23. Yoda

    Maria's Memo

    YEAH!!! What Green said....I didn't mean you had to be nekkid!!!! LOL... Pssssst Irish....can you plse give my turtle another one of your ass kickin's.....Thanks!! :nervous
  24. Ya Andrew....way to go on the ticker movement! You DO rock (although I am also a bit envious!! LOL). (but happy for you!). You'll break into the 200s in no time!!!!!!
  25. Yoda

    My Life as a Bandster

    all the best to your mom Bandiva...that is distressing news. Yes, be strong for her...but don't forget to take care of yourself too....otherwise you won't be the best you can be for her. Hang in there....the outcomes are much better these days; I hope they caught it early. I live for the day when nobody knows anybody with cancer.

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