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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yoda

    Hey JUDE048!

    I think the same person that stole Mandi's jeans way back has also come out and stolen our Jude! :cry
  2. Yoda

    Oldtimers thread

    Nah....you're in the loop, my friend! No worries, I've been posting the last few days enough for you and me!!! (that's what happens when I'm home from work!!) LOL :nervous
  3. LOL...tks Robyn...isn't THAT intriiiiiiguing!!!! :omg:
  4. Hi guys....okay...anyone familiar with the Holiday Inn on Bloor (around corner from TLBC) and the Howard Johnson on Avenue Rd (near Prince Arthur?). Mr Yoda stayed at that HI before and said it was fine. They are both close to TLBC but HJ is a little bit cheaper. I don't mind spending more and staying at the HI....but I would prefer the cheaper option....but NOT if the HJ is a scuzzy place!? Anyone know about that particular HJ? Thanks in advance!!!
  5. Yoda

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Susan...I can related....I was/am like that as well. The goooood news is that the "vomiting" after the band is very very different from regular vomiting pre-band. It is not at all the same (shouldn't do it either way, mind you!). It is just like a "cough" and up it comes. (nice visual, eh?). There is no more of that deep vomiting/gagging up from the actual stomach with stomach acids etc..... You'll be okay and surprised at the difference. You'll have to feel it yourself to know what I mean. I remember someone else telling me the same thing (pre-band) and I couldn't understand, but now I do! It's all good!
  6. Yoda

    Can't Pig Out?

    Oh, the band does not take away the mental/emotional urge to "pig out" at all! I still face this and try to deal with it. The band will make it so that you don't "feel" hungry (once you are properly restricted).....so if you only like to pig out when you are hungry....no worries. But...lets face it...how many of us only liked to pig out when we were hungry....I had the urge and still have that urge; although it is getting a bit easier. The thing is you physically won't be ABLE to pig out. If you do....not only will you risk damaging your band...you will be in a whole world of pain. Does it feel like being on a diet? You'll get different answers from different people. I try to make it feel like I'm NOT on a diet ....so I don't restrict myself from any foods....just don't have the "bad" ones as often (& not as much when I do). For me, the toughest part of the band is the head game of "wanting" to eat more but knowing I can't. Don't get me wrong...I'm very happy that I can't and I wouldn't change a thing but I still sometimes get rather angry about it...but that passes and I move forward. I know it has been almost a year already, but I expect it (the head game part) to get easier as time goes on. I know....ramble, ramble, ramble!!! Hope that helps a wee bit. Researching is a good first step!
  7. There There Mr Yoda!!! C'mere and I'll make it all go away!!! LOL :hug: :hug:
  8. I fully concur! I just think it should be the patient's choice!
  9. I merely offer the following as food for thought (no pun intended!). I can't comment specifically for the other clinics.....but at TLBC, a patient receives a very detailed package of info along with a detailed eight page info booklet that they are required to read and sign (in front of them) (ie. they read it on their own time and then sign it right prior to the surgery - in other words, the "release")...among other things this package contains a complete listing of possible complications and how to avoid them etc etc. I think that too often, those of us done at TLBC forget about this release package (with all it's incredible info)...read it, sign it, and then never refer to it again. As for those done at other clinics....either they may have done the same (or never received the info). That being said, I would like to offer a reminder (a direct quote from this particular package) from the section entitled "Specific Risks of Laparoscopic Banding (Late Post-Operative)": "REMEMBER: Slipping of the band may be prevented by slowly filling the band over nine months as opposed to rapid fillings in less than six months." I thought it might be prudent to offer this reminder because lately I have read a lot of posts about how newly banded people are frustrated with getting fills and not having "restriction" or the "proper restriction" etc...and they want to go back right away and get a fill etc....don't get me wrong, I COMPLETELY understand the frustration and the sense of impatience that some people may likely encounter....but just remember that this is NOT a quick fix...(unlike the gastric bypass) and it is/was never billed as being the fast solution. People choose this type of surgery for a reason...so just be sure to work with it and not against it. Be patient, is what I'm saying. It would suck to be back here a few months from now complaining about a slippage and then wondering why it happened....or worse having to be back under the knife to get it repaired or removed entirely...when it may have happened in the first place as a result of impatience and desire to get the fills quick quick quick and get to the proper level too fast. (Disclaimer: I am NOT saying that all slippages are a result of user error and getting fills to fast...only that it is one possible cause). Again...just something to think about it; take it or leave it as you wish! Honestly, the one thing I have learned is that Patience really IS the key to this entire process. And, people can't compare themselves to the progress of others: EVERYONE is different; there are sooooo many variables. In fact, the package I refer to above also states this (in different words). So, good luck on your continued banding adventure!
  10. Yoda

    My Life as a Bandster

    congrats Bandiva; that IS a good NSV! :clap2:
  11. WTF?????!!!!! SO...when I called the HI on Bloor a few days ago, and inquired about the price for the night of 4 May...they quoted me $119 (as the "Medical rate"). I didn't book it because I wanted to compare. So, I just called to book it and NOW they quote me a price of $139. WTF?????? That PISSES me off. Real nice....real professional. I informed him that I was provided a quote of $119 a few days ago. He said, "who did you speak to?" Well of course I don't know and never thought to ask since I wasn't planning on booking. I asked him if he was going to honour the original quote and he said "no". Naturally I didn't book there. I hate that it is inconsistent like that......you know? What....depends on how they feel...what kinda mood they are in for what price they quote you? ^&&*&()*%^#^*& I'm gonna call later and hopefully get a different person and see what THEY say. *grumble grumble grumble*. Bad time to mess with me...what with my floor being ripped up and all and the incessant HAMMERING!
  12. Yoda

    What's wrong with me???

    Absolutely, completely normal. We all did it to some extent or another....the whole "last supper/meal syndrome". There are a ton of threads on this. Just be thankful you are craving broccoli and salads!!! (THAT part is weird!!! LOL). So....ummmm, ahhhh...not sure if you are "normal" in other aspects of your life (probably not!!! :) ) but you ARE normal with the "lets see how much food I can cram into my mouth at mealtimes before surgery" thoughts and the "I must go to THIS restaurant and/or have THIS meal because it will be the last time" thoughts. Of course, it won't reallllllly be the last time....you just think so right now!! You will be able to eat those foods, go to those restaurants and have those special meals again...!!! (after you've gotten thru your post-op phase, of course!).
  13. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    Thanks Paulax. That's kewl. I didn't know about the meal entitlement....excellent!!!
  14. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    We recently saw "The Shooter" with Mark Whalberg and both really enjoyed it. It was a "sit on the edge of your seat" for the entire movie (& Whalberg is a hottie...so that didn't hurt!). The new movie "Disturbia" starts on Friday and I've been looking forward to that. Of course being in TO you will have a much wider selection than us! Enjoy your date!
  15. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    I'm not a popcorn lover (I'm a chip girl....the bane of my existence!) so I very rarely eat the stuff. However, I have heard (again, everyone is different) that popcorn is a real big "no-no". I do know that some doctors also advise against eating popcorn. To be honest, I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it and it is not something I've investigated since I don't eat it anyways. Now...if it was "no chips"...THEN I'd be lookin' into it!! :kiss What two movies did you see? We are big movie buffs. Mr Yoda just called from work and I told him you asked if he was nervous yet...he said, "being that it is still 3 weeks away...no ...but as the time gets closer I will likely be nervous". I think he will be more nervous about the pre-op diet. But, he has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more willpower than me and so if I did it, he will be fine! I'll just keep reminding him! I finished my peanuts. And....the hammering has ceased for now!! ahhhhh!!!! :nervous
  16. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    LOL @ Susan...have I become that predictable!!! hehe. I did have another reply written but opted for the more kinder, gentler side of Yoda!!! I know they mean well; it is just frustrating, especially since this issue was already addressed in this thread!!! I'm sitting here trying to plug my ears...the kitchen floor has now been ripped up and they are hammering (I think just to annoy me!) the subfloor in (THIS time....they didn't do it last time....hence the problem!). :cry So, here I sit....I already worked out for an hour and a half this morning and I'm wanting something to eat but the kitchen is inaccessible. So, I am munching on BBQ peanuts (not many...just a handful) but they really aren't going down very well.....kinda hurts. But do I stop? Nooooooooo...I'm determined (like the sick puppy I am) to finish my small handful. Do as I say, not as I do! (and I wonder why my ticker ain't movin'!!) :tired :guess :paranoid
  17. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    ummm....IRS doesn't exist in CANADA! :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada:
  18. Yes the pre-surgery diet at TLBC is still cottage cheese and yogourt. It was for me a year ago and is for Mr Yoda (who is being banded next month). The only thing that differs is the length of the time you are on the pre-op diet (I believe it is dependent on your starting weight). For instance, mine was 2 weeks, Mr Yoda's is for 10 days and I've heard of others who did it for 3 weeks. Careful re. the chicken thing; they will tell you whether you can have it or not (again, dependant on each individual's circumstance). For instance, I was allowed to have chicken and any green veg for the first week of my 2 week pre-op diet. Mr Yoda, on the other hand is not allowed to have that; yogurt/cottage cheese only. So, it isn't a "blanket" thing that applies to all. I fully concur with the comment about the optifast. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....I did the entire optifast program several yrs ago and I so I know of what I speak (ie. having done both)....and I would chose the cottage cheese/yougurt diet over optifast ANY DAY!!! And for me...it was just yougurt because I can't stand the site, smell or taste of cottage cheese!! But I still preferred eating JUST yogurt over having to go thru the optifast. Also, to me it makes no sense to "MAKE" people do optifast (and pay for it) when the same goal (ie. making the liver smaller) can be achieved via other means....ya know? I'm not dissing Dr. Cobourn's clinic in any way but I do wonder if they have some sort of "deal" going on with optifast....ya know? Okay...that was my 2 cents worth (maybe a loonie!).
  19. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    Oh yeah.....because the CRA is ooooh, so helpful!!!!! :paranoid :tired
  20. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    Yup....I just found that out from my "accountant/investment advisor" so I will be claiming that stuff for 2006 and for this year on my taxes next year. So far, for 2006 and up to now for 2006 we have 24 trips to TO and/or Newmarket for medical appointments (ie. for both of us)...equating to 2625 km. I forget the mileage that you get but ....it will certainly add up and make a difference. I do believe it is just if your appointments are out of the area you live in....but I'm not sure on that.
  21. TLBC takes credit cards. But it would be wise to call your credit card company ahead of time and give them a heads up on the charge.
  22. Yoda

    i need a swift kick ...

    Yeah...fallin' (divin' in head first) off the wagon...making bad choices for a day or a few days...going thru the phases of bad choices....wow...can I EVER relate! I don't venture away from the Canuck thread too much (just no time)...but glad I did today, as reading this thread helps me to forgive myself and give myself a break. It has reminded me that I'm not alone in my actions sometimes and I'm not a bad person....the demons are shared by more than just me! Thanks for reminding me guys! In some strange way...it helps to know I'm not alone in this particular skirmish.
  23. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    LOL @ FaithMD! msrobby73: $3000, eh? That's pretty good....better than zippo, for sure! I've even started keeping track of all my trips to TO (2 hour drive) for my fills/de-fills etc.....you can claim the mileage. Hey, it all adds up!
  24. Yoda

    PCOS and lap band

    I have PCOS (was diagnosed about 9 yrs ago but likely had it for much longer). I once had a doctor tell me that no matter what I did or how I ate, I would not lose weight (very disillusioning, to say the least!). It was frustrating as hell because I always have eaten sensibly and was very active and exercised all the time....yet I merely got bigger and bigger. I was banded almost a year ago and I am close to 80 lbs lost. I was told (& it has been my experience) that most PCOS women will lose slower but they still WILL lose. That is all I wanted/needed....this extra help. I can say though that for PCOS women especially....exercise IS the key. I can keep on slowwwwly losing the weight but only through vigorous exercise (ie. 5-6 times a week). If I skip a few sessions I really notice a difference and I don't lose that week or....I gain 1 or 2 lbs. But, overall...over the long haul, I am losing and so I'm happy. Also....better than the weight loss: I am now off the metformin ...that I had been taking for the PCOS.
  25. Yoda

    claiming on taxes

    Hmmmmm:canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: :canada: Once again, this is the CANADIAN thread.....hence the "IRS" info will not apply. Anyways...yes....this can be treated like any other medical expense that you claim (with Revenue CANADA).....of course you won't get nearly all of it back but every little bit helps, right?

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