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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jillsart

  1. I was banded in December of 2008 and have lost 77 lbs. I am 1/2 lb from a healthy BMI, my original goal (I think I will try and go lower). I did have a fill approximately a month ago and am feeling like it is a sweet spot as I have lost about 5 lbs since. However, for the last week I am having a lot of pain on the left side of my port. My port does pooch out just below my rib cage, but I wasn't going to address that problem unitl I felt I was at my final weight. The pain feels like it is in the muscle almost like a stich in my side. Does anyone know what would be causing pain this far out from surgery? Do I need to get an unfill? Thanks
  2. Hi I am going to be banded on Dec 22 and have been reading through these posts to be fully informed of all the bad as well as the good. I am trying to understand why there are so many people who are complaining about constant vomiting, PBing, being stuck yet still GAIN weight. That somehow doesn't seem to make sense to me. Obviously, they must have some restriction with the band to be having eating problems, but how can you be gaining weight when you are unable to keep anything down. Can anyone explain this phenomenon to me? Thanks
  3. I feel like the 50 times I started WW and the 1,000,000 other diets that I have tried and failed at were training for my lapband. I know how to eat right and what to do to lose weight, I just needed that final tool...the one that would put me over the edge. I still have to eat right and exercise, but now it isn't taking every ounce of my willpower to get through another day. I just eat what I should eat and that's good until my next meal. I truly feel like my lapband has not only made me lose more weight than in the previous 35 years I have been on a diet, but I am beginning to think I am a better person in general. Needless to say, after I reached reasonable restriction with my lapband, I love it unconditionally.
  4. jillsart

    Public Service Message

    Thank you so much for that post. It truly made me laugh unitl I had tears.
  5. jillsart

    Nervous !!!

    Thank you It's Christine!! I am 52 years old, getting banded on Monday and alternately nervous and excited. After battling my weight for 42 years, I actually let my mind wander to think I could for once acheive a normal weight for the first time in my life since I was a child. Inspirational stories like yours give me hope. Thanks!!
  6. Hi Although I have been lurking for a couple of months, it is time to introduce myself. My husband is getting banded this Tuesday and me the following Monday. Since we are self pay we are trying to squeeze them both in before the end of the year for the tax deduction. Fortunately, we are close to Dr Kirshenbaum and his extremely reasonable rates. If anyone can offer any insights to couples banding, it would be appreciated. thanks!
  7. jillsart

    Why is banding so frowned upon?

    The following are typical results for WLS at the end of 5 years: DS: About 85-90% of your excess weight (but a horror of a procedure IMHO) Bypass: About 80% Sleeves: About 80% Banding: 50-70% (depending on starting BMI) MGB: Not sure, nobody with any skill or positive reputation does this procedure, only the doctors who can't make it in the real world do it. ;o) Gastric Ball: Only used for temporary use, not designed for long term use so there are no 5 year stats. These are different statistics than my surgeon quoted me. Can you tell me where you got these statistics!
  8. Thank you for your answers. That actually confirms the whole picture I'm starting to get. My doctor keeps saying the band is a tool and I will still have to work at it. Exercise, don't eat junk, and use it to lead to a healthier life. I am very excited about this journey.
  9. jillsart

    whats everybody reading?

    I just finished "The Road" last night. What a powerful book. It was stunning
  10. jillsart

    Emotional eating..

    Where did you get downloads for selp-hypnosis? that sounds like it could help me? Thanks

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