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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lipstix64

  1. lipstix64

    too tight or what?

    I got my 3rd fill and first time I feel restricted. Third time is a charm! But what a difference it makes. I still want to eat, but I physically cant because it might come back up. I dont feel full, my band does!. But, I;m gratefull for this. I just have to tak smaller bites and eat slowly. Thats my biggest challenge. I am normally a fast eater who swallows big pieces at a time. Not anymore!! That causes pain adn discomfort and it is NOT woth it. But, if you have pain, you should call your doc. That shouldnt be happening. Good luck!
  2. lipstix64

    Lesson Learned-- Don't Deviate from the Diet

    I DO watch my carbs, that part of how we lose weight, but I dont drive my self crazy if I want to have whol grain bread, brown rice or a potato. I lose weight steadily every week and eat the way my nutritionist suggested, just like you said- Proteins, then vegetables and then carbs. Sometimes I dont eat that way and I still lose weight. Its important for me to feel like a"normal person" when eating not like some prisoner of food. This is what works for me, everyone is different. Good luck, all.!
  3. lipstix64

    Hair Loss...how long does this go on?

    Nothing you can do. It has nothing to do with how much protein or how much Biotin you take. Its hormonal and as soon as your system gets back to normal, it will stop.
  4. You will be able to eat anything really. Its not like you can never eat that food again. Its just if you want to lose weight, you have to eat like your on a diet. Its no different. Some foods might not be so easy to eat anymore without a problem. I can eat anything, but certain foods like rice feel like its stuck in my chest, like indigestion. Dont think that this is a prison sentence where you will never eat hamburger or hot dogs or fried shrimp again, that is a big misperception. You just wont be able to eat as much as you used to. You will get "full" faster on a small amount. Let me clarify the "Full" part. You dont get full like you did where u feel so loaded up to your ears full- its that your little pouch is full where you cant physically get anymore food in. If you try, you will throw it up. This feeling you get is very uncomfortable and you need to stop eating BEFORE you get to this point and have to be aware of that. This is why the band is only a tool. You SHOULD chose foods that are low in fat, high in protein, and low in carbs, thts all. I had the band done in october and have lost about 35 lbs so far-Slow and steady. It takes willpower too-so good luck!
  5. lipstix64

    Colon Cleanser

    I just bought something called Colon Cleanse- raspberry flavored- add two tsp to water 2 times a day and give it time to work. It is made with psyllium husk-the best ever - I was so constipated that I made myself bleed-(sorry so gross) I drink this twice a day and I'm great-never constipated and no diarrhea, regular stools. Youll just be a little gassy until your body adjusts to the fuiber intake. Here is the link- HP Colon Cleanse Psyllium Husk 17 oz.
  6. I was terrifed too! If you want to call me, I can talk to you about it and what to wxpect and what to bring with you. Dont be scared. You can call if you want after 6pm eastern tonite-914-302-7372. My name is Lisa. Good luck. nuthin to be afraid of . i felt the same way.
  7. lipstix64

    To loose or not to loose.

    My insurance company required I lose at least 5% of my body weight. The reason is to make sure you are "committed" and that you will try. My doctor suggested this as well so my liver shrinks. This is to have better access to my stomach and if my liver is fatty, it makes it harder to get to. You really have to try hard. I felt that if I could lose weight on my own, I wouldnt need the band. But, you have to work for this. It will be worth it. I had to lose 12 lbs in three months and lost 14. Do you know how fast you can lose that? Just drink two shakes(Isopure) per day and eat a regular dinner, drink a lot of water. Weigh yourself once a week. If you want to cheat, keep it to minimum on the weekends. We all have SOME willpower as we have all lost weight in the past. I just got my surgery in October, lost about 35 lbs, including pre=op its about 50. Good luck.
  8. lipstix64

    Lesson Learned-- Don't Deviate from the Diet

    The problem with your NO-CARB diet is the minute you eats carbs, you will stop losing weight and then gain it back. What youre doing sounds like the Atkins Diet. My doctors and nutritionists told us not to follow that diet because it not the right way to eat. We were told to eat low-carb, low-fat, ans high protein. I cant change my weight loss ticker, but since starting the pre-op in June up till now I have lost almost 50 lbs AND I eat carbs, like whole wheat bread, potatoes, rice, etc. I'm not perfect and have fallen off the wagon and have eaten anything I want in moderation and still lost weight. I dont keep track of anything. I just try to realize when I've had enough and if I dont, I go right back on track the next day. It makes me feel like a "normal" person when I dont have to scrutinize everything I eat .. I just got my 3rd fill and this is the first time I've have had significant restriction to where I really have to chew, eat slowly, and slow down. Since my fill on Wednesday, I have lost 4lbs. Maybe you also have hit a plateau. It happens, especially if you have been losing steadily all along. But, good luck. I know its rough, but you look fabulous! Great picture!
  9. lipstix64

    is this normal?

    You should speak to your doctor, but the Lap Band ISNT put in with Fluid. Mine wasnt and everyone I know hasnt had fluid in ther band when it was put in. That would be unusual. Maybe you have alot of swelling that is causing this or maybe the Realize band has fluid when inserted. In that case, you can have the saline drained. But dont panic. Its a simple procedure, just as if you get a fill.
  10. Hi, if thats ur pic here, you look fabulous for 41! I have always been compliemnted on how pretty I am and I am nervous too about how my skin will look. Anyway, skin elasticity involves a lot of factors: your age, your genes, the amount of weight you lose and how quickly you lose it, and if you exercise. I have better skin elasticity than a lot of younger, thinner people. It really depends. My mother had great skin elasticity. I also noticed that if you lose weight at a slow, steady pace, your skin might not sag so much. Exercise really helps as you lose weight too. Alos, I have read in numerous articles that you should wait at least a year and a half after youve lost all of your weight to give your skin a chance to get used to your new body and alot if will bounce back. But, I heard on here about some great creams. One of them can be bought at the Bath and Body shop and it is call "Bring up the rear". You can use it on arms, legs, neck and it smells great. Also, Palmer's brand makes a whole line of lotions and creams for firming up skin. I havent tried any of them, but a lot of people here have suggested both of them. Good luck to us all!
  11. lipstix64

    Got my 2nd fill today

    You really dont need to be numb beforehand. Youre getting a needle so that the next needle doesnt hurt? I have gotten two fills so far and it was only a little pinch. My doctor was right. I dont need to be numb. I heard the needle that numbs you is worse. So, why bother? I have very little stomach fat, so its not like I have any cushioning that makes it easier. Try is once. I guarantee you will never get numbed again. Believe me, I dont like pain, but this is only a little prick-no big deal.
  12. lipstix64

    Back pain

    Its just gas pains, believe it or not. You will feel it in your back, neck, and arm. I thought it was the chair I was sitting in. Take some gas X and walk as much as you can. It will help
  13. lipstix64

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    It means productive burp- your saliva gets thick and you throw up hwat wont go down
  14. You dont have to crush the pills- I was told I didnt have to, so I didnt. I had no problems. Try it.
  15. lipstix64

    $82, 000 LapBand Bill

    That doesnt sound right. They are ripping off the insurance company big time! This is what brings up costs to consumers. Fraudulent charges being submitted to your insurance. I would report them. My doctor group sent me an invoice for $5,000 and I was responsibile for $960. I was in recovery for about 6 hours. Thats way too much.
  16. lipstix64

    How much time off work?

    u shouldnt go back the next day-u really need at least a week.
  17. lipstix64

    Need to Poop - constipation

    Pysillium husk- miracle drug. comes in powder or capsules. It works great-I asked the doctor if I can take it an dhe said yes.
  18. lipstix64

    Count calories or carbs?

    Your doctor doesnt sound sensible. My nutritonist and doctor dont want us doing Atkins at all. Its not healthy. and once you start eating carbs, you will put all that weight back on. You need to unfill a little, so you can eat healthy foods, like vegetables, protein, and some whole grain carbs. Good luck
  19. lipstix64

    1st Period after banding on 11/18

    Not me personally. But, I have heard that happening when u get ur period. Dont worry about it
  20. lipstix64

    tight after second fill

    u may need a little unfill or you may be drinking too big a sip of water too fast. I just had 1 st fill 2 weeks ago and feel no restriction in my 10 cc band and got 4cc's so far. I hope I feel it at 5cc like you. From what I hear, we have to chew every bite 25-30 times before swallowing and the bite we take should be really small.. Also, we should take between 30-45 minutes to finish 3 or 4 oz of food. I'm a little scared when it finally kicks in as I am a very fast eater. I'll have to re-train myself on how to eat. But, if you have tried to eat like we are supposed to. I'm told it shouldnt be a problem. Good luck to us both.
  21. First of all, bring chapstick and a pillow: chapstick for dry lips and pillow for ride home. I dont know what you have to do post-op, but I had to be on liquids for two weeks. I was able to eat tomato Soup, sugar-free popsicles, wonton soup without wontons, miso soup, and of course Protein shakes as main meal. Walk around as much as possible so you wont get blood clots from just laying around and it also helps with gas, which you will feel in your back, neck, and arm. Take your meds, they will help you sleep as well as help with your soreness for incisions. The port incision will hurt the most, it takes time to heal. You will get hungry once your stomach heals and the swelling from operation goes down. You will be told that is s just "head hunger". but if you are drinking 1 shake per day like I had to, plus broths, let me tell you- its is "real" hunger. Make sure you drink your Water. You should have clear tape under your gauze bandages, the gauze bandanges will fall off after couple days, if not, you can take them off, but leave the "steri-strips" on until they come off. Mine took about two weeks. I think thats all I can think of. I had my surgery on Oct 16th-lost 25 lbs so far. Good luck to you!!!
  22. lipstix64

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    You seem to be blaming your being overweight for not wanting to do a threeseome. Maybe you just dont want to do it, maybe it makes you uncomfortable, maybe its not something that you really want to do, whether youre fat or skinny. Dont let anyone make you feel insecure or guilty for not wanting to do something youre not sure about. If you do something just because someone else wants you to do it, you are not being true to yourself and will resent that person. Threesomes are not for everyone and should be thought out carefully beforehand. Relationships have ended and/or changed afterwards. Its a rolll of the dice.
  23. lipstix64

    Am I just being impatient?

    What does pysch counseling have to do with Mike's question?
  24. I just got banded on Oct 16, first fill on Dec 3rd and feel very little or no restriction yet. I have a 10cc band and also got 4cc's put in. According to everyone here, sometimes you have to wait for it to kick in or until the next couple of fills before you feel restriction ro that fullness after small amounts. I've lost 25 lbs so far, but thats all from willpower. And, as we all know, our willpower only last so long. I go back on Jan 14th and hope I feel it then. Good luck
  25. The usually dont fill your band when they put in because the swelling around your stomach from the surgery cause restriction. Then when you start getting hungry at around 6 weeks later, you should get your first fill. Sometime oyu hvae to wait until the next couple of fills to feel restriction

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