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Everything posted by kimmyv

  1. kimmyv

    Lost control!!! :(

    Hey Chickie! I did the same thing... I got banded a week before you *(and I am self pay too) but on 2nd to last day of mushies-- I did WAY more than just 10 chips. I had soft tacos for lunch and a cheeseburger from McD's for dinner. Totally caved to old habits and came in here to confess. My post was "confessing, moving forward" in a General Surgery or General Discussion. I got some REALLY honest and helpful feedback. I know EXACTLY how you feel but we need to make sure to be realistic. We're not all banded because we're cool with food. ANd this is a total learning process. I can tell you this--- I will probably NEVER eat those things again because the after effects were not good. I felt really sick and had some issues the next day too.. little loose. I know that I will never be a total angel all the time and for me-- I never did great with super strict diets-most people don't. We're just starting our journey of using this band to help us. Move onward and forward. I cannot WAIT for my fill next week because I am now on solids (4oz at atime) and am getting the appetite back big time. KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!! Rock that band baby.
  2. I have a BMI of 35 and my doc told me not to expect to lose fast.... I am 5'3 (just a little taller). I have only lost 10 lbs but I really feel like it is a real 10 pounds and just a beginning. I am going to begin an at home pilates program this week-- body resistance vs strength or weight training. I have done strength/cardio training but based on my results (yeah- lost nothing) I have a feeling that I will do better with a resistance (pilates) and cardio work out vs weight training. I am going to see how it goes... Also-- I think Luluc is right on--- you may just need to boost your calories or intake to speed things up for the work outs you are doing. Takes energy to burn energy.....
  3. kimmyv

    New here! Scared

    I haven't had my first fill yet either and am now feeling the hungries as well.... the "appetite" is back. I cannot wait to get REAL restriction-- next week! I know EXACTLY how you feel-- I am SO scared about falling into that abyss of eating because we just went thru weeks of liquids and pain and all that jazz--But you still lost 21 lbs-- I keep going up and down each day (yes-- I shouldn't be weighing every day but i am so excited and can't help myself). Think about it-- Any other diet we've ever been on--if some one said you could drop 21 pounds as quick as you have-- You KNOW you would have done it in a heart beat. This is a head start and you're beating me! I am not hungry between meals either but the 4oz I am on is not "filling" me up right now--- It's a learning process. I drink hot tea to get me through it.... KEEP ROCKIN~!
  4. Congrats! The 1st 2 days are the WORST. At least for me anyway...The gas and the cotton mouth and the sick feeling from the anesthia/pain meds. I wasn't stuffy but feeling sick--it came in waves. Personally, I had better luck with warm tea w/lemon and apple juice rather than water or anything super sweet. EVen unsweet tea with lemon as well-- But I HATE sweet tea sooooo. Better safe than sorry---never hurts to make a call. Also-for me at least- Take the pain meds and sleep. And a shower on like day 2 or 3 is the best thing EVER.
  5. Hey everyone...I have been lurking here since right before my surgery on 9/15 and I have to say that you all are all inspirations and support in many different ways. I now am joining the ranks--officially... And I need to confess. I know that I deserve to get blasted-- I made a really stupid mistake and I could have hurt myself etc- I am not here to justify my actions but I am moving on from it but I think that in order to so I need make sure that I hold myself accountable. I know you all understand and have been there/here. I made a really bad food decision today. Twice. I am cleared to eat solid food (had appointment yesterday) and haven't had any issues with drinking, eating, etc since my surgery. Only gas pains and some random port incision pain. Mostly everything that I have eaten since my surgery-except cottage cheese---almost tastes like absolute poo--kind of metallic. eggs, Jello, pudding, all Soups, all juice-sugar free and non sugar free-doesn't make a difference. All thru the liquid, mushie--it all tastes gross. Not that I have really been actually hungry. Warm tea with lemon tastes good so I have been drinking TONS of it. So- I fell onto old habits in sheer want for the taste. I had 2 soft shell tacos from Taco Bell for lunch that I ate really slow. Tasted gross and I was disappointed in myself but learned that they are not worth the effort. Kind of felt sick cuz I am pretty positive it was more than my 4 oz max. So what do I do? Go after work and get a MCD's cheeseburger and small fries. I havent had MCD's for like 6-8 months, maybe more. And I feel REALLY sick to my "stoma" and very full. Didnt taste worth it either. Hopefully, I didn't hurt myself--kind of freaks me out but I just needed to get it out there.... No more food secrets. Thanks Surgery 9/15 200/190/130
  6. kimmyv

    Confessing, Moving Forward

    You all are so AWESOME!! I guess I was confessing not staying on "plan" by making healthy choices and got that self sabatoge feeling that I am sure we have all felt on the many diets that we've tried. I can say though---I felt so sick and the next day was not pretty either--It is a good way to move towards healthier choices or healthier versions at least. And I won't beat myself up over the slip ups-- The major jist that I get is we need to keep our eye on the prize and keep moving forward--even if we stumble along the way. I just felt so guilty because I am a self pay and I really don't want to screw this up both for financial and health reasons. Thank you all for your persepctives-- It really helps alot! chicamam1-- We have the same surgery date and I haven't really been that hungry either. 4-6oz really fills me up. We're both learning about this band- I am sure that we will both feel differently after we get our fills. Mine is next week and I cannot wait! LET'S ROCK THIS BAND!
  7. kimmyv


    From the album: Just the 2 of us

  8. kimmyv

    Just the 2 of us

  9. kimmyv

    Am I screwed?

    I am a newbie and found out today the hard way that I can NOT handle processed food. I haven't had my first fill and am starting to experience hunger and cravings now. But..... I think the answer may be in your own post. Learning what fills us up and keeps us full is what this journey is all about. If we were all cool with food we wouldn't be in the situation we are. And-if you didn't have the band would you have lost the weight you have? So this is what I am thinking. Dinty Moore stew is delicious but really mushy for the most part. Plus- it is processed to all heck. A sandwich however--even if you are eating white bread and mayo and cheese etc---has a lot more substance and would expand and fill you faster. What are some other things that really make you feel full quickly and also taste good and are good for you too? What about grilled chicken salad or grilled chicken sandwhich with only 1 piece of bread but with cucumbers and lettuce, bean sprouts etc... What ever you can eat like that with your band.. I know everyone is different with what they can eat. Just NOTHING processed or mushy. Commit to an organic, unprocessed food and I bet you'll find alot more stuff that you can't eat a can of. Do you weigh/measure your food? How about a journal and also log how you felt when you ate them? Full vs not full etc. I know the biggest thing my nutrionist and doc said was Protein and drinking tons of water/calorie free liquid through out the day. Also- are you working out? In order for me to work out I have to be forced. So I signed up for a 5k run/walk for a charity today. If I don't work out and do the run (ok jog) then I am not helping out some really needy children. Girl-- you can do this..... What about a different doc? If you don't like him or click it is important to have good communication to get you to that sweet spot.
  10. OMG! HAHA! Totally..... I think it is the angle and the healing muscle/tissues in our abdomen. I was banded a bit after you (9/15) and I experienced the same thing. Same thing if I sit in the wrong angle or in the same position at work for too long.
  11. kimmyv

    Confessing, Moving Forward

    Thanks--- I am just feeling the guilts ( my typical Catholic, Italian reaction to just about everything--which usually ends up in eating-good thing I couldn't even possibly put something in my mouth I feel so sick) about my bad choices when I REALLY just want to move forward to health and make the right choices. And of course from reading a ton of posts about eating solids or the wrong stuff too soon (although I apparently didn't heed them) I didn't want my snazzy new little purse (that's what I call it) to get hurt from churning around. Restless Monkey-- You're great! Always to the point and up front. Love it.
  12. kimmyv

    Confessing, Moving Forward

    Thanks Lisa!!! I really appreciate your positive reply--I thought I was through with those foods... I guess I just needed this to get it thru (as you say ) my "fat" head! Hehehe... So gross.... Never thought I would actually think those foods were nasty--just figured I move on and think fondly... Nope- yucky.

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