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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimmyv

  1. Hang in there!! I posted earlier on this thread and I just got my 2nd fill on Wedneday and it is a WORLD of difference. Not hungry at all for a good 4-5 hours. Also-- I thought I was eating slow before this fill-- Nope. I literally place my fork on the table between cutting pieces and taking bites now to really get myself trained. I felt REALLY sick the first solid meal I ate after my fill because I didn't take 30min+ to eat my 4 oz. Luckily I didn't throw up but I thought I was going to for a good hour afterwards. Thankfully I was really sticking to measuring my food so I am adjusted to the portion size. The only thing that got me through prior to this fill was drinking warm tea w/lemon. Warm tea works better for me than anything cold-- for whatever reason cold water makes me feel hungry as well. I think because it must stimulate the acid in my stomach.
  2. Ok--- I love him. He is totally supportive but is a stick figure and needs to gain weight. He doesn't need to curtail his eating. So there are Snacks for him here in the house. He eats the band meals I cook or eats before I get home etc. This is part of living in the real world. And since banding-I have been ok with people eating stuff in front of me. I had to talk to one of my employees about her constant converstation about food but other than that it has been ok. Nothing I couldn't handle. So. 2nd fill today. Am on Clear liquids tonite and regular liquids tomorrow. Good googlie mooglie. (i actually am swearing in my mind) I could drown myself in that french onion dip. Just venting because he really has been soooooo good about all of this to make it easier for me and it is not a common occurance. It's baseball and the World Series and he wants a snack....
  3. oh-- sorry-- the commercials are from hell....... just when you're full and really aren't even thinking of food-- BAM! Hello-- don't you want a cheeseburger? What? No tots or fries with that? NOT LOVIN IT A-HOLES.
  4. Welcome to Bandster Hell. Terrible. You are not alone. As a carb addict the bread thing is SO hard. I know for me it was like withdrawels. Something that was on my list for mushie/pureed stage that really helped me was canned corned beef hash..... I cooked it and a really soft over easy egg (basically the same thing as a scrambled egg but some reason it tastes different to me). Measured out the egg (about 2 oz) and the rest 2oz (i eat 4 oz total) of the hash..... it's really mushy from the can (mary kitchen brand). Yes-- not the BEST but in the small amount of 1-2 oz it's not that bad and all together a good protien and a different taste. I also roasted an acorn squash....Really good. Not a potato but just as tasty. I haven't lost an extreme amount but am a low BMI'r and am losing the 1-2 lb per week...... Once you get to "real" food you will find (at least for me) that the denser (chicken, beef, pork) protein keeps you full longer and veggies are soooo good. If I eat (besides the hash still-i don't know why) anything processed it makes me want to puke. I think I want it and it will be SO good--take a bite or 2 and YUCK. Tastes like chemicals or something.
  5. kimmyv

    Port ???

    Totally normal-- and you are only like a week out from surgery...... I am 5 weeks out and still have random tenderness at my port site. I took my pain meds thru the 2nd and 3rd week (whittled it down the 2nd week to 1-2x a day of half doses due to having to go back to work and took half dose at night week 3). But-- you need to make sure you are letting yourself heal properly too..... At least the kids are probably helping with getting you up and getting the gas out of your system! :w00t:
  6. I agree with what everyone has said.... But I would like to add something. I think we can all identify with the rush that being hit on can give us as women (or men). Even if we're married etc it is still nice to be hit on. And it is something that anyone of us would consider to be a really nice side effect of getting banded. :w00t: Yes- it is about health etc. But I think the confidence thing is like re-learning portions and eating habits with our band. There will probably be sliming involved. Either from some creep hitting on us or not having that creep hit on us. Anyway you look at it- it sucks. I know for me--- the best thing I ever did for myself (pre-band but seriously single) was to FORCE myself to be comfortable being ALONE at a bar. Not like at a dance club but like at TGIFridays or Chili's. After work I would go and have a glass or 2 of wine or martini, a little appetizer or meal- no book or paper just to enjoy relaxing (ok-obviously pre-band but it still works). Even if no one talked to me-- I really got comfortable in my own skin (so to speak). When you walk into someplace and actually don't care if some one talks to you-- EVERYONE will be dying to talk to you. But you really actually have to not care-not just say it because you don't want to be rejected etc. You do care- and I TOTALLY get it. When you think you are the best catch in the room (because you already are- band or not) you will be. I am not trying to be mean-- please don't take it wrong.
  7. kimmyv

    Fill... why not all at once?

    Congrats on getting your surgery date and the journey to be banded!! It really is very exciting! The beauty of the band is that it can be tweaked for each person. We each are different in what we can eat (or cant') , our digestion and our overall anatomy-- That is why it is so great that the band can be tailored to all of this. Also-- the more you read on here the more you will see how, while we all have things in common, each of us has different experiences with what, how, and when we eat. It's not the pouch size-- it is the restriction and how fast the food is digested and moves thru to your stomach that is different. All of us have the same little pouch (aka stoma)-- but because each of our anatomies etc are different we all take different levels of fluid/restriction in our band. I know, for me, the thing that I really liked about the band was that it is customized for ME. Not a one size fits all type of thing. And I also still actually digest the food and the nutrients--it just helps me control hunger and portion. It is not a "re-piping" of my whole system but a part of my body that just helps it work better. Hope that helps a bit......
  8. kimmyv

    Is there a mushy thread

    Cottage Cheese!! Scrambled eggs!! Both of these are GREAT. I still have scrambled egg for breakfast everyday and add cottage cheese with my meals (like 1 oz of my 4 oz). But I LOVE cottage cheese-- always have. Also-- I roasted an acorn squash (the green one)... Half it- clean it out. Oven at 350-400. Bake flat side down for an hour. Turn over, put a little butter, 2 tbl brown sugar in each, and a piece of bacon all in the little scooped out part (where the seeds were). Salt, pepper. Bake for another hour till all done. Scoop out and combine together-- Obviously you can't eat the bacon but it gives really good flavor!
  9. Hi everyone!! The steps thing is a good idea-- I am going to park as far away from the office as I safely can. Unfortunately I am in a 1 floor office that is like 1500 sq feet. Not much room to do laps :w00t:. Everything is like 3 steps away so it will take a millineaum to reach 10k steps :w00t:. After I posted this I started to watch "THe Biggest Loser". Good golly do they work out! And I started thinking about my 2nd fill today. And then the news came on and there was more talk about the # of foreclosures in Florida and the stock market (I do mortgages etc)--I thought about how lucky I am to have a job still (who knows if I will have it next week or next month). The bottom line is I went so far as to have surgery now I have to hold up my end of this bargain. I self-payed and if I am going to make this hard earned money worth it and to really committ to this band -I HAVE TO WORK OUT. I don't take excuses in my job and I can't take them from myself. I did lose like 3 pounds since my last fill 2 weeks ago (am only weighing at my fills- I about drove myself insane weighing at home) but I know it would be more if I worked out. Thanks for all your support!!!
  10. kimmyv

    fell off the wagon

    Ok-- Even though I am a Gator and you're a TN Vol.. QUIT IT! After losing all my grandparents to lung cancer in a 3 year period- I quit 2 years ago (when I was your age-HA!) with the help of Zyban. I had quit completely for about a month--nicotine lozenges helped with the withdrawals. I also was a witness to an accident and aiding in CPR (he was dead already etc-it was horrible and didn't work) and proceded to smoke a billion cigarettes after. I felt so sick and my throat was sooo sore (like after a night out when you chain smoke and feel like you licked an ash tray). I now relive that sick feeling anytime I take a puff. Also--for me- the gross taste the Zyban gave the cigarettes was and is so bad-- it is still bad even when it smells good or I want one. Has never been the same again. Maybe with a little pharmacutical assistance and remembering choking on gravy will help.
  11. kimmyv

    Still hungry-help

    I know how you feel!!! And yes-it is hell. I am still in purgatory-hopefully tomorrow's 2nd fill will help some more. I added cottage cheese as part of my lunch (i also eat the South beach or lean cuisine at work). Really helped bulk it up a bit. What also helped me was a good Breakfast. The Jimmy Dean Delights bowl is really good. It is egg whites, turkey sausage and little potatoe chunks with reduced fat cheese. Half the bowl is 4oz and I figured that it is probably about 120-130 calories (full serving is 220-240). Since it is mostly Protein and a little carbs it really keeps me full till lunchtime. Also-- You're a little early yet so I am not sure how much you can eat of the solids but I really strive to eat a dense protein for lunch. Like chicken or beef with a veggie. But the majority is the meat- stay with me longer. I also drink warm tea with lemon CONSTANTLY. The warm liquid helps my stomach feel full-- like when eating the broth right after surgery. As soon as my mug is half way empty I go to the cooler and use the hot Water lever and fill back up all day. Also--I don't drink anything 30 before or after I eat. It's much better after you train your brain and your eyes and your stomach start working on the same page. And also the fill helps-- it did for me. I HAVE to weigh everything I eat-- I have no concept of portion size etc and it is the only way I didn't gain before my first fill. I weigh in tomorrow and am really praying for a loss since my fill. Stay strong but know that you are just starting out--- At my 3 week point I thought it was a good idea to eat a cheeseburger and it was not pretty. I felt so sick (and guilty) and the next day I payed for it a 2nd time. It's part of re-learning our relationship with food and eating.
  12. Clear liquids after the fill (regular food prior the fill) and regular liquids/protein shakes the next day- ok for regular food after that.... But they also told me to key into how I felt and ease into it if I needed to with a day of mushies. I have only had 1 fill though and #2 is tomorrow (needed desparately). After a 4oz meal I get hungry 2-3hrs later... I try to drink warm tea to ease it off... Hopefully I will have lost some more weight when I weigh in tomorrow!!!
  13. Congrats!!! Once you get the first one under your belt it'll be fine... It doesn't really feel like anything. I have my 2nd fill tomorrow and I can't wait! The first couple days after my fill I could tell and I still can but definitely need more restriction. I got 1.5cc to start.... Semi agressive according to the nurse.
  14. i made a casserole--no yolk egg noodles (cooked, half a bag), can or 2 of tomato Soup, 1 can milk, sliced mushrooms, chopped onion, ground beef (browned w/onion, salt, pepper, garlic salt and italian seasoning), reduced fat cheese. combo it all and cook it until heated thru and cheese is melted. lasted me all week..... and it is a combo of mushy/protein/carbs. I did less noodles than normal to make it more about the meat and mushrooms. i don't have an issue with meat or chicken-- but I am just only on fill #1.. i also make sure I eat them very slowly. I took chicken cutlets, pounded them really thin. Salt and pepper to season. Then put fresh spinach, a half slice of ham, a half a slice of swiss cheese and rolled it up (secured with a tooth pick or 2). I rolled up all the cutlets in the package and then put them on top of the rest of the bag of spinach. I cut up 2 cloves of garlic and poured 1/8-1/4 chicken stock in the bottom and baked the whole thing covered for like 30 minutes. I uncovered it for 15 minutes or so. At the very end I put the chicken rolls on a cookie sheet-sprinkled some italian bread crumbs on top with a little grated parm (like a total of 2 tbls) and broiled for a couple minutes to brown. Tasted like it was breaded and the spinach at the bottom of the baking dish was out of this world.
  15. kimmyv

    I am just so... OMG...

    Either she is totally clueless and thinks you all are on a different level than you are or she is an a-hole. If she is on her way out-- you may not have anything to worry about but would it be detrimental to you to respond to her personally before getting HR involved? I am not saying to not address it--you should. Sometimes a one on one conversation can clear things up. Also managers don't always know the things they say (even the lushy, slutty ones) are out of line when they have been able to have more than candid conversations with employees that were never addressed as offensive or hurtful...... If she hasn't been curtailed on her other stories and comments she probably doesn't think anything of it. But if you are not comfortable with that and feel there may be retribution- document and go to HR.
  16. It really is a hard habit to break--- I literally cannot have anything to drink in front of me etc when I eat or I will drink it out of habit. I have had to take my glass and put it in the other room. No drinking 30 min before or after meals per my doc so the glass stays out of sight for that long. I take a SMALL sip at the end of my meal to cleanse my mouth... That's it. I have to actually look at the clock and time it. It is about retraining our minds and bodies. It is hard-- but I know that it will be worth it.... Also-- I continuously refill my coffee mug (warm diluted tea w/lemon-had to give up coffee due to it now gives me heartburn) throughout the day which has increased my intake alot. And the warm Water is much easier for me to digest than cold water and really helps with hunger.
  17. It really is a hard habit to break--- I literally cannot have anything to drink in front of me etc when I eat or I will drink it out of habit. I have had to take my glass and put it in the other room. No drinking 30 min before or after meals per my doc so the glass stays out of sight for that long. I take a SMALL sip at the end of my meal to cleanse my mouth... That's it. I have to actually look at the clock and time it. It is about retraining our minds and bodies. It is hard-- but I know that it will be worth it.... Also-- I continuously refill my coffee mug (warm diluted tea w/lemon-had to give up coffee due to it now gives me heartburn) throughout the day which has increased my intake alot. And the warm Water is much easier for me to digest than cold water and really helps with hunger.
  18. I got banded a week after you and know how you feel. Totally hungry and not nearly any restriction like right after surgery. The swelling has gone down now. I believe it is a form of bandster hell. I had the same feeling before my first fill. I really tried to stick to 3 meals a day at 4 oz at a time and drink (hot tea w/lemon and water) my way thru the rest of the hunger to train myself and not put back on any of the weight I lost during the liquid phase. Believe me-- the fill will help. For me it did at least. I need more (next week is my 2nd fill) but I feel full off of 4oz for 3-4hrs and can sort of extend it for 5 hrs with ALOT of Water or warm tea (I eat slowly- I have to force the slowness). I really think (for me) much is mental along with the physical..... I am re-training myself on portions and what "full" is. That is why I really tried to keep to the recommended 4oz even though before my fill I felt like I could eat a house. Stay strong-- It's the beginning of a journey and we're just starting out on this!
  19. kimmyv

    For Women Only

    Depending what bra I wear (these double d/e's are hard to fit--praying they shrink)-- I have a couple that irriate the holy heck out of my port area. Mine is high too.... but i am not as far out as you.
  20. Of those I have told-- none of which have weight issues-- have all been very supportive. They have seen me struggle with my weight for a long time and know why I have chosen to go this route. I have not told my best friend or any of my immediate family though..... My best friend has never been the most positive or supportive person of my weight loss struggle. She thinks if I really wanted to lose the weight then I would but I just don't want it bad enough. Obviously we all know on here that isn't the truth.... And my mom is just too judgmental and has no idea-- She is of the same mind set that I just haven't wanted it or tried enough. And thinks being thin=happiness-but I have told her I am happy- I have everythng I could ever want but my health. You choose who you want to tell--- in the end you'll have the last laugh.
  21. Isn't is the truth? I never realized how much everyone talks about food and eating. I had to actually take 2 of my employees aside (they all know I had the surgery) and let them know that I cannot have them going on and on and on and on about what they are craving, what they want to eat, what is for dinner or lunch etc. It makes me want to kick them in the freaking mouth. I am not even hungry and then my secretary (who is like a bikini model but bi*ches constantly how she is fat) constantly goes into a rampages about french fries and tacos etc and all the things she wants to eat and how tasty the food is. I swear she is doing it on purpose. She knows I love tacos and pizza. For example--"Oh I am so happy it is $5 pizza night-- I am going to be a pig and eat half of it-- Kim don't you just love pizza"? Yes- You skinny idiot a-hole- the size of my a$$ and love of pizza would be why I had a lap band put on-- NOW GO FILE SOMETHING AND QUIT TALKING TO ME ABOUT FOOD I CAN"T EAT. Obviously I can't say that to her-- talk about an HR nightmare. I attempt to change the topic.... Sorry about the ranting....
  22. kimmyv

    What is this?

    I had that same thing-- Especially like the first couple weeks. I just hit my 30 days last week. I still randomly get it right at my big incision or under it but it only lasts for a bit . Hurts and is kind of hardish.... I think it is the scar tissue just healing b/c it definitely gets much better. My first 2 weeks if it really was hurting I took a little (like a quarter of a dose) of my liquid pain meds.
  23. OMG! You hit it right on the money--- As soon as like day 3 or 4 goes by after surgery and you're starting to heal and get your appetite back it is like BAM! Holy scrumptious commercials. I never wanted a cheeseburger so bad-- between the McD's, Burger King, Red Robin and Sonic commericals I wanted to throw myself into oncoming traffic. I could have broth though--on the advice of our guru nurse I even strained actual chicken noodle soup and that hit the spot big time.
  24. Bandster Hell is also the time after you're healed-- like week 3 and 4- before your first fill. Zero restriction because the swelling is gone and when you start to transition to mushy food and feel like you could eat a truck. So you just went through the pre op diet, the horrible Protein shakes, the surgery and recovery etc. It is hard to just eat 4oz or a half a cup of food because you are STARVING and so happy to not be drinking your meals. You will question whether this was the right decision, is it going to work, what did you get yourself into.. etc. It is a really hard time..... I just had my first fill last week and need another one but that first fill couldn't come fast enough. Welcome to bandland--This site is the best....
  25. kimmyv

    So, completely hypothetically...

    Live-Band-Life (add etc-- .com, .org. or non profit organization etc)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
